My Genes Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 314 Resolute

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In the picture predicted by the edge of the land, above a huge forest, two space fissures were torn apart, green flames poured down, and humanoid creatures wearing green robes rushed out of the space fissures, constantly alienating beasts, causing The source of alienation radiates in all directions.

The wheel of fortune in Lu Yuan's eyes slowly disappeared, and the foreshadowing screen also disappeared.

He couldn't help raising his eyebrows, showing a look of astonishment.

Isn't the guy in the green robe a member of the Scourge Religion?

How could so many people from the Calamity Religion come out?

In the two space rifts, almost twenty or thirty members of the Calamity Religion came out.

The first thing Lu Margin thought of was the space rift he encountered in the dark night forest before.

It can be seen that the space fissure predicted by the land edge this time is the same as the previous black night forest space fissure.

Sure enough, has the Calamity Religion stably entered the upper layer of the Origin Land from the outside world?

Don't know how they did it.

Lu Yuan felt a little dignified, but he didn't worry too much.

With his current strength and two space rifts, he can easily destroy it.

By the way, you can also harvest some unknown breaths, and let the Evolution Cube enter the next transformation as soon as possible.

Moreover, the same space rift as last time, if it subsides, there should be more than one million merits, right?

With a few more, he should be able to buy the time-stagnant combat skills.

The problem now is that the continental margin does not know where the space rift is located.

However, this is not difficult for the land edge.

He has a unique way of finding his way.

Lu Yuan stood up, disappeared into the gravity chamber, and came to an open space outside the city of Butian.

Afterwards, he took out his epee, and a black and white circle appeared in his eyes.

Wheel of fortune, good luck.

Lu Yuan's spiritual power surged, adding an extreme good luck effect to himself, and then muttered in his heart to find the position in the pre-predicted picture, and threw the epee in his hand while muttering.

The epee spun in the air, and it didn't take long for it to land on the ground, with the tip of the sword facing north.

Lu Yuan nodded with satisfaction: "It should be in the north."

This way-finding method, Lu Yuan calls it the lucky way-finding method.

With the ultimate good luck brought by the wheel of fortune, you no longer have to worry about getting lost, and you can find the right way when you close your eyes.

Lu Yuan picked up the epee and disappeared into the open space.

Along the way, Lu Yuan kept stopping to use the lucky wayfinding method, not to confirm the position, but to confirm the distance.

After all, the land edge uses space movement, and it may accidentally move too far.

Before long, Lu Yuan saw a familiar forest.

The giant beasts in the forest roared and roared, and the roar of battle came from far away from time to time, and Lu Yuan even felt the breath of the saint-level powerhouse from the depths of the forest.

This area is extremely far away from the Heaven-Mending City, and the fierce beasts inside are also extremely powerful.

Moreover, there are a lot of alienated beasts coming.

Lu Yuan floated in the air, looked around, and planned to confirm the location first according to the scene he had predicted before.

At this moment, a violent roar sounded, and a terrifying aura surged. One had two pairs of bat wings on its back, and a ferocious beast full of thorns rushed out from a nearby hill. With a strange gray-green aura, it rushed towards Luyuan.

This is an alienated beast that has barely reached the holy level.

Lu Yuan glanced at it, a gray-white sickle appeared on the head of the alienated beast, the sickle slashed, the alienated beast suddenly froze, its body lost its vitality, and fell heavily from the air.

Lu Yuan couldn't help but sigh again, the sickle of death is really easy to use.

After killing this holy-level alienated beast, Lu Yuan turned his head and glanced in the direction of the forest, then withdrew his gaze and flew towards other areas. The space fissure did not appear in this area before.

At least at that time, Lu Yuan didn't see any small hills in the prediction picture.

After Lu Yuan left, several war emperors with purple skin and one horn in the forest flew out of the forest shivering.

They looked at each other with a look of horror in their eyes.

"Who was that person before?!"

