My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 818: new home

818 New Residence

"Weichen, you... are you too luxurious?" Mu Fei patted the rather luxurious big sofa, and asked a little helplessly.

Although Mu Fei did not know whether the sofa was genuine leather, Mu Fei could see that this thing could not be cheaper. The same goes for other furniture and appliances in this house.

Originally, Weichen Chen said that he helped to renovate his house. Mu Fei didn't care, but he didn't expect this guy to be so arrogant and so big.

But after listening to Mu Fei, Che Weichen waved his hand unintentionally.

"Luxury? Haha, fart. Idol, do you think these things are expensive?"

Che Weichen also patted the sofa in the same way as Mu Fei. "Indeed, this thing looks very upscale and expensive. Indeed, the price of this sofa in the furniture city is more than 120,000. But That’s just the “retail price”. Do you know if you want someone to buy it, how much is it?” Che Weichen asked.

How could Mu Fei know this, he naturally shook his head.

"This number..."

Che Weichen stretched out three fingers, "Thirty thousand yuan will get it! Your entire house is even decorated and equipped with furniture, I didn't spend much money, you don't care..."

Che Weichen waved his hand again and asked, "In a word, are you satisfied?"

He is so dedicated, can Mu Fei say he is not satisfied? Even if you are really dissatisfied, you can't say that.

Mu Fei can only nodded, "very satisfied."

"Hey, this is over..."

After listening to Mu Fei, Che Weichen also smiled with satisfaction, "Come on, idol, let's go around and I will introduce you to you."

"Idol, our house is decorated with environmentally friendly materials, which is absolutely harmless to the human body. And I have prepared all the furniture and home appliances for you. The color matches our decoration style. You will buy some life with Xiaomeng Supplies, you can move in..."

"Idol, the six rooms in this house, the beds I booked for you are one meter and two wide. I tell you, this width is the "best" width. Because one person can sleep, two people can sleep. Come on... then you and your girlfriend can try it in every room, hey, you know!"

"I asked the decoration company to change the top floor of your villa. It is now an open-air platform. I tell you, this design was proposed by me. You can be satisfied. Let's go up and see, haha..."

Che Weichen introduced the room to Mu Fei while pulling him upstairs...

Overall, Mu Fei is very satisfied with this house.

Although he was a little hurt when he spent money. But now when I look at the house, I imagine a warm picture of myself and Xiaomeng, Mom, Snow Sister, and Lin Ruoyi living together, but Mu Fei feels that the money spent is'too worth it'.

And Mu Fei also knows that all this is because Che Weichen is busy working around to make things so smooth. Although Mu Fei and Chen Weichen didn't know each other for a long time, Mu Fei could feel his sincerity for his new buddy.

Mu Fei didn't say more polite words, but thanks, he kept his sincerity in his heart.


Although Che Weichen has already completed a large part of the decoration, furniture and home appliances in Mu Fei's house. But in fact, he just got rid of ‘big things’ like home theaters, refrigerators, washing machines, etc.

As for ‘small things’ like bedding, chairs, computer desks and chairs, stoves, etc., he didn’t get them.

In his own words, everyone is used to seeing things differently, and these living utensils are still prepared by themselves.

Without these things, Mu Fei and Xu Xiaomeng cannot move in. So that afternoon, Mu Fei and Xiao Loli went to the commercial street to purchase daily necessities.

But when the party was about to leave, Che Weichen's phone rang.

He touched the phone and looked at the number on the screen, with a smirk on his face.

"Hey, idol, that matter was found..." Che Weichen smiled.

With that said, he answered the phone and pretended to have a disdainful tone, "Hello, who?"

Che Weichen did not avoid Mu Fei when he answered the phone. Mu Fei could hear the voice over there.

Just listened to a middle-aged man, and asked in a rather nervous, cautious voice, "Hey, President Che? Hello, how are you..."

"I am Che Weichen, but who are you? Do I know you?" Che Weichen asked again.

"I am Fei Qiu, the one from last night, hehe...but when we met yesterday, the atmosphere was not very good, and some misunderstandings occurred.

But President Che, I thought about it. Yesterday, I was wrong. I was so ignorant of Taishan that offended you and your friends.

I booked a room in Jinlong Bay today to make you and your friends guilty. I wonder if you have time at night? "

Yesterday, Fei Qiu, who was so arrogant, turned into a soft persimmon today, speaking in a low voice.

But Che Weichen didn't give him ‘face’ in the slightest and refused directly, “I’m sorry, I’m busy, I don’t have time!!”

Speaking, you must hang up.

As soon as Fei Qiu heard Che Weichen's words, he was anxious. "Hey, don't, don't. Don't rush to refuse, Mr. Che..."

"I know this is indeed my fault, but I am really, very sincerely apologizing to you and your friends today. If you don’t remember the villain, please give me a chance..."


While Che Weichen was talking, he looked at Mu Fei and asked what he meant.

Mu Fei thought for a moment and nodded.

