My Future Girlfriend

Chapter 873: Beauty manager heart

Chapter 873: Beauty Manager's Heart

Mu Fei just wanted to see what happened to Night Bee.

But it was okay to look outside the door just now. When I looked so close, Ye Bee's burning appearance suddenly made Mu Fei feel hot in his abdomen and his throat felt "hot". . Mu Fei has no doubt that if he is not distracted, he will definitely ‘tent’.

‘I wipe, I also often say that the broom star is a goblin. Compared with the night bee, she was just that the little fox elf met the old demon of Montenegro, it was not a level at all, this is the real goblin...’ Mu Fei thought in his heart.


When Mu Fei looked at her, Ye Feng stretched her waist and patted her mouth gently with her small hand, yawning.

"Hey, boss, what are you looking at?"

She had long discovered that Mu Fei was watching her, and asked Mu Fei teasingly.

"Oh, nothing, I just think you have changed..." Mu Fei replied with a smile.

"Change? Me?"

Hearing Mu Fei's words, the night bee, who has always been'calm', couldn't help but stupefy, "What have I changed?"

" to say, just think that you are much more "real" than before..." Mu Fei thought about the appropriate statement in his mind.

"So let’s say that the former you, although they are very beautiful and charming, but they give people a feeling of "pretending" and "pretending". To be honest, I feel a little tired when you look like you. ..."

"And now you, although not so tempted, but laughed a lot more "real" and "easy". That feeling is like... just like..."

Mu Fei thought for a while and said, "Right, it's like taking off the disguise and putting down the burden..."

"I think you are better now than before..." Mu Fei added another sentence.

‘Release... the burden? ’

The night bee, who was still smiling, was slowly stagnation when he heard this.

‘Release the burden...Release the burden? How can I, how can I let go of those'burdens'? Night bee, what are you doing...’

‘Don’t I be too relaxed with Xiaomeng for a while and let you forget what you’re going to do and forget the vows you’ve made before? ’

Ye Bee suddenly blamed herself, and her powder fist slowly took hold, ‘No, Ye Bee, you can’t do this. If this easy life is too long, you will be relaxed. You have to get nervous, you have more important things to do...’

Thinking of this, Night Bee put down the game console in his hand and stood up. She looked dull, and after glancing at Mu Fei, she walked towards her room with two beautiful legs.

And this change of her confuses Mu Fei, ‘this guy... what’s wrong? How do you change your face? Is it too straightforward? Or touched her'sadness'? ’

"Hey, are you not playing anymore?" Mu Fei shouted.

Ye Bee didn't even answer, so she slammed the door shut.

"This... this'child' is too rude, really. Is it your boss or my boss?" Mu Fei thought uneasily.

"Hey, brother, put the bath water..." At this time, Xu Xiaomeng's voice came from the building.

"Oh, here..."

Mu Fei responded. He looked at the night bee's room, shook his head helplessly, and went upstairs.


"Hu is still cool in the bathtub at home..." Mu Fei leaned back in the bathtub comfortably and muttered to himself.

After a short break, Mu Fei sat up. I touched the phone from the small shelf next to the bathtub, found Hong Sufen's number, and dialed it out.

The No. 3 chief gave such a big business that he couldn't figure out what this layman's designation meant. Therefore, Hong Sufen, a ‘professional’, has to go out.


After a moment, the phone was answered over there.

"Three, third brother?" Hong Sufen's voice came out.

Mu Fei could hear from her voice that she seemed to be a little surprised and she was in a good mood.

"Oh, it's me. How are you doing?" Mu Fei asked with a smile.

In fairness, people who have spent time in a foreign country have spent a long time, and people who have no heart and no lungs will be homesick. Maybe he can’t feel it himself, but when he sees relatives and friends or talks with them on the phone, he feels very ‘kind’.

The same is true for Mu Fei.

He felt a long absence when he heard Hong Sufen's voice.

"Recently? Basically nothing has changed. The construction cannot be carried out in winter, and the resort is temporarily suspended. The profitability of the steel mill is not much improved, but it is very stable. But for the winter, the business of the bath center is much better..." Hong Sufen Start reporting.

"Hey, you have to..."

However, Mu Fei was sweating in the head and interrupted her quickly. "I'm not talking about business, you're talking about you! How are you doing!"

"Ah? Ask, it's me?"

Mu Fei couldn't see it. In fact, on the other side of the phone, Hong Sufen's fair and pretty face had a red cloud, "I also... everything is fine..."

‘It’s just when I want to see someone, I just can’t see it...’ Hong Sufen added a faint sentence in his heart.

"Oh, that's all right. Should we be cold there now? You pay more attention to your body. Also, like the bathing center, don't you let you bring Li Tianyu? If you see him doing it, let him manage it. Come on, let go, let go, there will be bigger things for you to help..."

