My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1666: Re-enter the police station

Dust ↑ Fate ↓ Text ↙Learn? Net Chapter 1666 Enter the Police Station Again

"Mu Fei, I now suspect that you have something to do with the trauma to the room last night. Now, please come back to us and be investigated..." Huang Baoguo said loudly.

Yes, he said it very loudly. He clearly told the people present. Before, he had eaten more than once in Mu Fei. Although his father did not allow him to retaliate and provoke Mu Fei, but now But there is a "business", taking this opportunity to fill Mu Fei, he is still relatively happy,

‘Hey, when your classmates know that you are a gangster trying to kill, I don’t know what eyes they will use to see you...’

'Don't say that you may not be able to come out again... Even if you can come out, your future college life must also be quite'interesting', which is really too happy, haha, hahahaha...' Huang Baoguo With a gloating smile in my heart,


And his purpose was also achieved. When this word came out, there was an uproar in the classroom.

"Brother Huh...went into the room and hurt people, really fake,"

"This... is terrifying..."


The students had a lot of discussions. Their first reaction was fear. They suddenly knew that there was a gangster beside them. This kind of ‘conditioned reflex’ was not surprising.

Compared with these classmates, the professor on the stage looked at it blankly. Ai Jia didn't say fear, but she was also very surprised.She thought she knew more about Mu Fei. The police designation was wrong. Mu Fei would enter the room for no reason and hurt people. How could this be... what kind of he has to be idle,

Seeing Ai Jia looking forward, Mu Fei gave Ai Jia a hand and gave her a ‘flying eye’, which means, ‘this time you know why I’m asking for leave,’


Seeing Mu Fei's flying eyes, Ai Jia was surprised again. Is it really what he did,

'No, right, this stingy man is a very decent person...He would never do such a thing for no reason, even if he really did it, there is a reason, yes, that's the case Son,,'Ai Jia thought so in her heart,

This means that no one knows what she thinks, and if anyone knows it, they will say, ‘You are too biased,’

"Hey, yes..."

Ai Jia was thinking of here, suddenly realized what, and quickly got out the phone,


Seeing that the classmates around him looked at Mu Fei and Huang Baoguo with dreadful eyes, he was quite satisfied. He smiled proudly and waved his hand, "torture and take away,"

After receiving the order, his two subordinates hurried over to copy Mu Fei,

"Wait a moment, you wait a moment, I haven't said a word..." Mu Fei was sullenly sullied,

He waved his hand and gently pressed the guy who wanted to torture him, and then pointed to the handcuffs, and asked Huang Baoguo, "What do you mean,"

"What do you mean, hum, do you need to ask, of course, please return to the police station..." Huang Baoguo sneered,

"There is a problem, you take this thing away and stay away from me..."

Mu Fei pressed the handcuffs and stood up to look directly at Huang Baoguo, "You all said, you are "please" I go back, "please" I will assist you in your investigation... But is this your "please" attitude, useful Is this thing'inviting people',"

"Hum, don't pretend to be silly,"

Huang Baoguo didn't eat Mu Fei's suit at all. He grumbled seriously, "For other people, it is natural to use "please", but for you this kind of hurt... No, it should be said that it is a murderer who attempts to kill. This is already polite,"

He pointed to Mu Fei, "Because you did that last night,"

The tone of Huang Baoguo's remarks was ‘throwing and talking,’ yes, he can be sure that Mu Fei did that yesterday.

Although he has no definite evidence, when he asked him for help, the Wu family and the Lei family had already explained everything.The Huang family he belonged to belonged to the official, and there were many officials in the family, and Wu Both the family and the Lei family belong to the'shang' family. In this era of wanting to make money,'business does not leave the official' and the official does not leave the business', Wu and Lei are naturally'better' than the Huang family. The people inside also often move around'sexually' and are more familiar,

The relationship between these families was okay. The Wu family and the Lei family are still ‘seeking for something’. It is natural that they cannot hide the truth from their positions.

In addition, from the descriptions of the two of them, the murderer who was almost'superhuman' also coincided with Mu Fei's situation. The car driven by Mu Fei also appeared near the corresponding location near the time of the incident. ……and many more,

In short, a lot of evidence points to Mu Fei. Although the most critical evidence is missing, from the perspective of Huang Baoguo, he can be sure that Mu Fei did these things.

After saying this, he looked at Mu Fei secretly in complacency, sneering,

But the panic did not appear in the imagination, but Mu Fei's face showed helplessness and sarcasm, "I said... there is something wrong with your head,"

"What, you, you said me..." Huang Baoguo pointed at Mu Fei and gritted his teeth with hatred. If he could beat Mu Fei, he would have beaten him up,

"Yes, I mean you, you have something wrong with your head,"

"From the moment I came in, there was no trace of ink, what did you do, what did he do, what did you say, I didn’t know it at all, okay, if you didn’t tell me something, you said it, it’s not a disease. ,"

"Besides, if I really hurt or kill someone again, I wouldn’t run away early, I wouldn’t hide quickly, I was waiting for you to come and catch me,"

Mu Fei waved his hands impatiently. "It's...this IQ is still a come in through the back door, how much does your dad spend,"



"Hey Hey……"

Although the scene is now more'serious', Mu Fei is really funny, and some of the students who have no heart and lungs did not hold back and laughed out loud, and while laughing, they also agreed with Mu Fei's statement ,

"It's right to talk to Brother... If he really did something bad, why would he come to school? This is not asking for trouble..."

