My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1676: Must be done

Dust √ Fate × Literature? Learning × Net Chapter 1676 must be completed

When Mu Fei and the talented girl arrived at an airport, Luo Xue was already ready, waiting for them. The plane had not landed yet, and Luo Xue waved and greeted the two there.


Mu Fei took a look at the helicopter, opened his arms, and quickly ran to Luo Xue's side. The two hadn't seen each other for a while.

"Hey, why, so many people..."

Luo Xue was thin-skinned, so embarrassed to hug Mu Fei in the face of so many people, she snorted, and slapped Mu Fei's hand, but it seemed that the smile between her eyebrows was so great when she saw Mu Fei Happy,

At this time, the talented girl and Jiang Han also came over,

"Don't delay the time, go quickly, as for the specific situation of the mission, Luo Xue, you will tell him in detail later..." Jiang Han pointed to Mu Fei and said to Luo Xue,

"Well, no problem, leave it to me,"

Luo Xue finished, and pointed his hand at the military transport plane not far away, "Get on the plane first, let's talk about it on the road,"

As soon as the three talents went up, the plane roared to start and took off. The following Jiang Han waved goodbye to the three people on the plane, "Be sure to be more careful and cautious..."

In fact, the three people on the plane couldn't hear what he was yelling at all, okay, actually no one took care of him at all,

"Lolo, don't you just call me to play if you have time, why haven't you found me..."

"I haven't seen you for such a long time. I haven't thought about me," Mu Fei took Luo Xue's hand and sat in the corner as he whispered. There were three people in this transport plane besides the driving in front. It's just that they were ignored by Mu Fei. Although Luo Xue was embarrassed, she was held by Mu Fei and she couldn't help it.

However, it was also when the two were sitting close that she discovered that the inside of Mu Fei’s coat was actually a ‘prison uniform’,

"Hey, A do you wear this dress, where do you come from," Luo Xue asked Mu Fei's clothes,

"Where else can it be, of course, prison,"

"Cut, obviously a soldier, and actually being able to go to prison, it is enough to say that it really embarrasses the soldiers in Beidu, hum," the little talented girl next to intervened quickly, she would not miss the opportunity to fight Mu Fei ,

Just now, Mu Fei was idle and bored, only teasing her. Now she is accompanied by a beautiful woman. Who cares about the stinky girl who has dysplasia except for his head, so Mu Fei completely ignores the sarcasm of the talented girl.

"Nothing, just a little trouble," Mu Fei waved his hand.

"Then, are you okay," Luo Xue said with some concern,

"Of course it's okay," Mu Fei was more moved by Luo Xue's concern. He looked at Luo Xue and his eyes were as soft as water,

Luo Xue's attitude towards Mu Fei was useful, but still that way, she was thin-skinned and someone next to her was really embarrassed to have **** with Mu Fei.

"It's okay... Don't wear that one when you come out, how ugly,"

Luo Xue touched a large bag from the side and stuffed it into Mu Fei's hand. "This is your clothes and equipment. They are all ready for you. Change it quickly."

After finishing Mu Fei, Luo Xue handed a slightly smaller bag to the little talented girl, "Little talented girl, this is yours, you change it too,"

Mu Fei carelessly began to undress on the spot,

But what's so embarrassing for the little girl, she looked around, holding her clothes and walking towards the back of the plane, there was no one behind the plane, but when she found the place, she looked back and found that Mu Fei was looking towards this side,

"You, what are you looking at, don't allow me to peek at you, you stinky "Selang"," the young talent shouted with a blush.


Mu Fei was disdainful and turned his eyes to one side. "It seems that you have something worth seeing. You have to have no chest, but you have no ass,"

"You... you are a bastard, a bastard,," the little talented girl was angry again,

But she knew that she was not Mu Fei's opponent, and she cursed and turned her head angrily, ignoring the goods,

Mu Fei just changed his coat and underwear without changing his underwear, he didn't hide from it specifically, he changed it in front of Luo Xue,

At the same time as he changed, Luo Xue told him the details of the mission. After listening, Mu Fei knew and said why this mission is important and very urgent.

In fact, regarding the combat effectiveness of high-tech equipment, such as aircraft, artillery, warships and the like, the Chinese army is not strong at all in the world.It goes without saying that the overlord gave other rice countries, even if it is a small island country next to it. It is stronger than our Huaguo,, indeed, there is a suspicion of'increasing others' ambitions and destroying their own prestige', but this is the truth

The reason why the national power of China is not strong enough, and the military is not strong enough, but no one in the world dares to despise China. That is because the Chinese have the existence of'cultivators'. Within the many special forces of the Chinese military, There are practitioners,

It is precisely this. The special forces of China are extremely powerful. No one in the world dares to despise it. There are even some organizations. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is to let some countries "fear the wind" in the international arena, for example... Seven,

Although the special forces of the Chinese country are strong, some countries will naturally not wait and die, and they are the only one in the country. Therefore, they try to catch up with and surpass the country in various ways, and they do not have a complete training method, They can't learn the practice methods of China, but they have their own methods, that is, the research and application of genes.

