My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1670: Useful news

Dust × Fate? Article ← Learning ↙ Net Chapter 1670 Useful News

"Mu Fei, come out, someone wants to see you,"

Mu Fei returned to the ‘jail cell’, the stool was still warm, and the prison guard slapped the door and called him,


This time Mu Fei took a moment. Just now Jiang Jindie came to see him and guessed himself, but this time... who will it be, Lei's or Wu's?

While thinking, Mu Fei has followed the prison guard and returned to the visiting room just now,

Seeing the person over the glass, Mu Fei was a little surprised. He didn't expect to be these three people. There are three beautiful women over the glass. One is tall and has a mushroom head. ,

The other two beauties have a long wavy hair, orange hair, and a passionate flame of the whole body. The other is just the opposite of her.The most common black long straight hair and delicate face have no expression. A look of'no one is near',

These three are naturally the ‘three flowers’ of the four major schools of Qingbei University, the civilian school flower Ai Jia, the small pepper Wuli, and the iceberg goddess Wang Binglian,

These three beautiful women appeared together, and the visual impact was really not covered. The two young prison guards next to them looked at this from time to time... not only them, but also the director of the door, Lian Hong, and they also peeked at these three women from time to time.

At this time, I have to mention that the treatment of this person is different from the other. Just when Director Na Hong faced Mu Fei, his bad attitude can be seen, but now, he has his back on his head and looks at him. At this time, this decent gentleman and a serious look, Mu Fei wanted to give him two words, "Hehe",

As for the situation in front of him, Mu Fei knew what was going on without thinking carefully. Obviously, it was Ai Jia who was afraid of something wrong, so she called Wu Li or Wang Binglian to see if they could help, and cared about Ai Jia. And'exquisite', Mu Fei didn't say it, but it was in his heart

"Hey, Brother Mu Fei, how did you do it, where did you play badly, if you don't come to such a place, your hobby is really strange..." Wu left to joke, when she spoke to Mu Fei 'Flying eye', that looks really charming and attractive,

"Look at what you said, as if I were willing to come in... I also have to come in..." Mu Fei touched the intercom and replied with a grin,

"Since you don't want to stay inside, come out,"

Speaking of which, Wu Li reached out and patted Wang Binglian's hand next to him, "As long as you make a small sacrifice and use a beautiful man's plan, I guess Xiaolian will be very willing to help you,"

I have to say that although Wu Li is beautiful and not fake, she also has the genes of female paper in her body.To be replaced with Ai Jia, this joke she can't tell, and listening to her joke, although Wang Binglian did not speak, On the pretty face is also a rare smile,

"You, you..."

Looking at the three people laughing and joking, Ai Jia is somewhat unhappy, ‘laugh, still laughing, it’s all the time, you still have a heart to laugh, you have to be so heartless, to what extent,’

Okay, for these three unjust guys, Ai Jia is also'drunk',

However, Ai Jia did not know that this kind of thing was not a big deal for these three people. Mu Fei himself was careless. He naturally didn't care. Wu Li knew about Mu Fei's strength. As for Wang Binglian This Miss Wang Family... She never took Wu and Lei in her eyes,

Since I haven't put it in my heart, what can I care about,

Wu Li and Mu Fei chatted a few words and handed the microphone to Wang Binglian, "Xiaolian, please tell him,"

Wang Binglian talked to Mu Fei here, but Wu Li got up and walked to the director of Hong, "Uncle Hong, this is my classmate...classmate, you know...So, please take care of him, OK, Hong Uncle, you and my dad have been friends for so many years, and your niece begs you once, you will not refuse to agree, right,"

"This... well, okay, I... try to..." Wu Li moved her dad out, and Director Hong was a little embarrassed, but still agreed, at least, his mouth agreed.

Compared with Wuli, Wang Binglian's nonsense is much less. She stared at Mu Fei, sparkling in her beautiful eyes, "I need me to keep you out,"

"Uh, don't use it, I just misunderstood, just wait..."

Mu Fei hurriedly waved his hand and whispered, "And... I have some "situation" here..."

Wang Binglian's lips and lips slightly curled up, revealing an expression of'this is so'. Yes, she knows Mu Fei's skill. If Mu Fei wants to run, she doesn't believe that some guys with wine bags and rice bags can catch him, and He apparently was able to run but came back here, obviously for a reason,

"Okay, you,"

Wang Binglian said, drawing a piece of paper from his pocket, "I have some information about the Wu family and the Lei family here. Although it is only'rumors', there is no wind or waves after all. I think you should be interested. I will simply tell you. ..."