One of the beautiful-looking female War Emperor's voice trembled slightly, and there was still fear that had not dissipated.

A strong man next to him also shook his head with a dazed expression:

"I don't know! That chibone beast is a holy-level alienated beast! It died like that! That person must be a high-level war saint, maybe even a god of war powerhouse! Didn't you see that he had discovered us? ? Just didn't take us to heart."

Another tall and thin old man said:

"With that person's strength, naturally he won't care about us, but I didn't expect that there is a holy-level chi bone beast hidden here. If we went up the mountain before, I'm afraid it would be dangerous."

The others also nodded their heads. A group of war emperors looked powerful, but faced with holy-level alienated beasts, if they were attacked, they might be wiped out.

Even if it wasn't a sneak attack, they had to work hard to escape.

Several people were talking, and then turned to leave, planning to go to a more peripheral area.

After Lu Yuan killed the chi bone beast, he wandered around the forest for a few laps again, and finally found an area similar to the scene he predicted in the outer area of ​​the forest.

This area is a bit different from the areas Lu Yuan encountered before. There are many king-level and emperor-level beasts, and some genetic warriors are hunting the beasts.

Lu Yuan can feel the existence of many gene warriors. If there is a space rift, the gene warriors in this area will probably suffer heavy casualties.

But now that he's here, there shouldn't be a problem.

Lu Yuan's prediction is a picture of the future, but how far into the future is, Lu Yuan is not particularly certain, and can only be guaranteed in the next few months.

Because the specific time could not be determined, Lu Yuan had to stay here.

The speed of training outside the gravity is too slow, and Lu Yuan is too lazy to practice. He directly left a shadow angel in this area, while the main body went to other areas to hunt alienated beasts.

On the one hand, it is to obtain the unknown aura of the alienated beast, and on the other hand, it is also to obtain merit.

Time passed, more than a month later.

Anastasia, Xia Zhi, Nina and several other night charm geniuses came to the outside of the forest under the leadership of two night charm powerhouses at the battle emperor level.

The leader of the war emperor is the Violet who invited Lu Yuan to see the night charm and Saint Gladys.

She looked at the vast ocean-like forest in the distance, a smile appeared on her face, and she said:

"His Royal Highness, in front of you is the Tianhuang Forest. This forest is the area where the border between the Heaven-Mending City and the Creation City of the Mechanical Race is connected. It is a dangerous thing. The place we are going is outside the Tianhuang Forest. The beasts in that area are basically king-level and emperor-level. The number of emperor-level beasts is very small. Beasts also have alienated beast dens, if you are lucky, you may encounter a cherished beast, and after killing it, you can get a more cherished extraordinary gene."

Anastasia listened carefully and nodded from time to time.

Nina said with a smile: "I can't wait."

Violet and another Night Charm War Emperor named Shirley looked at each other, and then Violet said seriously:

"His Royal Highness, although the fierce beasts in the outskirts of the Tianhuang Forest are not too strong, they may also encounter danger. Unless you encounter a fierce beast at the level of a war emperor, Xue Li and I will not take action. I hope You can stay vigilant."

Anastasia nodded slightly and said lightly:

"I know, just go to the area with more alienated beasts, no problem?"

Anastasia felt a stronger sense of urgency after knowing that Lu Yuan had broken through to the Emperor of War. She now hopes to gain a lot of merit, buy a lot of training resources, and break through to the Emperor of War level.

Anastasia is not too far away from the King of War now, she just needs some more meritorious deeds.

Violet nodded slightly, then said:

"The area with more alienated beasts is generally in the North District. Let's go this way."

The group quickly entered the Tianhuang Forest.

The trees that are hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters high are densely distributed in the forest. The canopy blocks the sky. Originally, there was no sun in the sky, it was very dim, and the forest was even darker.

Fortunately, at the Battle King level, the night vision ability is already extremely powerful. Unless it is in a special environment that can interfere with perception, even in the dark night, for the Battle King, it is no different from the daytime.

