My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1826: 5 years

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Chapter 1826: Five-Year Prison

The next day was Monday, but Mu Fei still did not go to school. Instead, he drove to the Beidu Military Region early in the morning.

Yesterday Luo Xue called to tell him that today the military court will open a trial to try Hao Lin and Xiaocai, the people involved in this incident.

Although Mu Fei was afraid of delays and had already set off 20 minutes early, he was late because he had done a very "two forced" thing-the military court was not located in the Beidu Military Region, but was established in the territory of Beihe Province , Is an independent military management area.

No, it is too late when Mu Fei finds something wrong and rushes to the ‘military court’. He had been in court for a short time when he arrived.

This so-called ‘military court’ is not as big as an ordinary court outside. It is relatively small, and the various facilities in the courtroom are also very simple.

Mu Fei went in and looked around, and soon found Luo Xue in the hearing room. There was still a vacant seat next to her, which was obviously reserved for Mu Fei. The No. 3 head and several other leaders are sitting at the front, and the second row are those of Dr. Xiaoyan.

'what? ’

Seeing Dr. Xiao Fei Mu Fei slightly puzzled-she didn't mean that she put the little talented girl and Hao Lin, is she also responsible?

But naturally, he couldn't ask Dr. Xiaoyan himself.

Mu Fei walked to Luo Xue and sat down, pointing to Dr. Xiaoyan, and asked in a low voice, "Luo Luo, didn't you mean that Dr. Xiaoyan was also responsible for this incident? Why is she here, but the young talented girl has to be tried? "

"Dr. Xiaoyan was also punished. She has been suspended, and she cannot participate in the "confidential" research project again for three years. She can only do ordinary research. She is outside because she did not directly participate in it. The incident, but the young talented girl was directly involved." Luo Xuexue did not look back, explaining.

"Oh, so." Mu Fei understood.

But he found another problem-he came, and Luo Xue didn't look at himself, but looked at the front with a cold face. And not just her, but several scientific researchers nearby, they were all filled with indignation and full of anger.

"Lolo, what's wrong?" Mu Fei whispered.

"Hao Lin's **** turned over the confession in court and wanted to pull the little talented girl into the water!" Not to mention, at the mention, Luo Xue's white face was flushed with rage.

Mu Fei could not help twisting his eyebrows and asked, "What did he say?"

"He said that the talented girl is the same as him. He is only in charge of liaising with the underground organizations of the island country. As for how to steal the material, the talented girl is responsible. Their action is also the idea of ​​the talented girl!" Luo Xue explained. Bite, look at her look, I wish I rushed up and beat the Haolin meal.

But when he heard this, Mu Fei was puzzled. "Is it necessary for the young talented girl to be an associate with him. Will the young talented girl go in and steal the information? Is it necessary for him? Such a mentally retarded lie. Does anyone believe it?"

"The evidence is solid now, of course no one believes him, but the problem is not this!"

"The young talent has worshipped him since he was a child. Three days ago, he hung'Hao Lin brother' on his mouth. Those who are a little familiar with it all know that the young talent has a little thought. And what do he do to the worship and trust of the young talent? Not only did he use the talented girl and kidnapped the hostage as a hostage, it was all about to die. He even wanted to pull the talented girl back. He was just like a wolf heart and a pig dog!!" Luo Xueqi was all cursed. .

Mu Fei probably guessed the meaning of Haolin.

It turned out that he did it all by himself, and the trial must not be light. When he wanted to pull the young talented girl into the water, he changed from one person's responsibility to two people. Correspondingly, his trial will be lighter.

for example.

If it is only his responsibility, he may be a traitor indefinitely.

But if he can pull the talented girl into the water, both of them may be thirty years.

Obviously, for him, the second one is better. It's just... is this really a human thing?

Mu Fei looked up, and Hao Lin and Xiao Cai Nu were each held by two soldiers. Hao Lin was beaten by Mu Fei before, with heavy gauze on his face, and he couldn't see his expression.

In fact, Mu Fei has long felt that this Hao Lin is not a good thing, but I did not expect that this product will be shameless to such a degree... This is simply the king in the scum, the best in the scum!

Look at the little talented girl again. Although her face is cold at this time, Mu Fei clearly sees that she is holding on. The sparkling crystals in her beautiful eyes have betrayed her-I have to say that she can insist on not crying. Already very strong. After all, she is just a little girl under the age of nineteen.

But Haolin didn't even look at her and ignored her completely.

‘When she comes out, she must be persuaded to wear new glasses. Actually secretly love this kind of rubbish, what does your eyes become myopic? Not two thousand five hundred Baidu's? That's ten hundred and five hundred! Mu Fei hurt the talented girl in her heart.

The proceedings in court continue.

Sure enough, Haolin's lie that was full of loopholes could not deceive the wise judge, and all his remarks were rejected.

