My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1683: Neptune

Dust → Fate ← Text ↖ Learning × Net Chapter 1683 Neptune


A loud noise came, and the little girl clearly felt that the deck of the ship was shaking.

"Oh my God……"

The little talented girl was taken aback, and the work on her hand stopped, "This, this nasty guy, what is he doing, this sound is too loud,"

"Sing a little, I will draw all of you for a while..." The little talented girl yelled, and continued to dismantle the clone's cultivation equipment - fortunately, the little talented girl could not see Mu Fei and the yellow orangutan, It was the battle of the'Neptune'. She thought that, just like before, Mu Fei was violently violating the Neptune,

If you let her know that it was Mu Fei who was flattened, I was afraid that she would be too scared to continue ‘work’,

"Farker Oil..."

On the side of Mu Fei, he was biting his teeth and cursing his mother-it hurts, it is really too painful,

This Neptune is already very strong, and it looks like Tyson and Schwarzenegger. He uses the "muscle strengthening" again and again, his figure is more exaggerated,

The muscles on his body have already broken through the vest and camouflage pants, leaving only a more'elastic' **** there,'Guangyan residual pant', his legs are thicker than before, and the upper body is more exaggerated, almost'wide' Doubled, arms are thicker than legs,

At this time, he is no longer ‘human’, but a muscular monster with a human face, and this strong muscle is too strong, bringing superhuman strength,

Even if Mu Fei is a trainer of the Ningshen Order, and he has already started the outbreak state before, he was also thrown into a seven-meat and a dizzy head, and he was dizzy, not to mention the difference between Southeast and Northwest. too much,

"Cough, I knew it wouldn't be that simple..." Mu Fei thought so,

"Haha, don't you doubt that I don't have that ability", how is it now, have you seen it," Neptune raised his hand, pulled Mu Fei's leg to lift him, staring at him from the top, Mu Fei's 150 The body of sixty pounds is like a little chicken or a duck in the hands of this sea king, and it is not worth mentioning at all.


Mu Fei will not always be carried by him like this, kicking the other leg, hitting the king of the sea king, the big hand of the sea king is released, Mu Fei fell to the ground, rolled back, stood a few steps back,

"Slap, pop,"

Mu Fei just patted the dust on his body, and he hurt his teeth and grinned. Although he was only hit by him for a while, it was really a bit of a ‘injury’.


Neptune's eyes widened and his tone was full of surprises, "Acupuncture, this is the acupuncture point of your country, right?"

In fact, the king of the sea saw Mu Fei kick him just now, but he did not blink, because he had confidence in his muscles, but he did not expect Mu Fei to be just a little toe, his arm was numb, and his hand could not help but loose Open, obviously, Mu Fei kicked one of his acupuncture points,

But Mu Fei did not answer his question, but instead asked, "You... you are a gene warrior,"

"Gene warrior, nonono..."

Neptune shook his head again and again, "Don't compare me with that mass-produced inferior product, I think this is a devaluation to me, an insult to me..."

"Forget it, chatting is boring, let's continue to fight..."

While Neptune was talking, he put on a boxing posture and a left hook hit Mu Fei.He saw that Neptune was a fighting maniac,

Like in many games, the speed of the strong person is low, which is definitely a misunderstanding. Unless the person is a fat person, it is a ``fat'', otherwise the strong, muscular person will never be too slow, and this Neptune belongs to this Species,

Although his speed is not as good as Mu Fei with all his strengths, but he can't be underestimated. His punch with a big bag has reached Mu Fei's face in an instant, and he has not been hit, but Mu Fei has felt a strong heat The momentum is rushing towards himself, showing how amazing the power of this punch is,


Mu Fei evaded, and the sea king's fist hit the container next to it.This extremely strong container was severely deformed by the smashing, and a big pit with a diameter of nearly one meter appeared.

‘Mud Horse,’

Seeing this scene, Mu Fei couldn't help but make a swearing. Even if he condenses God, he doesn't have such destructive power. Think about what kind of scene this punch will hit him... Mu Fei is a bit sweaty. ,

And within half a second of his distraction, the other fist had reached him, Mu Fei could not hide, he could only raise his arm to resist,


With a muffled sound, Mu Fei flew out,

"It's dangerous to be distracted during the battle..." Neptune's mouth reminded him of "goodwill", but the action was merciless, and he punched again,

Successive losses, Mu Feihuo,


He rose into the air as soon as he landed, spinning twice, kicking with one foot,

Mu Fei's move is very'high'. Not only did he escape the attack of the Neptune, but also hit the head of the Neptune with that foot, but also kicked a real, strong, but...


Neptune eats Mu Fei's foot, but just crooked his neck, and no one moved.

