My Genes Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 338 Alien Outpost

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Most races in the universe live with their own kind.

The star field distribution is naturally the same.

The human race, including humans, cat people, elves and other humanoid races, is located in one star field, and the star field where the beasts with advanced intelligence are located is one, and a large number of elements are condensed. Special life with spirituality is called The Spirit Race also has a star field.

In the end, there are mechanical beings who also have their own homes, that is, the country of machinery.

The country of machinery, the boundary of the universe.

The cosmic membrane that is the same as the territory of the human race is covered with the entire boundary. Outside the cosmic membrane, a large number of alien beasts are wandering in the chaos, constantly eroding the cosmic membrane.

In the position of the corroded gap, there are mechanical fortresses lingering for several light-years, blocking the gap.

At the gap, a large number of mechanical cannons collect free spiritual power, drive powerful attacks such as spiritual power beams, and constantly kill alien beasts that want to rush into the gap.

If you encounter a powerful alien beast, some spiritual cannons will also shoot out special particle beams, or even an energy ball that tears and compresses the space, instantly annihilating the alien beast.

In this mechanical fortress, a human-shaped or beast-shaped mechanical life is busy, maintaining the basic operation of the mechanical fortress.

The breath of these mechanical beings is not strong, and most of them are only warriors or warriors, but they are just such weak mechanical beings, gathered together and created by the advanced technology unique to the mechanical kingdom, but also resisted the gap, and had to Said it was a miracle.

In the deep hall of the Mechanical Fortress, a five-meter-high, black and white humanoid mechanical being is sitting on a high throne.

His eyes flashed with a faint blue light, and through the light curtain of the main hall, he quietly stared at the position of the gap, motionless, as if it had been like this forever.

At this moment, he suddenly moved, stretched out his hand a little, and a light curtain appeared again in the hall.

In the light curtain, a humanoid mechanical life with a white metal shell appeared, and he said:

"His Royal Highness, I have an intelligence report on the territory of the human race."


The mechanical life in the fort nodded, and then there seemed to be invisible fluctuations around the huge mechanical fortress. The next moment, in the fortress hall, the space was distorted, forming a regular circular space gate.

The white mechanical life came out.

"What information?"

The thick voice of the mechanical life sounded.

At this moment, he suddenly paused and reached out to stop the white mechanical being who was about to speak.

He stretched out his hand a little again, and a light curtain appeared.

In the light curtain, a mechanical being with a golden metal shell was shattered at the moment, and even his head was shattered in half, leaving only one eye flashing with golden light.

This picture made the eyes of the mechanical life in the fort flicker, and stood up abruptly:

"Jin Lei?! What's the matter with you??"

Jin Lei had a golden light in his eyes, and his voice was intermittent, like a power-off machine, and he said:

"Lindberg, be careful! McPherson and some members of the Heart of Machinery have been eroded by natural disasters and have defected! They must not be allowed to enter the fortress!"


As soon as Lindbergh finished speaking, he suddenly turned his head sharply, and saw the position of the mechanical gap of the white mechanical life, a trace of strange flesh and blood grew out, and there were green threads like blood vessels on the flesh and blood. .

At this moment, his originally mechanical face had a lot of flesh and blood lines, his eyes had a green streamer, and behind him, a circular space gate was formed.

He watched Lindbergh:

"His Royal Highness, times are different, perhaps, we should take the initiative to embrace alien beasts."

As he spoke, an evil aura emerged from the space gate, and one mechanical life came out.

The breath of these mechanical beings is extremely powerful, and the lowest is the saint level, and these mechanical beings have strange flesh and blood parasites on their bodies, which look very strange.

The headed mechanical life is a mechanical life with a dark purple metal shell.

Around this mechanical being, there are thunders of deep purple and green surging, and terrifying power overflows.

He looked at Lindbergh with a cold expression:

"Lindberg, gone for more than 100 million years."

Lindbergh's body made a buzzing sound, as if something was activated, and on the surface of his body, the power of light and the power of darkness flowed.

