My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 565: Valuable crystal

Chapter 55

Valuable crystal

"Lao Li... Where did you get this thing, tell me. Hurry up!"]

The old man coming in pulled the No. 3 long shirt and shook him, the expression on his face was needless to say.

The No. 3 long eyebrow was shaken by him, "Lao An, what are you doing, are you so excited?"

He said, pointing at Mu Fei, "Here he brought it. Anything you want to ask, you look for him..."

The old man named An hurriedly changed his goal and asked Mu Fei anxiously, "Where did you get this thing from?"

"I picked it up in a cave in the Nitar rainforest while I was performing my mission..." Mu Fei finished and asked again, "That, I ask for advice. Is this thing...useful?"

Laoan couldn't help but glared at Mu Fei, "Not only is it useful? It's very important!!"

Later, Lao An introduced it, "This thing, called germanium silver horn crystal, is a foreign metal. This metal is very sensitive to sound and radio. It is sonar and radar, and radio transmission. This field has a role that other materials cannot replace.

With that said, you guys don’t understand, do you? Let me give you an example..."

"The sonar detection system made with this thing is at least more than double the detection distance made with traditional materials. Why is the US Army's submarine naval warfare invincible? His advanced power system is only one aspect.

On the other hand, it is because their sonar system uses this thing so that they can anticipate the enemy, the early fighters, or escape or fight, and can take reasonable actions..."

Lao An said, holding up the crystal with great effort, "and with such a large piece of crystal, you can allow two submarines to possess this world-leading sonar device..."

"Then... let me ask again, is this thing precious?" Mu Fei asked again.

"Why is it precious? Preciousness is not enough to describe it, it is simply worthless..."

Lao An replied with excitement, "Because of this metal, there is no such thing on earth. The only way to get the picture path is to wait for the meteorite containing this mineral to fall. Even in the country of the United States, there are few such large crystals... …"

"If you put this thing on the black market for auction... I estimate at least a starting price of 30 million yuan..."

"I depend on... so expensive!!"

Mu Fei was really taken aback, and then thought about it, still intending to contribute this thing.

"If I tell you, there are still many of these things... would you be very excited?" Mu Fei asked.

"What? There are many more?" Lao An was also taken aback, and he really jumped up.

I saw his voice trembling, "How many... how much?"

Mu Fei raised his eyes and estimated, "At least... there are dozens more?"

"How many... dozens of dollars?" After listening to Lao An, the excitement almost passed out.

"Okay... that's great... If we can really get all these germanium-silver crystals, then the combat power of our national submarine can be improved by at least 50%. Powerful..."

He said, pulling Mu Fei's wrist, "I'll contact the plane now, you come with me, we will go to the Nitar rainforest now..."

Obviously, this old Ann is a research maniac. After listening to Mu Fei, he will soon go to the Nitar Rainforest.

But Mu Fei came back from there, and when he heard that he had to go back, he quickly shook his head, "That, it's still forgotten, I will tell you lead someone...

Mu Fei borrowed the No. 3 computer to call up the map of the Nitar rainforest and pointed out the approximate range for Lao An. Lao An didn't even say a word, and ran out without saying a word.

"This old Ann...really, as soon as there is any research project, it follows the crazy..." Long No. 3 looked at the back of Lao An rushing away and shook his head.

Afterwards, he looked at Mu Fei and asked with great interest, "Mu Fei, that one piece is tens of millions, dozens of pieces but more than a dozen or even billions, you just hand it to the country? You just Don’t you feel bad?"

Test me? Buddies are not fooled.

Mu Fei thought, with a disapproving hand in hand, he replied, "Although the money is good, but it is enough... Then the dangerous things are not given to the country, are they sold to foreign countries, and when they make weapons and fight against us ?"

"Although I love money, Mu Fei, but the individual and the country, I still have a clear distinction between school and school..."

"Haha, good boy, well said, it didn't disappoint me..."

Long No. 3 patted Mu Fei's shoulder and smiled, "But now it seems that I will only give you a first-class merit, and it's a little bit smaller. I will have to give you another big merit in the future... "

"Forget it..." Mu Fei waved his hand and interrupted the No. 3 commander, "You don't need to remember anything for me, as long as you don't force me to join that special size unit, don't force me to go to the battlefield , I'm thankful..."

"Oh?...hahaha..." After listening to Mu Fei, the No. 3 long laughed, "Well, I promise you, I won't mention this thing before you graduate from college..."

"But after you graduate...but it's not easy to say...haha..."


That afternoon, Mu Fei and Li Xiaoyu returned to Binnan by plane.

However, it was only after leaving that Mu Fei asked Li Xiaoyu about the true identity of the No. 3 captain.

It turned out that the No. 3 chief was actually Li Guoxun, the vice chairman of the military department under one person of the Chinese Ministry and over 10,000 people. This person usually only hears the name when he hears the hookup.

Mu Fei was taken aback when he thought that he was sitting at a table with national leaders.

The real time for this trip was not long, and all the trips were on the way. Mu Fei and Li Xiaoyu waited for the plane to get off at more than five o'clock in the afternoon.

