My Genes Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 311 Destiny is an extraordinary gene

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What has not evolved is the last holy gene, the hand of death.

The evolution cube flashed a faint blue light and began to evolve.

Moments later, the evolution of the Death Hand is complete.

Holy Gene, Death Scythe.

Like Death's Hand, Death's Scythe is also a cursed combat skill.

However, compared with the hand of death, the instant death effect caused by the death scythe is stronger, and the various negative effects attached are also stronger.

This combat skill will bring conceptual death, not only life, but even dead objects will 'death'.

Death Scythe makes dead things die by harvesting the concept of death. If it is a machine, it will lose its power directly. If it is a genetic weapon, it will be directly destroyed from the root and lose its spirituality.

The greater the gap between Lu Yuan's strength and the opponent, the better the effect of this death harvest concept.

If the gap is not big, or if the opponent is stronger than Lu Yuan, it will be more difficult to cause death, but it will also cause a certain degree of impact.

Lu Yuan had to sigh again, God-level genes are powerful, even conceptual death can be achieved.

With Lu Yuan's current strength, if his Death Scythe goes all out, it can turn the entire galaxy into a dead place, the stars lose their 'life' and go out directly, and the living planets also lose their 'life' and become a barren death star. , leaving only death itself.

The combat skill of Death Scythe and other god-level genes are also extremely powerful, and they live up to the name of god-level genes.

The power of death inherited from the Scythe of Death gene has also reached the level of law. Lu Yuan can use the law of death to make life wither, make everything wither, and make everything die.

After Lu Yuan absorbed all the inheritance, he sighed slightly.

So far, Lu Yuan has finally evolved all the extraordinary genes to god-level.

Lu Yuan now has seven god-level genes.

Even if it is a powerhouse of the God of War level, I am afraid that no one can have as many god-level genes as him, right?

Even if it is a strong God of War, there are weaker genes, it may be king level, it may be emperor level emperor level.

If Lu Yuan perfected all the extraordinary genes, he felt that even in the God of War, he should be the most powerful group.

And now, Lu Yuan is only the strength of a war emperor.

Of course, after the original gene has evolved, it is not over yet, Lu Yuan can burn a new gene.

What Lu Yuan wanted to record most was the time stagnation gene found in the Hall of Merit.

It's a pity that the extraordinary gene needs a full 20 million merits. Lu Yuan did not go to the upper level of the land of origin to hunt down alienated beasts and quell the source of alienation. The number of merits is seriously insufficient.

For this reason, Lu Yuan can only choose to use other extraordinary genes.

During this period of time, Lu Yuan not only looked for suitable extraordinary genes in the Hall of Merit, but also in the mall of Genius Camp, the auction house in Tianmeng City, and the auction house in Baiyun City. Two hours, and not a short time to do other things.

In the end, Lu Rim chose a rather interesting extraordinary gene.

The level of this extraordinary gene is very low, only the elite level, which is called a good start.

The function of this combat skill is that after using this combat skill, your luck is slightly improved, and you can get better treasures by killing the first beast.

This is what Lu Yuan saw in the Baiyun City auction house. As an elite-level combat skill, it does not improve combat power. It only improves a little luck, and the improvement is not much. In addition, the consumption of spiritual power is not small. Let the whole extraordinary gene seem to be ignored.

However, Lu Yuan had a strong idea of ​​this combat skill.

The extraordinary gene that improves luck is the first one that Lu Yuan has encountered. He has never encountered such extraordinary genes before. Of course, there may be other extraordinary genes of this type, but Lu Yuan does not know it.

What Lu Yuan is interested in is what will happen to the extraordinary gene that improves luck if it evolves to the god level?

Become god-level good luck? Pies fall from the sky?

Lu Yuan almost didn't think about it.

After seeing it, I took it down, but it cost tens of thousands of second-order spirit crystals, which is hardly worth mentioning.

Lu Yuan took out the extraordinary gene that flashed green light and started recording.

With Lu Yuan's current strength, it is almost impossible to record an elite-level extraordinary gene. Soon, the gene chain will change, and Lu Yuan has completed the recording.

After completing the recording, Lu Yuan's consciousness entered the edge of the gene chain, and the white mist surged in front of him, forming a petite humanoid creature.

It was a chubby-looking, strange human-shaped beast with big eyes and a spear in his hand.

The big eyes of this human-shaped beast had a ferocious crimson light at the moment, and it screamed at Lu Yuan.

His breath is at the War Emperor level, but it seems unreasonable to just burn the elite genes of the War Emperor. Generally speaking, just recording the elite genes cannot reach the War Emperor level, even if you want to reach the War King level. Neither is realistic.

