My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1690: Thunder's Destruction

Dust? Fate? Text ↑Learn ↘Net Chapter 1690 The Lei Family's Destruction

Luo Xue and the young talented girl left, and Mu Fei was'picked up' by his mother, Xia Xue, and Mibeibei.The three men surrounded Mu Fei in the middle, and then followed It's like a meeting in a court meeting, and this interrogation and lesson lasted for almost an hour before it was concluded.

Moreover, it is still lunch time, if it is not this, I am afraid it is not over,


Seeing the three men let them go, Mu Fei was relieved,

Later, Xia Xue and Mi Beibe went to get lunch, and only the mother was left here, and no one disturbed. Although the old lady didn't teach Mu Fei anymore, she also gave him a'warning', saying that no one else had The so-called, but must not live up to Xia Xue, otherwise, she will definitely not be able to spare Mu Feiyunyun, even, don’t blame her for not recognizing Mu Fei’s son,

The old lady said all this, showing how important Xia Xue is in her heart,

For this, Mu Fei naturally nodded and hurriedly expressed his position.In fact, the old lady's worries were completely superfluous. In Mu Fei's heart, in addition to her mother, the status of three women is absolutely irreplaceable by others. That is Xia Xue, Xu Xiaomeng, Lin Ruoyi,

Indeed, Mu Fei also knows that this idea may be very unfair to his other women, such as Ye Feng and Ning Zixian, but this is the truth,

After all, Mu Fei was at the lowest point of his life, when he was most depressed, it was they who never gave up, comforted Mu Fei, encouraged Mu Fei, and accompanied Mu Fei along the way, saying that without them, there would be no Mu Fei now. It is definitely not an exaggeration,

Compared with the charcoal in the snow, the sincerity of the icing on the cake is always worse.

After the mother’s lesson was over, Mu Fei borrowed her old man’s phone. Although he had only one good arm intact and active now, he still couldn’t rest assured about some things,

He first called the night bee, and the night bee heard his voice on the phone, and he hurriedly asked him where he is now and how the situation is.

Mu Fei knew that she was worried about herself, chuckled to reassure her, and told her about the fact that she was'hospitalized' in the military area and was temporarily unable to go home. Sure enough, after knowing these, the night bee was relieved, and from In her mouth, Mu Fei also knew that the family was very safe and there was no danger,

Later, Mu Fei asked about Lei and Wu, but for this, Ye Feng only knew the situation was'very good', but she didn't know the specifics, so Mu Fei asked Zhou Haibin or Lan Jiang directly , They have been doing these things,

In fact, what Mu Fei is most worried about is that Wu and Lei will cause damage to the people in the family. After all, Xu Xiaomeng and Miss Xiao are ordinary people who have no fighting ability, and now they are fine, Mu Fei is completely at ease Off,

He casually chatted with Yefeng. Mu Fei hung up the phone and called Zhou Haibin. Without Mu Fei, Zhou Haibin took the initiative to tell Mu Fei the'war results' of the past week, but it was okay to listen. Even Mu Fei was startled, "What, Lei Handong, the owner of the Lei family, died, and the other Lei family died and fled. The "Lei family" was removed from the north,"

It's no wonder that Mu Fei was surprised. Haibin and Lan Jiang were too efficient this week. It was only a week or so after they were full. They actually gave Lei's home a tie... This is too efficient. To be honest, even if Mu Fei is right They were confident and he was very surprised to hear this efficiency,

After he was surprised, he couldn't help worrying, "Brother Haibin, when you do things, pay attention to the scale,"

It’s not that Mu Fei is timid, the point is that the place of Beidu is really sensitive, he has to be careful,

"Boss, don't worry, you don't have any problems. In fact, we haven't done much about the Lei family..."

Zhou Haibin said plainly, "The Lei family is not bad, but what they did was not a'clean' business, and there are many Qiu families, especially their unscrupulous style for achieving their goals. There are quite a few enemies in the family's demise. Some people hate what they hate, as long as they can avenge themselves and would rather die by themselves..."

"So, I just **** Lei Handong and threw it at the door of one of his enemies, and when Lei Handong died, the rest of the Lei family did it without us, and someone did it for us..."

"Well, this hand is beautiful," Mu Fei nodded in praise.

Zhou Haibin did this more safely, not only the purpose was achieved, but also more concealed, and Lei Handong did not shake the scene when he died.The enemies of the Lei family will naturally not let the Lei family easily, and the people on the side of Mu Fei save With a lot of strength, and the water is muddy, even if things go wrong, basically it has nothing to do with Mu Fei,

It's just that Mu Fei sighs a bit now. The Lei family is also a bullish force in the north. I didn't expect it to be completely destroyed in just one week, and... the initiator of this matter was actually himself...

