My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 604: Zu Shaolong's family

?Chapter zero four   family ancestry of Shaolong 18th 2

After Mu Fei handed over Shiquan Mountain View to Huang Chengliang, another two days later, he always called and told Mu Fei that he had found the "news", and the two met about Carnival bathing. "network"

When Mu Fei arrived, the old man had been waiting for him in the "office" for a long time.

"Feige..." Mu Fei ushered into the house. After sitting down, he took out two a4 sheets and handed it to Mu Fei's eyes. "The one you asked me to check is called Zu Shaolong. I found the information... …"

When Mu Fei watched, he also introduced, "This kid is in a good family. His mother's name is Hu Li. He is the deputy director of the Provincial Department of Education. He is well-connected in the province. His father's name is Zu Yichen. A company mainly engaged in the production and sale of school supplies, called'Chen Long Jiao'. This "Chen Long Jiao" business is not small, and now there are many schools in our province, all of which are produced by them..."

"But at this point, you should be able to hear it, Fei Brothers. The reason why the Chenlong religion can be as hot as it is now is not because of how they pass the quality, but because of Hu Li.

Hu Li borrowed his position and operated a little later, so those schools naturally obediently ordered the inferior tools produced by the "Chen Longjiao" for students..."

"In addition to the superficial phenomena mentioned above, I also inquired some inside story, that is, although the couple is very affectionate on the surface, the feelings are not good. There are more than one Xiaomi outside Zu Yichen. And Hu Li But he is a fan of officials. He does everything in order to be promoted. Although he is still "cleansing himself," he was also promoted step by step by embracing someone's thigh by his own "slight posture".

Therefore, it is better to say that they are businessmen who work together to make money...

"As for the ancestor Shaolong who is in trouble, he is purely an innumerable second-generation ancestor, the second generation of Guanfu. Although his parents are not in harmony, he is extremely spoiled for him.

This kid has been doing good things all day long, that is, eating, drinking and playing, picking up girls to open a house, and harming the little girl. According to the information sent back by the brothers, he now has at least three girls in contact at the same time, and all have sexual relations...

"Oh, by the way, indeed, as you said, the kid does have a drug addiction. In recent days, I often get together with a few fox friends to play skating and spend money..."


In fact, Mu Fei doesn't need to read those materials anymore. The content on the veteran's paper is very simple and brief.

After listening to Mu Fei introduced by him, holding his chin in his mouth thoughtfully, he used to know that Zu Shaolong's family had some power, but unexpectedly, this guy's family was slightly stronger than expected.

In this case, Mu Fei was not afraid of him, but Mu Fei felt that if he really wanted to tease him, it would not be so easy to have his father and mother.

"Although that Zu Shaolong is just a fool, but now that his father and mother are spoiling him, it is inevitable that the old one will not come out..." Mu Fei said while stroking his chin. "Old, you go back and let the brothers continue to stare, and wait for me to think about it and study how to deal with the two old ones..."

"Okay, Fei, I'm waiting for your news..." The old replied, "Then I'll go back first..."

Before the old man went out, Mu Fei told him again, "Oh, old man, if the kid skates and takes drugs again, you will find a way to get some evidence..."

"Although it doesn't have to be so troublesome to deal with him as a little guy, but you don't think... the son of the deputy director of the Education Department is taking drugs, is it a very ironic thing, is it also a good news?"

After listening to this, how can I not understand.

I saw Lao pushed the glasses upwards, and there was a grin in the corner of his mouth. The smile was somewhat similar to Mu Fei, "Okay, Fei, I understand what you mean..."

After he finished speaking, he nodded to Mu Fei.

Later, Mu Fei touched the phone on the table and dialed out, "Sufen, didn't you? Come to me for a while..."


Inconveniently, Hong Sufen, dressed as a secretary, came over with lazy stretches. She stretched her arms upwards, and a small piece of bright white belly appeared. The red skin in the white was quite eye-catching. Mu Fei's eyes were all Straight.

Opening his eyes, Hong Sufen saw Mu Fei's expression, first hesitated, but then the corners of his mouth were upturned, whispered in a small voice, "San Ge this pervert..."

But despite what she said, she was very proud. She is still very confident about her figure.

"Bao, exhausted..." Hong Sufen asked, tiredly beating his shoulders lightly, "My big boss, what are you looking for me..."

"Sufen, what is the way to win a company?" Mu Fei asked.

"This... Under normal circumstances, it is nothing more than two kinds... If a multi-person joint-stock company can buy its shares, and when the shares are overwhelming, you will become a major shareholder, and you will be the last one..."

"The other is the direct acquisition, but in most cases, if it is not that company has a problem, it will not agree to be acquired. Of course, except for the purchaser willing to spend several times higher prices..."

"Why, brother, why did you suddenly think of this..." Hong Sufen also saw the information on the table when she spoke, and she took it in her hand and looked at it.

And when she saw the words "Chen Longjiao", she suddenly widened her eyes in surprise.

"Three, three brothers, wouldn't you want to get this company in hand?" Hong Sufen's white and slender fingers asked the data.

"Congratulations, you guessed it, plus ten. But no prize..." Mu Fei said with his hand.

