My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 846: Education brutal chick_上

Chapter 846 Education Barbaric Girl

"At two o'clock in the afternoon, see Daquan North Street, Nanxing District, Qianquan Road Museum.. Brutal chick." Mu Fei looked at the mobile phone text message and entered the above address into the car's Gps.

The barbarian chick was referring to Jiang Jindie. It's just that the name on her business card was entered by Mu Fei, and she naturally wouldn't set her name to this.

Today, Mu Fei and Jiang Jindie agreed to live with her.

In fact, Mu Fei did not want to fight her. But she is always unwilling, plus the last time she told Mu Fei's friends to be careful about the perverted murder.

Mu Fei weighed it and accepted her'challenge'.

One of the reasons is to express gratitude to her, and more importantly, she intends to let her "recognize her own strength" and stop harassing herself.

On the afternoon of the same day, ten minutes before the agreed time, Mu Fei arrived at the so-called'Thousand Boxing Stadium'.

This'Thousand Boxing Pavilion' is actually just a small area circled in a fitness center. Rather than saying that he is a gymnasium, it is a ‘subsidiary project’ of this fitness center.

And it can be seen that the business of this museum is not very good. In a space of several hundred square meters, only a few people are practicing.

"Drink, ha"

In a corner of the gymnasium, a woman in a clean white gown was practicing against a man who was much thicker than her.

Even though the man is much stronger than the woman, he was beaten by the woman with only defensive power and no strength to fight back.


Finally, following the woman's beautiful leg, the man was kicked out of her and flew to the ground.

"I've hurts..." The man who fell to the ground grinned in pain, and he sat up quickly, rubbing the spot where he was hit.

" have stepped back. You can still take me 30 strokes last year, but now you can't even take 20 strokes..." said the woman with a ponytail that shook her head.

‘Why am I backing up, it’s clear that you’re more ‘perverted’...” Xiao Hei thought to himself. But he didn't dare to say the abnormal word.

At this moment, he slightly turned his head and inadvertently saw Mu Fei who just entered the hall.

"Hey, Xiaodie, he's here..." The man pointed in the direction of Mu Fei.

This little butterfly is naturally Jiang Jindie's "Fight to War" to Mu Fei.

"Hey, here and here..." Jiang Jindie waved to Mu Fei.

As a matter of fact, most people come here and change clothes and shoes in the fitness center and come in barefoot. But Mu Fei didn't have those things either. He simply took off his shoes and entered the'Gymnasium' while wearing socks.

"Well, it's not bad, quite on time..." Jiang Jindie glanced at the time of the wall clock on the wall and nodded.

Then she turned to the tall man who had just been kicked off by her, and said, "Xiaohei, you find him clothes and put on..."

"Oh, yes. Brother Mu Fei, come with me..." Xiao Hei said to Mu Fei.

This little black is a subordinate of Jiang Jindie, and the relationship between them is not bad. He already knew that Jiang Jindie and Mu Fei became ‘friends’, so he was very kind to Mu Fei.

Who knows Mu Fei waved his hand, "No need, I just wear it."

"Is it all right?"

Jiang Jindie glanced at Mu Fei's sportswear, which was somewhat unpleasant: she felt a little despised.

‘Forget it, sportswear is sportswear. "Jiang Jindie thought, and did not care about Mu Fei."

"If you don't change, don't change, then you warm up your activities. Let's start when you are done..." Jiang Jindie said.

Who knows Mu Fei shook his head, but refused again, "You don't need to warm up anymore, just come on..."


This time Jiang Jindie is really a bit gambling. She thinks Mu Fei looks down on her.

‘Grandma, I’m the best player in the game anyway. The fighting champion of the Northern Metropolitan Police. Do you despise me so much? What if you are flexible? I don’t believe that I can’t hit you at once, hum...’

Jiang Jindie thought, pointing at Mu Fei unpleasantly and warned, "Well, I can let you warm up. This is your inactivity..."

"If you get hurt in a while, don't blame me for not reminding you..."

"Ha ha……"

Mu Fei smiled, "You can rest assured that that kind of thing won't happen..."

After listening to Mu Fei, Jiang Jindie felt a blow again.

"Huh, then come on, we see the real chapter..." Jiang Jindie said, posing a Pose, then stepped forward and kicked Mu Fei's face with one foot.

Her foot is fast and ruthless, but not light. In fairness, she still has a'professional level' in her feet, both in terms of speed and strength, they are just right. I'm afraid that I won't have seven or eight years of skill, and I can't kick it.

But her movements are too layman's eyes in Mu Fei's eyes, and they are not worth mentioning at all.

"Alas, there are so many flaws..." Mu Fei shook his head helplessly and said to himself.

Later, when Jiang Jindie's white feet were within ten centimeters of his feet, he kicked Mu Fei's nose when he moved.

