My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1655: Can you go on you

Dust ↖ Fate ↗ Text √ Learning? Chapter 1655 You Can Get On

Beidu, a high-end bar,

"Leo Shao, then let's go first..."

"Bye, see you later..."

The three dangling guys greeted Lei Xinzong and turned away.

"See you……"

Lei Xinzong was sitting on the sofa, squinting and watching the three people leave. Although the "polite" response from his mouth, the smile on his face cooled slightly.

‘I don’t even say hello to me when I walk... Okay, now I’m a bullshit, don’t you need me,’’

‘Look at me, bastard,’ Lei Xinzong looked at the **** who didn’t say ‘goodbye’ to him and scolded in his heart,

Recently, Lei Dadao has not been very happy, the two things in the previous period have brought him a lot of influence,

For the first time, on the birthday of Miss Wangjia and Wang Binglian of the Northern Capital, she was humiliated and slapped in public by a "tu Baozi",

The second time, in the field where he watched from his own home, he was rushed in and beaten up by the ‘soil bun’,

In fact, the first thing was okay, although there were many people who saw him ugly at the time, but after all, there was a reason for Miss Wang, Wang Binglian was the pearl of the palm of the four major families of the Northern Capital and the Wang family, not to mention him. Whoever was taught by this Miss Wang, he had to stand up and endure,

But this second time, it was really shameful,

You know, their Lei family is for security...well, okay, actually it is a triad, he started his family, he is a big and a young master, he was actually beaten into the face of his own home...Scaring, shameless, shameless It is no exaggeration to say that this is no ordinary shame, it is simply thrown into the grandma's house,

Fortunately, not many people were present at the time, and they were all considered to be his friends and younger brothers. This matter was only ‘squeezed down’ without any trouble.

However, as the saying goes,'There is no airtight wall in the world', although Lei Dashao has tried to'press' the matter, some people still know that in the circle, not to mention everyone, but there are many about it. Things gossip,

It is exactly this, his position in the circle of Lei Dashao is somewhat affected, and it has declined.The most obvious performance is that those dog legs that originally nodded in front of him, and ridiculed him, are now not like themselves. So diligent and enthusiastic,

‘Don’t dare to be resisted by such a faceless face of a rural man or an unknown **** from outside...hehe...’

‘It’s shameful, it’s shameful to the princes of Northern Capital...’

‘Hum, it’s just like you, Master Lei. Why did I nod my head with this ‘soft goods’ before,’


Now, Lei Xinzong always feels that others are secretly talking about and laughing at him...well, Lei Xinzong admits that he did not see or hear anyone who really said him, laughed at him, but what he thought, Just a psychological effect,

These two embarrassing and face-smashing experiences have become his heart disease, a stain in his life, and all this... was brought to him by the **** with the surname Mu,

'The surnamed Mu, you wait for me... I will clearly remember everything you did to me. One day, sooner or later, I will return all these pains to you,' Lei Xinzong thought, did not Hold back a slap and slapped it on the table,

"Uh, Lei Shao, you... what are you," Wen Zilong sitting next to him was startled and asked,

Lei Xinzong was stunned first, and then instantly returned to the smiling, polite and slender figure, "It's okay, there's only a fly,"


Wen Zilong looked around with doubt, in the past few months, how can there be a fly, and again, you shoot the fly with your hand,

Although he didn't see anything, Wen Zilong didn't care, and continued to drink.At this time, Lei Xinzong's phone suddenly rang. He touched the phone and looked at the number. He froze slightly and swiped to answer.

"Hey, Shao Lei, what's the matter," a man's voice said on the phone,

A light smile appeared on Lei Xinzong's face, "Why can't you do it, wait for me, but you... Wu Shao, why are you so free, call me, how, what is the environment in the west, Whether it’s bitter, whether the business is good or not,"

"Hey, what can I do if I don't suffer, I can't suffer anyway, as for business, but it is much better than other places," Wu Shao said with a smile.

"Oh, it’s better not to suffer. Wu Shao, when will you come back? I haven’t seen you for such a long time. I miss you a little bit. When I come back, I will entertain you. Let’s have a drink and find some "project". Ha..." Lei Xinzong smiled,

"Want to have a drink with me, hey, you've got the idea...August Golden Autumn, the old location," Wu Shaodao said over the phone,

"Autumn Golden Autumn,"

Upon hearing this, Lei Xinzong's eyes suddenly widened, "Wu Shao, you have returned to the north,"

"Haha, what do you say, how can I find you to drink without going back to the north,"

"Come on, don't talk nonsense, come on, I'll wait for you," Wu Shao hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

"Oh, ha ha ha ha..."

Here, Lei Xinzong is like buying a lottery ticket and winning, grinning, this smile is proud, this is happy,

"Lei Shao, what's laughing," Wen Zilong asked, turning his head.

