My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 869: Human cannon

869 Human Cannon

"No, the islanders chased over..." Mu Fei and Jiang Han and other talents boarded the transport ship, and not far afterwards, a crew member responsible for the response called.

After listening to his words, everyone looked back in a conditional shot. But what was in sight was the sparkling sea water under the moonlight. . The islanders who came with them were too far away, and it is still at night, they can't see clearly at all.

The heart that all the talent put down hung up again.

"Give me the telescope..." Jiang Han shouted.

The crew handed the telescope to Jiang Han, and Jiang Han held up and looked away. Sure enough, a few hundred meters away, at least a dozen light armed speedboats are approaching here quickly.

Although far apart, Jiang Han couldn't tell exactly how fast the speedboat was. But at least one thing he can be sure of is that these speedboats are really much faster than the transport boat he rides on.

If you go on like this, your own group will soon be caught up.

"These armed speedboats are equipped with heavy machine guns, and there are too many of them. To be approached by them, our boat is not an opponent..."

"And this is only the second. There must be real warships behind them. If we are entangled in them, we will be in trouble..." Jiang Han seemed to be talking to Mu Fei as well as to himself.

After all, he put down his telescope, "Sniper."


The three Wolf Soul Squad members stood up in unison and responded.

"As soon as they entered the attack area, they opened fire immediately. Saying nothing could keep them up..." Jiang Han ordered.

"Yes!!" the three team members responded in unison.

After all, they went to the back of the boat and set up a sniper rifle to aim backwards.



Less than two minutes later, the three snipers fired one after another, and now even without borrowing a telescope, you can see many shadows shaking in the distance of the sea.

At this time, everyone has a feeling of powerlessness.

The Wolf Spirit Squad has a total of 20 players, but most of them hold light machine guns suitable for assault, and only three have sniper rifles.

In addition to the three snipers, the range of light machine guns with other people is completely inferior to the heavy machine guns equipped with those armed speedboats.

Therefore, everyone can only pin their hopes on these three snipers.




The sound of the sniper rifle breaking through, sounded one after another.

"Please, stop them..." The only female member of the entire team. . Dr. Xiaoyan folded his hands and prayed in his heart.

But the situation was counterproductive. Although the three snipers had tried their best to'fire', the island side had no'response'. . The dozen or so armed speedboats are still approaching fast.

Now even without borrowing a telescope, you can see the outline of the speedboat.

"No, captain..."

At this time, a sniper said, "Our ship, their ship, is too swaying, and it is impossible to aim..."

"Yeah, the captain, and the sea breeze is also big. The guns we carry are still light snipers, and the trajectory is too disturbed..." Another sniper also interjected.

All three snipers said they were not allowed to fight.

"Give me a try..." Mu Fei said.

Now, these Wolf Soul players have seen Mu Fei's ability more than once, and have a blind trust in him. After listening to Mu Fei, a team member hurriedly handed over the gun in his hand.


Mu Fei took the gun and aimed it to the rear without looking at the sight. He raised his hand and pulled the trigger.

Seeing Mu Fei's movements, those who expect Mu Fei to "show his talents" can't help but "stunned."

‘I wiped it, did you make a mistake? Shoot without looking at the scope? Will this guy use a sniper rifle? "Everyone thinks that.

Only Jiang Han, who had seen Mu Feizhen's ability, did not have any expression of'disappointment' and'surprise' on his face, but instead asked with expectation, "How."

But Mu Fei didn't speak, twisted his eyebrows, and raised his hand again.


After this shot, Mu Fei shook his head, "No, Captain, I can't even wear the windshield..."

Upon hearing Mu Fei's words, the crowd was stunned again.

‘No, really hit it? No sight at this this still human? Everyone thought unanimously.

They have no doubt about Mu Fei's words, because they know that Mu Fei can't make jokes about such things.

At this time, the navy special soldier who was driving the boat in front said, "Yes, the island country's "flying fish" light armed speedboat, the windshield glass on the front and both sides are bullet-proof materials. The small-caliber sniper rifle is completely hit Not wearing..."

"What should I do?" Jiang Han asked quickly.

"On the side of the driver's seat, at the lower right of the baffle, is the transmission shaft of the rudder. If the transmission shaft is broken, the boat will be unable to control the direction. Try there..." the man replied.

Before he finished, Mu Fei had picked up the sniper rifle again.




Mu Fei fired three shots in a row, but the result was the same as the two shots just now. . This small-caliber sniper rifle simply cannot penetrate the armored deck of the armed speedboat.