In fact, if Hao Lin did not turn over the confession in court, I am afraid that Mu Fei would not come, and the trial process is over-after all, the evidence is conclusive, and Hao Lin cannot refuse even if he does not want to confess. As for his confession this time, it was just a dying struggle and a farce, which had no effect.

Next, there was another process, which took more than ten minutes and finally came to the moment of sentencing.

"All rise!"

Everyone stood up, including the judge. The judge declared aloud, "According to the provisions of Article 102 of China's Criminal Law, Hao Lin colluded with foreign armed forces and intended to disclose state secrets. The crimes are clear and the evidence is clear. , Has constituted a conviction for the country, and the circumstances are serious. The sentence is as follows: Hao Lin, committed, treason, sentenced, capital punishment! suspended for one year!"

After the judge pronounced the sentence, Hao Lin, who was wrapped into a mummy and could not see his expression, finally responded. I saw his eyes widened, and his eyes were full of unbelievable.

"Death penalty? How could it be death penalty?"

"It's unreasonable, I don't agree! I don't agree! I want to appeal!!"

Hao Lin refused to admit his fate. Next to the judge, an assistant-like person waved his hand, and the two soldiers dragged Hao and straightened out Hao Lin.

"Lolo, what's wrong?" Mu Fei whispered to Luo Xue-he felt Luo Xuefen's fist clenched, and he seemed a little nervous.

"Even if it is a crime of treason, it is not all capital punishment. There are thirty years, lifeless, and the heaviest is the death penalty!"

Luo Xue probe came over and whispered, "Dr. Xiaoyan and I guessed that this time Hao Lin should have been improper for thirty years, or indefinitely. After all, he only behaved badly and had a serious impact, but in fact did not cause it The irreparable loss, but he was actually the death penalty...He was so heavy, I am afraid that the young talents will not be light!"

Even if she is worried, things that should come must come.

After Hao Lin was taken out, the two soldiers brought the young talented girl to the front-by comparison, the young talented girl was treated much better. The two soldiers only pulled her clothes in a schematic way, with very light movements, in stark contrast to the violence against Hao Lin.

"According to Article 398 of China's Criminal Law, although Xu Mengmeng was unaware of Haolin's treason, his actions played a crucial role in the Haolin incident. At the same time, it was due to personal reasons , Bringing unrelated persons, etc. into the national secret area, which has seriously violated the regulations, breached the secrecy regulations, and caused serious consequences! Its behavior has already constituted a "missed secret" and the situation is serious!"

"The verdict is as follows: Xu Mengmeng, committed, confessed to the crime of confession, and sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment, five years! Immediate execution!"

"Five years? Did you make a mistake?" Mu Fei stunned.

"Is the sentence too heavy?"

"The young girl is only eighteen or nine years old, but at the best time, let her stay in prison for five years?!!!"


After the judge finished the sentence, the whole court was suddenly in an uproar, and all felt that the sentence was too heavy-in fact, in this small courtroom, most of them came for the talented girls. They all cried out for the talented girls.

But then again, this is a military court. All the soldiers who came here knew the rules. Although they were dissatisfied, they only whispered and no one made trouble. In fact, at this point, Mu Fei's movement may be the biggest.

Just between these people's discussions, the judge has announced ‘quit the to get up and leave.

Looking at the young talented girl, her eyes are wide, her two soft lips have become ‘o’, and her face is full of shock. With such an expression, she kept it for half a minute-her entire person had been scared out.

The two soldiers in charge of her did not want to embarrass her, and she gently pulled her sleeve a few times, "Hello, it's time to go!"

It is this reminder to let the little talented girl recover.

After seeing her react, her legs softened and her **** sat on the ground. Her delicate face turned pale, and her eyes also turned red.

She clutched her mouth tightly and tried not to cry, but she couldn't help it, and her tears fell like rain.

‘Five years, five years! I actually have to stay in jail for five years... Do I have to spend my youth in the cell? ’

Thinking of this, she couldn't help it anymore, " wow wow..."

She cried aloud, the tears could not stop.

It was not a way to see her this way. The two soldiers had no choice but to lift her up and help her go out.

Despite the pitiful cry of the talented girl, no one laughed at her. On the contrary, pity and sympathy are in everyone's eyes.

Eighteen years old, the average age!

The most beautiful season in her life, but to spend in prison... This punishment is indeed too heavy for her, she is just a child!

Looking at her crying pear flower with rain, and thinking about the suffering she would have to bear afterwards, Mu Fei was quite unhappy.

He turned his head to look at Luo Xue. Although Luo Xue didn't cry, she was biting her lip and her eyes were red. Luo Xue was a person with a lot of love and affection. The good sister's youth is to be spent in the cell, she is also difficult to accept...

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