My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1704: Gentleman revenge

Chapter 1704 Gentleman Revenge

After seeing Wang Binglian and Wu Li, Mu Fei went to school for a round, but in fact it was not a big deal, mainly to see the bedroom brothers. Before they were taken away by the police, they had been worried for a long time. . Dust ↑ Fate ↓ Literature ↙ Study? Net

But who knows, Mu Fei thought too much. The three guys in the bedroom didn’t worry about him at all. In their words, it’s like, “The third son is so bullish, the police can’t take him away, don’t care.”, Okay, Mu Fei is also speechless about the "no conscience" of these three guys.

However, before Mu Fei stayed in the school, she received a call from Wang Binglian. She said that the Wu family wanted to see him, and asked him if he saw him. Mu Fei was arranging his music here. How could it be possible? Meeting, naturally refused without hesitation.

But as he expected, the Wu family did not give up, but found the school. Mu Fei wanted to see Lin Ruoyi in the afternoon. While picking up the car, he found someone waiting for him.

"Mu Fei..."

The door of a Volkswagen high-end business car next door pushed open, and a man got off and walked to Mu Fei. "Is it convenient to talk."

Mu Fei looked at the man for a few times. The man in front of him was about twenty-six or sixty years old. He had a suit, leather shoes, tie shoes, meticulously dressed, a pair of gold glasses on his nose, a pair of TV, movies, business elites 'The appearance, and in addition to dressing, the most important thing is that this product is similar to Wu Jiafeng's foot six or seven points, without having to think about it, these two are designated as brothers, and they are also brothers.

That's right, Mu Fei was right. This man is Wu Jiafeng's brother, Wu Jiayao.

"I have nothing to discuss with you." Mu Fei didn't want to reply, and turned to get in the car.

And Wu Jiayao did not give up, and took a quick step to block the door. "Don't you think we have been doing this all the time, isn't it a way, is it not good for you and me."

Mu Fei looked back at him, "Remember, it wasn't me who wanted to make trouble. When Binnan, it was Wu Jiafeng who provokes me first, and when he went to the north, he also irritated me first. All sorts of methods have been used to rectify me. I will be put to death, and the knife has been cut off. When it comes to this...Is it interesting?"

"Okay, I admit that it was our Wu family who was the first to go wrong, but after all, did things not reach such an irreparable degree, did I, I came here with sincerity, do you agree or not, listen and listen again I don’t think there is a loss, can’t I say that?” Wu Jiayao said sincerely.

Mu Fei did not immediately refuse, looking at him, seemingly thinking.

When Wu Jiayao looked at the door, he quickly reached out and made a welcoming gesture. This time Mu Fei did not immediately refuse, thought again, got out of the car, and got into his public car.

As for whether the Wu family would be bad for him, Mu Fei was not worried. First, he thought that the Wu family did not have that courage. Second, even if they had that meaning, Mu Fei had a gun in his body, and he was not afraid of that. Only if the situation was wrong, he It is safe to hold Wu Jiayao as a hostage for the first time.

As Mu Fei imagined, Wu Jiayao did not have the "whole thing", there was indeed a bodyguard on the car, but Mu Fei visually inspected this product is the strength of the quenched body level of about six. If you want to start against yourself, Wu Jiayao is ten thousand. It is impossible to bring only this kind of thing.

In addition to the bodyguard, there are two others, one is the driver, and the other is the culprit that caused Mu Fei and the Wu family to make such a field, Wu Jiafeng.

At this time, Wu Jiafeng was considered "honest". When he saw Mu Fei, he dodged his eyes and dared not look directly. In fact, apart from this appearance, Mu Fei also saw two points. First, although the goods did not dare to look directly at themselves, but in their eyes He flashed fiercely from time to time, apparently still hating himself very much, and secondly, his face was not good. It seems that the last time he gave him that time, he was never "suffered".

"If you have any words, say it." Mu Fei ignored Wu Jiafeng. He sat down and said the matter directly.

"The matter is here, I will stop talking nonsense."

Wu Jiayao looked back at his brother, "Jiafeng, apologize."

Wu Jiafeng was very reluctant, his face flushed, but he still stood up and bowed heavily to Mu Fei, "I'm sorry, it's my fault."

After finishing all of this, he immediately sat back again and turned his head to look out of the window. He was greatly aggrieved.

At this time, Wu Jiayao took a briefcase from the side, turned over a check and handed it to Mu Fei, "Jiafeng has apologized to you, and we are willing to compensate you for our fault."

Mu Fei took the cheque and glanced at it. After reading it, he smiled dismissively and shook it back. "Twenty million... You sent me a meal."

It seems that Yu Mufei's reaction had been expected, and Wu Jiayao was not surprised. "If you feel dissatisfied... what can you ask for?"

Mu Fei closed his eyes for a moment and opened his eyes. "If you want me to close my hand, you can. Three conditions..."

"First, the cost of loss, 30 million."

