My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1830: Dig deeper

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Chapter 1830 Digging Deeper

With the understanding of Mu Fei, the three scars also admire him more and more.

Especially today, seeing the division commander Wang in the military area actually pulled out several soldiers carrying real guns for Mu Fei’s private affairs. The three scars completely convinced Mu Fei.

No, as the underground emperor of Shencheng, he actually ran to the intersection to meet Mu Fei. The posture was low enough, and the face was enough.

"Where are the people?" Mu Fei asked as soon as the three scars got on the train.

"Do not worry, Manager Hong is safe now."

Three scars were handed to Mu Feigen, "The **** said that Manager Hong committed an offense and wanted to be detained. In fact, they didn't even plan to send them to the detention center, they were locked up at the police station! It’s out. Isn’t it time that I’m free to come over and pick you up?”

Between the two talking, Mu Fei found that some black driving had started and started to move forward.

"Just follow them..."

The three scars refer to those cars, "That police station is not too far away, and if they drive, they will be there soon."

As the three scars said, it didn't take long, about 20 minutes, Mu Fei was led to a street police station.

At this time, the door of this police station had been guarded by a dozen soldiers with guns, and two large PLA vehicles were parked on the street at the door, and there were many soldiers on the vehicle. In front of the two liberations, there is a Jeep with a military license plate, the door is open, a fat man in a police uniform is talking anxiously with the people in the car.

Mu Fei stopped the car and got out of the car. Two soldiers came up with guns.

"Retreat! It's you!" The soldier was stopped by the yell before he asked.

Mu Fei followed his prestige. A middle-aged man in military uniform came down from the jeep and walked towards himself with smiles. It was an old acquaintance, Commander Wang of the Shencheng Military Region.

"Chief, trouble you again." Mu Fei shook hands with Master Wang to express his thanks.

Teacher Wang smiled and shook his head, "They are all own people, so you will get a share of it."

He pointed to the jeep and the fat policeman standing next to him. "Manager Hong is in the car, and there is the director of this police station. Look, what should I do."

While Commander Wang was talking, the back door of the jeep had been opened, and a beautiful woman dressed in a small suit with an upper body and a black skirt in a lower body, and ol walked out of the car.

Mu Fei stepped forward and hugged her tightly. Mu Fei felt full and soft in his arms, and a sweet fragrance in his nose.

He found out that, unconsciously, this beauty manager was already so important in her mind-fortunately, fortunately this time it was fine. If she really suffered because of herself, Mu Fei would really feel guilty all her life.

Originally, Hong Sufen was inexplicably detained and there was a fire in her heart, but when Mu Fei hugged her, she suddenly felt... this crime was not in vain.

After a while, Mu Fei released Hong Sufen and looked at her up and down. "Are you injured?"

Hong Sufen's pretty reddish face, her fair skin with a ruddy complexion, she seemed to be able to drip water. She shook her head and said it was okay-after all, this beautiful manager was mature and had seen the world, and she was not completely panicked when she encountered such a thing. If those ‘little girls’ around Mu Fei encounter this, I’m afraid they would have been crying.

Confirming that Hong Sufen was indeed no problem, Mu Fei was completely relieved.

"You wait for me in the car, let's talk later." Mu Fei asked Hong Sufen to get in his car, and he turned to look at the fat policeman.

If Mu Fei put it on the street, he specified that it was not in his eyes, but Mu Fei and Master Wang could ‘own himself’. He had to pay attention, and the kid’s eyes were really scary.

"I, I am the director of the Qijiao Police Station, Hou Shanfeng, sir, this, this is just a misunderstanding..." Seeing Mu Fei's eyesight was getting closer and closer, the director named Hou Shanfeng quickly explained.

But the answer was slap.


Hearing only a crisp sound, Hou Shanfeng stepped back four or five steps, waited for him to stand up, then looked up, a red slap on his face.

In the police station, there are many policemen. But so many soldiers with guns were standing at the door, they couldn't get out at all.


Slap in the face, then the mountain peak was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the youngest kid was actually the most ruthless. The soldiers under Commander Wang did not really do it.

Right in front of him, Mu Fei had approached him again, grabbing his collar.

"Speak, who made you do it? Who made you move me?" Mu Fei stared straight at him, his eyes cold and ice-like.

This waiting mountain is just an ordinary person, and nowhere can I stand Mu Fei's momentum. He felt as if he was being targeted by a beast. As long as he moved a little, the beast would bite off his neck.

That's why he couldn't raise a courage to resist, "Yes, it's Darry, he asked me to do him a favor..."


Mu Fei raised his hand again and slapped his teeth, scolding, "He will let you catch someone, you will catch, he will let you die, will you die?"

Fortunately, there were those soldiers who dispersed the passing people. There were no crowds here.

