My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1804: Missy's weakness

1804 Missy's Weakness

The young lady burst into tears and couldn't herself.

Although Mu Fei looked at her like this, she couldn't bear it, but she didn't persuade her very much, because Mu Fei knew that the young lady's heart suppressed too much pressure, too much negative emotions, these things must be completely It's only good to vent it out, but it's bad for your health if you don't vent it.

After five minutes, Missy’s mood was better.

"After crying, get better." Mu Fei gently asked Fu Lin's back, softly.


Missy looked up at Mu Fei, nodded, and she couldn't help but stretch her hand and rub her eyes lightly while she was talking. Her eyes were swollen, and they swelled and hurt.


"Then we should do the business right now. Uncle Hildo is still in a coma. Let's go quickly to see how he is doing." Mu Fei said, patting Missy softly twice, Missy was better than Mufei In a hurry, she hurriedly got up and changed shoes to prepare for departure.

Mu Fei, Ye Feng, Missy, Mana, a group of four drove to the hospital in the manor.

In fact, before coming, Mu Fei had a guess. At that time, he was caught in an illusion, killed the baron, and awakened from the illusion.

Now that he is awake, will the people who were hypnotized by the baron, for example, the old man Hildo, also wake up.

Although Mu Fei had this guess, it was only a "guess" after all. In order to prevent himself from making a wrong guess, Missy would be disappointed, so he did not say this idea.

In fact, Mu Fei's approach was correct. When they arrived at the hospital, the old Hildo was still in a coma.

And when the first lady saw her father, she couldn't help it, and she began to cry. It wasn't her weakness, but Hildo at this time, which was indeed pitiful.

In fact, the old man Hildo has been very well maintained all the time. He is over fifty years old, but he seems to be less than a forty-year-old man.

But now, he has not only lost two full circles than before, the whole person is almost'skinny', even his hair is completely gray, and there is already some'Xieding' on his head. Looking at him like this, it is not like Forty-year-old men are like old men in their seventies and eighties.

Not to mention Flynn, even Mu Fei couldn't help but frown, seeing Hildo at this time, and felt uncomfortable.

"Dad, can you hear me, I am Furin, your daughter, you wake up..."

"What did they do to you, how did you become like this, woo woo..."

The old lady wept again.

At this time, the door of the ward was pushed open, and Mana stepped forward, "Miss, I contacted the doctor who is taking care of the old man now, and he will be there soon."

A moment later, an old man with gray hair rushed in, "Miss..."

The old doctor wanted to say hello, but was interrupted by Flynn. "Hurry, tell me, what is the situation with my father."

"Miss, don't worry, the master is not in danger..."

"Then why he hasn't awakened yet, when will he wake up." Furin asked again.


Upon hearing this, the old doctor suddenly looked embarrassed. "Actually, the reason why the old man is unconscious is still unclear, so when he can wake up, I, I... don't know..."

"What, don't know, you say you're not clear."

"My dad invited you to pay a high salary. What is it for? When you use it, you ‘don’t know’ what use you have.”

Seeing that Missy could not control herself, she wanted to'fa biao', Mu Fei hurriedly reached out and pulled her back, "Stop, don't be excited, you're cold, let me ask..."

A few words of comfort to the young lady, Mu Fei turned to look at the old doctor, "Flynn, she is a little emotional, you don't care, you will tell us what you know first."

The old doctor gave Mu Fei a grateful look, and then slowly spoke to explain Hildo's situation...


"Basically, that's it..."

"There is nothing wrong with Master's body. His low-level consciousness is also sober, but he just can't wake up. As for the reason... I really don't know..."

"And it’s not just me. I have tried to contact the authoritative personages in relevant fields in China as far as possible. I asked them to find a way and promise to pay accordingly, but they also said that they had never seen this kind of illness, two or three of them. You want to come over and check for the master himself, but the master refuses..."

"Now, I can be sure that the master has no life danger in a short period of time, but it is definitely not possible to continue this way. People need not only the body to rest, but the brain also need to rest. Sleep is the rest space for the brain..."

"The master's current state is that his body is okay, but his brain has been in a continuous state of labor. It is still okay now. If he still does not wake up or rest after a while, it may... cause some Some degree of brain damage, then... the situation was very troublesome..."

"Furthermore, for many similar diseases, the longer the delay, the lower the chance of recovery. If you miss the golden period of treatment, the difficulty of future treatment will become greater and greater..."

