My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 1863: Prayer blessing

Chapter 1863: Blessing Offering

Jiang Jindie also snickered by covering her mouth, a gloating appearance. ??Huoranwen??? Seeing Mu Fei looking up, she slightly tilted her head and put it on Mu Fei's shoulder, "How is it?"

Actually, before, Mu Fei is really bad about this. But after Xu Xiaomeng came, Mu Fei found that he liked the ‘maid’, and he was really not resistant to this costume.

"Super sexy, awesome!" Mu Fei finally gave her a thumbs up without damaging the prodigal apprentice.

"Humph! You can talk..."

Jiang Jindie looked up with satisfaction, the smile on her face could not be concealed-she was indeed very happy, although she also wore bizarre clothes at home, but she did not wear such a formal cos outfit at all. Besides, this person is playing with her, which is much more interesting than looking at herself in the mirror.

And Mu Fei turned his head to look again, although Lin Ruoyi didn't speak beside him, but the shameful red face and hopeful eyes were clearly waiting for Mu Fei's praise.

"Pretty, beautiful!" Mu Fei also gave her a thumbs up, her face redder-Mu Fei was helpless for Lin Ruoyi's character. They have been together for two years. The husband and wife are always shy.

At this time, Xu Xiaomeng took a towel and jumped out. She used the cold towel to help cool Mu Fei's nose, and asked with a smile, "Brother, you haven't praised Xiaomeng..."

Mu Fei looked at it at once and couldn't help but praise, "Cute, you are the cutest."

"Cough, in fact, brother, you know it without saying Xiaomeng..." Xu Xiaomeng squinted and smiled, and his face was filled with reason-well, this girl's face is getting thicker and thicker.

"Uh huh!"

At this time, Mu Fei heard someone dissatisfied.

Looking at it again, Mibebe is pinching her waist, closing her eyes with a small face, a look of ‘You should praise me’.

"Hmm, Babe also..."

And Mu Fei also looked her up and down, and finally said, "Oh, forget it..."

After that, I watched the other three beauties.

Mbebe was annoyed at once, "Hey, hey, senior, how can you do this! Why are they sexy, beautiful, and cute, it's'forget it' to me, what does it mean? You tell me clearly !"

And Mu Fei ignored her, still staring at the other three, the eyes were almost staring out.

Mi Beibei expressed dissatisfaction with Mu Fei and ignored her. She flicked her lips and showed dissatisfaction on her pretty face. "Huh, I'm too lazy to compare with you, I will clean you up later..."

He said, as if this hadn’t happened, he immediately digressed, “Then, since the seniors are back, let’s not be idle and dress him up too. Xiaomeng, get clothes. Little Sister , Big cow, you two help the seniors change..."

"That's great!" Duo Loli responded and turned away. Jiang Jindie and Lin Ruoyi pressed Mu Fei on the sofa and started to be busy with him.

"What? What about me... I don't want to... Hey..." Mu Fei still wanted to get rid of it, but he couldn't stand the four girls' enthusiasm, and he was not upset.

Three times, five times apart, Mu Fei was changed into a be exact. White shirt, black dress, bow tie and leather shoes, and white gloves. Mu Fei looked in the mirror. Not to mention, it really means a little brother.

Mu Fei just feels average, but in the eyes of others...


"Brother is so handsome~"

"My master is dressed up, really like a dog..."

I don't know if it is Xishi in the eyes of my lover. Anyway, these four girls are all a little bit staring at this moment.

"Ok, let's start taking pictures..."

Mibebe clapped his hands and began to direct, "That... Sister Xiaodie, you come first, you and the seniors are together... yes, that's it..."

"Xiaomeng, sit down and let Senior Student Mu Fei lie on your lap and have a knee pillow."

"Big cow, you sit on the sofa, senior, you put your head on the big cow's chest...why, why are you hitting me? It's not good to let you take advantage?"

"Sister Xiaodie, you and the big cow are holding each other's arms, holding the senior's arm...ok!"


This shot was hundreds of photos, and took an hour.

And for the first time, Mu Fei didn't feel tired-nonsense, hug your arms around you, how could a man feel tired?


Mbebe clapped her hands, "Okay, let's rest first. When Sister Xue comes back, let's take another big picture!"

"Show me photos..."

"Xiaomeng first look at Xiaomeng first look!"

Lin Ruoyi, Jiang Jindie, and Xu Xiaomeng all got together and grabbed the camera to see the photos.

Mi Beibei came to the sofa and sat on Mu Fei's lap without any mercy, blowing hot air in his ear, "Senior, how are you? Hug left and right, unhappy? Babe's'assistance', awesome Right?"

Not to mention, although this girl is super annoying, but today, it is really good.

"Super power!"

Mu Fei was in a good mood at this time, unable to hide the smile on his face. He gave a thumbs up and gave Mibebe a thumbs up.

But who knows that Mibebe changed her face, and asked dissatisfiedly, "I have done so well, should you apologize for the "forget" just now?"

Mu Fei thought, good fellow, this girl still has revenge! But in fact, you are not as good-looking as they are. The chest is flat like a washboard, and I want to praise you, I don't know where to go from mouth to mouth.