I saw Mu Fei raised his hand casually, and shot Jiang Jindie's attack away. At the same time, he took a stumbling block and Jiang Jindie fell to the ground without suspense.

Jiang Jindie is the kind of character who refuses to accept defeat, and she will not be easily knocked down.

"This guy, really fast, can't use flawed moves..."

Jiang Jindie thought, a carp jumped up. Then changed the ‘combat policy’, instead of using ‘big moves’, instead attack Mu Fei with some more flexible moves.

According to her thoughts, she wanted to force Mu Fei to reveal flaws, and then seized the opportunity herself, set up a set of "continuous moves" to kill Mu Fei in one blow.

But she was disappointed again. She used all the attack methods she was good at, but Mu Fei was not fooled.

In just two minutes, Jiang Jindie had attacked Mu Fei at least dozens of times. Not only did she not attack Mu Fei, but she was a little bit gasping for tired.

Looking at Mu Fei again, standing there without moving her feet, she completely resisted her attack with only her hands.

‘How is it possible... This guy is not as big as me, how could he be so powerful? No, he is much more powerful than I thought..." Jiang Jindie thought to himself.

Although it was not the first time to see Mu Fei's skill, Jiang Jindie was still surprised.

Moreover, she was not the only one surprised. The guy named Xiaohei now opened his mouth in shock and his chin almost fell off. Because he knows how violent Jiang Jindie is.

Although Jiang Jindie is a girl, in the past, she always rushed up first when she encountered a hands-on situation. In the thunder, take the criminals.

Among them, her neat and tidy skill made Xiao He, a man, ashamed.

And it was this unfavorable boss who lost money in the hands of a seemingly ordinary boy today, can he not be surprised?

After playing for three or four minutes, Jiang Jindie still didn't mean to stop, and Mu Fei was a little impatient.

"Don't you understand? You and I are people of two levels..." Mu Fei started talking as he spoke.

But he wasn't as desperate as Jiang Jindie. He just raised his hand gently and held the fist attacked by Jiang Jindie in his hand. Then he turned around and threw it away, throwing out more than a hundred pounds of Jiang Jindie four or five meters away.

"Slap" Jiang Jindie staggered, almost fell, but finally managed to stand still. Because of the loss of balance on the ground, her ankle almost twisted, and now it hurts a little.

But for Jiang Jindie, the pain in her body was a minor matter, and what made her unbearable was a blow to her heart.

Although Jiang Jindie is a girl, in fact, her nerves are a little bit "big", some "boy character", even more careless than some boys.

Because of her personality, she doesn't have the sense of smell, sharp insight, calm thinking ability, and flexible reasoning ability of many excellent policemen who are sensitive to illegal and criminal behaviors.

In these respects, it is not that she is not good. But compared to the really good police, she can only be said to be very general.

Knowing his inadequacies in those talents, Jiang Jindie, who wanted to be an excellent policeman, simply'abandon the short and grow the long', shifting the focus of his exercise to his fighting ability and marksmanship.

And she was really right in this step.

Soon, she became a fighting champion in the school. When she graduated into the police station, she was also'Nambon' on the fist. Whenever performing tasks, she rushed to the front line. That brave momentum made many male colleagues ashamed.

It can be said that fighting ability and marksmanship are Jiang Jindie's greatest pride as a policeman.

The most proud of her is but she was hit by Mu Fei completely, and it was strange that she didn't hurt her self-esteem.

‘This time, I really tried my best, so I can’t even touch him. I... Is my strength so straight? How is this possible...’

But uncomfortable, Jiang Jindie is not the kind of person who does not understand reality, she can only accept this blow.

"Did you know the gap this time? So don't bother me anymore..." Mu Fei said, waved to her, and turned to go, "I'll go first..."

"Wait!" Jiang Jindie suddenly stopped Mu Fei.

"You attack me with all your strength, at least let me know how big the gap is!" Jiang Jindie shouted.

"Want to see the strength gap? Okay, I meet you." Mu Fei said with a smile. Just say,

His figure flicked, and he punched Jiang Jindie's face in one punch.


This punch is very fierce, with a magnificent momentum, people look at it, and lose confidence in resistance. What's more terrible is the speed of the punch. Jiang Jindie hasn't reacted yet, and the fist has reached her eyes. It’s too late to hide.

At that moment, Jiang Jindie was cold behind her, and she felt the proximity of death.

Mu Fei would not really hit her, but stopped when the fist reached a distance of one centimeter in front of her nose.

Despite this, the strong wind brought by this punch still caused Jiang Jindie's pretty face to scratch and even her long hair in front of her was scraped off a few strands.

At this time, Jiang Jindie was a bit silly.

After a few seconds, after she reacted, she realized that her back and forehead were already full of cold sweat. Her legs are so soft that she can't give a little strength, so that she can't sit down on the floor.

‘Ok... It’s terrible..., it’s terrible...’ Jiang Jindie stretched out her hands and pressed her chest, thinking with a lingering fear.

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