"I'm leaving..." On the way home, Li Xiaoyu said to Mu Fei while driving the car.

"Ah?" After listening to Li Xiaoyu's words, Mu Fei was slightly stunned. He knew that Li Xiaoyu left naturally to find a solution to the curse on him.

"Leave so fast?" Mu Fei asked.

"It's unhappy, in fact, the purpose of my return is to arrange Xiaofan, and the second is to see you, Sister Xue, how well Dawei has been. Both of these things have been completed, and I should solve my problems. ..."

"When will you leave? Do you need me to accompany you?" Mu Fei asked.

"No..." Li Xiaoyu drove the car without looking back. "If I don't, just help me look at Xiaofan. If something can't be solved, you can contact Magic Pupil and Rose..."

"Hu" Mu Fei knew Li Xiaoyu's character. He said no, then it would not be necessary, and it would be useless to say more. He could only sigh. "okay, I get it……"

Mu Fei said goodbye to Li Xiaoyu and returned home, it was already evening.

There are two beautiful women in the family, one big and one small. The big one has been "eaten" by himself. Although the small one is not "adult", he is also destined to be his own.

So now Mu Fei also let go, hug this kiss, that two beauties wiped each other to take advantage of it, and they lived really happy.

One night passed safely, and the next morning, Mu Fei called Zhou Haibin on the phone, wanting him to take him to his "industries" to see.

But when the phone was connected, Zhou Haibin's words made him feel bad.

"Boss? Thank God, you're back..." Zhou Haibin replied with relief when he heard Mu Fei's voice on the phone.

"Huh? What's going on? Why do you say that?" Mu Fei hesitated and asked.

"Don't say it, it's messy. I'll pick you up now and wait to meet and say..." Zhou Haibin finished speaking, and then hung up.

After Zhou Haibin received Mu Fei, he drove him in the direction of the suburb of Binnan, and at the same time, introduced him to things that had happened during this period.

Mu Fei's face grew heavier as he listened to him.

Originally, he knew that when he left, his industry would encounter some troubles and problems.

But he did not expect that they had so many troubles and the problems were so big.

Not only was his carnival club's bathing heart blocked, but the steelmaking plant was blocked, even the Xingbei Gang, which he used as a help, was almost even punished.

As for Li Donggang and Tong, they were almost never hacked to death.

It is strange that Mu Fei was happy when his own industry was hit and his friend was in danger. While Mu Fei was angry, he was not stunned by anger, but thinking about it calmly.

The dim truth of this thing, his brain slowly became clear, coming out.

Zhou Haibin's car drove quickly, and when he talked to Mu Fei about the events of this time, he had already driven out of Binnan, and because of the time, he could only give a rough idea.

Later, a small hotel on the outskirts of Chebinnan stopped in front of the car. When the car stopped, Hong Sufen was already looking complex and waiting there. She had both expectation, joy, embarrassment and worry on her face.

"Three, three, you are finally back..." Hong Sufen saw Mu Fei got out of the car and hurried up, although she was smiling, but she moved with tears in her eyes.

Mu Fei looked at her beautiful manager again. Her original delicate face seemed to be able to squeeze out the delicate and pretty face of the water. At this time, she had become waxy yellow, lost the luster of the past, and her big eyes were not as good as before. The whole spirit is very bad, and it is very haggard.

Obviously, she did not worry much about this time.

"I'm sorry, 3rd Brother, I didn't take care of your property...I..." Hong Sufen just wanted to apologize, and Mu Fei closed her mouth with her index finger.


"If you apologize, needless to say, I don't blame you..." Mu Fei hugged her and gently patted her soft back. "I know, you've worked hard, that's enough, isn't it? "

I put all his business... tens of millions! ! Tens of millions! ! ! It's all gone... He not only blamed me, he trusted me so much? ...

When he heard Mu Fei's words of trust, Hong Sufen was shocked first, and then there was an urge to cry.

"Such an adult, crying nose..."

After Mu Fei let go of Hong Sufen, she wiped her face and wiped away her tears. "No need to be depressed, the money is gone, you can make more money, the business is robbed, we can grab it back. As long as someone , There will be everything..."

Mu Fei said, pointing in the direction of the house, "Go, let's go in and say..."

Hong Sufen originally thought that Mu Fei would blame her for being unfavorable when she came back, and lost both his hard-won industries. She was even prepared to be scolded or even But Mu Flying back, not only did she not blame her, but also comforted her, how could such a move make Hong Sufen not moved?

Therefore, after hearing Mu Fei's words, he felt that his chest was filled with something warm, which was full of emotion.

At the same time, Hong Sufen's heart also raised an idea that she was so good to herself, and she must give him back in the future.

As long as he still needs himself, he will continue to help him manage the business until he does not need himself, or can not do it himself.

And when she stayed, Mu Fei, who had gone out for a while, turned around and asked, "Sufen? What are you doing standing silly? Let's go..."

"Hmm..." Hong Sufen's face was grateful, and his mouth was sweet. Then he shook off the two black silk legs and quickly followed, "Brother, wait for me..."

Brother, rest assured, what you lose, I will definitely help you earn more...

Hong Sufen thought with determination in his heart.

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