However, this is the residual will of the extraordinary gene. The adjustment made according to Lu Yuan's strength, even if it is a little unreasonable, is because Lu Yuan, as a war emperor, burns elite genes.

Lu Yuan looked at the ferocious human-shaped beast jumping up and down, his face was a bit strange, this is probably the weakest afterimage of the war emperor in history, right?

The human-shaped beast charged towards Lu Yuan with short legs.

Then a gray-white sickle appeared and slashed across the neck of the human-shaped beast. The next moment, the human-shaped beast froze in place, turning into a white mist and dispersing.

If using other combat skills, Lu Yuan needs to disperse the residual will again and again until the residual will is completely exhausted.

But Lu Yuan used Death Scythe, which directly conceptually 'killed' the residual will without even giving it a chance to recover.

Lu Yuan had to admit that the combat skill of Death Scythe was very useful.

His heart was very happy, his consciousness returned to his own body, and the recording was completely completed. Then he felt the changes in his body, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

The increase brought by the opener gene is almost negligible. If it weren't for the increase in the extraordinary gene, which was like an instinctive effect, Lu Yuan would not even be able to sense that he had such a small improvement.

It has to be said that with his current strength, burning the elite-level genetic armament is almost a waste of the position of the blank genetic chain.

Of course, that is on the premise of not evolving extraordinary genes.

There was a look of anticipation in Lu Yuan's eyes, and the evolution began.

The faint blue light flashed in the evolution cube, and the gene chain began to change.

The leader-level extraordinary gene, the opening of the door is very popular.

Lu Yuan: "?"

What the hell is the name of the fighting skill?

Lu Yuan felt that this race that dropped extraordinary genes was a bit strange.

Continental margins continue to evolve.

Leader-level extraordinary gene, good luck.

Lord-level extraordinary genes, good luck.

King-level extraordinary gene, little lucky star

Emperor-level extraordinary gene, big lucky star.

Emperor-level extraordinary genes, good luck.

Saint-level extraordinary gene, child of destiny.

God-level extraordinary gene, the wheel of fate.

Although Lu Yuan felt that the name of this extraordinary gene evolved all the way is a bit strange when it evolved before, but I have to say that when it evolved to the god level, Lu Yuan was still shocked.

From the evolution from the holy level to the god level, the extraordinary gene that consumes the most spiritual power in Luyuan is the space gap, which consumes about 10 million eighth-order spiritual crystals.

Now that record has been broken.

From the evolution of Destiny Child to the Wheel of Fortune, the consumption of spiritual power has reached about 23 million eighth-order spiritual crystals, which is so terrifying.

If it wasn't for the spiritual power stored before Lu Yuan, I'm afraid it wouldn't be able to evolve!

However, after the evolution, Lu Yuan felt that it was quite worth it.

If nothing else, the increase in all aspects brought about by the god-level genes is quite exaggerated, almost twice the increase in the space gap, which is much more than other god-level genes.

Not to mention the various effects brought about by this extraordinary gene.

First of all, the wheel of fortune gene can make Lu Yuan's luck better, such as picking up money when going out, killing beasts to get better treasures, and maybe encountering some spiritual fruit while walking.

In addition to this ever-present change, the wheel of fortune combat skills can change fate.

If the wheel of fortune is turning, it can bring good luck to the target.

And if it is reversed, it will bring bad luck to the target.

With good luck, no matter what you do, it is easy to achieve what you want. Buying lottery tickets will definitely give you special prizes, killing beasts will definitely drop extraordinary genes and genetic weapons, and the environment on the field will always be in your favor when fighting, etc.

With bad luck, everything goes wrong with the target. You may be hit by a car accidentally when you go out, you may choke to death when you drink water, and you may be plagued by bad luck when fighting, etc.

This combat skill is extremely powerful, but the consumption is also very huge. The consumption depends on the specific degree of good luck and bad luck. The more good luck and bad luck, the greater the consumption.

At the same time, if a limit is reached, the wheel of fortune will devour itself, causing chaos in its own destiny and reverse good luck and bad luck.

Lu Yuan absorbed the inherited knowledge, and he also had some enlightenment in his heart.

Although the wheel of fortune allows him to play with fate, he may also be played by fate if he is not careful.

But Lu Yuan felt that it was actually okay, even if he was really attacked, he would just die and be resurrected.

In addition to changing fate, the wheel of fortune also has a predictive effect. In one case, it is necessary to consume spiritual power, continue to open the wheel of fortune, and predict the next battle.