"No, I can't get through." Mu Fei shook his head and said.

"If you can't wear it, it means that these speedboats are also equipped with bulletproof plates..." said the navy soldier.

"This... what can this be done?" Jiang Han has always regarded Mu Fei as the trump card. Now that Mu Fei has no choice, he is also anxious.

But he was not the only one anxious, everyone on the ship was very worried. Especially for Dr. Xiaoyan, she now feels that her hands are shaking.

‘I... Am I going to die here? God, I’m not married yet...’ Despite all the psychological preparations before coming, Dr. Xiaoyan couldn’t help but be afraid.

"Anyway, we can’t sit still. Everyone is ready to fight... As long as we can persevere and enter our waters in China, we dare not dare to chase them, no matter how brave they are..." Jiang Han cheered everyone up Road.

"great, good luck……"

"Big deal with them!!"

After listening to his words, all the players picked up the gun, lay on the side of the boat, and pointed to the back with a grab.

At this time, the armed speedboats of those island countries had already followed up, and the distance from the transport ship was less than three hundred meters.

But just as Mu Fei also picked up his gun and was about to go to war, he saw a grenade pinned to the waist of a player.


Mu Fei was slightly hesitant, he seemed to find something. He then grinned.

"Captain, I have a solution..." Mu Fei smiled.

"Is there a way? What way?" Jiang Han asked hurriedly.

Not only Jiang Han, all the players looked at Mu Fei curiously.

Mu Fei did not answer, but smiled and said to the team members, "Let me go..."

Mu Fei said, bypassing those players. Then he jumped up and stood tall on the ‘roof’ of the boat.

At this time, Mu Fei's position, if the other party opened fire, he was a'living target'.


Mu Fei told the crowd that he took a grenade from his waist, pulled the insurance pin, and made a baseball pitch.


Mu Fei took a deep breath and, with enough strength, waved his arm and threw the grenade towards the nearest island-state armed speedboat.

Mu Fei's investment is not small. In the eyes of everyone, Mu Fei is not like "throwing a grenade" at all, but "firing a shell."

Because the grenades were too fast and the momentum was too fierce. At the same time, Mu Fei’s "recumbency" shook the entire transport ship to the left and right and kept swinging.

And Mu Feifei is so vigorous, the effect is also very gratifying.

The grenade carried by Mu Fei is of the'impact triggered' type, and will explode upon impact.

The thrown grenade, like a shell, slammed onto the windshield of the armed speedboat and exploded.


Along with the loud noise of the explosion, a strong flame illuminates the night sky above the sea.

Under the strong impact, the bulletproof windshield of the armed speedboat was completely cracked into pieces, and the whole ship swayed violently from side to side.

Seeing the sky full of fire, everyone except Jiang Han was dumbfounded again.

‘I...this, is this really fake? From here to that ship, there must be at least two hundred meters, how can he throw so far? What a power...’

‘And for the time being regardless of his Is he...too accurate? Even a professional baseball player, I'm afraid he's not as accurate as him. Perverted... Perverted...’

Whether it is a member of the Wolf Spirit Squad, or four scientific and technical personnel, all thought with surprise.

At the same time, they looked at Mu Fei as if they were a monster.

At this time, Mu Fei did not pay attention to the eyes of others. He looked at the armed speedboat that had been hit by himself, and could not help but twist his eyebrows.

At this point, I have to mention that although the quality of the car in the island country is not good, there are some products in the island country, and the quality is really very good.

Just like this speedboat, Mu Fei was so ‘boomed’ with a grenade, but the glass was completely broken and the hull was slightly deformed.

In addition to this, the entire ship was shaken violently.

Obviously, the several island soldiers on the ship did not think that Mu Fei was prepared to'attack' them, but simply had good luck. After confirming that the ship was in order, they drove the ship to Mu Fei and others again.

"I wipe, it's quite strong..." Mu Fei thought uncomfortably.

But then, he took out another grenade and measured it in his hand a few times, "Okay, can you withstand one shot...I see if you can withstand this second shot..."

Mu Fei said to himself, so he reapplied.

With all his strength, he shook his hand and fired the second'cannonball'.

Without the protection of bulletproof glass, Mu Fei directly fired the shell into the cockpit of the speedboat.

Only listening to the "bang" loud noise, accompanied by the soaring fire, the speedboat suddenly became a "fireboat".

And seeing this scene, many members of the Wolf Soul Squad, in their hearts, remembered the nouns in a children’s TV report that they watched as a child: ‘I wipe, this guy...the whole ‘human cannon’...’

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