My Genes Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 228 Alienation in the Underground

Li Qinghe said with a smile:

"However, this pen is only a Class D alien object, and it is not very harmful. It was first discovered in an educational institution in Nanming City. A tutor used this pen as usual, but that day the pen was in his The inscription was engraved on the stomach, which is a fortune of misfortune, and it was not life-threatening. After that, the pen was kept by the local night watchman and escorted to the headquarters."

"D-level aliens? Are aliens divided into many levels?"

Lu Yuan was a little curious.

"Well, D-level is the lowest level of alienation, and it can only affect ordinary people, not genetic warriors. For example, this pen, if it is picked up by ordinary people, it will have an effect, but if it is a genetic warrior Take it up, this pen is really just an ordinary pen. And the C-level aliens can threaten the gene warriors of the warrior level, the b-level aliens can hurt the war king, the a-level aliens, Even the Emperor of War will face great danger. The S-level is relative to the Emperor of War. So far, the most powerful alienation in our Daqixing is the S-level. Legend has it that there are also ss-level aliens. , can affect the war saint, and sss-level aliens, even war gods, will be life-threatening. If there is a civilization with a-level aliens, and it is not dealt with in time, and that civilization does not have war emperor-level powerhouses, This civilization may be over, and at this level of alienation, it can completely destroy a civilization."

Lu Yuan's scalp felt numb.

He remembered the Soul Eater Orb from before, and his pupils shrank:

"Sister Qinghe, the Soul Eater Orb we had in Xili City last time was an S-level alien? Isn't that the only thing that can be dealt with by the Emperor of War?"

Li Qinghe smiled and said: "Some alien objects need a certain growth cycle from appearance to full maturity. As long as it is not fully grown, it can be handled even if it is not a war emperor. This is the case with the previous Soul Eater Orb. If Ren continues to devour the soul, the Soul Eater Orb will completely assimilate Xue Ren, and eventually it can even reach the terrifying strength of the War Emperor level, plus the ability to absorb souls. If you say that it is a civilization without War Emperor powerhouses, what can you do to resist it? Even if you have a war emperor, you may not be able to resist it."

Lu Yuan nodded slightly, feeling dignified.

In this case, judging from the current situation of frequent alienation events, if there are several s-level aliens, and even more ss-level aliens, wouldn't Daqixing be cold?

Seeing that Lu Yuan was a little silent, Li Qinghe smiled and said:

"But you don't have to worry too much. Although there are precedents for alienation to destroy civilization, but this is very rare. After all, the attitude towards alienation is the same for all races in the entire universe. If we Daqixing really If there is an alien object that is hard to resist, if you ask for help in Baiyun City, there will definitely be a strong person who will come to help. What's more, our Daqixing is also friendly with many powerful races, such as the tribe of Frost Moon, which has the level of War Saint. If they knew about the powerhouse, they would definitely not turn a blind eye."

Lu Yuan was a little puzzled: "Why are the opinions of all civilizations in the entire universe so unified? As long as it doesn't affect its own race, isn't it unnecessary to watch the enemy race being alienated and destroyed?"

But Lu Yuan knew that in the entire universe, not to mention other things, within the human race alone, there are many conflicts between human beings and kobolds. If there are such aliens, those kobolds will also would help?

Not only within the human race, but also the machine race and the human race. There are contradictions and conflicts with each other, and there are many conflicts of interest. As long as it does not affect their own race, why should they go to the rescue?

Li Qinghe shook his head and said:

"There was a precedent when an S-level alien appeared in a War Emperor civilization, and the war emperor of that civilization was unable to resist that S-level alien, and finally sought help in the place of origin,

But not many people took it seriously at that time, and no one came to rescue. In the end, this civilization was destroyed by S-level aliens. After destroying a civilization, for some reason, the S-level aliens evolved to ss-level. , destroying several surrounding civilizations in a row, turning a galaxy into a dead zone. Since then, no race has dared to ignore this alienation. No one knows, if the destruction continues, this alien will evolve to the sss level. If it does evolve to the sss level, it will be a huge disaster for the entire universe. "

Lu Yuan was stunned: "Can aliens evolve?"

Li Qinghe nodded and said solemnly: "Aliens can indeed evolve, and no one can figure out the reason for the evolution. I don't know under what circumstances, aliens will evolve."

Lu Yuan: "..."

He felt a little tingling in his scalp.

