My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 392: Mysterious identity

   Chapter 392 Mysterious Identity (1st 1st)

   "No, I'm not going to kill me until I'm sure that one million is mine!!"

   Mu Fei said, he crouched on the ground like a lame, and looked like he was still alive.

   And the police who wanted to take away Li Xiaoyu and Zi Ming had no choice.

Li Xiaoyu put his hands in his pockets, his face was expressionless, Zi Ming was smirking with disdain on his face, the two stood there motionlessly, looking at these policemen with a cold face, the expression was like watching a movie, Obviously they were not taken into consideration.

Seeing that the three of them did not cooperate, the lead policeman couldn't help but get angry. "Okay, don't you go? Isn't it blaming us? You're welcome... Come on!" The lead policeman shouted, again Six policemen ran over.

   "Mori, what's the matter?"

   "Mori, you instructed..." several policemen responded.

   "I suspect that these three people illegally possess firearms and have criminal suspicions. They will be detained for me and taken back to the bureau..." Director Mori said.

"Yes, Mori..." A few policemen responded, and hurriedly approached the three men. Two took out handcuffs to detain Li Xiaoyu and Zi Ming. The other four had guns and batons. I mean if you don't obey.

   "If you don't want to endure hardships, just cooperate and come back with us..." A policeman stared at Li Xiaoyu and Zi Ming.

  At this time, Li Xiaoyu made a wink to Ziming.

  子heha smiled twice, "If you don't want to endure hardships... just cooperate? Ha ha, your police in Binnan, can't handle cases, playing tricks, but it's quite awesome..."

   said, with a provocative smile on his face, "Today, I want to see who of you dare to take us..."

   "Yeah, dare to call the number?"

These little policemen are usually used to being arrogant. At first glance, Ming Ming dare to yell and suddenly get upset, "We just want to take you away, how are you? Don't try to resist, if you resist, the gun is very easy to fire and hurt people. ..."

   The threat in this policeman's words is obvious. The other policemen looked at the three kids with sneer.

   Many northerners, especially Binnan, have a disadvantage. It is arrogance, combativeness, and no self-knowledge. Many ordinary people have no power, but it seems that my father is a king and a fearless one.

   That kind of rampant, let alone ordinary policeman, it seems that the president of the country is not as good as he is.

  When the police really brought them into the bureau, after a hard meal, they were honest. One by one begging grandpa to sue grandma, he called these policemen ancestors.

  The police have seen too much about Zi Ming's clamor. Naturally, they only regarded Mu Fei, Li Xiaoyu and Zi Ming as the kind of fool who obviously had no power and no power but had to pretend to be 13.

   But they were wrong.

   The policeman who wanted to buckle Ziming, just went to pull Ziming's arm, but found a hard state, something cold on his head, but he scared his legs.

  Because Zi Ming was holding a black lacquered pistol with cold light, he was pointing at his head.

   "If you don't cooperate, let us suffer? Let's try it..." Zi Ming said with a sneer.

   said, took a handful of Mu Fei, and pulled him behind him, "Boy, stand behind me, I see how they make us suffer..."

   "Wow......" For a time, the nearby policemen raised their guns at the three people.

   "No movement..."

   "Hurry down the gun..."

   "Ah, you, don't shake your hands, don't be impulsive..." The guy who was still clamoring before was really soft at this time, his legs were shaking with fright, and he said tremblingly.

"No wonder people don't want to see you, it's because of the scum among the police that you are doing for the tigers and using the work to bully the people, so the glorious words of the people's police have been discredited..." Zi Ming unhappy Speaking, the contempt and contempt in the words need not be expressed.

  And seeing this scene, the leading policeman could not help but also slightly twisted his eyebrows, and said with his heart that it was not easy to handle, this kid actually took the gun, and looked at himself as if he had no fear, apparently there were some heads, who are they? Just asked Liu Bureau clearly.

   thought this Chief Mori thought.

   But he didn't know. Even if he asked Liu Gao, he couldn't get an answer. Even if Liu Gao couldn't figure out the identity of Li Xiaoyu and Zi Ming, how could he tell him?

   And this does not understand the situation, things are not easy to handle.

   If these three people are just plain clothes with ordinary status, it is easy to handle. Take care of him, three, seventy-one and twenty-one. After the big deal, apologize to their boss, this matter is over.

   But if these three people have some origins, they were sent by the above people to investigate in "weifu", it would be a little troublesome.

  Mr. Mori again looked at Mu Fei and Li Xiaoyu who Ziming returned behind him. At first glance they are so young, unlike the people sent from above, there is a decision in their hearts.

   Forget it, whatever he did, Liu Bureau gave it away, and he was also responsible for the accident. Besides, there are still people on Liu Ju, how could these few yellow-haired boys fail.

   Thinking of this, Chief Mori got angry and twisted his eyebrows to Ziming, "You know, with your current behavior, I can order to kill you directly..."