The old doctor knew everything and said everything to Mu Fei and Flynn.

Under the comfort of Mu Fei, Missy’s emotions have stabilized a lot. "If... if my dad never wakes up, what will happen to him if he is really "brain-damaged"."

"Uh, this... if it is mild, there may be some degree of amnesia, more serious, it will affect his central nervous system, showing some physical impairments, such as blurred vision and hearing loss , Or unable to master body balance, etc..."

"If...if it's the most serious..."

The old doctor lifted his head and glanced at Flynn. " will become a vegetative."

Well, the old doctor didn't say okay. As soon as he finished, the elder lady's eyes turned red again, and tears could not stop flowing.

"Hey, why are you crying again, didn't the doctor say that, it was just a relatively bad situation, and now this is not the step yet."

"Besides, isn't this still me, you are calm and calm..." Mu Fei hurried to comfort the elder lady.

After that, Mu Fei looked at the doctor again, "So how long do you think Uncle Hildo's situation will last?"

The old doctor thought about it, "I estimate that there is absolutely no problem for at least a week, and it is not a problem for a week to ten days, but if it is more than ten is not easy to say."


Mu Fei nodded, saying he knew.

He waved to Mana again and asked her to come over to accompany the young lady. He walked out of the ward himself and called Mo Bai.

Good luck, although Mo Bai is in the middle of the task, at least speaking is convenient, but he talked about the situation of Grandpa Hildo. Even Mo Bai felt a little trouble. After all, he was only a Chinese medicine, and he didn’t have much contact with hypnosis. He is now in his task, and no matter how he can throw away the "public affairs" to help him do this "private business".

After thinking about it, Mo Bai gave Mu Fei an idea, "In this way, I will give you a prescription and a set of acupuncture methods. The combination of these two methods should allow the patient to enter deep sleep..."

"Now the patient's problem is not afraid of the brain "burning out", as long as his brain is rested, there is no problem in a short period of time, then don't worry, and then wait for me to finish this section, I'll go and see what to do , Wait until I see the patient..."

Mu Fei hung up the phone and returned to the ward when Missy was still wiping her tears, and Mana comforted her next to her.

"Don't cry, I have a way." Mu Fei walked to the young lady and said softly.


Not only the elder lady, even the old doctor looked surprised.

"Darling, Darling, you, you are serious, you really have a way, you must not lie to Miss Ben..." The elder lady left Mana aside, her slender jade hand tightly held Mu Fei's wrist, and looked up Looking at him.

Seeing her anxious look, Mu Fei was amused.

"of course it's true."

Mu Fei reached out and stroked her pretty face, "Even if I want to comfort you, I dare not make jokes about such an important thing, do I."

Missy didn't speak, her blue eyes as blue as sapphires stared at Mu Fei in a vain manner.

No way, Mu Fei had to explain to her, "Mo Bai, there is no impression, that Chinese medicine doctor, I went to our house twice before, the one who treated me..."

"Actually, he is a military doctor of my special forces. He is not only superb in medical skills, but also a "genius". All departments and departments, Chinese medicine and Western medicine, are all involved. I just called him a He gave me a way to put Uncle Hildo's brain to sleep..."

"Our most important problem is not to be afraid that Uncle’s brain will "burn out". Once this problem is solved, Uncle will be safe, even if he can’t wake up in a short time, it doesn’t matter, we have at least time to find a way ,space……"

‘Brother, text message, someone sent you a text message,’ Mu Fei explained half of it, and he called to remind him.

He picked up the phone and glanced at him, shaking to Flynn, "Look, it's all there, he has sent me the information."

Until then, Missy was finally relieved, and she was relieved... well, she began to cry again.


Missy flew into Mu Fei’s arms and hugged his neck tightly, “I think I’m so lucky to meet you, if... without you, I really don’t know what I should do... Woo Ooo..."

Missy has always been a relatively strong one. Mu Fei has known her for some time, and is the first time she has seen her weak look.

What else can I do, continue to comfort it.

Fortunately, Mu Fei didn't waste much saliva this time. After a few words, he found that the elder lady in her arms had evenly breathed and she fell asleep.

When Mu Fei thought about it, he was calm.

She suffered so many ‘hits’ during this time, and the whole person’s nerves were tense.

Now that I’m here, those problems have been solved one by one, and her most worried father is also safe. With this real peace of mind, the tiredness accumulated over a long period of time naturally comes out of the brain, and she fell asleep after half of the words. Not surprising...

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