Rice's genetic research is very authoritative. Their military's genetic research projects are mainly two. One is to use various methods to activate human potential and enhance human combat effectiveness. The other is to clone humans. The idea is obvious, that is, using genetic technology to create a ``quasi-superman'' with one or several gene locks open, and then clone indefinitely to form a gene warrior force,

In fact, in the previous year, the chiefs and experts of the Chinese military still sneered at this matter and dismissed it.They think that even if it is the current technology of the United States, it must be at least seventy years to achieve this goal, but who knows , I just hit my face when I finished speaking. Just a few months ago, the head of the Chinese military heard a news that the United States had made breakthrough progress in this research.

This makes these chiefs unable to sit still. Once the two technologies are fully mature, the powerful advantages of the Chinese special forces will be gone, and now that technology is so important, it is too late to destroy, so, Several chiefs mean whether they can get their'cloning people' technology to minimize the impact of this study on China,

Yes, you can clone ‘gene warriors’, but we can also clone ‘trainers’,

Indeed, if the gene warriors appear, the situation of the Chinese special fighters sweeping the world and a single dominant country will no longer exist, but at least the situation must be controlled, and the fighting power of the special fighters of other countries cannot be exceeded.

And Mu Fei's mission is related to this,

According to the accurate information received by the high-level, it is said that the military of the United States and the military of the island country share the results of genetic research. The two countries have always worn a pair of pants. It is not surprising that this decision is made. On the way, in order to avoid being too'too conspicuous and too conspicuous', they did not use warships, but disguised those'experimental results' as cargo and shipped them to the island country.

"A Fei, the task of you and the talented girl is to sneak into the ship and copy all relevant information," Luo Xue introduced,

"Master, you must get it,,"

Mu Fei hadn't spoken yet, but Xiao Meng shouted exaggeratedly in his mind. Her tone at this time was even more exciting than buying a lottery ticket for 5 million. Then it felt like it was terminally ill. The patient, suddenly heard that he was saved,

Without waiting for Mu Fei to ask, Xiao Xiaomeng explained,'Master, once you have the information, we can also cultivate a body for me according to the method described in it. At that time, I am also a real person. ...Not the intelligence of a person who has only brain waves and no entities,'

‘You must get it, you must get it, you must get it,’ Xiao Xiaomeng kept shouting in Mu Fei’s mind,


Mu Fei took a breath and said, ‘Looking... This mission must be successful,’

In fact, Mu Fei's mind is not so broad, and his vision is not so high. He doesn't understand or care about what the international situation is, but not to mention other things. This time, for Xiaomeng, he also had to succeed.

‘Xiaoxiaomeng, don’t worry, I’ll get it...but can you stop calling me and annoy me...’

'Woo, master, you must say to do it...When I have a real body, I will be your little wife with the body...'Xiao Xiaomeng has already used the ``temptation'' technique. ,

‘Uh, this is waiting for you to become a real person. Let me see what you look like...’

Mu Fei responded casually, then looked at Luo Xue, "Lolo, the mission target is known, let me talk about the specific situation,"

"Specifically, this is a cargo ship carrying'test samples'. It will call at a port between two and three o'clock this afternoon. Until then, we will hide you and the talented woman in the container. At the time of docking, ship the container where you are on board. What to do afterwards... It depends on you. I will be ready at any time. Once I receive your signal, I will respond immediately..."

Speaking of which, Luo Xue reluctantly spread his hands, "In fact, we know this news too late, it is not easy to arrange these, and no other information has been collected at all. At that time, you can only watch your random response. ..."

"Otherwise, this task is very dangerous and very difficult..." Luo Xue explained,

After listening to this, Mu Fei could not help twisting his eyebrows. Let us go without knowing any information. This is too dangerous. If we put a sky net in place, wouldn't we be able to run without running? , In particular, I’m lucky to say that the rough skin is thick and the little talented girl will go with her...

He turned his head and looked in the direction of the little girl, and asked, "Lolo, I have a question. This task is so dangerous. I can't go without myself. Why do you let the little girl follow?"

Mu Fei is always angry with a talented girl and always bullies her, but in fact he is not really a ‘hate’ this little guy. In the immediate situation, Mu Fei does not want her to be in danger...

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