My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 602: Incompetent secretary

? Chapter 02 "Incompetent Secretary 17th 2

Hong Sufen led Mu Fei to the steel plant for inspection. The current plant not only resumed production, but also really had the tendency to reproduce the glory of the year. "Net" so the old workers, teachers, and old engineers in the factory are full of energy, and usually replace walking with trotting.

Seeing that the boss Mu Fei is coming, Li Guangxing was not idle. He called all the small leaders in the factory and sat down for a meeting to introduce Mu Fei to the exhibition and benefits of the factory. He also took his own products. Show Mu Fei.

Although Mu Fei doesn't know much about business, he also knows that the exhibition of the company is "slowly come". Slowly expand, slowly advance, and then become bigger and stronger.

And he looked at the upward arrow on the profit table that Li Guangxing gave him, and he knew that the factory's development speed was already very fast.

In just two or three months, the factory value has nearly doubled. It is not too much to say that it is a rocket to fly into the sky.

And more important than benefit is the potential of this plant.

Now, this factory Binnan has been listed as "Zhengfu Support Enterprise", at the same time, Binnan's "industry" ranking, this factory has entered the top 20 of Binnan private enterprises. According to estimates by "experts", the development of this factory into a national enterprise is a matter of nails on the board. All it takes is time.

After learning about the factory, Mu Fei and these "leadership" canteens had a big pot of rice, and drank less wine. He and Hong Sufen returned to bathing in the afternoon.

Only then did they return to the bathing heart. An elderly girl with a secretary-like appearance reported to Hong Sufen, saying that a surnamed Huang had been waiting here for a long time and said that he would see a "manager".

Since you want to foolish people, you naturally have to put on a shelf. Mu Fei sat on his office chair, facing away from the door and looking out the window, while Hong Sufen acted as a secretary and poured water into Mu Fei Duan Tu.

It’s not normal, a fat man in his forties and sweaty was invited in by the girl. This man was not Huang Chengliang who offended Mu Fei yesterday. Who else could it be?

"Then, that, may I ask..." Huang Chengliang entered the room and only saw Hong Sufen, but not Mu Fei. He thought he had made a mistake and wanted to ask, but he saw the chair turned around.

When he saw Mu Fei sitting on the office chair, his fat face was suddenly full of smiles.

Mu Fei took a cigarette out of the cigarette case and bit it into his mouth. At this moment, only listening to the crackle, a ray of flame passed on to his cigarette.

Mu Fei now understands why those bosses have included "little secrets". The feeling of a beautiful secretary is cool.

What did you say? If you have something to do, you can do it... uh...

Although our beauty secretary can't do that, but the beauty of the parents, when you look at it more often, you feel relaxed and happy, right?

"Hehe... this is not a partner of Wu Tian Group-Vice President Wu, how come there is time to come to me?" Mu Fei said with a smirk, knowingly asked. There was also an emphasis on "Wu Tian Group".

What the yellow fat man came to do was obvious. Naturally, because he offended Mu Fei yesterday, he was afraid that Mu Fei would trip him up and come to pay the punishment.

As a matter of fact, Mu Fei couldn't mention any big hatred for this fat yellow man. He could even say that he understood him a little.

Binnan is such a remote place where the emperor is far away, the father does not love the mother, and the dark side is so many that it is simply unimaginable for many people.

It is really difficult for a private enterprise without power to want to develop. Not only to face the "competition" of competitors in the same industry, but also to deal with the troubles from other aspects, such as gangsters on the underworld, the suppression of "related departments" and so on.

Binnan, those dark things are too much, like buying a driver’s license at random, like a police drug dealer, like a nurse wanting to go to the hospital, with a price tag of 150,000, and so on.

Mu Fei told Binnan about the situation in southern China before, but people didn't believe it and thought Mu Fei was nonsense. But these circumstances are real and real.

As for business matters, the same is true. Needless to say, just like your own factory, was Miao Yi's dad, the director of the Bureau of Industry and Commerce, randomly found a reason to block it?

This shows that if private companies want to develop, it is impossible to rely on them.

Therefore, he can understand Huang Chengliang's eagerness to hug Wu Tian Group's thighs, but he has no intention of retaliating against him.

But who knows, he didn't find him, he came to the door, who wouldn't pit him?

But then Mu Fei did not expect that he had wanted to dismiss the yellow fat man, but instead let the yellow fat man open his mouth and shocked him.

"Hey...hey, Feifei..."


Mu Fei spit out a quarter of the tea.

Nima, are you pure? Flying... Flying Master?

You call my brother I am too old, and also call my grandfather, you curse me to death?

"Giggle...Hmm..." And when he saw Mu Fei, Hong Sufen was amused and grinned.

She seemed afraid of destroying her atmosphere, and turned to find something in the pretending bookcase, but Mu Fei clearly saw her shoulders shrugging, obviously snickering.