   "Hum..." Zi Ming hummed softly, but didn't answer. He drew a dark blue ID from his arms and threw it over directly. "If you are not afraid of something big, you can order it and try..."

  Mr. Mori took the certificate and took a look. This small book did not know what the material was, but the workmanship was extremely delicate. There is only a hollowed out national emblem on the cover of this book, and there is a special character below, not even the name.

   And this book is extremely simple, a small card similar to an ID card, with only a photo, **** name, and a special number at the beginning, nothing else, it is simpler than an ID card.

   This is too simple, what is this?

  Secretary Mori looked at the card and was puzzled. With his knowledge, he had seen dozens of documents, but he had never seen such documents. But this thing doesn't look fake.

   At this time, a discreet policeman took over a document appraisal device, "Chief, give..."

   Section Chief Mori took out the card in the certificate and put it on the appraisal card tray. After the sound of "Py", Zi Ming's information appeared on the screen.

   "Name, Ye Tianming."

"Sex: Male."

   "Age, permissions are not enough to view."

   "Affiliated agencies, the authority is not enough to view."

   "..., the authority is not enough to view."

  A dozen pieces of information on the small screen, except the name and gender, can not be viewed. Seeing this, Section Chief Hesitated again.

   can reveal the information, indicating that the document is true. But the specific information can not be viewed, which shows that the origin of this person is not simple. These three people, can't afford it at low energy.

   At this time, a policeman came to whisper to report the channel, "Senco, Liu Bureau called again, and he will be there right away, telling you to be clear of the unrelated person before Jiang Zhengjun comes..."

   Hearing this, Senke thought about it, grabbed the credit, and got his own copy, offended the person, and Liu Ju was holding it. This sale is cost-effective and done.

  He thought of this, he didn't hesitate, raised his hand to Mu Fei, "all get me..."

   But these policemen pointed their guns at them, staring at them, but they didn't move. Who knows if they move, will the kid hit him with a gun? This early bird is still not good.

   "Stubbornness..." Zi Ming shook his head helplessly, turned his head to look at Li Xiaoyu, "Captain, can these people be abandoned?"

   "Random..." Li Xiaoyu spit out two words without expression.

   "Oh, I'll be relieved if you say..." Zi Ming said, the police officer who was about to cuff himself kicked his head, and turned the muzzle to Chief Mori.

  Senior Chief Mori is a policeman, but when it comes to low, he is an ordinary person. When he saw the muzzle of the black hole pointed at himself, he was startled.

  He just reacted. The person in front of him was not a policeman. He only had sticks and choppers in his hands. He could have a gun. What if he opened a hole for himself.

   "You, what are you doing, quickly put you down, do you know the assault police..." He sighed in his mouth, but wanted to hide behind other policemen.

   When the policemen saw Senco, they wanted to use themselves as shields, and they also avoided them, fearing that Ziming would shoot, and he became a dead ghost.

   And those policemen who were a little further away still held guns, but Ziming didn't shoot, and they dared not fire, fearing that they would offend someone they couldn't afford.

   For a time, both sides were struggling.

   At this moment, an Audi with a police light in the distance drove quickly and stopped not far away. A slightly bald middle-aged fat man ran off the car.

   "What are you doing? What is the situation..." the fat man shouted.

   And as soon as Nasenko saw the fat man coming, he quickly caught up as if he had found the backbone of the main body, "Liu Bureau, it's such a thing..."

This fat man from    is naturally Liu Gao.

   Mu Fei heard that sentence, he knew he was Liu Gao, and his face was suddenly not good.

   For this direct, indirect finding of the **** who can't be less troublesome next time, Mu Fei hated it a lot. It was because of this guy that his family was almost calculated by Liu Hui. If it wasn’t because of his luck, he was afraid that he might have taken the trick.

  Asshole, after solving Liu Hui, the next one is you. I have to pick off this police outfit.

   Mu Fei thought bitterly.

At this time, Senco also finished the matter with Liu Gao. Liu Gao glanced at the series of "confidentiality" on the document appraisal, and suddenly said secretly that it was not When he saw even the "affiliated department "The latter item is all "in secrecy", he was even more surprised.

  Senco is only a small cadre. The people he contacts are limited, and there is not much information.

   But Liu Gao has contacted a lot of high-level "officials", but he knows it. The more "senior" officials are, the simpler they write on their documents and the more confidential they are.

   This is a bit like a business card. Generally, the veteran director or manager of a small company or small enterprise only writes the chairman or manager of a certain company in a certain area.

  Those with real financial or power cards often have no extra information, just a name and a phone.

   The information on this document is the same.

   There are some departments that do not disclose the identity of "employees". This is to protect them on the one hand, and because of the nature of the work on the other.

   And among the people Liu Gao has contacted, the most mysterious is the people of the National Security Bureau. However, even people from Guo'an cannot show up on this ID appraisal, but at least the department that they belong to shows the "National Security Agency".

   But this kid's certificate could not even be seen by the "affiliated department", which is obviously more mysterious than the National Security Bureau.

   They, who are they down to...



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