My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1630: Kang Sir

Chapter 1630: Kang Sr in Distress

"People don't offend me, I don't offend anyone, whether it's Kang Dawei, his uncle, or his second-hand... I can't let him walk around." Mu Fei said to Yue Fugui.

Actually, Mu Fei was a little'offended'. After arriving at this treasure island, the three Yimeng people repeatedly provoked, and Kang Dawei came out and barked like a mad dog. Mu Fei was originally It's very uncomfortable, this time it's okay, and what kind of uncle bird is there, and the same'second-hand leader', which is all messy.

Don't want to be okay, the more I want Mu Fei to get angry.

"Brother, this is the legal society you said."

"Uh, this, this...I didn't think about it..."

Mu Fei coldly came to say this, leaving Yue Fuguiding speechless.

"Brother Mu Fei, I know that I did it. I admit it wrong, so don't hurt me, it won't."

Yue Fugui started off the topic, "The most important thing now is how to deal with this matter. We don’t even need to give out the information. After taking it out, Kangda is prepared to be prepared. He is afraid that it will be a lot harder..."

Now Mu Fei still believes this guy a little bit, so let's do it by ourselves.

"By the way, don’t say anything else. Hurry up and protect the one called Qi Suxiang. Kang Dawei must have guessed that the information she leaked may be harmful to her. She helped us. We can’t watch it. She is in danger..." Mu Fei suddenly remembered the matter and hurriedly said.

"Well, I'll arrange this first. Think about what to do. I'll call you later..." Yue Fugui finished and hung up the phone.

During this period of time, Mu Fei was considering countermeasures.

In fact, it’s just that Kang Da is alone, it’s very easy to handle, but now Mu Fei doesn’t want to deal with him alone, together with his uncle, and the fellow with the same fellow, he has cleaned up together, he doesn’t want any of them Let go.

But after all, the place where he was at this time was Baodao, not the road. Mu Fei really didn't understand the situation here. It was exactly this way. He thought for a while and didn't think of a particularly safe solution.

In the end, he decided to play ‘Old Road’ altogether. We can’t do it anywhere else, but we have absolute advantages in both personal skills and the Internet. Then we will start with these two aspects.


Thinking of this, Mu Fei felt more and more viable, he nodded, at the same time, a plan slowly formed in the brain.


Twenty minutes later, Mu Fei received Yue Fugui's call again.

"Brother Mu Fei, we are late..."

Yue Fugui sighed, "Teacher Qi Suxiang was taken away when our younger brother arrived at that school... It is said that the crime was defamation and defamation of police officers, and I was asked to go back to assist in the investigation, but you don't have to worry too much, I Already asked someone to ask a lawyer to bail her..."

"Treasure Island is a legal society, she is still a girl, there should be no major problems..." Yue Fugui explained.

He didn’t explain. Fortunately, Mu Fei got angry as soon as he heard about the “legal society”. Are you a mixed person or a policeman, are you advertising for them? Also, what about the legal society, even if it’s legal. 'The place will also hide dirt and dirt, and there will be those things that are not visible.

Even the more "legal system" is, the more serious the bad things are. Like Yue Fugui, the police clearly know that he is a gangster brother, but without any evidence of his crime, he can do nothing.

While this legal system can protect ordinary people closely, it has also become an umbrella for some people.

In fact, just over a year ago, Mu Fei was very'angry youth', but for more than a year, he saw too much and darkness, and he was already somewhat numb.

"I know, she asked you..." Mu Fei responded casually.

"Brother Mu Fei, do you think about what happens next?" Yue Fugui asked.

Mu Fei didn't answer, but asked rhetorically, "Brother, can you get the surveillance equipment and bugs?"

"Monitors, bugs, it's easy to say, that thing is right."

Yue Fugui looked at his watch over there, "Wait for me for a while, I'll get it for you now... I haven't seen you in a few days, I will go to you at about 1:00 pm, let's meet Say……"

In the past few days, Yue Fugui also determined that he was suspicious, and no one was monitoring him, so he just walked around with confidence.

At night, he arrived as scheduled, followed by a young man carrying a suitcase.

"Come on, Brother Mu Fei, see if you want to use it..."

Yue Fugui asked the younger brother to put the suitcase on the coffee table, opened it, and various bugs, cameras, etc., looked quite'delicate'.

But Mu Fei just picked it up and glanced at it, and threw it back into the suitcase. "That's all."


Mu Fei made Yue Fugui stunned by these words, "These...not good."

