My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 844: Zhou Manting's Little Happiness

Chapter 844 Zhou Manting's Little Happiness

Zhou Manting didn't know what Mu Fei pressed on himself just now, and found himself lying on the bed almost completely.

So, Zhou Manting wanted to be crooked.

"Little... Xiaofeifei, you, what have you done to me? What about my clothes?"

Zhou Manting's big eyes with tears in her eyes looked at Mu Fei in aggrieved expression. Looking at her expression, it was like being rude to the "good family girl".

Mu Fei was depressed when she saw her like this: I wiped it, did you make a mistake?

The buddy is busy all night, is there hard work without credit? If you don’t thank me, let’s just treat me like a pervert? Is my character so bad?

And when Mu Fei was depressed, Zhou Manting was even more excessive. She actually touched the pillow beside her and smashed it to Mu Fei, "Xiao Feifei, you, you bastard! I, I misunderstood you, how can you do this? Woo"

Seeing her like this, Mu Fei was really upset.

He didn't care about Zhou Manting's "playing", but she was clearly insulting her personality.

You are lustful, but you have a sense of justice. Don't say you didn't take advantage of you, even if you really take it, don't you still want to cure you? As for you?

"You... do you end?" Mu Fei asked in a low voice.

"Woo, you bastard! You bastard!!!" Zhou Manting still smashed.

Okay, now Mu Fei is really angry.

"Don't make trouble, will you?" Mu Fei grabbed Zhou Manting's wrist and grabbed the pillow.

"I bastard? Where did I bastard? My sister took you out of the dormitory, even bought a medicine belt for water massage, and waited for you all night, the eyes that closed at three o'clock, do I tired me?"

"You're fine, even if you don't thank me, you still treat me as a rogue. I'll ask you, am I a kind of person? Even if I am a little bit, but I'm also fair and fair, I won't take advantage of it. Right?"

"I ask you, am I the kind of person in my eyes?" Mu Fei's eyes widened, and the anger on his face made no secret.

Zhou Manting was roared by Mu Fei. And Mu Fei's words also played a role in helping her recall, and she seems to remember now.

‘It looked like yesterday… It’s really Xiao Feifei who brought me back from the dormitory, and Xiao Meng scraped me and massaged me again. Uh... so to say, me, I really misunderstood Xiaofeifei? ’

"Then...then my clothes..." Zhou Manting tentatively asked.

"Xiaomeng took it off for you! Stupid!" Mu Fei shouted angrily.

After he finished speaking, he shot the shochu bowl beside him on the computer table next to him, "Actually think of me like that, but I still want to help you massage again. Press a press it yourself..."

Mu Fei was really angry. He didn't want to start this guy anymore. He got up and left.

At this time, Zhou Manting finally remembered. She also realized that her misunderstanding was a bit loud.

"Oh, Xiao Feifei, don't go... don't go..." Zhou Manting reached out to touch Mu Fei's clothes, but touched an empty space.

In fact, Zhou Manting still values ​​Mu Fei very much. She has been growing up since she was twenty-two years old and likes a boy for the first time.

This is first love, first love. Can she ignore it? It was because of the importance that she was so nervous when she saw that Mu Fei was really angry.

While she was in a hurry, she couldn't care about that much anymore, and she jumped up and hugged Mu Fei from behind.

"Xiao Feifei, I'm not wrong. Don't go, don't go..." Zhou Manting whispered softly.


Mu Fei was slightly stunned, and he really couldn't walk.

Because Mu Fei was only wearing a thin home uniform when he was at home. He could clearly feel his back and was being held tightly by the two groups. In addition, there are a pair of delicate and smooth lotus arms around his neck.

In short, this feels good, and it's great.

Zhou Manting also realized his behavior and seemed a bit bold. Her face was slowly red.

‘My God... me, how can I do such a bold thing. Xiao Feifei... He wouldn't look down on me, and treat me like a bad girl, right? ’

But this idea is just a flash.

‘No, no, Xiaofeifei should know my personality. But...but, but this girl is wearing a thong. If he turned around, wouldn't he see all the light? I’m going...’

Zhou Manting thought of this, his face was even redder.

Although Zhou Manting usually wears more boldly, she is at most a miniskirt and only shows her navel. Like wearing only underwear and **** in front of a boy, she never did this.

As for the last time she posted pictures of her underwear show to ‘seduce’ Mu Fei, it was already the limit of what she could do.

In this way, Zhou Manting was in a mess, thinking wildly. Mu Fei was also quite surprised. He still has this'welfare'. For a while, both of them had some words, and they didn't know what to say.

Finally, it was Zhou Manting's mouth.

I saw her blushing, but pretended to be calm, "Xiao, you this time...not angry?"

Zhou Manting's voice became smaller and smaller, and if Mu Fei was beyond hearing, he really could not hear.

Mu Fei did not answer, but nodded dumbly.

"I'm a little cold, then I'm back in the quilt first. You can't look back until you get in the quilt. You know?" Zhou Manting said.