You seem to be able to evolve yourself...?

He glanced at the Evolution Cube, wouldn't this thing be an alien thing? !

But that's not right. If it is an alien object, it will have a huge impact on a person's mind. The Evolution Cube has no effect on Luyuan at all. It just helps Luyuan evolve genes.

If it is an alien thing, then he will definitely be disturbed by all kinds of weird thoughts.

If it is not an alien object, then what is this evolution cube?

The transformation of the Evolution Cube requires the alienation or the unknown atmosphere inside the alienated creature, which obviously has a certain relationship with the alienation.

So since it's not an alien, what's the relationship?

Same origin with alienation? Or is it completely hostile to alienation?

Moreover, how could this Evolution Cube just appear on him? rather than someone else's?

Lu Yuan's thoughts were flying, and he felt heavy.

Seeing the change in Lu Yuan's face, Li Qinghe thought that Lu Yuan was a little shocked, she smiled and comforted:

"Actually, the general aliens are below the b-level, and the c-level is the most. Up to now, the s-level aliens that have appeared in our Daqixing are very few. You don't have to worry about that kind of too powerful. The alienation. In fact, what we really need to worry about is the tide of alienation. The threat of alienating an area anytime, anywhere, and then launching a violent attack on the entire civilization, is the most terrifying."


Listening to Lu Yuan, he always felt that the world was much more dangerous than he imagined.

Before alienation, he only knew some generalities.

There is not even a detailed description on the Internet.

Lu Yuan thought about it, this may be to prevent the general public from being too worried and affecting their normal life, right?

After all, who would work and live well, knowing that the world could end at any time?

Moreover, this kind of thing, even if it is told to ordinary people, it will not help.

Those who can really deal with alien objects are obviously genetic warriors.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan felt that even the space cracks that might appear at any time became cute.

At least space rifts generally don't want to destroy the entire civilization.

Lu Yuan couldn't help but complain.

Lu Yuan smiled bitterly: "It seems that I have to practice hard, or maybe there will be a tide of alienation someday, isn't that dangerous?"

"Hee hee~ Let's work hard together. When the time comes, my sister will protect you. You can rest assured."

Li Qinghe patted Lu Yuan's shoulder proudly.

Lu Yuan rolled his eyes, thinking that Li Qinghe might not necessarily be his opponent now.

After all, although Li Qinghe had broken through to the Battle Emperor level, even if he had recorded an emperor-level gene, there was only one emperor-level gene.

And Lu Yuan has six emperor-level genes.

Coupled with the powerful genetic armament, Lu Yuan's current strength has become extremely terrifying.

If he perfected the gene chain, it would be stronger.

Even so, Lu Yuan still feels a little guilty.

After all, alienation is much more powerful than he thought. If a complete S-level alienation comes at random, Lu Yuan feels that he is not an opponent. If there is a tide of alienation, it will be cool.

Still not strong enough.

Lu Yuan sighed in his heart.

Then he thought of something and took a few steps towards the door.

After approaching the direction of the door, the Evolution Cube vibrated violently. The next moment, a cool breath melted into Lu Yuan's body and entered the Evolution Cube.

Lu Yuan's eyes lit up, revealing a hint of surprise.

Sure enough, there is also an unknown aura in this alienated object, which he can absorb.

Lu Yuan glanced at the densely packed room with excitement in his eyes.

I don’t know if the unknown aura of all the aliens here has been absorbed, and I wonder if the Evolution Cube can transform once?

He smiled and said, "Sister Qinghe, let's continue to see. You introduce me to each alien object. I'm a little curious about these alien objects."

Hearing this, Li Qinghe scratched his head: "There are quite a few of these alien objects. It will take a lot of time to read them all."

Lu Yuan smiled and said, "It's just the two of us here, isn't it good? It's just a date."

Li Qinghe twitched the corners of his mouth and said angrily, "Whose dating is looking at alien objects?!"

"Then let's go on a date together next time. It's compensation."

Lu Yuan smiled.

Li Qinghe was taken aback, what did she just do? To admit they were dating? ?

Li Qinghe's face darkened, he was silent for a while, and said in a muffled voice, "I feel like you have been tricked. Damn!"

Lu Yuan smiled: "I just want to stay with Sister Qinghe for a while."

This is the truth, Lu Yuan did not lie.

