My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1817: Lost beauty

Chapter 1817: The Lost Beauty

The Beidu Military Region mainly focuses on scientific research.

It may be to take care of the pressure and mood of the researchers, so the environment of the Beidu Military Region is better than other military regions.

Just like in the fourth district, in addition to several scientific research buildings, there is a small garden in the north and south corners of this area.

In this small garden, not only the lawn flower fence, small bridge river, gazebo row chairs and other infrastructure are all available, but also here are cleaned and cleaned by people all year round. Especially in summer, the grass in the garden is green, the flowers are blooming, and the trees are lush... This scene is by no means worse than some tourist areas.

It is precisely because of the good environment that this small garden has become a dating place for a few couples in the military area.

At this time, a pair of handsome men and women, holding hands, are sitting in the gazebo.

The girl's pretty face flushed, her eyes closed lightly, her long eyelashes trembling gently, the boy also closed her eyes, and slowly probed past, the lips of the two, closer and closer... closer and closer... ...The breeze blows, and the delicate flowers outside the pavilion sway gently...

This scene is like a scene in some romantic love movies.

But when they could not feel the other person's breath between their lips or even five centimeters, the girl suddenly stretched her hand.

"No, no!"

The talented girl pushed Haolin away, and she hurriedly turned her face aside, "Sorry, Brother Haolin, I and I are not ready yet."

The little girl's flushed face was full of apologies.

But looking again at Haolin, his handsome face, the dissatisfaction could not be covered.

"Mengmeng, I think you didn't think of me as a boyfriend at all!" Hao Lin finished and turned and walked away.

"No, Brother Haolin, you misunderstood..."

The talented girl also knew that she was justified. She hurriedly held Hao Lin, "I definitely did not like what you said, I just, just...just think we are progressing a little bit faster..."

Hao Lin looked back and stared at the talented girl with a bad tone, "Is it fast? Really fast? If you say... If you say intimacy, you feel fast, Ok, I understand! But we have been together for almost three months Isn’t kissing good enough?"

"Don't say that we have known each other since we were young. We grew up together and we are already familiar. Even if we are outside, two people who do not know each other can get married for half a year! Why don't you let me kiss you?"

"So I said, this is not a question of being happy at all. Mengmeng, you just don't want to be with me at all!"

Hao Lin said more and more angry, reaching for the young talented girl, "Meng Meng, you are only 19 years old, there is a lot of time to be wasted, but I will be 25 years old immediately. I want to solve the problem of love and marriage as soon as possible. , And then devoted myself to work. I also want to go further before the age of thirty, and bring the project alone before the age of thirty-five..."

"In short, I am very busy. I don't have so much time to play love games with you!"

After that, Hao Lin had to go again.

"Brother Hao Lin, I really don't mean that, hey, don't go!" The little talented girl hurriedly followed, pulling him.

In fact, only the little girl knows what's going on, and Hao Lin's words are not all wrong-does the little girl really refuse to be close because he feels'fast'?

It is true that there is such a little relationship, but it is only secondary. The important thing is that her ‘feeling’ is wrong.

She has always admired Hao Lin since childhood.

Indeed, Haolin is also very good. Not only handsome but also smart. His talents showed up when he was very young. In the military compound, some people's education to children is "You learn from Haolin". "You have someone who is half-bearing and I am content."

When the talented girl was still young, so young that she did not know the difference between boys and girls, she was bullied and Haolin protected her.

When she was a bit older, when she knew something about love and love, the vague figure in her heart was also Haolin.

Even if she is older, she learns things like networking, electronics, scientific research, etc., because Haolin likes to study these things. During the time when Haolin went abroad to study and abroad, the hard work and hard work of the young talented girl also expected him to come back and see his own excellence.

Hao Lin's influence on the talented girl is difficult to clarify in a few words.

Simply put, in the mind of the talented girl, Hao Lin is her prince charming. She has been looking forward to the return of Hao Lin, looking forward to meeting him again.

but! !

When Hao Lin came back and the two developed into a relationship, the little talented girl suddenly discovered that the reality was not as good as she had imagined.

Indeed, he is still very handsome, but now, he is really a little... thin? Or ordinary? The talented girl doesn't know how to describe it well, but for her who has a "hero plot", Hao Lin's body shape, physique, or combat effectiveness does not meet the standard of "hero" in her heart.

Secondly, she now feels that Haolin is a little too pragmatic. He is hardly kidding or funny. Talking to the talented girl when dating is either work or his experience abroad. As for movies, singing K, shopping, amusement parks...hehe, you think too much.

Also, his former smiley face is very handsome and very'sunshine'. Indeed, he is also very handsome now, but this ‘handsome’ is only ‘handsome’. The "sunshine" that can infect people is gone.

