My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1719: Xiaomeng's nightmare

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Chapter 1719 Xiaomeng's Nightmare

Mu Fei really wanted to take the case. He slaps round and draws this prodigal thing. . of course. In fact, Mu Fei can draw her. Ok. In fact, Mu Fei didn't even get up.

"Prodigal stuff. You are too much." Mu Fei stared at Jiang Jindie.

"I depend. What are you doing. Not hurry." Jiang Jindie's face was unhappy. Patting Mu Fei's face with his feet.

"I don't lick." Mu Fei refused without hesitation.

"Well. Dare to be disobedient. You have to find it again. Is it."

"You killed me. I won't do it either." Mu Fei twisted and twisted. Turn your face to the side.

"I depend. You really think I dare not smoke you."

"Find a smoker. Bitch."


Jiang Jindie raised his whip again.

Although she cracked the whip. But this time Mu Fei was determined not to pay. Regardless of how she "violent". It is shrunk. Rather than succumbing to surrender.

And at this time. Mu Fei endured the pain. What he thought was many revolutionary martyrs: Dong Cunrui, who was holding an explosive bag. Huang Jiguang, who kept his eyes closed. Sister Jiang and Liu Hulan would rather die. They can all sacrifice their lives for the revolution. This point of humiliation. What did it count? At this moment. I am not fighting alone. Not alone. .

Just... wait a moment. It seems that he is being beaten... It has nothing to do with the revolution.

Anyway. Anyway, Mu Fei is "shrinking" in the end. How did the prodigal apprentice smoke him, he just didn't move.

but. . . Mu Fei still underestimated the "whole man" approach of her prodigal student.

"Huh. You're a bitch. You're really disobedient."

"Yes. Now you are not sure if you are given the opportunity. You will be too late to regret it. Huh..."

The goods said. Throw the whip in your hand. Turn around and leave.

And Mu Fei was curious. Secretly sideways, looking towards her. See what she is doing. But when he saw the behavior of the prodigal apprentice. Mu Fei couldn't help squinting his eyes and showing doubts. . I saw Jiang Jindie taking a cucumber out of the ice refrigerator. This cucumber is quite stout.

'Ok. What does this product do with cucumber. More and faster chapters are here. ’

Just between Mu Fei's doubts. Jiang Jindie has returned. She stepped on Mu Fei's back. Hands stretched out. Actually cut Mu Fei's underwear half. Mu Fei felt a cold thing on his ass.

Suddenly. Mu Fei has a very bad feeling. "Defeated, defeated loser stuff. What are you going to do."

"What are you doing. Hey. Haven't you heard that song. Cough..."

I saw the prodigal apprentice grinning badly. Cleared his throat again. "The chrysanthemum remains. Full of bruises. Your smile is already yellow. Ahahaha..."

She talked. I couldn't help laughing. "Bitch. Don't you not lick it. It doesn't matter. Aunt Granny chucks you chrysanthemum..."

The goods said. Poke Mu Fei's **** with that thick cucumber. . .

And even if Mu Fei just "hardened" just now. Hear the phrase ‘storm chrysanthemum’. I was suddenly scared to pee.

"Don't don't. Apprentice, ah no. Queen, Queen. Forgive..."

"I'm obedient. I can't lick, I can't lick." Mu Fei pleaded with a snot and tears.

"Hahaha. I know I regret it. It's late. I just gave you a chance. You are not sure. Now you don't have a chance. Granny. Ah no. It's the queen who is going to bruise you..."

"I apologize. I am obedient. As long as you let me go. I will listen to everything you say in the future. Ah ah. Don't poke..."


After all kinds of apologies and mistakes. Mu Fei survived the accident...but his chrysanthemum kept it. Mouth suffers. Actually speaking. Jiang Jindie still takes care of Mu Fei. . . I also washed my feet clean when I took a shower. There is no taste.

But that's it. Mu Fei also felt that this night, his body and mind were also seriously injured. . Before it was physical. Now, it is psychological.

It is this strong humiliation. Mu Fei sighed with anger. ‘Prodigal stuff. You wait... you wait for me. . Wait for me to hurt. All this is going to be done. It will return to you ten times and twenty times. I want you to survive. Not begging for death. . Ahhhhh. I said to do it. ’

Think of here. He couldn't help looking up at the prodigal gaze.

"Slap." Who knows that. Just let him kick.

Jiang Jindie glared at him. "Look at your sister. Lick."

"Jingle Bell……"

That's it. More and faster chapters are here. Suddenly there was an alarm sound in the room.

And heard this sound. Mu Fei was very happy. "That apprentice... uh no. It's the Queen. Look. It's all time for school. Isn't it..."

Mu Fei's meaning is obvious: I have to go to class. You still don't let me go.

"Hey. You don't say. I really forgot..." Jiang Jindie nodded.

Mu Fei's eyes lit up. Overjoyed in her heart: she would spare her.

And it is in Mu Fei's gaze. Jiang Jindie touched his cell phone. Press a number to get out. "Hey. Little Black. You do me a favor. You go to my master's school. Help him take a leave..."