"Since you have said so, okay, then I will sell you a face. But I can say that the ugliness is ahead, and I will not necessarily make it easy to go. Because I did not forgive you, it was not my final say. My buddies refuse to forgive you, I said nothing useful..." Che Weichen said.

"Huh, I understand, I understand. You and your friends can be there..."

Although Che Weichen didn't agree with him, Fei Qiu was relieved when he heard Che Weichen's relief.

"I really want to solve this misunderstanding this time, as long as you and your friends can forgive me, I can say anything. When the time comes, I will definitely express my sincerity..."

"Then I... I'll book it at six o'clock tonight, okay? I'm waiting for you and your friends in Jinlong Bay..." Fei Qiudao.

"Well." Che Weichen just hummed and hung up the phone.

"Wei Chen, you are really efficient. How did you make him honest overnight?" Mu Fei asked curiously.

Mu Fei was a little surprised by this car Weichen's method.

And Che Weichen closed the phone and smiled and replied, "That's not easy? Although this surnamed Fei has done a legal business in the past two years, he used to sell a lot when he started his business. The quality is not close, and the inferior products with sub-good quality..."

"And because of his products, he has also caused injuries to the elderly and children in the course of playing sports. It's just that the injured people are ordinary people, and he used the money to smooth out..."

"And for me, I asked my friends to turn this thing back out. In fact, those few things are not big things. Big things mean big things but small things. I just let friends mess up this thing. It’s more serious..."

"Then... what will happen to Fei Qiu in the end?" Mu Fei asked again.

"It's an exaggeration to say that killing him, but I want to let my friend run, let him go bankrupt, and go to jail for three or five years. It's not easy." Che Weichen said very relaxedly.

After all, he looked at Mu Fei, "So how to deal with him, it depends on what idol means. What do you say."

Mu Fei thought for a while, although Qi Mingxing encountered this, it was inseparable from Fei Qiu. But in the final analysis, it was his girlfriend. . Exactly his girlfriend, Xiaowen has problems.

If Xiaowen is the kind of ‘good’ girl, I’m afraid it won’t happen.

And from the current situation, even without this fee, I am afraid that there will be other big money in the future...

Thinking of this, Mu Fei replied: "It's not enough to ruin your family, but you have to teach him a profound lesson."

After listening to Mu Fei, Che Weichen smiled, "Understood, I got it."

After all, Che Weichen looked at his watch, "Idol, let's go back to the city first, I still have something in the afternoon. I won't pick you up for dinner, you and your buddy call the car to the restaurant, see you there ..."


Mu Fei, Xu Xiaomeng and Che Weichen went back to the city. After Mu Fei led Xu Xiaomeng to buy some daily necessities in the commercial street, he sent Xiao Loli back to the hotel and went to school.

When Mu Fei arrived at the dormitory, the three brothers were in the bedroom.

The boss Wu Changgang and the old Siliang Min are playing online games in front of the computer. And Qi Mingxing is holding a guitar, playing some music.

It was only then that Mu Fei discovered that Qi Mingxing was really talented in music. Not only did he sing well, but he also played a good guitar.

As far as Mu Fei is concerned, although his guitar level is a little worse than himself, it is not weaker than some professional guitar players. I am afraid that there are some singers in the bar who are not as good as him.

"Hey, the third boy, you're here..." Wu Mugang waved his hand when he saw Mu Fei coming, and greeted Mu Um. Mu Fei smiled and nodded in response.

"Brothers, don't greet you anymore, you are free to hail. Me and the eldest are opening black, ah, ah, dead!" Wu Changgang turned around, his character has turned black and white.

"Boss, you are a real pit," Liang Min said.

"Go, you are pitted. I was distracted by mistakes before I was killed. Wait, wait for my resurrection to see me not killing the Quartet!!!" Wu Changgang shouted and fiddled with his heart.

When Qi Mingxing saw Mu Fei, he only nodded to him and smiled slightly.

Seeing Qi Mingxing's smiling face, Mu Fei suddenly felt something.

That is the guy in front of me. . Mature.

Yes, it is mature.

Although Qi Mingxing is much larger than Mu Fei's birthday, Mu Fei, whether he, Wu Changgang or Liang Min, are all ‘children’. Still in the stage of going to school, picking up girls, playing ball, and playing games.

Mu Fei felt that he looked at them just as he looked at himself a year or two ago.

Actually, it's no wonder that Mu Fei has this feeling. Because people grow up, not years, but experience.

A 30-year-old man, if he hasn't experienced all kinds of wind and rain, then he is still a child.

On the contrary, even an 18-year-old boy, if he has suffered enough and has had enough life experiences, then he may be more mature than the 30-year-old.

As for Mu Fei, although he is very young, he has experienced things that many people have never experienced in his life. Especially during the period when Nigeria and Tajikistan performed their missions, he saw too many life and death.

Therefore, Mu Fei's psychology is far more mature than his appearance.

This is why he looks at Qi Mingxing and other people like children.

But just now, he found that Qi Mingxing experienced the stimulation of this matter, and the whole person has become a lot more mature...

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