It is true that Mu Fei knew that this matter had something to do with the Lei family who had offended too many people and was too'self-inflicted', but he still couldn't help thinking this way. Could it be that inadvertently, his own strength, and his ability to have some second class in Beidu Is the family comparable? Think about yourself a year ago, and think about the present... Mu Fei can't help but feel a lot,

"What about the Wu family," Mu Fei asked again,

"Hi, speaking, the Wu family's attitude is relatively unknown recently..."

Zhou Haibin explained, "They have nothing to do except after they used the hand of the police to deal with you and failed, that is, we have no good chance to deal with them..."

The meaning of Zhou Haibin Mu Fei understands that the Wu family is different from the Lei family. The Lei family belongs to'half black and half white'. It was originally not a'serious way'. No matter what matter, no one is willing to manage, but Wu Not at home,

The Wu family is a serious business family. Its family industry "Wu Tian Group" pays billions of taxes every year. It is the top 200 taxpayers in China. Moreover, their Wu family and the Huang family of the four northern capitals are closer. ,

This kind of family is less than a last resort. You cannot use too ‘excessive’ and too violent means to deal with them. It is best to wait for them to shoot, and then defend and fight back, hit their faces,

But they are not taking the initiative now... This makes Zhou Haibin, Lan Jiang and others not so easy to handle,

"Did you get the information mentioned earlier," Mu Fei asked.

"It has been done. The things you mentioned and all of them are indeed true. I have asked the brothers to take good evidence and contact the victims. If necessary, they are willing to testify..." Zhou Haibin said,

"Ah That's good……"

Mu Fei thought for a while and nodded. "Then let's do it first. Let's see what they mean. As soon as they find out, we will fight back immediately. If... if they don't move, then wait for me to recover and go back. Besides..."

"OK, then I will continue to stare at them, the boss, and call me when you are "discharged", I will pick you up..." Zhou Haibin replied,

Finally, Mu Fei called Che Weichen again. He was afraid that he would not be here.

However, this time, the car family did not let Mu Fei disappointed.It may be that Grandpa Che looked away and never started with Weichen Pharmaceuticals.Mu Fei was satisfied with their performance and discussed with Che Weichen.Anyway. Now that the business is getting bigger and bigger, and the scale of'Weichen Pharmaceutical' has been overwhelming, we simply handed over the lowest-end product in the company to'Che's Pharmaceutical', and our own'Weichen' "Pharmaceutical industry's only doing high-end

In this way, the Che family will also have some cheap and have something to do, and will no longer harass ‘Weichen Pharmaceutical’, and Che Weichen will not be caught between Mu Fei and his family, so embarrassed,

Mu Fei cares about these things, a few calls made, and nothing bad happened, he was also relieved,

After his phone call was finished, Xia Xue and Mi Beibei got their lunch back, and on the way to dinner, the No. 3 chief came to visit Mu Fei.He told Mu Fei to take a good rest. His credit will not be forgotten. Reward Yun Yun for him, and tell Wang Zao to send someone to take care of Mu Fei and his family.

Although the No. 3 chief had taken great care of Mu Fei, the old lady still couldn't help expressing her dissatisfaction, and asked the No. 3 chief to refrain from sending her son to perform those dangerous tasks, but when Mu Fei told her later, The rank of the No. 3 chief was placed in a place, only when it was lower than that of the vice president, the old lady couldn't help but grin, she has never seen such a big official in her life,

Mu Fei is not a celebrity in the military area, but there are also many people who know him. In the afternoon, Dr. Xiaoyan, Liu Guiying, Douding and other people came to visit him.

However, for Mu Fei, this is not the point, he found that today's Mibebe seems to be a bit wrong,

The girl was about to take the college entrance examination, and learned that Mu Fei's injury class was not taking place, and immediately flew over to see Mu Fei, which made Mu Fei very moved, but during this time, she had to review her homework in Mu Fei's ward,

But if you review, you review it, you are always in a daze from time to time, what is this doing, and laugh at your sister...


At the same time Mu Fei's "relief" healed, Ai Jia was about to collapse, she was pressed by pressure,

Yesterday, the doctor came again to urge her to pay for the surgery. She said that later, her mother would be in danger. She didn’t know this, but the problem was, where did she get such a large sum of money,

Not to mention the follow-up, which is the initial cost of surgery and treatment. She did not have the 700,000 yuan. She sold all her things, including her and her house, and she did not have enough.

Seeing his mother's spirit getting worse and worse, her face getting worse and worse, Ai Jia felt like a knife,

And what happened at home has made Ai Jia breathless, and the school still does not let her worry...

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