My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1802: reverse

Chapter 1802: Reversal

‘Dare to hurt you... the old immortal bastard, I’m going to kill him! ’Hearing Ye Feng’s words, Mu Fei was suddenly scared enough.

Although the night bee followed him, his strength improved rapidly, but it was only an eighth level. She has condensed herself, and she is not the opponent of the baron. She went to fight the baron. Isn't it death?

‘Night bee, don’t go! ! Mu Fei shouted.

But who knows that Night Bee doesn't respond at all, instead, moves to a place faster-Mu Fei can feel the strong anger in her heart.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Fei felt that she had already fought with someone. Mu Fei worried about her and became more anxious.

‘Listen to me! Come back soon! ! ’

‘You are not his opponent, withdraw quickly! ’


Mu Fei has no other way but to'scream in his heart'. In fact, he is also quite uncomfortable now-what he sees, hears in his ears, and the night bee sends him a very different message At the same time, two completely contradictory things appear in my mind. That feeling... is not simply awkward or uncomfortable. It is simply unspeakable.

In addition, he has to fight against the baron in the "illusion", he is already overwhelmed.

Fortunately, the thing that Mu Fei was most worried about did not happen-he obviously felt that Night Bee had not been injured, but that the Vietnam War was more courageous and somewhat dominant, which made Mu Fei wonder.

‘No, in the way of the baron, hypnotize your opponent, shouldn’t you give the opponent an illusion of falling into a disadvantage? How can he let the night bee dominate? Mu Fei thought in his heart that he didn't understand the baron's approach.

Although Mu Fei can't see the real situation outside, he has confidence in himself and the night bee's "electrical induction". Observing for a moment, I felt that Night Bee was not injured, and he was relieved on this side, but why this happened, he still couldn't figure it out.

Actually, it wasn’t just that he couldn’t understand it, and even Night Bee didn’t understand it. She couldn’t help but ask, ‘Brother, it’s this kind of thing... how could you be injured like this? ’

‘Don’t underestimate the enemy! ! ’

Mu Fei hurriedly reminded, ‘His power is hypnosis. Not only can he be hypnotized by seeing his eyes, he can also be hypnotized when he hears his voice, even if I plug my ears! What you see now is not necessarily true, be careful! ’

Hearing Mu Fei's words, Night Bee was also more cautious, but her offensive did not fall, and continued to push towards the baron in her illusion. And Mu Fei is against his opponent in the illusion.

In a flash, two or three minutes passed.

Both Mu Fei and Night Bee felt something was wrong-if he was hypnotized for so long, then the baron had enough time to hurt or even kill the two of them.

But actually? Since the night bee came, Mu Fei was not injured at all, and the night bee also had her advantage.

Obviously, this is very unreasonable.

‘Brother, how do I feel... I’m not hypnotized, the old man who played me is a real jazz? 'Night Bee asked tentatively.

Mu Fei twisted his eyebrows, he was also puzzled.

But at this moment, an idea appeared in his mind, ‘shouldn’t... at the same time, this old man can only hypnotize one person? ’

As soon as this idea came out, Mu Fei felt suddenly bright, and many unreasonable circumstances were explained.

‘I know, this old man can only hypnotize one person at a time, that is to say he is holding me with hypnosis now, the one who is fighting you is true! Mu Fei expressed his guess.

The night bee is also wide-eyed, ‘I know! You wait, wait for me to get rid of this old immortal, and help you relieve hypnosis. ’

"Don’t worry, listen to me first..."

While Mu Fei was communicating with Yefeng, others were not idle. They were still ‘engaging’ with the baron in the illusion. ‘Not brave. How do you think you are sure of killing the baron? ’

Ye Feng thought for a moment, ‘I have 60% assurance that I can beat him, but if killed, less than 20%. ’

‘Then you will listen to me and you will do this and that for a while...’ Mu Fei confessed to the night bee...


At this time, I am afraid that the person who knows the situation best is the baron.

Although Mu Fei's guess is not correct, at least half of them are correct-the baron is not only able to hypnotize a person at the same time, but there is indeed a limit to the number of hypnotic objects. And this number is related to the strength of the enemy.

If it is an ordinary person, it is not a problem for the baron to hypnotize ten or eight at the same time. And he took some time to hypnotize those people to the state of'deep hypnosis'. Those people are just like vegetatives. They don't care about them, they can't wake up - even if they take the initiative to wake them up, they may not be able to wake up come.

But such a person as Mu Fei has reached the level of condensing gods and has a very strong mental power. And he has not been able to hypnotize the other party to the state of'deep hypnosis'. Once the other party is severely injured, it is very likely to wake up from the hypnosis.

This is the reason why he hypnotized Mu Fei, but could not continue to hypnotize the night bee, so he had to face the latter hard.