Mu Fei didn't speak, but shook his head. Maybe these things were pretty good for them, but for Mu Fei, these things were too amateurish.

Without saying anything else, the bug is full of lighters and has a blue indicator light. Mu Fei took it. Brother, are you afraid that others don’t know you are a bug?

"I'll do it myself."

Mu Fei said, took out the phone and dialed Wang Zao's number, asked him to prepare three copies of the button bug for him, and mailed it in the fastest way.

And during the phone call, Yue Fugui listened to Mu Fei's "professional" words, as well as the efficiency of his work. He listened flusteredly, and finally he couldn't help but ask, "Brother Mu Fei, you are really... Officer of Dalu."

"What do you say." Mu Fei turned his head and gave him a blank look. Although the buddy had never lived in the army, the identity was 100% innocent.

After a little chat with the goods, Mu Fei sent him away, and during the chat, Mu Fei got two more messages.

One is Kang Dawei’s uncle named Deng Xiying. This guy has a good reputation in the police world. He is an old fox and is not easy to engage in.

The other is Yao Yulong, the leader of the anti-drug team of the North Island Police Station. He is an unselfish, jealous and venomous, and he is fearless and fearless, so Kang Dawei has someone above him. In order to get started, in the last two years, Baodao's "poison" investigation was more fierce. This anti-narcotics group has some privileges and is not too afraid of Kang Dawei's uncle.

Although Mu Fei felt that these two messages were temporarily unavailable, he still wrote them down first, in case they can be used later.

On the afternoon of the next day, Dai May took the bug from Beidu and returned.

Mu Fei called Gao Yuan, Li Chaonan, and others to ‘meeting’, and sent them a few bugs and other materials to explain their ideas one by one.

"I don't understand." Mu Fei asked after he had finished speaking.

Seeing everyone shaking their heads, Mu Fei waved his hand, "Ok, action."

After these people left, Mu Fei called Situ Bingguang again, "Xiaoguang, work."


Early in the morning, in the box of a five-star hotel.


A handsome young man with a Chinese face slowly stretched his waist and woke up slowly. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, and found that there were two beautiful red fruits lying beside him.

"What's going on."

Kang Dawei rubbed his temples, a little dizzy.

A moment later, when he recalled the passing of yesterday, his solemn face couldn't help but a cheerful smile, "It's far from Laodou... hum, you are far away."

Kang Dawei remembered that he hadn't received much training in the first two days and was in a bad mood, but yesterday he encountered something pleasant, and things have to start from a long time ago.

Last time he drew up a full-blown chick, who was a college student, young and beautiful, with a good figure, crazy enough, and dared to play in any posture. After taking the medicine, he could get a night with him. Kang Dawei was already forty. It's too much, New Year's Eve, and it's a little bit overwhelming, but when I was with this chick, I could get him back the glory of his youth.

It was exactly this, during that time he was so fierce with Qi Suyu that he almost soaked up in a short time.

But as the saying goes, being a person can't be too'dense', otherwise it's easy to have an accident, Kang Dawei is, he and the chick don't know which time they didn't pay attention, the chick actually fell pregnant.

This is not Guan Jian, the key is that this chick refuses to kill the child, to give birth to the child, and forced him to divorce his wife and marry her, then Kang Dawei is just playing with her, and Where can I really come with her, if you want to give her a sum of money, it will be broken.

PS: Almost, it will take about half an hour.

After a moment, when he recalled the past He could not help but smile a cheerful smile on his serious face, "It's far from the old fight... hum, you are far away."

Kang Dawei remembered that he hadn't received much training in the first two days and was in a bad mood, but yesterday he encountered something pleasant, and things have to start from a long time ago.

Last time he drew up a full-blown chick, who was a college student, young and beautiful, with a good figure, crazy enough, and dared to play in any posture. After taking the medicine, he could get a night with him. Kang Dawei was already forty. It's too much, New Year's Eve, and it's a little bit overwhelming, but when I was with this chick, I could get him back the glory of his youth.

It was exactly this, during that time he was so fierce with Qi Suyu that he almost soaked up in a short time.

But as the saying goes, being a person can't be too ‘dense’, otherwise it’s easy to have an accident—Kang Dawei is that he and the chick don’t know which time they didn’t pay attention, the chick actually fell pregnant.

This is not Guan Jian, the key is that this chick refuses to kill the child, to give birth to the child, and forced him to divorce his wife and marry her, then Kang Dawei is just playing with her, and Where can I really come with her, if you want to give her a sum of money, you can break it, you can break it. I

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