You... your secretary is too unprofessional? How dare you laugh even the boss? See how I repair you in a moment...

"Fei Ye? Who is your name, I have such a youngest boy?" Mu Fei stared at Huang Chengliang uncomfortably.

"Ah? Not old or not, of course you are not old, I am just honored, honored, hey..." Huang Chengliang said with a smile, "If you don't like it, then I'll change one..."

"Come on..." Mu Fei hurriedly waved his hand, "Say the right thing..."

"Uh, okay. Fei... Brother Fei, I will just say something is right. Last night, I said a lot of unpleasant things in order to catch the Wu Tian Group line..."

"In that case, I was wrong... You are a large number of adults, don't know me generally..." Then, he handed a small box in his hand, "The small gift is not respectable, I hope you will accept it..."

Mu Fei took it over and opened it. Good fellow, but it was really a "little" gift, a gleaming Maitreya Buddha, a Buddha statue with a wide smile, an open chest and an open belly, and a kind of kind-hearted "mass" look.

Judging from the texture and weight of the Buddha statue, it is undoubtedly pure gold-in this case, Huang Chengliang will not be stupid enough to deceive people with fakes.

Mu Fei held the weight of his hand and estimated that the weight of the Buddha statue would be converted to gold price. If it was not manual, it would be at least 250,000.

And Hong Sufen glanced back at him secretly, and was slightly surprised, and spit out his tongue, thinking of a good guy... a big hand.

"Hehe..." Mu Fei smiled and pushed back, "Boss Huang, you still take back this gift..."

Upon hearing this, Huang Chengliang was a little anxious. Although it took him more than 300,000 yuan to give this gift, he felt a little pain. But as long as the business, the money can be earned. But if he really offended Mu Fei and gave him a messenger, he wouldn't have to do business.

As a vice president, his eyes are naturally not too short-sighted. He hastened to compensate, "Hey, Fei Ye, ah, no, Fei Ge... I know I was wrong yesterday. Although I said those words, I really did not target them. You..."

"Brother Fei, forgive me. Although my small business looks pretty on the surface, it is actually not easy. I am just anxious to take the line of Wutian Group..."


Huang Chengliang kept spitting bitter water there, but Mu Fei smiled disdainfully until he finished talking.

"You finished?"

"Uh... say, finished..."

"Then you can go..." Mu Fei waved and said, "You said those words, it has nothing to do with me at all. I only remember one thing, that is, the surnamed Wu wanted to deal with me yesterday, and You chose to stand on his side..."

"Ah? Brother Fei, you can't do this... If you don't feel sincere enough, I can add..."

Mu Fei waved his hand to interrupt him.

"This is not a problem that money can solve at all, you know? Yesterday, that surnamed Wu, you know what contradiction between him and him, you dare to help him? If I and he are the enemy of murderous father, endless, How dare you help?"

"I tell you, in the case of yesterday, if I had no one, even if I knelt down and begged him, and gave him a woman to sleep, he would not let me go, and it would break my leg, don’t say you I don’t know! This is me, some strength, just escaped. Do you say that this kind of hatred can be resolved with this little money?"

"Since you helped him get ahead, be prepared for revenge... I ask you, if someone wants to kill you on the first day, and give you some money the next day, you will be reconciled to you, and you will forgive him?"

"No, isn't it?"

Mu Fei said with a smile, and then waved his hand, "So, you still go back, ready to bear my anger..."

Upon hearing this, Huang Chengliang was almost crying, only to hear him crying, "Feige, oh no, Feiye, grandfather, you can't do this... my elder brother and I struggled for more than ten years It’s not easy to do a little business in the year..."

"I have an old one, a small one, and several employees are waiting for my public funds. You can't do this..."

"My group is a dad and a mom, so I dare not spend money and work diligently every day..."



Huang Chengliang had a painful runny look, "Wow wow wow" said, UU reading said this pitiful, said this miserable, as if he is a poor person in this world, and there are many people He couldn't live much longer.

At first, Mu Fei ignored him pretendingly. After a dozen minutes, it was estimated that it was almost the same.

"It's done, don't ink anymore. Are you bothered..." Mu Fei glared and interrupted Huang Chengliang's words.

Huang Chengliang immediately shut up and stood upright, only to see Mu Fei sighed helplessly, "Forget it, see you for such a sincere part, I will give you a chance..."

"Your company is a dry property developer, and it is quite famous..." Mu Fei said, raising his hand and snapping his fingers.

Hong Sufen was so impressed that he took a folder and handed it to Mu Fei, and Mu Fei threw it in front of Huang Chengliang, "I happen to have a project here, if you can realize this project for you, your previous fault, I Just don’t blame..."

And Huang Chengliang blinked at the folder, but he didn't know why, he had a feeling of being fooled... See "Web" without ads

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