"Hey..." He didn't have a painful look, but instead smiled at Mu Fei, but after he laughed, it was another punch, Mu Fei had not landed and could not dodge, he had to raise his arm to resist, and the result was again Was blasted out,

For a period of time, it was a repeat of similar things,

In fact, Mu Fei is not the opponent of this Neptune, but he relies on speed to deal with the Neptune.The key is that this Neptune is too flimsy. Mu Fei used all his powers and could not cause him any substantial harm. He, he has muscles all over his body, Longfeng's'Dongjue' has the effect of suppressing the opponent's true energy, but this Neptune is only strong, there is no true energy in the body at all, it is not good for him, and the strength of the goods is still It was so perverted that once he was hit by him, Mu Fei was so painful,

Moreover, because of the reason why the young talented girl is here, Mu Fei did not dare to go far away. In case he walked away, this sea king did not chase him, but instead started with the young talented girl.

For various reasons, Mu Fei can't beat, can't run, and can only be'battered' here, which makes him very'wohuo',

In fact, Mu Fei still has a hole card, which is his new pistol, but he dare not use it, because this is already his only means, but if he fails to kill and kill the sea king, then he and The talented girl may not even have the chance to get out,

Therefore, this trick cannot be used until the end.

Now, he hopes that the talented girl can finish it as soon as possible. She just said that it takes about 20 minutes. This has been more than half of the time. Mu Fei estimates that there will be another three or four minutes. The talented girl should be able to complete it, but she once completed it. , You can'retreat', and you can't touch the sea king, but than the speed, Mu Fei is confident that even if he holds a talented girl, he will definitely be faster than this sea king.

Mu Fei is so entangled with the Neptune, he is praying that the Neptune is a'fighting maniac' or a'big fool', whatever he can do to him, as long as he doesn't fight against the talented girl, Mu Fei can't move This guy, if he really doesn't fight Mu Fei and catch a talented girl, Mu Fei really has no way,

There is a saying, I am afraid of what comes, I don’t know if Mu Fei is too bad luck, or the sea king is intentional, just when Mu Fei estimates that the talented girl can be completed in one or two minutes at most, this sea king Suddenly stopped playing,

"Alas, the activity is so refreshing..."

Neptune twisted his neck, "But after the activity is over, it's time to work, well..."

The goods stared at Mu Fei for a while, felt the chin for a moment, then ignored Mu Fei, turned back, and walked to the container where the little girl was, "This guy jumped around...too difficult to do, still Let’s get rid of that little girl first..."


Upon hearing this, Mu Fei's heart almost jumped out, saying that nothing could cause the goods to hurt the talented girl, he didn't want to think about it, and used all his strength to run back,

When the sea king saw Mu Fei running, he also ran, he was originally in front of Mu Fei, naturally faster than Mu Fei, and in a blink of an eye arrived at the container's'doorway', Mu Fei had not been able to catch up with him, Mu Fei stared at Hai Wang Yao Drill into the container,

"Clay horse,"

Mu Fei couldn't take care of that much anymore. He touched the pistol behind him and pointed at the sea king, "Get away from me,"

"Bang," Mu Fei pulled the trigger while shouting,


Neptune has been guarding Mu Fei all the time, and he didn't care when Mu Fei took the gun. He smiled disdainfully, raised a palm to stop the bullet,

From the beginning just now, Neptune finally suffered for the first time. He only saw Mu Fei holding a gun, but he didn't know that Mu Fei's gun was not a normal pistol, but a special one. The power of his gun , Not inferior to the general medium-sized sniper rifle,


Only a muffled sound, a blood mist rose in the air, the boss of Neptune's eyes glaring, the contempt and disdain on his face, became surprised and a little scared,

Because his hand has been blown into a piece of minced meat, the scene said that "flesh and blood flying" is not exaggerated, just like the one in the horror movie,

Not only Neptune, Mu Fei, who used this gun for the first time in actual combat, did not expect it to have such power, both of them were shocked for a moment,

Later, the two reacted almost simultaneously,

"go to hell,,"


"Bang, bang,"

Mu Fei roared, squeezed the trigger, and rushed in the direction of Neptune,

"Skin strengthens," Neptune roared loudly,

With his voice, his skin turned dark gray in an instant, and the effect seemed to be covered with a layer of **** layer armor, and even if he had the protection of this armor, he would not dare to resist it anymore. Mu Fei's gun,

How dare he stay here,

"Huaman, I am angry, I will not let you go, ah, ah," he covered his head with his arms, jumped vigorously, and jumped to the topmost container, which is three stories high, disappeared. ,

Mu Fei's shots also hit him, just hit his'enhanced' skin, did not cause the damage as strong as before, but just shot his skin out of many blood holes, at this time, Mu Fei was a little bit Regretted the wrong bullet. The bullet he is using is a burst type. If he uses a'penetrating' type, then Neptune can't resist,

At this time, he also knew that if he had no time to think about this, then Neptune would come back,

"Hey, look at what you are doing, go away," Mu Fei rushed into the container and shouted to the talented girl,

The little talented girl just saw that the hand of the Neptune was blown up. Although she had seen similar scenes in the horror film, she saw it with her own eyes, which made her unacceptable.

And Mu Fei's voice finally made her react, looking at the blood on the ground and a little bit of minced meat, she felt that her stomach burst and wanted to vomit,

"Oh, cough..."

In the end, the little girl still couldn't hold back, leaning over and retching,


Mu Fei sighed and hurriedly walked over to pick up the talented girl lazily...

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