My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1702: I reject

Chapter 1702: I Decline

"What, Dr. Zhang, oh, well, I know, I know..." Mu Fei called Mo Bai while driving. Dust √ Fate × Literature → Learning ↗ Net

Ai Jia watched him busy next to her... she didn't know why, for a long time, it almost suffocated her like a mountain, and the pressure disappeared completely. It was only then that Ai Jia knew that there was a person. It's so worry-free to be able to'rely on'... even how'happy' things are.

Ai Jia looked at Mu Fei's contact very quickly. In fact, he also spent some twists and turns. His phone was broken, but Xiaomeng's phone was still unable to dial the'external line' of the military area. He found one and passed three. Personally, Mo Bai was contacted.

As for Mo Bai and hearing about Amy's situation, she was also a little surprised. According to his estimation, no matter how, the old lady's condition would not deteriorate so fast, but when Mu Fei told him about the old lady's mood When the question was clear, Mo Bai was frank, and his mood had a great impact on his body, and he wanted to come back to "in person" to help the old lady to designate treatment. It was too late, and he could only introduce a very good person in the related field for Mu Fei. An authoritative doctor who operated on the old lady.

It is a bit helpless to say, but this is the case. Some things that seem very difficult will become very simple under the dual role of money and people. Just like Ms. Ai Jia’s illness, I will almost The collapse of Jia's torture was resolved by Mu Fei's appearance within half a day. The old lady entered the operating room that night.

The doctor had high medical skills and was very professional. Before entering the operating room, he still patted his chest to ensure that there would be no problems and the failure rate was only 20%, but Ai Jia was still afraid. When she was in the operating room, she was "shaking" outside, and the shaking was like the terrified "quail", and she was like this. It is still evening, and Mu Fei can't keep herself here, only Stay with you.

For more than two hours, Ai Jia felt like two years had passed.

But when the doctor came out and announced to her that "the operation was very successful", Ai Jia was finally relieved, and the sudden ease and happiness made her almost fall, fortunately Mu Fei supported.

The old lady hasn't had anesthesia now, and it takes at least five or six hours to wake up, and the senior ward in which the old lady lives is watched by a nurse for 24 hours, so there is no need to accompany her, but Ai Jia is still there She was worried. She had to stay in the hospital, know her mood, and there was an **** room and bed in the senior ward. Mu Fei did not say anything, so she went.

When Mu Fei left, Ai Jia sent him downstairs and stuttered, "Although it might be later, but the money... I will definitely return it to you..."

Mu Fei smiled slightly and patted her shoulders twice, "don't worry, I'm optimistic about your potential..."

"Hey, wait a minute..."

Mu Fei was about to close the door of the car and was about to leave. Ai Jia suddenly remembered something and hurriedly stopped him. "It's time for the literary party, how are you going?"

"literature meeting."

Mu Fei scratched his head and wondered, "What does it have to do with me."

"How it has nothing to do with you, of course it has to do with it. You forgot, you have to perform on behalf of our college." Ai Jia reminded.


Mu Fei suddenly realized, slapped a slap, and laughed, "Ha ha ha ha, how could I forget such an important thing, is it, did not forget, I did not forget..."

"Huh, I think you clearly forgot..."

Ai Jiaqiao's face was unhappy, and Mu Fei gave a white look, "You have less than two weeks, please hold on, don't delay."

When she said this, her tone was very gentle... and it was her gentleness that made Mu Fei grin, ‘Sister, don’t you be so ‘stable’, don’t... the younger brother is very uncomfortable,’

In fact, this is Mu Fei just finished helping her, she is embarrassed to send Biao, other times, maybe she will kick the leg and kick people...


Mu Fei drove home, thinking while driving, as if there were many things to be done in front of him.

First of all, you have to get a new'military phone' as soon as possible. Otherwise, it would be too inconvenient for people who want to contact the military area. Just like finding Mo Bai today, it took a lot of effort. Fortunately, this is not an emergency. If it is really urgent, the business may have been delayed.

Secondly, the glasses must be repaired quickly. Now, Mu Fei feels the importance of Xiaomeng and Xiaoxiaomeng more and more. After the repair, if Xiaomeng’s girl can wake up the best, if you don’t wake up, you have to find a way to hurry up. Wake up her.

Now, Mu Fei feels the importance of these two little guys more and more. Without them, I'm afraid that I can do nothing but play some games.

Then, the technology that Xiao Xiaomeng wants to cultivate a "cloning person" must also be quickly obtained... Although the No. 3 chief should not mind letting him "reference", but if that thing is handed over and not under his control, Then the night is long.

Finally, I have to restore my strength as soon as possible...Although the Wu family is now "honest", after all, they have not really shown their attitude... And don’t say that there is no position, even if it is "reconciliation", no one can guarantee the Wu family. It won't be overcast, so you have to guard against it.