While hunting down the beasts and alienated beasts they encountered, the group moved in the direction Violet pointed.

As a genius of Ye Mei, although several people have cultivated to the level of kings, they have more or less recorded one emperor-level gene, and Anastasia has recorded three emperor-level genes, which is extremely powerful.

And the cooperation of several people is also very tacit, even in the face of the alienated beasts of the emperor level, they can calmly deal with them, and finally complete the kill.

The group's speed was very fast, and it didn't take long before they came to a dry forest area.

The soil in this area is rotten, the giant trees are all dead, there are no leaves, only a few dry branches are still hanging from the same dry trunk.

In the forest, there are some thin, gray-skinned, hairless canine beasts wandering. These beasts have green eyes, as if flames are burning in their eyes, and from time to time they will grow an eye, or a pair of The tentacles may even grow hideous bone spurs.

Outside the corrupt forest, Violet's eyes flashed and she said:

"This place should be a nest of rotten dogs, all of which are alienated beasts. Her Royal Highness, we will not take action."

Anastasia and the others also saw the rotting dogs in the distance, and the expressions on their faces gradually became serious.

Anastasia nodded slightly and said:

"Get ready to do it."

Xia Zhi and others also nodded.

At this moment, a terrifying roar suddenly sounded from the direction of the sky not far away.

As the roar sounded, the corrupt demon dogs wandering in the corrupt forest were also alerted, raised their heads one after another, looked in the direction of the sound, and roared.

Both Violet and Shirley's pupils shrank. They looked at each other and saw shock in each other's eyes, and then quickly protected Anastasia and the others behind them.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound.

Fortunately, the trees in the corrupt forest have dried up, and they can clearly see the abnormality in the sky without the dense canopy.

At the position where the sound came, the sky seemed to crack open, and two terrifying space cracks appeared.

The terrifying and evil aura began to spread with the appearance of the space fissure.

There were green flames burning in the two space fissures on the left and the right, and then the flames poured down like a waterfall.

Evil green light illuminated the entire forest area.

Seeing this strange green flame, Violet, Shirley, Anastasia and the others all widened their eyes, their eyes full of shock.

"This...isn't this the source of alienation that appeared in the Black Night Forest at that time?!"

Shirley couldn't help but exclaimed.

Violet frowned and said in a low voice:

"Xue Li, Your Royal Highness, something seems wrong!"

She found that at the moment when the space rift appeared, the alienated rotten demon dog, which had only king-level and emperor-level strength, was constantly absorbing the strange and evil aura. .

Some king-level alienated rot devil dogs reached the emperor level, and even emperor-level rot devil dogs appeared.

"let's go!"

Violet and Shirley looked at each other, feeling the pressure, and said in a low voice.

Anastasia and the others also understood that the situation was critical now, but nodded, didn't say anything, and backed away.

At this moment, an emperor-level corrupt demon dog suddenly roared and turned to look at the location where Violet and the others were.

The other rot demon dogs also turned their heads and looked over, and the eyes that were burning with green flames looked very strange.

All the rotten dogs roared and rushed towards Anastasia and the others, their breaths were fierce, as if they were going to devour them.

Violet and Shirley's expressions changed, and Violet hurriedly said:

"Shirley! You take the princess and the others to leave first! I'll block them."

Shirley nodded, and without saying a word, planned to leave with Anastasia and the others.

At this moment, a terrifying roar came from behind them, and one after another, alienated beasts of different sizes rushed out and surrounded them.

Xia Zhi's pupils shrank, and she couldn't believe it:

"These were originally ordinary beasts!"

Now, these beasts have turned into alienated beasts.

And they were already surrounded.

Anastasia's face was cold and severe, and she said decisively:

"Violet, Shirley, break through, we can take care of ourselves!"

She knew that if she stayed here longer, there would only be more alienated beasts rushing over. At that time, they would not be able to run even if they wanted to, so they could only take advantage of the opportunity to leave now.

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