"First of all, the Wu family, the first one, the Wu family took a big business in Xinjiang province last year, but encountered a lot of resistance during the demolition process. At that time, they were eager to start work, they used some'means', listen I heard that several people died. This incident was very noisy at the time. I don’t know how the Wu family pressed down..."

"Second, the Wu family undertook the construction of the local "economic housing" project in Shencheng three years ago, but in the construction process, the materials used had a large number of "sub-filled" phenomena in order to make huge profits. The most serious thing is the elevator. Problem, it is said that three quarters of the elevators they use are defective products, refurbished waste products, and two deaths caused by'slides...'

"The third……"

Wang Binglian talked about the "rumors" about the Wu family one by one, and said five or six things in a row, and these "rumors" sounded like Mu Fei was in a panic. This Wu family did not do anything to make money in order to make money.

After talking about the Wu family, they also said that the Lei family, the Lei family is "starting up", and there are more problems. Without saying that, now in the entertainment venues operated by their family, there are many "yellow poison" services. These are enough for them to drink a pot,

"It's still that, these are just "rumors", whether it is true or not, you have to investigate it yourself," Wang Binglian folded the paper in half and tucked it back in his pocket.

In fact, Wang Binglian just said that. What is a rumor, to suppress the matter, this matter is a rumor. Sometimes, "rumor" is "truth",


Mu Fei nodded his head lightly, as Wang Binglian said, he was really interested in these things and could use them, just...

"You help me this way...I'm not afraid of any thoughts of those two," Mu Fei asked.


Wang Binglian's lips and lips slightly curled up, and a look of contempt appeared on Qiao's face, "Dare they have any ideas,"

"It's worthy of being the Queen of Ice Lotus, really domineering, with my style..."

Mu Fei couldn't help but give Wang Binglian a thumbs up,

"Cut..." Wang Binglian gave Mu Fei a white look,

"Then, if there is any need, call me, I believe you can reach me..."

Wang Binglian was not talking nonsense with Mu Fei. After he finished speaking, he stood up and handed the microphone to Ai Jia.

"Hey, stingy, you... are you okay, don't be bullied,"

Finally, it was Ai Jia's turn. She tentatively asked, although she had tried to be calm, Mu Fei could still hear the meaning of the heart in her words,

"I'm bullied, hi, you think too much, it's good if I don't bully others, okay,"

Mu Fei waved his hand carelessly and replied, "Yes, Sister, you have to give me a fake this time. It's not that I don't want to go to class, but I can't really go..."

"Hey, all right, you,"

Ai Jia glared at Mu Fei with a reproachful look, "When is it all, and still say this..."


Mu Fei and Ai Jia were chatting over there, Wang Binglian had stood in front of Director Hong,

"Hong Sanchao, I don't want to talk more about nonsense, two things: first, you didn't hear anything today, second..."

Wang Binglian turned around and pointed to Mu Fei, "You have nothing to do with his business, but if you let me know that you have nothing to do, wear small shoes for him... then don't blame me for not making you better..."

Wang Binglian said expressionlessly and condescendingly.She is a beauty of'temperament type' and'ice mountain type'. In recent years, she has managed the company of NuoDa and is in a high position.In addition, she is still a strong personality. Putting all kinds of factors together, she has a kind of'leader's momentum', there is a kind of momentum that people can't refuse, dare not refuse,

After listening to Wang Binglian, Director Hong was angry. Lao Tzu is also a national cadre, okay, you... are you polite, how do you talk to me,

It's no wonder that Director Hong is angry. Just now Wu Li spoke to him politely, but when he came to Wang Binglian, he was so rude and so overbearing, as if he didn't do what she said. ,

However, although Director Hong is angry, he dare not attack,

"Miss Wang, you... are not my personal..." Director Hong is very embarrassed,

"I know it's not you, there are others, but that has nothing to do with me,"

Wang Binglian's indifferent face and ‘Queen’ breath filled her, and she pointed her finger in the direction of Mu Fei.


Director Hong didn't hold back, twisting his eyebrows and unhappy face,

"Don't stare at me, don't question should know that I can do this. After all, your surname is Hong, not Huang," Wang Binglian reminded me,

Upon hearing this, Director Hong suddenly seemed like a deflated ball. Wang Binglian was right. After all, he was not the Huang family, and there was no big backstage.

Although outsiders seem to be very powerful, in the eyes of the four major families, they are like little bugs.If they want to kill themselves, it will not be more difficult than stepping on only ants.

It is precisely when I think about these things, what should I do, that Director Hong has decided in his heart,

‘Unexpectedly, this kid actually knows the people of the Wang family and the Wu family, and can also make the Miss Wang family come forward for him... Alas, I look down upon this guy...’

"Look... I have to push this thing..."

Director Hong looked at Mu Fei's direction and thought so...

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