My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1856: Best ending


Chapter 1856: The Best End

"I have asked the guardian family to come out of the mountain. What is the matter, you can do it!" Huang Panian made an ultimatum.

He thought that when he came here, the No. 3 head must be scrupulous, but he guessed wrong.

"Don't lift the guardian family, I'm afraid of you!!"

The head of the No. 3 didn't want to think about it, and waved his big hand, "I also tell you that although the kid is not surnamed Li, he is also a soldier of my men! More importantly, he has merit in the country, not only a little bit!"

"I’m not afraid of leaking. I have an important task ten days later. I want to dive into the investigation and stealing of foreign extremist organizations. These materials are extremely important for the research of high-tech weapons in China. If I get them back successfully, I can save at least five years. Hundreds of millions of research funds!"

"But this task is nine deaths, the people who can do this task, and the people who dare to do this task, there are not five in the entire country! You take him, who will take the task? Let you Huang family, those who have wine bags Is it a waste?"

"So, my old Li Bao him, not for himself, but for the military, for China!"

Having said that, although Huang Pannian is very hot, he is finally unable to refute-he does not think that his children are not good, but compared with Mu Fei, it is indeed far worse.

"You let me figure it out, okay, then my words will be here too-if you stop today, whoever is right or wrong in the past will be cancelled in one stroke!!! But!"

The No. 3 chief extended his hand and pulled Mu Fei over. "If you haven't finished it, and you have to embarrass Mu, then you declare war on my Li family!"

"Your Huang family has a guardian family, but my Li family does not? Other people are afraid of you, and my old Li is not afraid! If you don't believe you, give it a try!!"

As soon as the head of the No. 3 came out, Mu Fei and the Huang family's clients changed colors.

Mu Fei's face changed because he was moved-he also knew that the No. 3 head was good to him, but he didn't expect that he could fight for the Huang family for his own sake?

In fact, he didn't think of asking for help from the No. 3 chief before, but he felt that his affairs were too much trouble. Not only have the two Huang families been abolished in succession, the last Huang Yuewen will not be rescued, he will also have to be abolished by himself-such a big hatred, even if the No. 3 chief is here, can't he keep himself?

However, Mu Fei did not expect that the No. 3 Chief came not only at the most critical time, but also to protect himself... Indeed, this may also be the means used by the No. 3 Chief to force the Huang family to succumb, but Mu Fei was still grateful.

Huang Tianze was shocked-he didn't think that Li Jiaran would spare the guardian family in order to protect Mu Fei?

Others do not understand, but he knows that the guardian family generally only unconditionally helps when the family or country is in danger.

As for other times, the guardian family only gives the family three tokens every ten years, and can ask them to help three times. The Huang family is not bad. I haven't encountered any difficulties. The three tokens are kept intact, and no one is wasted.

But the Li family's three tokens have already used two, and only one is left...He is willing to use this last one for Mu Fei?

‘This...’ Huang Tianze doesn’t know what to say.

And what he knew, his father Huang Pannian naturally knew.

In addition to the consternation, the old man was more angry-in fact, he had some contact with the No. 3 chief when he was very young, not to mention how good the relationship was, but he also had a familiar face, and occasionally had some contacts, which was considered a ' Acquaintances'.

He never imagined that today's "old acquaintance" actually turned himself up for a foreign kid, and he did not hesitate to get into a "war"...

"You... Old Lee, you..."

Huang Pannian pointed to the No. 3 chief, his angry old face was red, trembling, and many bloodshot eyes appeared. Huang Tianze saw him in a bad state and hurried over to help him.

In the end, Huang Panian still compromised.

"The last time...this is really the last time, you dare to move us a hair again, even if the old Lee protects you, even if you fight my old bones, I will let you pay the price! Let's go!"


After Huang Pannian finished speaking, he looked at the dissatisfied head of No. 3 and hummed, and took back the wheelchair.

Feng Bo pushed Huang Panian away, and Huang Tianze looked at Mu Fei and No. 3 Chief with complicated eyes, and quickly followed.

Indeed, he was very unwilling. Huang Baoguo is no longer angry, and he is also his son. His son was abolished as eunuch, and neither father could bear it.

But having said that, let him violate the principles and guidelines in his heart and deal with Mu Fei he dare.

But now the Li family protects Mu Fei so much, if he really caused a war between the two families because of this, he would be a sinner. He dared not do anything about this-although he didn’t want to admit it, the truth That's it, the Huang family is indeed a little afraid of the Li family.

The Huang family has gone, and the attitude of Mu Fei, the head of the No. 3 chief, has made Guo'an and Xing's group difficult to investigate, and they have retreated.

As for the ordinary policemen and special policemen, most of them have also ended up, leaving only a small number of people to clean the battlefield.