Having said that, being able to fight Night Bee for such a long time, but not obviously falling down, the baron's swordsmanship and melee abilities are already very powerful.

But despite this, the baron knew he was in a bad situation.

Melee is not his best way of fighting. The coquettish Chinese woman is very strange and difficult. If this continues, if the Chinese man wakes up, the danger is himself.

‘I’ve always been like this...’

Taking advantage of the night bee's effort, the baron glanced at Mu Fei, who was "fighting with the air" a few meters away. "He could only take a little risk, and try to kill or hit the kid." Once the kid lost his fighting power, this Chinese woman was not worth mentioning. ’

Thinking about it, the baron withdrew from the battle circle and quickly moved towards Mu Fei, while raising his sword to stab.

Night Bee saw his intentions, and suddenly his face was anxious, "Asshole, you dare to hurt him again, I will let you die!"

I saw her delicate body flashed and disappeared in place.


Fortunately, the night bee was fast enough. When the baron's bayonet sword and Mu Fei were less than 20 cm away, her army dagger blocked the tip of the bayonet sword.

The baron didn't care when the sword fell, and flicked his wrist, and the thorn sword pulled out the blossoming sword flowers in the air.

"Oh, uh--"

The tearing sounded, and the half-sleeved sleeves of the night bee military uniform instantly turned into pieces of rags.

The night bee trembles, and the intense pain makes her dagger almost come out. She hurriedly withdrew her hand, but despite that, her wrists were bloody.

Not only that, the night bee hadn't stood still, and she felt a cold behind her, and she hurriedly rolled away.

After she stood still again, she realized that if she slowed down by another half, she might have been stabbed by a knife—the person who made the knife was Mu Fei.

"Brother, you're crazy! It's me!" Ye Feng was blushing again and shouted to Mu Fei.

Mu Fei, as if he hadn’t seen the night bee, continued to raise his sword and fight there in the air.

Seeing this scene, the baron pushed his monocle upward, the corner of his mouth slightly upturned. Not only did he not have the slightest hint of pity and love for jade on his face, but on the contrary, he showed a bit of cruelty-although he failed to kill or seriously hurt Mu Fei, his purpose was basically achieved.


He did not leave the night bee with a chance to breathe. The long sword raised his finger at Mu Fei and attacked again. Night bee was forced to fight back with a dagger.

Protecting a hostage is more difficult than simply fighting the enemy. If this hostage is still a fool who is invincible, it is even more difficult-Night Bee is now in this'difficult to add' state.

She is not afraid of fighting the baron alone. But when the baron didn’t attack her and only flew Mu Fei to start, she was more difficult.

What's more terrible is that Mu Fei is crazy, hacking there, she is approaching and even attacking her-let her protect Mu Fei from being injured in this case, and fight the baron, this is simply An impossible task! What's more, she was injured just now.

For various reasons, the night bee instantly fell into the downside.


The baron did not make a mockery or anything, but the smiles and laughter that he could not conceal, had betrayed his current mood-he was very happy.

"Oh, uh--"

Once again, when he attacked Mu Fei and Night Bee to stop, he suddenly turned his sword to attack the latter. The night bee was caught off guard and wanted to dodge again, too late.

Yinliang's sword tip shone coldly, and it had reached the night bee's chest in an instant. The distance between the two was not even 30 centimeters.

"Dead, Chinese, huh..." The baron's gruesome laugh sounded.


At this moment, the baron couldn't help but snorted, and his whole body shook.

Afterwards, his expression changed rapidly, only to see the boss with his eyes open, his old face, full of unbelievable look.

He looked down and the blood-stained tip of the knife prodded from his chest-his entire body was stabbed by a dagger from back to front.

It was because of this knife that his sword, which instinctively took the night bee's life, failed to pierce.


And he hasn't reacted yet~ There was another muffled noise, and a dagger was strong and pierced into his heart. Needless to say, this knife was made by Yefeng.

"You, how are you...maybe...will..."

The baron hadn't said anything yet, and the night bee went up and made three more cuts. The baron had a crooked neck, and a big gulp of blood poured out of his mouth, and he died.

But in the end, his eyes didn't close—he didn't understand why he died. Mu Feiming didn't wake up from hypnosis, but he could stabb his chest with an accurate knife.

Of course, he could not guess that Mu Fei and Ye Feng had a "telepathic" communication method, and all of these were planned by Mu Fei.

Mu Fei then saw that the baron could only hypnotize one person at a time, and confessed to the night bee, making her wrestle with the baron and move to her side at the same time. Whenever there was a chance, the night bee used a "telepathic" method to tell him the direction of the baron, and he had a sudden attack.

But the night bee didn't expect that she hadn't found a chance to lead the baron to Mu Fei, and the goods were delivered to her door. Is she polite? When he found an opportunity, he sent a signal to Mu Fei, telling him the true location of the baron. This was the scene just now...

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