After seeing Mu Fei nodded, Zhou Manting jumped back to bed with a thunderous thunder, and wrapped himself in a quilt.

""Hoo, look at you apologizing to me, and this "welfare" part, I will not see you as usual..." Mu Fei thought so, turned around, and took the "shochu bowl" again Over here.

Fortunately, this shochu bowl is metal. If it is ceramic, I am afraid that it has been "gloriously sacrificed" under Mu Fei's shot.

"Do you want to press it?" Mu Fei asked.

"Yes, of course." Zhou Manting said calmly.

"Come and lie down," Mu Fei said, patting the pillow on his lap.

"Oh." Zhou Manting responded, moving his body and lying on it.

Afterwards, Mu Fei dipped his shochu lightly on his forehead, knead it gently and massaged it.

And Zhou Manting felt that with Mu Fei's hands hard and rubbing, a very comfortable and comfortable refreshing feeling came. And with Mu Fei's massage, she looked at Mu Fei's intent look again, and she felt something slowly in her heart.

Although Zhou Manting's clothing and food are not excellent, and her family's conditions are not bad, in fact, she is very lack of care.

Her mother died early, and the only loved one in this world is ‘Dad’. But her father is still very busy. Since she was in elementary school, she has little time to accompany her.

Even more time, she didn't see her father for a week or two. All the servants and nannies invited to take care of her daily life.

The servants are naturally different from their loved ones. Even if they are cared for carefully, that is their job. From them, Zhou Manting can only feel ‘responsibility’, ‘pleasing’, and ‘kinship’, ‘friendship’ and ‘sincereness’.

But now, when Zhou Manting thought that Mu Fei had taken care of herself all night, she was still so attentively massaging herself to relieve the pain, she was sour and hot at the same time.

"Hey, Broom Star, what's wrong with you? Why are your eyes red again?" Mu Fei asked.

"Ah? Well, this wine is too spicy, it just chokes my eyes. It's okay..." Zhou Manting said, closing his eyes quickly. But just as she closed her eyes, a few tears came out.

Mu Fei cannot naturally know the ‘change’ in her heart, only when she really choked her eyes, and didn’t care, and continued to press on her own.

Mu Fei is still in that order, pressing her forehead, hands and feet. And Zhou Manting, comfortably enjoying, carefully feeling the touch and warmth brought by Mu Fei's hands.

In addition to enjoying, Zhou Manting has only one idea, that is to hope that the time will go slower, and then slower. Because of this feeling, I feel very comfortable...or... very happy.

She really hopes to continue this way.

When Mu Fei helped her massage the last foot, she suddenly remembered something.

"Hey, Xiaofeifei, what about my phone?" Zhou Manting asked.

"I don't know if your roommate has brought it to you. Maybe it's in your clothes or pants pocket." Mu Fei replied smoothly.

"I want to use it, you give it to me."

"Take what? After a while, I will say..." Mu Fei replied.

"No, I'm in a hurry. Xiaofeifei, please, please give it to me..." Zhou Manting snorted.

Good guy, she said she was fat, she was still breathing, and actually played ‘coquettish’.

"Okay, won't I get it for you? Don't you sell it... I have goose bumps all over the floor..." Mu Fei said helplessly, and had to get her phone from her clothes and hand it to her.

Subsequently, UU read books www.uukanshu. Com continued to help her massage.

However, Zhou Manting took the camera, took Mu Fei holding her feet, and took a photo of her massage ‘click’.

"Hey? What do you take?" Mu Fei raised his head and asked.

"Hee hee, nothing, I won't tell you." Zhou Manting pulled the quilt and hid himself in the bed. Like a baby, looking at the photos on the phone satisfies the smirk.

"Okay, it's done..." After a short while, Mu Fei patted her feet twice.

Afterwards, she was covered with a quilt again, "It's not yet six o'clock, you can sleep for a while. I asked your roommate to take leave for you, you don't have to go to class today, and quickly get well ill..."

"Oh, I know." Zhou Manting only exposed the first half of his face and replied to Mu Fei.

Mu Fei waved to her, beckoning her to rest in peace, closed the door and went out.

After Zhou Manting'watched' Mu Fei left, he fiddled with the phone twice before setting it aside.

It was only after she pulled the quilt and changed her comfortable posture that she realized a problem.

"Hey... That's right. This is, Xiao Feifei's bed? Xiao Feifei's quilt?"

Zhou Manting said nothing, slowly grabbed the quilt, and sniffed gently next to his nose. Inhaled into the nose, there is no smell of ordinary men's sweat, on the contrary, there is a little light fragrance.

"Whew, not only does it not smell, but it tastes good..."

Zhou Manting said, slowly using the quilt to sturdy his whole person. At this time, she had a feeling that she seemed to be held tightly in Mu Fei's arms, and she felt very'satisfied'.

"Although I have suffered a little from the cold this time, it seems... everything is worth it. Hee hee, I made it..." Zhou Manting thought happily in his heart...

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