My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1653: Apprentice was pitted

Chapter 1653: The apprentice was pitted

"Miss Ben and Sister Meng, who exactly do you like?!" Miss Blue's eyes stared at Mu Fei and asked with a disdainful expression.

And looking at the pitiful appearance of Missy's snot and tears, Mu Fei is also somewhat helpless-just now you obviously bullied Xiaomeng... Xiaomeng is not so good, how can you use it on you, you can't do it What? Really crying? Moreover, Xiaomeng is just my sister, just a kid...what vinegar do you eat?

And she is like this, where can Mu Fei teach her again? Hurry up! Let’s coax Xu Meng first, and then coax the elder lady... well, buddies are almost aunts in kindergarten! !

"Of course you are, hehe..."

Mu Fei smiled and walked over, holding the elder lady in his arms, "Did you not hear such a statement on the Internet, saying that a man has a wife and forgets his sister. Although I like Xiaomeng... but I just like my sister's That kind of like. But you are my wife, of course I like you more..."

‘Xiaomeng, it’s not that my brother doesn’t like you... In order to make up for this big lady, I can only wrong you. Mu Fei said so in his heart.

Missy is angry, struggling to push away Mu Fei. But she couldn't have Mu Fei's strength, she didn't push away after struggling twice, she could only hold him.

"Miss Ben is important... Then you help her bully me?"

"Besides, you only saw me hitting Xiaomeng's asked why? You hit me without knowing anything. How could this be?"

"You are biased! You are petting sister Xiaomeng, not petting me, woo..."

Okay, talking, the young lady was tearful again.

But when Mu Fei heard this, he couldn't help grinning, he scratched his face... It seemed that Missy was right! It seemed that he really came in without asking anything, and gave the lady a spanking. Could it be... buddy really a bit'biased'?

Mu Fei doesn't know, he's a bit'biased', he's too big.

"Then... why do you want to clean up Xiaomeng?" Mu Fei asked tentatively.

"It's not because of her!"

Speaking of which, the eldest sister pinched her waist and let out two breaths. "You are obviously the fiance of Miss Ben. Sister Meng actually said that what you like most is that she doesn't like me and will marry her as his wife in the future. Annoying? Annoying, ah?"

After hearing this, Mu Fei was a little dumbfounded, "You... just quarreled because of this?"

"What is "Ji" because of this? This is a very important thing for Miss Ben, okay?" The Missy sapphire-eyed stared at Mu Fei, Liu Ye's eyebrow twisted slightly, a serious look.


And Mu Fei shot his head straight-he thought that Missy could say something important... So this is it?

Even if Xu Xiaomeng, the goods are just a natural child, you are an 18-year-old adult... Actually noisy because of this thing... Well, he served... he treats this big lady Really.

Now Mu Fei wonders, is Xu Xiaomeng's natural insanity contagious? This Flynn has been with her for a long time... Why is it a bit mentally retarded?

"Miss Ben, no matter what, Darling said, who do you like? Who will you marry?" The elder lady was turning her body, a pair of slender hands pulling Mu Fei's shirt, and asked seriously.

Mu Fei was helpless. He hurriedly replied seriously, "You, I like you, and you want to marry."

"It's just besides you... there are several..." After that, Mu Fei added another sentence in his heart.

Now, he doesn't mind talking nonsense, he just wants to hurry up and talk about this lady.

"Really?" Missy asked, raising her voice.

"Really true, of course true... I promise, it's truer than gold diamonds!" Mu Fei raised a hand and vowed.


It wasn't until she heard Mu Fei's words that there was a little smile on the face of the elder lady.

Mu Fei was relieved and asked with a smile, "This time... aren't you angry?"

"Not angry? Huh, come early!"

Missy didn’t mean to let Mu Fei go. She smiled for a moment and turned her head to look at Mu Fei. "Darling, I want Miss Ben to forgive you and not be angry with you. You can also answer this book honestly. Miss a few questions..."

"Don't you be angry after answering?"


"Then ask."

"Okay, the first question, I and Xiaomeng's sister fell into the water together. Who will you save first?" Missy asked.



It's been half an hour after coaxing Missy. Mu Fei was helpless, so lacking in virtue, and came up with so many whole questions? For example, who is the first to save the relatives and his wife together in the water?

What is even more abominable is that you can come up with it and just keep it on your own for fun, and even post it on the Internet... is this really too special asshole? Is there such a thing? Are you harmless?

Sure enough, online culture teaches bad guys!

It was awful to be tortured by Missy, and Mu Fei's footsteps back to the room were a bit'heavy'-now Missy and Xu Xiaomeng fought each other for three days, and they always coaxed... so tired.

Although Xu Xiaomeng is usually more "stupid", it is really very sharp in doing housework, especially cooking. It is in the time that Mu Fei coaxed Miss Kung Fu and dinner was ready. Not only do it well, but also six dishes and one soup.