The other is that there is no need to turn on the wheel of fortune, but randomness predicts what will happen in the future, specifically the situation that cannot be determined.

In addition to these, there are also some inherited knowledge about fate, such as checking the future fate of the target. Although it is not detailed enough, it can judge whether the fate of the other party is good or bad in a period of time. Lu Yuan feels that he can It is that there is nothing to do in the future, and you can live by being a fortune teller.

Needless to say, all kinds of inherited knowledge, for Lu Yuan, whether it is to predict the opponent's actions or change the fate, it is an extremely powerful ability.

Anticipating the enemy's advantage allows him to firmly grasp the initiative in battle.

But to give himself good luck and bad luck to the enemy, Lu Yuan's first thought was that after changing his fate, would he use the Death Scythe to directly make the other party more likely to die conceptually?

Wheel of Fortune and Death Scythe are a perfect match.

Lu Yuan was a little itchy, and wanted to find a god of war to try.

Soon Lu Yuan felt that he was a little swollen again. He was only a war emperor, but he wanted to try the war god.

There's something wrong with this, so hold on tight.

So far, Lu Yuan has made a complete breakthrough, possessing eight god-level extraordinary genes, and all of them are extremely powerful god-level genes.

This is something to celebrate, and Lu Yuan intends to celebrate.

He got up, stretched, and after taking a shower, went out of the room door.

He came to the door of the gravity room where Si Tingxue and Rebecca practiced and knocked on the door.

Soon, the door of the room opened, and Rebecca's little head stuck out. She practiced very hard, and her pretty face was full of sweat.

Seeing Lu Yuan, Rebecca was a little puzzled: "A Yuan, why are you here?"

Lu Yuan coughed dryly and said:

"Then what, I'm here to discuss with you."

Rebecca's eyes lit up: "Okay! Xiaoxue and I haven't discussed with you for a long time."

She let Lu Yuan go in, and then closed the door.

Si Tingxue naturally heard the voice at the door, and looked at Lu Yuan, a belligerent expression appeared in his ice blue eyes.

Don't look at Si Tingxueqing's coldness and stubbornness in his heart. Although he knows that he is not Lu Yuan's opponent, he is a head iron and wants to fight with Lu Yuan.

She stood up and said, "Why did you suddenly think of learning from us?"

Lu Yuan said solemnly: "I think you may have misunderstood what I meant by discussing."

Si Tingxue and Rebecca were stunned for a moment, their faces a little dazed.

After a while, Rebecca was the first to react. Her pretty face suddenly turned red, and she was shocked. She rushed to the door and shouted at the same time:

"I remember I have something to do..."

Before she opened the door, Lu Yuan appeared at the door, smiling at Rebecca.

Si Tingxue on the side was still a little confused, and some didn't understand the situation.

But soon, Si Tingxue understood that although she resisted to the death, her strength gap was still too great in the face of Lu Yuan's claws, and she could only be forced to surrender.

…………Omit tens of thousands of words…………

Two days later, in the room, although Rebecca and Si Tingxue were still a little tired, they all looked at Lu Yuan in astonishment, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Si Tingxue said in shock:

"You really broke through to the Emperor of War?!"

Rebecca's eyes are full of admiration:

"A Yuan, you're so amazing! You haven't even graduated yet, but you're already a war emperor, and you've already cultivated the same level as my old man!"

She happily hugged Lu Yuan's arm.

Seeing the surprised look of the two of them, Lu Yuan smiled slightly:

"Yeah, so I just wanted to celebrate."

Si Tingxueqiao's face flushed, and she snapped a bite on Lu Yuan's shoulder. With Lu Yuan's physical strength, he naturally didn't feel it at all, but he still pretended to be in pain and screamed:

"Ah~~ I'm going to die, I'm going to die! It hurts to death!"

Si Tingxue reluctantly let go, rolled his eyes at Lu Yuan, and was speechless:

"It's shameless!"

Lu Yuan immediately said confidently: "Who said that? Isn't my face handsome?"

As he said that, he looked at Rebecca and said:

"Rebecca, am I handsome?"

Rebecca's face was tangled. Although she wanted to speak against her will, she looked at Lu Yuan's face and couldn't say anything, and she felt a little numb.

She puffed out her mouth and said angrily:

"A Yuan is too bad, it makes sense for Xiaoxue to be angry."

Lu Yuan coughed dryly, admitted his mistake in a good manner, and said, "Next time I must get your consent first."

"Do you want a next time?!"

Si Tingxue's eyes widened with disbelief. He didn't expect such a cheeky person.

Has his face thickened the more he practiced?

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