If you don't want to be okay, the more you think, Mu Feiyue feels'a little busy'.

After thinking for a while, he simply turned around and drove towards Wuxiong’s bar. These were to be solved. One thing was solved. He planned to go to Wuxiong to get some medicine that would help his recovery. They are not with Xiaomeng. If they are, why would they have to spend money on medicine?


Thinking of this, Mu Fei sighed again, and missed these two little guys more and more...... It was when they were sober.

Wu Xiong was very efficient in doing things. Mu Fei expressed his intention and immediately introduced him a good and cheap healing medicine. At this time, Mu Fei recalled the situation of Ai Jia’s mother. There are also medicines recovered after the operation, which are not expensive. Mu Fei also bought the old lady a little.

It was already midnight when ‘ordering’ from Wuxiong was completed.

There was no talk all night, and the next morning, Mu Fei was feeling lazy, but the phone rang suddenly, waking him up.

I touched it and found that although there was no'business card', Mu Fei knew this number. This is Che Weichen's, and Che Weichen and Mu Fei knew each other well, and they were too lazy to talk about the business directly, "Hey , Idol, Miss Wang’s family wants to see you. If you can’t reach you, you can call me here. Are you calling her back, or have I sent you directly on my side."

Miss Wang’s family is referring to Wang Binglian. After hearing this name, Mu Fei couldn’t help but grin, ‘It’s really coming...’

"Forget it, I'll reply to her, you send me her number." Mu Fei responded casually.


Half an hour later, Mu Fei and two big beauties sat in a small teahouse.

"Xiaoli told me that you will not lose, and I still don't believe it. Now it seems... or she knows you..." Although Wang Binglian's tone was a little sighed, the delicate and pretty face was still very indifferent. In fact, her attitude towards Mu Fei is pretty good, at least there is a little "expression", she is mostly "faceless" to other people, as if everyone else owes her money.

Compared with Wang Binglian's "Coldness", Wu Li next to it is a sharp contrast. Her charming face is full of smiles and orange-red wavy long hair, which is just a sign of her enthusiasm. Character, "Giggle, brother, good kind, really did not disappoint the sister, I thought you were not ordinary, but now it seems... I still underestimate you, and actually have contact with the military, brother What is your identity... Can you tell me what you are doing?"

In fact, Wu Li only said so casually. She also knew Mu Fei's stinky personality, so she wouldn't tell her the truth.

So, without waiting for Mu Fei to answer, he continued, "Speaking of it, my fellow student, what you have done is really hidden enough. If Xiaolian told me, even I didn't know that Lei's removal from the North was done by you. ...How many secrets do you still have, and Sister Xue is more and more curious about you, giggling..."

When Wu Li said, from time to time he gave Mu Fei a'flying eye', which means obvious.

Wu Li guessed right, Mu Fei was not willing to tell them this, picked up the tea cup, diverted the topic and said, "Don't sigh for the two of you. During this time when I was away, you didn't help me much. Tea instead of wine, toast you a cup..."

In fact, Mu Fei is mainly talking about Wang Binglian, although Wu Li also has'help', but in fact, she has not brought any substantial help to Mu Fei, but Mu Fei does not care about this, Mu Fei does not care about them' No help, but'do you help?'

You know, the two opponents that Mu Fei provokes are not ordinary people, helping him is equivalent to the Lei and Wu families.

Don’t say that Wu Li is gone, even if the'North Capital Wangjia' is in full swing, she Wang Binglian is not qualified to make such a decision, and they also give themselves a lot of help when they know that they may be in trouble. This shows that , The two are still worth paying.

In fact, before Mu Fei came, there was a speculation that Wang Binglian was looking for him, there might be ‘other Then, Wang Binglian’s words confirmed Mu Fei’s guess.

"Thanks or something, I'll talk about it later, let's talk about the serious...I have two things for you..."

Wang Binglian took a cup of tea and took a light sip. "The first thing, the Wu family asked me to bring you a word. I won't say the original word. They probably mean: indeed they are wrong, but after all, you don't eat much. Loss, and the loss of their Wu family during this time is not small, you are also angry..."

"And this thing goes on, it is not good for you and them, so they want to take a step back, and this thing has passed... want to pass me and ask what you mean." Wang Binglian said.

And Mu Fei also understands that the Wu family did not come by themselves, but through ‘acquaintances’. The family members of the family are more serious than their own lives. Isn’t it shameful to come to the door in person?

But after listening to Wang Binglian, Mu Fei raised his lips slightly and smiled slightly, "I refuse..."

ps: There is another chapter in the middle of the night.

This book is first published from the 17k network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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