"It's impossible. It's such a good person to hook up with him... How could he go into the room and kill someone? It's wrong. It was the police who made the mistake..."


Those classmates have changed their minds and helped Mu Fei to "speak". They have to say that this good relationship is also a kind of strength.

Huang Baoguo wanted to seize the opportunity to publish private enmity and take the opportunity to'bad' Mu Fei, who knew he was bad when others did not succeed, but he made his face lost, then how to say it, stealing chickens will not eclipse rice, strong that What is wrong is that what is said is Huang Baoguo at this time,

I saw that his old face was red and impatient, he was angry,

"Handcuff him and take it away," Huang Baoguo waved his hand and ordered,

Hearing his order, several men stepped forward, and they meant to use "use strong",

‘Oh, ah, what, what can I do, what can I do,’ Mu Fei is fine, Ai Jia is anxious enough to choke below, and finally she flexes her mind, holding up her mobile phone and recording video,

"Little stupid...oh no, Mu Fei is also a celebrity at Qingbei University... he was forcibly taken away by the police, which is enough to make headlines on the school forum... this kind of news can not be missed..."

"Also, Comrade Police," Ai Jia said "to himself",

But reminded by her "self-talk", other students also reacted and took videos with their mobile phones,

"Muddy girl..."

And Mu Fei looked at Ai Jia with innocent eyes. He knew that Ai Jia was good intentions. With so many people recording, you police can't be too hooligans. This is all evidence. If you are clearly not guilty, you still' 'Violent law enforcement', it's not easy for you to handle this matter, so it is better for you to calm down a little bit,

This is Ai Jia’s ‘In the Word’,

Although I know what Ai Jia means, Mu Fei is still depressed, but I hope that these videos are all "smart people". If there is a "real" one who does not understand the meaning of Ai Jia, I really pass this video to the school forum. Go...oooooooooooooooo buddy

But in general, she is grateful for Ai Jia’s ‘helping each other’... if the way is more gentle, it would be better if it’s not so ‘two ratio’,

Having said that, although Ai Jia thought very well, but she did not have much contact with the police, she was still naive. The ordinary police are afraid of these, and Huang Baoguo is not afraid,

"Handcuff him, what to see, do it quickly," Huang Baoguo ignored Aijia at all and urged his men to do it,

‘This...this trick is not easy...’

Seeing this scene, Ai Jia was anxious again,


At this moment, a low voice outside the door came, and everyone turned around in unison. I saw an old man with a little Xieding standing at the door.The white coat on his body was very old. Judging from the frequency of his chest, he Also came from the trot, this person is the head of the department, Feng Zhongjie,

"Huh, it's okay, it's finally here..." Seeing this person, Ai Jia patted her chest and let out a breath, just now she was texting and asking for rescue,

Feng Zhongjie gasped twice, and walked to Huang Baoguo, "I am their mentor, who are you, what's going on here,"


Huang Baoguo habitually took out his documents and gave Feng Zhongjie a glance, "I am... I am here to..."

Huang Baoguo said the previous words again,

"Aijia, you said,"

Feng Zhongjie didn't fully believe Huang Baoguo, and asked Ai Jia,

"Director Feng, you, please come..."

Ai Jia pulled Feng Zhongjie aside, while using his hands to gesture and introduce it.It goes without saying that in Ai Jia's mouth, the designation was more or less inclined to Mu Fei, which is exactly the case. Feng Zhongjie listened and returned From time to time, he turned his eyebrows to Huang Baoguo, his eyes were not very friendly,

In fact, Ai Jiahua is only one aspect. His own impression of Mu Fei is also very good. Coupled with the arrogant appearance of Huang Baoguo just now, it is indeed not like a serious person.

After Ai Jia finished speaking, he thought about it and walked back,

"Police Officer Huang, let me ask if you have evidence to prove that the case was done by my student or that he was a suspect. If so, please show me the arrest warrant..." Feng Zhongjie Reaching out his right hand,


The first time I saw such a short-haired guy, Huang Baoguo couldn't help but twist his eyebrows, "The arrest warrant has been issued, but it has not yet reached our hands,"

"Then it's gone. If it's not, it means that my students are not criminals or suspects. Indeed, it is our citizens' obligation to cooperate with the police investigation, but is it not appropriate for you in this way," Feng Zhongjie pointed to the side Police, handcuffs...

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