My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1657: No product NoDIe

Dust? Fate? Text ↑Learn ↘Net Chapter 1657 no work nodie

Looking at Lin Ruoyi who was unconscious, there was a grim and mad smile on the face of'Wu Ershao', "The surname is Mu, I didn't expect that you dared me to come to Beidu to go to university...Last year in Binnan , Everything you do to me... but I remember it clearly,"

"Now... it's time for you to pay the bill...hahahaha..."


Watching Wu Ershao laugh there, Lei Xinzong grinned twice, a thrill of revenge spontaneously emerged, surnamed Mu, this is the price you provoke me,

At this time, Wu Ershao also finished laughing, he touched a cheque and wrote a number, and threw it to the bragging tycoon, and sent him away,

Later, he turned his head to look at Lei Xinzong, Yin Xie smiled and asked, "Lei Shao, are you together,"

While speaking, he reached out to the unconscious Lin Ruoyi,

Looking down at Lin Ruoyi's beautiful face and proud body, Lei Xinzong almost couldn't hold back and agreed to come down, but at this moment, he suddenly remembered the guy with the surname Mu, thinking about his means and Yin Ruthless, Major Lei could not help but fight a cold war,

Although he didn't want to admit it, he was indeed a little afraid of the guy with the surnamed Mu,

That's right, he is afraid, if he is not afraid, why should he use this'Wu Ershao' hand to retaliate Mu Fei, such a beautiful girl, sleeping with her once and living three years less... Start, I've already started, why should it be cheaper this surnamed Wu,

But if it really touched her, would it be a matter of living three years less, I am afraid that the surnamed Mu would really kill him,

Although the beauty is good, but compared to it, it is still more important to be a small life.

"No no, no..."

Lei Xinzong's head looked like a rattle, "Wu Shao, this is the first time for this girl, a gentleman is not good at grabbing people, since you have long been in love with her... I'm so sorry to destroy your good deeds, Isn’t this the most precious one, or you can enjoy it slowly,"

Lei Xinzong's tone of "for you",

After he finished, he pretended to look at the table below, "Oh, look, it's time..."

"Then Wu Shao, I won't hurry up and do the "right thing", after all, the Spring Festival is worth a lot of money," Lei Xinzong Yindang smiled,

"Hahahaha, Lei Shao, sure enough..."

Wu Ershao sent Lei Xinzong two steps, "That's it today, I won't send you anymore, let's meet again someday,"

"it is good,"


Lei Xinzong was gone, Wu Ershao went to Lin Ruoyi, rubbed his hands, grinned grinously, and looked like a monkey.

But when he was about to start, he touched Lin Ruoyi's clothes corner, but he suddenly stopped. He looked around and thought for a while, and felt that this kind of "delicious" was really eaten in this place. It's a bit of a violent disaster, this kind of best, you have to take it home and slowly enjoy it, right?


Thinking of doing it, Wu Ershao bent over like a sack, carried Lin Ruoyi on his shoulder, and walked out...


At the same time, a black Phaeton flew in the downtown area, this car has completely ignored the traffic rules, and has passed through four or five red lights one after another. His speed of nearly ``committing death'' caused the passers-by to keep watching.

‘Lei’s, you’re’re really dead,’

‘Now, you’d better pray that if Ruo is okay, even if she lacks a cold hair... I want you to die as you live,’

In the car, Mu Fei's face was gloomy and watery,

‘Master, turn right at the T-junction ahead...’

In Mu Fei's head, Xiao Xiaomeng pointed him in the direction, Mu Fei had turned on the chaser that sent Lin Ruoyi last time, he could check Lin Ruoyi's position, and heard the situation over there,

When Lei Xinzong spoke to Wu Shao just now, he was quite at ease, but now there is no movement there, and he is worried again. Would the **** named Wu already be doing something,

Thinking of the various ‘disasters’ that Lin Ruoyi might suffer, Mu Fei was very anxious,

‘Hey, Master, I moved...the signal moved again...’ Little Xiaomeng suddenly found something and said to Mu Fei,


Hearing this sound, Mu Fei exhaled for a long time, and the signal was just fine. The signal showed that Lin Ruoyi was moving. Since it is moving, it means that she is temporarily safe.

"Where are they moving,"

‘It looks as the direction of the old district of Seongdong,’

"At our speed, how long can we catch up," Mu Fei asked again,

‘It’s hard to say, his car is also very fast, I guess... at least 15 minutes or more,’

"You show me the way,"

‘Know, turn right now, then turn left at the third intersection...’