"Go, change places, then drink," Lei Xinzong did not answer, but stood up and arranged his clothes, walked up,


Wen Zilong felt a little strange, even if someone invited to drink, it wouldn't be a pleasure to be like this. How could Lei Shao be so nervous today,

Half an hour later, Lei Xinzong and Wen Zilong came to the so-called'August Golden Autumn', still in the old position,

"Haha, Wu Shao, long time no see, I miss you..."

Lei Xinzong was in a good mood, he hugged ‘Wu Shao’ shoulders when he met, and took two heavy shots,

"Oh, this blink of an eye, how long have we not seen, it will be almost a year,"

Wu Shao also patted Lei Xinzong a few times, let him sit down, and then waved his hand, "Waiter, open the wine... first open a dozen,"


Wu Shao put a bottle of beer in front of Lei Xinzong. "The feelings are deep. I haven't seen you for so long. Let's go one first."

The two lifted the bottle and touched it, and they all drank it.

In the following period, it was nothing more than a chat between old people and old people, but as these two people drank more and more, the alcoholic taste became stronger and stronger, and the topic of the conversation became more and more'downstream', such as who has recently made a foreign appearance, Who buys a new car, who has any new toys, new ways of playing, who knows a beautiful girl, that girl sao is not sao, and so on,

Speaking of their'playing' by these'grandson brothers', although their hobbies are different, most of them have a common hobby, that is, women, in fact, as long as they are normal people, they must have this'hobby', Beauty who doesn't like it, is it,

It was exactly this, the two were drinking and talking, and the topic was related to the woman,

"Lei Shao...Is there any good goods recently, hey, hurry up, introduce to the buddy,"

"There is a beautiful girl in the west, but the skin is too bad. How can our girls feel good," Wu Shao smiled with a smile on his shoulders,

"Is this possible? Yes, of course..."

Lei Xinzong laughed a few times, touched his mobile phone, and brought up an album, "Wu Shao, you can watch it, which one I like to call you out now, it's just a play... at random..."

"Haha, sure enough brothers, then I'm welcome..."

Wu Shao was really polite, took the phone and turned the page,



However, he turned his page while shaking his head. Obviously, he was not satisfied with the quality of these girls.

"Ah, Lei Shao, it's not that I said you... I haven't seen you in this year, why is your taste so low,"

Wu Shao shook his head, obviously disappointed, "Is there any more,"

"This, there are...but there are..." Lei Xinzong's face was "embarrassed",

And he hesitated for a long time, and finally he cruelly gritted his teeth, "Wu Shao, look at this,"

I saw that he touched the phone and pressed a few times, a photo of a girl appeared on the phone, "Lei Shao, this... This is my "private goods" I saved, I haven't soaked it for more than half a year... "

"If you are fancy and interested, you can take you down," Lei Xinzong said with a sullen expression,

"This, this..."

While Wu Shao saw the photos on Lei Xinzong’s phone, he was wide-eyed, and his eyes widened in surprise, "This is not that..."


"Place this welder on the left corner..."

"Amplifier placed in that corner..."

"This wire doesn't work. It's too thin. It needs to be thicker... at least three times more than this..."

A ‘robot’ is commanding, and Mu Fei listens to it... to be precise, her command, various ‘work’,

Today is Zhou Tian and Mu Fei taking a break. In the morning, he went out to see Ai Jia’s mother. After returning home, he was repeating similar things this afternoon. Preparing the laboratory. Indeed, this work is a bit boring. But watching his laboratory gradually grow in scale, Mu Fei's mood is still good,


When Mu Fei was working hard, his phone suddenly rang, he picked it up and saw it, it was sent by WeChat, Xu Xiaomeng,

‘Brother, dinner is good, come and eat,’ Xu Xiaomeng’s soft, whizzing voice came,

"Got it, I'll be here soon,"

After returning the message, Mu Fei habitually wiped his forehead with his sleeves and took off his gloves. "I will be here today, and I will come back next time,"


The robot...really Xiaomeng answered, "Master, you have to hurry up to prepare the money, there are still many things to buy, the money is much worse..."

When it comes to Qian Mufei, his head is big. Not only has his savings been exhausted, he has been trying his best to "make" money, but compared with what he needs, it is still a lot worse. Up to now, this laboratory has also Only completed one third,

‘Looking at it, it’s really not a matter of urgency. Sure enough, I can’t eat hot tofu.’ Mu Fei thought helplessly,

"Xiao Xiaomeng, you are all set, cut off the connection..."

"Okay, five seconds," the robot answered,

Five seconds later, Mu Fei took off his glasses from the head of the ‘robot’, put it on the bridge of his nose, turned off the lights, locked the door, and went home to eat,

There is nothing to say about dinner. Xu Xiaomeng's craftsmanship is as strong as ever. The level of the five-star chef is completely impeccable.

And just after this dinner, Mu Fei was going to go upstairs to rest, his phone suddenly rang,


Seeing the name of the caller, Mu Fei could not help twisting his eyebrows, but when he answered and heard what the other person said, his face changed.

"what did you say,"

Mu Fei's voice, like the cold winter twelfth lunar month, is cold and makes people shudder...

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