Mu Fei didn't answer, just looked around there as if he didn't hear anything.

"Okay, Senior, don't you apologize?" Mibebe pointed at Mu Fei with a small finger.

Mu Fei is spreading his hands, "Never!"

"Hmph, you will regret it~"

I saw Mibebe said, took my phone, turned over and looked at the photos one by one, "I still want to help the sisters to buy some cos clothes...Unfortunately, this girl was irritated by someone, not in the mood Beautiful, don't buy it!"

"Huh, look, how beautiful this cat girl dress... Sister Xiaomeng must be cute to wear..."

"Also, this cowboy costume, ultra low-cut breasts. Big cows wear this, it must be significantly larger, men see nosebleeds..."

"There is also this little devil costume, Sister Xiaodie must be super **** in this dress..."

"Look, there is this..."

Seeing the pictures of those clothes, Mu Fei made another fantasy according to Mibebe... well, he really regretted it.


I saw Mu Fei grabbed Mi Beibei's little hand, and his eyes were full of sincerity, "Good babe, the seniors are wrong!"

Mibebe stared at Mu Fei with his eyelids drooping-didn't you ‘never apologize’ just now? How can you admit mistakes so easily? Senior, do you change your face too fast? What about your morality?

Fortunately, Mibebe is kind, he is not embarrassed, and points to his face, "Uh-huh~"

Mu Fei naturally knows what it means, but with so many people, kissing her...not so good?

But he looked back and forth, the girls were looking around the camera, he lowered his head and kissed gently on Mibebe's face.

Mbebe suddenly grinned and smiled happily. She reached out to Mu Fei with a small hand.

"Huh? What does this mean?" Mu Fei asked inexplicably.

"What do you mean? Of course it's money! I'll help you buy Qingqu underwear..." Mibebe shouted for granted.

Mu Fei was startled and quickly covered her mouth. But her words were still heard.

"What's the matter? Brother, what are you talking about?" Xu Xiaomeng suddenly turned around and asked, her big eyes flickered and she was full of curiosity.

"It's nothing. Look at your photo..." Mu Fei waved his hand.


This loli is obedient, looking back at the photos again.

Mu Fei pulled out a card and stuffed it into Mibebe's hand, "Take it, buy it, I'm not afraid of it..."


Luo Xue didn't need Mu Fei to get out of the horse for the time being, and Xia Xue didn't need Mu Fei to help. Mu Fei had been idle for the past two days.

If Mi Beibei had fun in the place they went to, Mu Fei would play with it. If you are not interested, find a place to drink coffee, eat cold drinks, and think about the task-he just thought about it. Before Xia Xue and others returned to China, he did not intend to do any substantive actions.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, Xia Xue's three-day publicity campaign was completed.

And for these three days, Xia Xue was able to see the "fast pace" of the island people-these three days, she spent almost in the process of non-stop propaganda, changing places, propaganda, and changing places, after work In addition, we will also meet with the editors of the island countries to study the promotion plan and various details.

She returned to the hotel every day, after ten o'clock in the evening, and at five o'clock in the morning the next day, she had to prepare for the work of the day.

When he was in China, Xia Xue thought he was working hard. But compared with the industry inside the island country, she found that she was too happy. At least no matter what other than painting.

According to the plan, the next day after Xia Xue's publicity ~ ~ is to go to Akihabara to take a good stroll. But Xia Xue was really exhausted and could not move around at all, so the plan had to be cancelled.

"Hey, let's change our itinerary... Let's go to the hot spring first! After tomorrow, go shopping. The hot spring is not tired, and it can also relieve fatigue and restore physical strength. Isn't this suitable for Snow Sister?" Mi Babe suggested.

And her proposal immediately won everyone's support.

Go ahead and say, before coming, neither Mbebe nor Lin Ruoyi did much homework, they had already decided which hot spring to go to. Call to reserve a room, then call two taxis, and a group of people go directly to the hot spring hotel.

This hot spring hotel is located outside Tokyo City, in a small hill forest, deep trails, surrounded by green forest, looks very good environment.

Just before going, everyone was looking forward to it. After entering the fountain, everyone couldn't help but be disappointed.

"Huh? Senior, why are you outside? There are too many people on your side?" Mibebe in a bathrobe in the corridor asked, Lin Ruoyi and Xia Xue behind her.


Mu Fei reluctantly spread his hands, "The spring is not big, there are many people."

That's right, there is nothing to say about the environment of this hot spring hotel, because there are too many people.

Perhaps the islanders are used to huddling together and chatting while soaking in hot springs, but Mu Fei is not used to it—the huge hot spring pool is full of people, shoulder to shoulder, foot to foot. In Mu Fei's words, it means ‘no place to go’.

"sorry Sorry……"

At this time, a middle-aged woman dressed in a kimono or a yukata came stomping with broken steps.

"There are too many people coming to participate in the blessing festival, and I have not been able to take care of the guests who come from afar. I am very sorry..." The woman bowed to Mu Fei and others, and she said apologetically...

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