"Second, your Wu family claimed to have killed me in order to save their face, right? Your face is "face", I don't want face, do you want me to keep it secret for you? It costs 20 million."

"Third, who annoys me... who apologizes to me, kneels down and apologizes."

Speaking of which, Mu Fei pointed to Wu Jiafeng at the back, "Not only him, but also his parents who speak out to me..."

The first two conditions have caused Wu Jiayao to twist his eyebrows again and again. As soon as the third condition came out, Wu Jiayao did not want to refuse directly, "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, and I don’t want to say anything else. ."

Wu Jiayao and Wu Jiafeng are brothers. Wu Jiafeng’s parents are his parents. It is strange that he can agree to let his parents kneel to others.

"The surnamed Mu, you are too much," Wu Jiafeng shouted.

"No matter what." Mu Fei got up and left.

"Wait a minute..." Wu Jiayao hurriedly pulled Mu Fei.

He thought about it and discussed, "It's impossible for you to kneel and apologize, money... I can give you 30 million."


Mu Fei grinned slightly, pushed the door and got out of the car, and Wu Jiayao pulled him in the back, "I will take another step back, and I will let Jiafeng apologize to you, plus 30 million, which is always OK."

"Brother," when I heard that I was actually allowed to kneel and apologize to Mu Fei, I was so angry.

Mu Fei stopped and thought for a while, "50 million, one point is not enough."

"No, too much."

"Then you think it is more than 50 million, or if you go on this day, your Wu family will lose a lot. If I guess correctly, your Wu family will lose millions every day, which is not right. The potential impact in the future..." Mu Fei didn't say much, that meaning is very obvious, you account for yourself.

After thinking for a while, Wu Jiayao clenched his teeth, "Yes, just do what you say."

"Brother," Wu Jiafeng cried again.

"Jiafeng, stop talking nonsense. Did you forget what your grandfather said before you came?" Wu Jiayao scolded his brother.

And referring to grandpa, Wu Jiafeng suddenly'withered' and no longer argued, but let him kneel to Mu Fei, he was really unwilling, this goods suffocated for a minute, his white face turned into purple Finally, he gritted his teeth and knelt down on the floor of the car.

"I'm sorry," Wu Jiafeng yelled, looking at him like this, he seemed to be shouting out all the anger.

Until he saw this scene, Mu Fei finally smiled. He reached out and patted Wu Jiafeng's face, "Boy, welcome to you is not memorable. It will be fine next time. I will provoke grandpa and I, welcome you to continue to give I kneel and send money, ha ha ha ha..."

Mu Fei laughed happily. Actually, he was not too happy, mainly because he was a jerk. In fact, he had some regrets.

Because Wu Jiafeng’s parents were very angry at the time, Mu Fei could not help but clean up them together, but Mu Fei also knew that it was completely impossible to force Wu Jiafeng to apologize for making mistakes and making it easy for the two guys to kneel. As for the request just now, he was purely a lion's mouth, and he didn't mean that they could agree.

That's why he retreated and asked for the next best. He didn't want to apologize, and he could take the money. Anyway, his buddy is short of money recently.

Wu Jiafeng was already angry, seeing Mu Fei still mocking him like this, he was really angry with his silver teeth crushed and almost fainted. At this time, he regretted it, really regretted it, if he had the opportunity to let him choose again, He will never provoke the guy in front of him again, whether he is his own, or his own home... he will look down upon him too much.

"You must hold this 20 million check..."

Wu Jiayao put the previous check back into Mu Fei's hand, "The remaining 30 million yuan, within three days, I will send someone to send you."

Having negotiated, Wu Jiayao wanted to send Mu Fei away as soon as possible.

"Yes, since you are so sincere, then if I don't give you a face, it's ignorance..."

Mu Fei took the check, stuffed it in his pocket, and opened the door to get off at the same time. "I'll call them and stop them. As for the rest, your Wu family's big business, I'm sure I won't pay the bill. ,Right."

"Of course, I don't have any opinion if you have to pay the bills. Anyway, I know where your family lives... It's a big deal. I ran on my own and went to your house..."

Hearing ‘Go to your house’, whether it’s Wu Jiafeng or Wu Jiayao, the flesh on his face jumped twice.


Mu Fei posed a cheque in his hand and greeted the two, and looking at his proud look, Wu Jiafeng's liver hurt... annoyed.


Wu Jiayao returned his hand, closed the door, and patted his brother's shoulder to show his comfort.

It’s okay not to shoot. In one shot, Wu Jiafeng’s “grandfathers” and a “pure gents” cried out in grievances. In fact, it’s not that he can’t stand it. Today, I was forced to kneel to others... This is more uncomfortable than beating him or even punching him.

"Jiafeng, there is no way. We are not opponents. Whether you, me, or anyone else, look down on this kid. Without saying anything else, he can destroy the Lei family. Can't move him..."

Wu Jiayao continued to pat, "You should eat a bite and grow a wise one. Speaking of it, what you did before is indeed a bit'overfire'..."

This book is first published from the 17k network, the first time to read the genuine content!

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