Mu Fei quickly hit the steering wheel and stepped on the brakes. The car made a beautiful arc on the corner of the street and drove away,


Wu Ershao also owns a house, usually looking for a little girl, picking up something or something, he usually gets his own house,

But today, he is driving to the courtyard of his home.Although he is full of confidence in his capital and in his territory, after all, Mu Fei is a powerman, he is still more and more afraid, compared to himself The house is still safer in the "yard",

At the thought of what would happen to such a big beauty in a moment, he naturally drove fast, and ten minutes later, the car had drove to the gate of a compound in the east of the city,

He parked the car, picked up Lin Ruoyi and got off, and walked into the courtyard,

And he opened the door and entered, and one person greeted him. This person looked less than fifty years old, dressed in a big gown, just like the ‘butler’ in some TV series, that period,

"Second young master, why are you back," the housekeeper saw Wu Ershao slightly stunned, curious,

"It's okay, just had a drink with a friend, and I'm back here when I'm dad and my mom," Wu Ershao said, making a "hush" gesture,

"The old man and his wife have rested," the housekeeper replied,

"Hey, just rest, just rest..."

Wu Ershao grinned. He stretched his finger to Lin Ruoyi carried on his shoulder. He whispered with a smirk, "Uncle Liu, please don't tell my father and mother about this... "


The housekeeper looked helpless, "Well, I know, but the second young master, if the master and his wife see it tomorrow morning, I can't help it..."

"Hey, Uncle Liu, I know you love me the most..."

Wu Ershao smiled and gave a thumbs up, "Then I will go back to the room... I will be done when tomorrow morning, my parents and my mother will let them talk,"

After finishing speaking, Wu Ershao was no longer talking nonsense, carrying Lin Ruoyi and crouching towards his house,

But he only took two steps, but suddenly remembered something, and turned around and asked, "Uncle Liu, what about my uncle,"

"Your uncle, he should be asleep in his room," the housekeeper was a little puzzled, but he answered,

"Just at home, just at home..."

When Wu Sihao was at home, Wu Ershao felt relieved. He said hello to the housekeeper again and returned to his room.

And this housekeeper looked at it for a while with a puzzled look, didn't understand what was going on, and shook his head helplessly,

"Hey Hey……"

As soon as he returned to the room, Wu Ershao couldn't help it.Although he hadn't done anything, but thinking about what was going to happen, he was already full of energy, and the little brother raised his chest and raised his pants up high. ,

Putting Lin Ruoyi on the bed, he was **** while staring at her beautiful face and groaning non-stop, "Little bitch, small watch smashing... what's the matter, no matter how pure you are, it's not In the hands of Lao Tzu, when you rejected me at that time, you would not have thought of such a day,"

"Not only you, but also your boyfriend, that **** whose surname is Mu... He is more than you, but I am the second son of Wu Tian Group. Kneeling down on the street, can you understand, for men... how shameful it is, I think of it now... I feel pain in my face and my legs... this thing has become my psychology Shadows..."

"But it doesn't matter, I will sleep with you later... Even if it's all over, surnamed Mu, you dare to fix me... I'll sleep with your woman, see who is suffering and who is uncomfortable,"

"Little bitch, I don't know what kind of expression will be when you wake up tomorrow and find out that the person who made you is me, it must be quite beautiful, hahaha, really looking forward to..."

After nagging for a while, he was finally off, and when he saw him so stripped, he rushed to Lin Ruoyi on the bed, "Little bitch, I'm coming..."

But he didn't know that, while he was undressing, a car outside the door slammed to the door of his compound,

"Wu surname, get out of me,"

Wu Ershao went to bed and did nothing but listened to a thunderous voice.

This sound is loud enough, just like the biggest one

"Oh my God……"

Hearing this sound, Wu Ershao almost barely vented, he was scared,

Although he didn't see anyone, he knew who was the master of the voice, and he knew that this was the culprit who had abused him in Binnan and left him with a psychological shadow. Being "distributed" to the west by the family is also because of the disadvantage of working in Binnan, and in the final analysis, it is also the reason for this person.

Such a big hatred, he will never forget it in his life, how can he not hear who this person is,

Having said that, it is precisely because he knows who is coming, he is afraid, even if you are a trainer or a power person, you are not a fairy, and you will not come to the door so quickly. How do you know this, how to find here,

Now Wu Ershao even suspected that Lei Xinzong was pitting him, and Lin Ruoyi had just been captured by his forefoot, and he had confided to Mu Fei at the hind foot,


He was thinking of this, the door made a loud noise,

And when he saw people standing at the door, even now he was in his own home and in his own territory, it was also cold sweat, direct legs, fighting,

The person who not Mu Fei,

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