"I withdrew first and said later."

Lan Jiang didn't even talk to Mu Fei, but when he passed by, he murmured and left quickly—he was still very visionary. On the one hand, he was afraid of causing trouble to Mu Fei.

On the other hand, they are also ‘trainers’ and ‘persons of the rivers and lakes’ who do not like to contact official forces such as the military, Guoan and Xing.

But despite his carefulness, he still could not hide the No. 3 head.

"You are playing with fire, you know?" The old man looked at the direction of Lan Jiang's evacuation.

Mu Fei did not speak, but of course he knew: This kind of behavior of cultivating private forces is a very taboo thing, and the country is absolutely not allowed-yes, you say you are just for self-preservation and will not harm National security endangers society and people, but who believes?

The country has only one way to deal with this kind of behavior, that is-rather killing a thousand wrongly, letting go of one, and absolutely not allowing similar forces to exist!

Yes, Mu Fei has some skill and some power. Today it seems to be against Guo'an and the Star Group, and it doesn't fall, but this is useless. Because Mu Fei knows, all this is just an illusion today-both Star Group and Guoan, are not inferior to Feng Bo, and the master of the old monk exists, and it is definitely not one or two.

It's just that something happened today, and they didn't show up at the extreme time. And if there are really other masters like Feng Bo today, even if there is only one more, then there is only one result of his own, that is, he is captured.

In short, unless the official does not want to control you, if you want to control it, let alone Mu Fei, even if it is multiplied by five times or six times, it is not an opponent!

This is why the No. 3 chief said Mu Fei'played with fire'.

Mu Fei thought that this old man had to teach himself another meal. Who knew he had guessed wrong, this time the No. 3 chief really did not scold him.

"Okay, don't say you anymore, you know what you know..."

"Go to me in two days and tell you about the task..."

After finishing the speech, the No. 3 chief turned and left. Wang Zao patted Mu Fei's shoulder and followed him.


Looking at the direction the old man left, Mu Fei couldn't help but sigh-he never said'Thanks'.

It’s not that he’s not grateful, it’s just that ‘great gratitude doesn’t express gratitude’. He knows that this kind of gratitude is no longer a simple thank you...

‘I’m afraid that after today, I’m going to be tagged with the ‘Li Family’, right? ’

Mu Fei couldn’t help but think, ‘Forget it, you owe people money and you have to be rewarded by the grace...’

That's right, if there is anything else to be done by the No. 3 chief in the future, he will have no reason to refuse.

The old man went away, and Ye Tianming came over again. When he put Mu Fei on the shoulder, instead of persuading Mu Fei to be careful, he said, "Boy, well done, like the servants of the Huang family, you have to beat and die. , No mercy!"

"Lao Tzu is so special that he can't look down on the gang of bastards, they are not good things! They are all officials, even if they take up a place and do nothing, even if they are just pretending to be bullying people... Now, this is the group of **** who defeated..."

Mu Fei saw it, and it was a character who feared the world would not be chaotic.

And he wanted to say a little more, but the phantom pupil could not wait shouted and shouted, "Night, you hurry up? Girls? So ink? Quickly send me back to the dormitory !"

Not only Mu Fei can't afford this grandmother, but also Ye Tianming, he hastily responded, "Come here, come soon..."

"Boy, listen to me. If the Huang family dare to provoke you again, you will continue to beat and fight to the death! If one is really killed, it will be killed for the people! If you can't fight, you will call the brother, who will help you !"

Ye Tianming finished, and hurried away.

As far as Mu Fei and Chief No. 3 are concerned, Ye Tianming said this, everyone should withdraw, and the rest of those who cleaned the mess are almost the same.

Five minutes ago, it was like a battlefield. Five minutes later, the two sides retreated, and here quickly returned to normal. That ‘war’ seemed to have never happened. Mu Fei did not expect that this was the final result.

He thinks carefully, it seems to have been the best result.

Huang Baoguo, the culprit of the whole thing, did not die, but presumably let him be the **** for a lifetime, which is more uncomfortable than letting him die. The same thing happened to the yellow panther whose bad idea was discarded by himself.

The only uncomfortable thing is that Huang Yuewen and the last **** did not pay a price.

But although they hold their breath a little, they should hold their breath more than they do!

In short, this hatred is paid!

You and your confidantes do not have to leave your hometown to prevent revenge. Xiaomeng's cultivation bin does not need to move, which saves a lot of danger.

More importantly, the words of the No. 3 chief were there. The Huang family would not dare to revenge, and they should not dare to retaliate against themselves-they were not afraid of themselves, but if this really caused the battle between the Li and Huang families , Then no one can afford this consequence...

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