"" Hong Sufen pointed at Mu Fei, her face looked shocked, and then she sighed helplessly, "Ah~~"

"Third brother, my third brother, I have all four jobs, is it not enough? Other companies all regard women as men and men as donkeys..." Hong Sufen pointed his finger at Mu Fei, " But you are ruthless, just treat me as a donkey..."

"Talking nonsense..." Mu Fei gave her a white look. "How can you be as beautiful as a donkey, even if you are a donkey, it is also a beautiful donkey..."

"Go, what are you talking about?" Hong Sufen was delighted when she heard the word "beauty", and her pretty face turned red. "You are a donkey..."

"`I didn't say that you are a donkey. Isn't that what you said first? I thought you were willing to be a donkey, so you followed what you said, and you still scold me?"

Mu Fei looked helpless, then shook his head, "It's really hard to be a good person this year..."

Hong Sufen pointed at Mu Fei and was speechless, and then squeezed out three words, "You are ruthless..."

Joke is a joke, a strong woman like Hong Sufen still will not forget the business. She glanced at the company's information, and then at Zu Shaolong's information. Mu Fei wanted to do what she already knew.

"Brother, according to the information, this company has quite a backstage, it is not easy to get it. Unless they are under any pressure, it is impossible to acquire shares or directly acquire the company..."

"After all, no one is stupid, no one will change the business when the business is good, right?" Hong Sufen asked back.

"You don't have to worry about those things. Isn't he stress-free? Let's create pressure for him..." Mu Fei asked with a smile. "You said, the opportunity came out. Can you help me take this company? under?"

Hong Sufen thought for a while, "If the funds are in place, I have 80% assurance..."

"That's it..." Mu Fei snapped his fingers. "Then you'll be prepared for this. If you don't have enough money to tell me, I'll find a way..."

"Ah... well... my life, it's bitter..." Hong Sufen's face was gloomy.

No wonder she complained that she was tired these days.

Two days ago, Mu Fei handed over the matter of the resort to her. That thing made her busy enough for the past two days. She couldn't even sleep well. Now Mu Fei has arranged an errand. Can she not be depressed? .

"Hey, you have to work harder this time. After all, I don't know anything about this matter. I can't believe anyone except you..." Mu Fei laughed, "I'll give you a big red envelope when I'm busy this time..."

"Cut~~Who is rare in your red envelope..." Hong Sufen glanced at Mu Fei through gold wire glasses. "It's still the same sentence, how much can you care about my employee, I will be satisfied..."

"Hey, yes, it must be..." Mu Fei replied with a laugh.

Speaking of which, Hong Sufen seemed to remember something, holding her shoulders and twisting her eyebrows slightly, a thoughtful look.

"Brother, you have more and more businesses now. Have you ever thought of integrating these businesses into one group and grouping them?" Hong Sufen asked.

"Ji, collectivization?" Mu Fei touched his head, questioning, "I don't understand, is there any benefit?"

Hurry, my third brother really knows nothing about business...

Hong Sufen slapped his head in depression, and then explained, "The group is to integrate one or several enterprises together to form a business alliance. In this way, these enterprises can advance and retreat together, develop together, and reduce management. Pressure on..."

"Normally, the general group is a business-related company, but this is not a hard rule, and the legal representatives of these companies and enterprises under your hands are you, so it should be no problem to set up a group. ..."

After hearing this, Mu Fei thought a little, and it seemed to be true.

Now I already have four businesses, and there are still many businesses that I want to do that I haven't done yet. If you continue this way, there may be a time when these businesses will be in a mess.

If the integration of these businesses into a group can reduce management pressure, it is not a good thing to be outstanding.

Thinking of this, Mu Fei confirmed to Hong Sufen again, "Making a group...a ​​lot of benefits?"

Hong Sufen nodded, "There are quite a few benefits..."

"That's long do you think it will take?" Mu Fei asked.

"Under normal circumstances... it takes a while, but I will do it under your banner... I estimate that within three to seven days, this can be done..." Hong Sufen said.

"Okay, that's the way to do it. You strive to settle this matter as soon as possible. Don't delay the acquisition of'Chen Longjiao' within two days..." Mu Feidao.


Hong Sufen neither answered nor refused. Instead, he laughed softly and took a teacup with an elegant sip, as if he had not listened to Mu Fei.

"Huh? Sufen, is there any problem?" Mu Fei asked.

"Hey, the problem is okay...but I feel tired these two days...Oh, my shoulders are so sore, arms, arms can't be raised..." Hong Sufen said pretendingly, with a painful expression Emoji.

And Mu Fei glared thought your acting is too bad? The comfort of drinking tea just now, in less than ten seconds, the arm can't be lifted? What about you ghosts?

But now Mu Fei is soliciting people, thinking in his heart, not daring to talk nonsense, and can only coax this beautiful manager.

"Oh, Sufen, these two days have been really hard for me. I'll go find a little girl and give you a massage..."

"Hey, looking for someone else? If you find someone else, you still have to use you?" Hong Sufen gave Mu Fei a white eye, "I really have no sincerity..."

"Uh... would you want me you?"

After hearing this, Hong Sufen blushed and smiled, "What's impossible? Didn't you say that you should be compassionate and caring about my employee? What's wrong with it?" ?"

After seeing how unreasonable she was, Mu Fei suddenly felt like she was being put together, and she could only pinch out three words from her mouth. "Look at you ruthlessly."

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