"However, don't be too tired now. If you want to make money for me and make you sick again, I'll feel sorry..." Mu Fei was in a good mood and laughed at her with a smile.

While Mu Fei was talking here, Hong Sufen on the other side listened to what he cared about, but his face was even redder, and at the same time a heart beat fast.

Women are eager for love and need the nourishment of love. This is an indisputable fact.

And between men and women, planting an ambiguous seed, it is possible that love will take root.

In fact, overall, Hong Sufen's first impression of Mu Fei was not very good. She doesn't think that such a young child has the ability to be her own boss.

At that time, she even wanted to come up with a little trick to give the new boss a ‘off horse power’. But who knew she had reached Mu Fei, but Mu Fei gave her a ride.

At that time, Hong Sufen was still not convinced.

But with her contact with Mu Fei, those things that Mu Fei did have to make her take a look at Mu Fei.

Either ‘design’ kills Lu Wenjie and Miao Yi. Still hand in hand in the casino, easily cheated millions. Then he took over the steel plant and thundered the other two gangs. With his own strength, the entire Binnan officialdom was turbulent. Etc., etc……

Every thing Mu Fei did stunned Hong Sufen one by one. She could not have imagined that a'child' in her early twenties could really be so sharp.

Now in Hong Sufen's mind, Mu Fei is the one outside, enough to be'strong', with courage, ability and means. In the ‘home’, I am loyal and meticulous to my friends and a gentle and careful image of a ‘peerless man’ who is gentle and attentive to women’s families.

Men like beautiful women, and women also like capable men.

In his early thirties, he was widowed and alone. Hong Sufen was very eager to have a ‘good man’ to care for her, take care of her, and not let her live so tired.

At that time, Mu Fei appeared in front of her. With more and more contacts with Mu Fei, Hong Sufen also felt more and more in his heart that Mu Fei appeared more and more.

She understands that maybe she really likes this ‘little man’ who is more than ten years younger than herself.

But like to like it, Hong Sufen also has self-knowledge.

Hong Sufen, who has seen the quality of the beauty around Mu Fei, has been devastated even if she has always been confident in her appearance.

She had to admit that both Xia Xue and Lin Ruoyi were prettier than her. And... they are still young and beautiful girls at the best time in life.

Look at yourself, not only has you entered the middle age, but also...and is a widow who is a widow. Although he has not entered the cave, he cannot change the fact that he is a widow.

‘There are so many girls who like her next to my third brother, how come I like people like me...’

It is precisely because of this idea that Hong Sufen is only doing his own job as a'beauty manager', not'stepping beyond boundaries'.

But this idea changed until the feast before Mu Fei went to Beidu.

At that time she drank too much and was drunk and unconscious. When I woke up the next day, I found that all I left was underwear and panties, and I was still in a strange place.

She was startled, and later called the waiter and asked about it, and she slowly remembered it.

Although she drank too much wine at the time, she still had some impressions of what was happening.

And when she remembered that Mu Fei took her back to the room and vomited him all over, he undressed himself, took off his skirt, and secretly touched his Hong Sufen's fair face turned red.

Although Mu Fei took advantage of her and made her a little bit irritable, not only was she not angry, but her heart was like a ‘spring warmth blooming’ and the whole body was alive.

‘It turns out that my third brother also had some ‘thoughts’ to me... I didn’t think, I was still charming, hee hee...’ During that time, sometimes she could laugh out of sleep.

It is not difficult to understand why she received a call from Mu Fei today and was concerned by Mu Fei.

"Third brother, thank you, thank you for your concern. I will be careful, you are alone in the field, and pay more attention to your body..." Hong Sufen felt that he was a teenager younger, and turned back to a little girl who loved her first. All blush and heartbeat.

After chatting for a while and talking about Duan's family, Hong Sufen pulled the words back to the topic first.

"Brother, call me, there must be something serious?" Hong Sufen asked.

"Hey, you guessed it. Not only is there a business, it's a big business..."

Mu Fei was in a good mood and replied with a smile, "Someone gave us a big project and you need to come over and help me study it. If this project can succeed, we can really make a fortune..."

"Oh, make a fortune?"

When Hong Sufen heard Mu Fei's words, he was also interested. "Three brothers, make a fortune, how much?"

"Four..." Mu Fei made a long note deliberately.

"four million?"


"Not four million? No? Is that... 40 million?" Hong Sufen was slightly surprised, and 40 million was almost half the value of the steel plant.

"Hey, still wrong..."

Mu Fei replied with a smug smile, "It's four hundred million."

"Four...what? Billion? Four hundred million?"

After hearing this number, Hong Sufen's phone almost didn't let go...

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