But even in this way, the old face of Hou Shanfeng had swollen into purple in the face of subordinates who suffered such abuse and beatings.

If this kind of person has the guts, he will certainly rise up to resist.

But I'm sorry, there are not so many people with guts in the world, especially some official lords. Their approach is not'common anger, five steps of blood splashing', but'gentlemen's revenge, not ten years late' Staying in the mountains, not afraid of no wood burning', Hou Shanfeng is such a person.

After getting angry, Mu Fei was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with him.

"Call the surname Dai and tell him to come within ten minutes. He will come one minute late and I will slap you." Mu Fei said no more, standing beside him smoking a cigarette and staring at him.

"Daily surnamed Dai, what kind of broken thing did you do? You'll come over for me! Ten minutes! Late, I will grass your ancestors for eight lifetimes!" Just screamed.

Darry also realized what was happening and came here in only twelve minutes. Mu Fei was very trustworthy, and Hou Shanfeng took another two palms.

Darry is a thin, middle-aged man who is less than 40 years old, with a pair of glasses on his nose, and looks like a'intellectual'. And he was shocked when he got out of the car to see the posture.

He walked up to the swollen nose of Hou Shanfeng and tentatively asked, "Old man, what's wrong with you? Who are these people?"

"Are you asking me? Are you sorry to ask me?"

Hou Shanfeng was so angry that he didn't answer him at all, and pointed at Mu Fei, "Your own business, you solve it yourself!"

After turning his head, he ignored him.

Dai Rui looked back, Mu Fei was staring at him with cold eyes, "Speak, who made you move me?"

"your people?"

Dai Rui was puzzled. After he saw Hong Sufen in the car clearly, he suddenly realized.

His reaction was to lift his head and raise his chest, and began to make official statements, saying that there are indeed problems in the steel plant and what serious consequences it caused. As the person in charge, Hong Sufen naturally has to control it first. This approach is completely reasonable. .

But after Mu Fei slapped again, he was honest-moving Hong Sufen, because he saw Hong Sufen beautiful, he started to crook his mind.

Still, if you want to find Mu Fei in trouble, you can directly rush at him and take his business, he can bear it. But he couldn't help but start with the people around him.

It was exactly this, Mu Fei punched and kicked, and the surname Dai was rolling on the ground, embarrassed-he did not know that this was already Mu Fei's mercy. If Mu Fei wanted to strike hard, he had already died dozens of times back and forth.

As for who ordered Cha's steel plant, he spit out a person's name, what was Yuan Haoyou.

Mu Fei's old tricks were repeated, and Dai Rui was called to call Yuan Haoyou. As for the reason, it was his business.

When Mu Fei turned back again, he saw Master Wang frowning and his face slightly dark.

"Boy, why did Yuan Haoyou target you?" Instructor Wang asked.

"I don't even know him, how can I know why he troubles me?"

Mu Fei's helpless hands spread, "Why, do you know this person?"

"I don't know, but I heard that this person is the leader of the province, deputy department level. I was curious, how did you get this kind of person..." Teacher Wang wondered.

Hearing this vice-level, Mu Fei also frowned-this opponent, hidden deep enough In fact, he called this teacher Wang to help, on the one hand, the situation was urgent, let them Save Hong Sufen first, and on the other hand come to give yourself a place.

Indeed, without the commander Wang and the soldiers, he could find these managers, but it would take a lot of trouble to ask something out of their mouths, and he was not sure whether the answer was true or false. But as they are now, these soldiers are going to this station with guns, the momentum is here, and they dare not tell lies.

In addition, even if things get a little bit bigger, let the opponents behind see that they don’t think they are just being beaten, not counterattacked.

But when it comes to the leaders in this province, can these soldiers still shock the scene? Mu Fei doubted.

But now that this step has been done, I think that those are useless.

After another 20 minutes, the man named Yuan Haoyou finally arrived.

The leader's appearance is unusual. First, there were a large number of police cars coming from the Wula Lala. There were more than a dozen of them. Even Mu Fei and others led military vehicles and surrounded them. A group of anti-riot special police came down and pulled away to confront the soldiers here.

Subsequently, a low-key black Great Wall approached and stopped on the roadside. The door of the car opened, and a strong-looking man in his early fifties walked out of the car and walked towards Mu Fei.

"Let me see who is so bold... actually dare to beat Zhengfu officials in broad daylight!" Yuan Hao Youyi said rightly and thundered loudly.

Just then, another car parked behind the Great Wall car. Two middle-aged men in tuxedo push the door and get off. The collars and cuffs of the clothes of these two people are marked with a "yellow star" shape.

And when Master Wang looked at one of them, he couldn't help but grin, "Why did his grandmother come from Zhou Xiangbei?"

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