"Brother, supper, let's go downstairs for dinner!"

"Sister Flynn, let's have dinner..."


Xu Xiaomeng called out all over the house.

"Oh, here..." Mu Fei responded casually.

He first returned to his room to change his home clothes, and then went out again, just happened to meet Missy. At this time, Flynn was completely coaxed. When she saw Mu Fei, she pursed her lips and smiled gracefully and lovelyly.

She stretched her hand and let Mu Fei hold her arm, and the two went downstairs together.


Sitting on the seat, Mu Fei glanced at it, one less, "Xiaomeng, did your little butterfly sister come back?"


Xu Xiaomeng didn't want to answer casually, "Why, wait for her?"

In fact, Mu Fei just asked casually. Recently Jiang Jindie came back early, and they all ate dinner at home. In her own words, it was ‘Sister Xiaomeng made something better than a five-star restaurant’. Today she suddenly didn’t come back, and Mu Fei was a little strange.

But Mu Fei didn't take it seriously. After all, this cargo was a policeman, and there were many unexpected situations.

"No need to wait for her, let's eat ours." Mu Fei waved his hands and greeted everyone for dinner.

After dinner, Xu Xiaomeng packed up the tableware, but Mu Fei was rarely free, and went back to the room to chat with Lin Ruoyi. It was just that he was talking hard and there was another call coming in. Mu Fei looked at it and it was Jiang Jindie.


Mu Fei hung up Lin Ruoyi's phone and answered Jiang Jindie's, "What's wrong? Why? Short story short... Busy for the teacher!"

"Cough, that... it's me..."

The phone call was not Jiang Cao's voice, but a ‘male voice’. Mu Fei could hear the voice of Jiang Jindie's subordinate and younger brother, Xiao Hei.

"What's wrong? What about prodigal things?" Mu Fei felt a little strange.

"No, it's just... Big sister is a bit overdrinking. You taught her her skill, and Xiao Dragonfly and I can't fix her! I think... let's take a look," Xiaohei said.

After listening to this, Mu Fei felt even stranger-did his prodigal apprentice drink too much? Isn't that okay?

It's true that this prodigal game hasn't reached the Qi level yet, and she can't use real qi to get Jiu Jinger out of the body. Normal drinking, even ten people can't drink her alone, how can she drink too much?

While Mu Fei was thinking about this, he heard a screaming voice over the phone.

"Bastard! You bastard! You are waiting for me!!"

"Don't fall into the hands of your grandmother... The mud and mud old horses beat by grandma don't know you!"

There are three black lines on Mu Fei's head-such a savage style is indeed his prodigal apprentice. And listening to her way of seems to be drinking too much.

"Where are you?" Mu Fei asked.

"Chengbei Sanxin Street, Red Mushroom KTV, Box 903, come on..."

Mu Fei arrived at the place after twenty minutes.

This box is a middle bag. It is estimated that it can accommodate fifteen to twenty people, and judging from the fruit bowls and bottles on the It should have just been "drinked". And the drinkers must have fifteen or six, not to mention twenty, and one of the small tables is full of bottles. This is not beer, not liquor, but a variety of wines with high degrees.

Mu Fei knew why this guy drank too much, and he also drank high-alcohol wine as beer... It was no surprise that he was drunk.

Although Jiang Jindie was not drunk, she was also drunk. She was sitting on the side with one foot on the sofa. With one hand pinching a bottle of pro-bottle, one finger was pointing at ‘air’ and scolding the street — all kinds of ‘grandma’, ‘lack of virtue’, ‘king bastard’.

Xiao Hei stood up to greet Mu Fei, "You can count here..."

It seems that Mu Feilai was a little bit disappointed when they all disappeared. Xiao Dragonfly interjected and asked, "You... would you like to drink?"

"It's all like this, what else do you drink?"

Mu Fei glanced at Jiang Jindie, a little helpless-not to blame Mu Fei helpless, you said that the goods are pretty, how do you act like such a man? Can't you be a little girly?

"How did she drink so much?" Mu Fei asked Jiang Jindie, who was crazy next to her.

"Uh, this... It's a long story, to put it simply... She was pitted, and she was not in a good mood..." Xiao Hei grinned.

"Not in a good mood? Was it pitted?"

Mu Fei couldn't help turning his eyebrows, "What's the matter?"

Mu Fei never denies that he is "protecting the short". Although this guy is a "lost family", he is also his apprentice. It doesn't matter how you beat her and treat her, but outsiders bully her, that's not enough!


But Xiao Hei didn't seem to want to say too much. He turned to look at the little dragonfly and hesitated.

But he couldn't bear Mu Fei's eyes and attention, and finally said, "Actually... I'm not sure about the specifics. But the elder sister guessed that it was Huang..."

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