Li Qinghe rolled his eyes: "...Forget it, let's read it all."

Then, the two began to look at the alien objects one by one from the outside to the inside.

All kinds of aliens opened Lu Yuan's horizons.

There is a D-class alien object that is a full-length mirror. As long as you look in the mirror, someone like you will come out, and this person will want to kill you and replace your life.

And after a year, kill your entire family.

This mirror killed dozens of families within a few years, causing a bloody massacre.

In the beginning, the night watchman scoured the whole city and could not find the murderer. It was not until a night watchman accidentally looked in the mirror and found that there was no figure of him in the mirror, and he realized that something was wrong.

After all, it is a D-level alien object, which is ineffective for gene warriors.

There is also a C-class alien that is a piece of pork.

That's right, it's just an ordinary looking piece of pork.

As long as he eats this piece of pork, the person will get fatter and fatter, and eventually he will start to eat his own meat after he gets fat to a certain extent.

And the pork will reappear in another area. This area is not too far from the deceased, but it is not too close. It is always in the same city.

Otherwise, the night watchman at that time would not have found this thing at all.

Lu Yuan always felt that what Li Qinghe told were all scary stories, which was outrageous.

In fact, the effects of many alien objects are extremely terrifying.

After encountering some alien objects, it is even difficult for you to guard against them.

This made Lu Yuan even more dignified.

However, Lu Yuan then thought that as long as he touched the alien object, the evolution cube in his body would vibrate.

It's kind of an alarm.

This made Lu Yuan suddenly think of Senior Si Tingfeng's fiancee again.

His heart sank again.

So far, in the real world, the Evolution Cube will only vibrate after he encounters alien objects.

She was also shocked when she faced the woman named Tong Menghan.

If it was before, Lu Yuan might not have a good way to deal with this matter.

But Lu Yuan can now monitor the woman's situation.

Imperial Gene: Shadow Realm.

The summoned shadow clone has extremely powerful stealth capabilities, and Lu Yuan can share the senses of the shadow clone if he wants to, and it can achieve the role of surveillance without knowing it.

After you go back, find an opportunity to explore that Tong Menghan's home.

Otherwise, he would always feel a little uneasy.

Lu Yuan made a decision.

The rule of placing alien objects underground is that the outermost alien objects are all D-level, and the higher the level of alien objects inside, the more dangerous they are, from D-level, to C-level, to B-level, and then to A-level. and S-Class.

The core area is to place A-level and S-level.

Among them, D-level and C-level aliens are the most, and after reaching b-level, the number of aliens begins to decrease significantly.

However, after reaching the B-level, the aliens became stronger and stronger.

You know, B-level aliens can be compared with Battle King.

Because of the strangeness of the aliens, even the King of War may not necessarily be an opponent of B-level aliens.

Lu Yuan saw a B-level alien, a blood-stained scissors.

As long as the scissors are stained with the target's blood, they can cut a target's hair at will, and the target's body can be cut in two.

Unless his own strength exceeds that of the King of War, there is basically no way to resist this kind of weird scissor damage.

There were once three warrior king-level powerhouses who were overwhelmed by these weird scissors.

Died inexplicably, inexplicably.

The aliens at the level of C have certain thoughts, and the aliens after the B-level can confuse others through some weird whispers, and let others help realize the purpose of the aliens.

This weird scissors can't move by itself, but it can confuse the family of a warrior king-level powerhouse. As long as you get a little blood and a hair, you can easily kill the warrior king.


And B-level aliens are basically this kind of ghost.

There are dozens of them.

It is hard for Lu Yuan to imagine how many strong people's lives have been sacrificed in order to collect these alien objects.

Soon, Lu Yuan and Li Qinghe came to an area that looked different.

The previous area was made of black alloy, but this area is all made of white gold alloy.

The intersection of black and white gold looks like the intersection of two different worlds.

Li Qinghe's face became serious, and he said:

"Further ahead is the core area of ​​A-level and S-level. Even if the King of War enters, it will be dangerous if you are not careful. You have to follow me carefully, don't touch anything, no matter what you hear, it's not a problem. hear."

Lu Yuan could also see that this area seemed a little weird, he nodded and said seriously:

"I know Sister Qinghe, don't worry."

Li Qinghe nodded with a smile.

At this moment, there was a slight knock on the door of the room in the core area.




"Is anyone out there?"

A soft voice came from the door of the room.

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