"Yes. That's right. Reasons. Oh, why don't you just edit them. As for the time... Uh-huh. I think about it. You just ask for a week...I should have enough time for me to play?"

‘One or one week. ’

Hear this ‘one week’. The meat on Mu Fei's face jumped twice.

And Mu Fei thought again. The "painful experience" in the evening will last another week. He suddenly tilted his head. Frightened and passed...


It was just when Mu Fei was ‘incarcerated’ and ‘’ by his prodigal apprentice. The next morning of various ‘abuse’. Suddenly Lori Xu Xiaomeng, who had been sleeping for many days, woke up suddenly.


Just listen to her whispering. Sit up from bed at once.

She at this time. The cute little face was full of surprise and fear. . . Not only the face, but also the hair on the neck and forehead were wet with sweat.

After sober. She looked at the surroundings in horror. Wait until you find yourself in that familiar room. She just relaxed a little bit. She touched her forehead with her little hand and exhaled for a long time. "call……"

But nevertheless. She was still not completely assured. . Just now. She had a terrible ‘nightmare’.

She dreamed that she was not human. Instead, it uses some kind of gene cloning technology. The "cloned man" created... that dream is really too real. She was in a petri dish full of light green liquid. Feelings and memories at that time. very clear.

And she was not alone. There are also many of her "like". The same experience as her. . They grew up to about ten years old in petri dishes. After some processing, a special method is used to make a ‘dollar’. Update the closed memory the first time...then. It seems to have been "packed". perhaps. None of them can be called ‘people’ anymore. It’s ‘commodities’.

Wait for her to wake up. It was already at the home of her brother and Binnan. She had no name before. There is only one code name. But after arriving in Binnan. She somehow got a nice name. ‘Xu Xiaomeng’.

anyway. Although this dull loli is a bit'dull'. But she is not a fool. in contrast. Under certain circumstances. She is quite smart.

But when she put together the previous "dream" and the memories after Binnan. Coupled with all the ‘anomalies’ that happened to me before... finally. She got an answer that made her almost unbearable.

'original. Xiaomeng, not ‘real Xiaomeng’...even. . . Isn't Xiaomeng a normal'human' at all? ’

Xu Xiaomeng felt his heart. There is an extremely sad, sad feeling that spread beyond description. That feeling... It's like having a relationship with a lover for n years. A month before the oath, the alliance. When we are about to get married soon, it is time to'repair this relationship into a positive result'. However, he found that he was terminally ill and would have passed away.

And Xu Xiaomeng felt. You might as well be terminally ill... even if you are sick. I am also a ‘person’. But now...I am not even a person at all.

‘If my brother knew all this... would he still like Xiaomeng? ‘Think of here. What she gave was a negative answer.

This is the answer. She couldn't help it anymore. His face was wet and tears kept flowing.


At this moment. The door of this room was twisted open. One is wearing home clothes. A pretty and charming girl walked in. And she saw Xu Xiaomeng sitting there. Suddenly revealed his surprise.

"Sister Meng. You woke up. You finally woke up..."

Night Bee hurried over. In tone, face. Full of concern. . The so-called love house and Ukraine. She knew that Xu Xiaomeng was the heart of her man. Can she care? not to mention. She used to blame herself for Xiaomeng's fainting. It seems to her that she was dereliction of duty and did not protect Now that Xiaomeng woke up, it was her relief.

And a closer look. Ye Feng suddenly found Xu Xiaomeng's'abnormality'. She was startled again. . This dull loli is dull every day. All kinds of happy looks. When did you cry like this again?

"Hey. Xiaomeng. Why are you crying. Are you uncomfortable." Ye Feng quickly held Xu Xiaomeng's hand. Bring true qi into her body. Checking her health.

"Sister Night Bee. Xiaomeng..."

What Xu Xiaomeng just wanted to say. But the words came to my lips. But it was abruptly held back. . On the one hand, she doesn't know where to start. On the other hand, it is also an important case my brother knows it all. I don't like Xiaomeng anymore... then what can I do.

"Well. What's wrong. Where are you uncomfortable, or something. Just say it." Ye Feng touched Xu Xiaomeng's forehead again. Asked.

"No, there is nothing uncomfortable. Xiaomeng is just, just..." Xu Xiaomeng would not lie at all. For a time, he was in a hurry. I don't know how to answer.


At this moment. There was a strange sound in her belly.


Did not wait for her to speak. Night Bee also ‘suddenly realized’, reaching for her. "I know. You must be hungry, right. You wait. I asked Mana to get you some food..."

The night bee ran out quickly.


And she just went out. Xu Xiaomeng sighed and patted his heart with his small hand. A pair of escaped appearances.

‘Although I don’t want to lie with my brother, Xiaomeng really dare not say that... This is how to do. ’

'Ugh. Forget it. Still... let’s talk later...’

This book is first published from the 17k novel network, the first time to read the genuine content! I752

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