In short, it feels wrong, the little talented girl feels wrong with the current Haolin.

The talented girl was puzzled. Brother Haolin was just like this before, but he didn't find it. Or has his life abroad changed him over the years?

Before being sure whether this person or the prince Hakuba wanted it, the talented girl naturally resisted his intimacy.

It is exactly this. Although they secretly fell in love for nearly three months, they just ate a meal and made appointments. Apart from holding hands and occasionally hugging each other, there was no deeper contact. Hao Lin refused every time she wanted to go further.

No, over time, Haolin was not satisfied.

Of course, these are just the ideas of talented girls. No matter what, she couldn't speak to Haolin at all.

She could only pull Hao Lin's arm, constantly apologizing, explaining, and not paying, trying to make Hao Lin feel her sincerity.

In the end, Hao Lin was finally moved by her and stopped, "Mengmeng, you really just think we are developing too fast, not just playing with me?"

"Uh um, of course, of course." Xiaocai nodded again and again.

Hao Lin thought for a moment and held out a finger, "Then you promise me one thing, as long as you do it, I believe in your sincerity."

"No problem, no problem, what are you talking about? As long as I can do it, don't say one thing, just two or three..." The talented girl patted her chest and held a package ticket.

Hao Lin tickled her finger and motioned her to come over.

But when she heard Hao Lin's words, her eyes were startled, and then her head shook like a rattle, "No, no, this is absolutely not possible!"

Not to blame the young girl, Hao Lin actually asked her to lead herself and visit the cloning warrior's research laboratory. That experiment belongs to the current key project, which clearly stipulates that unrelated persons are not allowed to participate. Not to mention that the young talented girl does not dare, even if she dare, she does not have the authority to lead people in. If an outsider wants to enter, he must apply to a superior leader, at least at the Dr. Xiaoyan level.

Hearing the talented girl didn't want to refuse directly, Haolin, who had just eased, suddenly lost his face and turned away.

"Hey, Brother Haolin, don't go..."

The talented girl hurried to hold him back again, "You change one, this... this is really not good!"

"What's wrong? Isn't it just a look? What can I do? Or, you are afraid that I will make something bad? Don't believe me at all?" Hao Lin was angry.

The young and talented girl's face was full of anxiety, "Of course I didn't believe you, this is a rule! And... why do you have to look at that? Then the research began, and even a complete sample embryo body did not come out, There is nothing to see?"

"There's nothing to see? That's for you! You don't know such things as clones and clone warriors. For men, this attraction is simply irresistible?"

"But the regulations..."

"My God, Mengmeng, haven't you heard of'Regulations are dead, people are alive'? Don't you be so rigid, okay? Are you a middle-aged woman?"

Upon hearing this, the young woman almost did not jump, "I am not a middle-aged woman!!"

"Yes, you are a young, beautiful and energetic young girl, so don't you be so rigid and so stubborn, okay?"

Haolin stretched out his hand and held the shoulders of the talented girl. "Besides, I want to see it because I am curious. Is there anything else I can do to destroy it?"

And the little talented girl was finally moved when she heard this-yeah, no matter what, he can’t do anything to destroy, and he can’t do anything to destroy... In this case, I just led him in to see, Is there nothing?

"Then...then let me try, I will apply to Dr. Liu tomorrow, if he agrees I will show you in!"

Hearing this, Hao Lin finally smiled, but he did not agree, but tapped gently on the head of the little talented girl, "You fool!"

"Then Liu Changsheng, he is a stubborn old man! If you apply to him, will he let me in? If I had the chance to go in, it would be a frustration!"

"Ah? Then what do you say?" The talented girl grinned.

"Well, I think... yes, today is the best opportunity!"

Hao Lin probed into the ear of the young talented girl, "The big leaders who are in charge have all participated in the arms exhibition. They are not here. It's better to get in! So... aren't you having a relationship with Dr. Xiaoyan? Just call her, just Say what you want me to do for you, you can just make a suitable reason and let the guards pass. Just enter the door and it’s easy to say, no one is watching...”


Five minutes later, the talented girl and Haolin came to the research building where the "Clone Warrior" laboratory was located.

The gate guard has received a call from Dr. Xiaoyan in advance, and has not stopped it.

But after entering the door, they did not go to the ‘data room’ they had said, but moved quickly towards the basement.

In front of a huge metal door, the young talented girl swipes the card, enters the password, and verifies the iris...

But the little talented girl didn't notice, just as she verified and opened the door, a strange smile flashed on her face and Hao Lin behind her...

This book is first published from the 17K Novel Network, the first time to read the genuine content!

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