The rich power of light and darkness strangely did not contradict each other, but merged with each other, and a powerful breath overflowed.

His eyes changed from pale blue to one black and one white.

He stared at the mechanical life with a deep purple shell, his voice was low, and it seemed to contain violent emotions:

"McPherson! You actually betrayed us! Betrayed the country of machines! Betrayed our universe!"

Macpherson's whole body surging with spiritual energy, he slowly opened his mouth and said:

"Lindberg, I don't have so much time to listen to your lectures. The guests should have arrived. Don't make people wait."

Just as McPherson's voice fell, a harsh alarm sounded in the hall, and then a mechanical voice sounded:

"His Royal Highness! There are alien beasts with god-level energy standards approaching! There are... there are three!"

Hearing this, Lindbergh paused for a moment, and a light curtain appeared in front of him. Inside the light curtain, in the chaotic space, three huge alien beasts with green skin dyed with mucus were roaring at the gap. Tentacles danced one by one, and the eyes on the surface of their bodies were filled with evil green light.

Lindbergh turned his head sharply and looked at McPherson:

"McPherson! You did this?!"

McPherson smiled, did not speak, and pointed to the light curtain.

Then Lindbergh saw the chaotic area in the light curtain, behind the three god-level beasts, the dense beasts were like a torrent, following behind the three god-level beasts.

All the alien beasts charged towards the gap.

"Do not……"

Lindbergh's expression changed suddenly.

McPherson laughed: "Don't think about asking for help. Others are busy now. How long do you think we have planned for this operation? From today, the Machine Nation will be embraced by the natural disaster."

"Never! Die!!"

Lindbergh roared and attacked McPherson.

A roar resounded through the fort.

It didn't take long for the terrifying spiritual power to surge, with the power of light, the power of darkness, the power of thunder and so on. turned into cosmic fragments.

At the same time, the incomparably evil aura emanated from the gap, and one by one alien beasts rushed into the universe from the gap, three god-level alien beasts looked around, and the roar resounded through all the nearby star fields.

It seems to announce their arrival.

The battle still did not stop, it lasted for more than ten days, and finally subsided completely, and then, one by one alien beasts began to spread in all directions, and in the gap, a huge lair of flesh and blood appeared.


The territory of the human race, the boundary of the universe.

In a huge palace, Crow, the strong with a dinosaur head, and Ruo Shui, who has a gentle temperament, and another God of War, who is slender and has purple skin, gathered together.

Ruoshui's face was extremely solemn, while the other two were puzzled.

Crow and the purple-skinned God of War Steps looked at Ruoshui, Crow asked:

"Ruoshui, why are you looking for us in such a hurry?"

Weak Shui took a deep breath and slowly said:

"There was an accident in the country of machinery, a gap there was opened, and a large number of alien beasts rushed into the universe."

Crow and Step Length were stunned for a moment, and the atmosphere suddenly fell into a dead silence.

After being silent for a long time, Crow slammed the table with a grim expression:

"How did those broken machines do?! Can't even hold a gap?! What a bunch of trash!"

Step length is a little calmer than Crow.

He looked at Ruoshui and asked:

"What exactly happened?"

Weak Shui said:

"The main reason seems to be that Macpherson of the Heart of Machinery was eroded by natural disasters at an unknown time. It is highly probable that he had contact with the blood of machinery who also believed in alienated natural disasters before, and there was a problem. After that, some of the machines under Macpherson's command Heart of Heart and Blood of Machines combined to hold back the mechanical gods of war in other areas, and besieged the gap guarded by Lindbergh. Lindbergh did not retreat, and finally died under the siege of McPherson and three god-level alien beasts. After that, The other mechanical war gods got rid of the entanglement. They assembled several counterattacks, but failed to get the gap back. At this moment, the gap has been established by alien beasts. I am afraid it will be used as an outpost to invade our universe. Save the planet with life and ask us for help."

After Crow and Bu Chang listened to Ruo Shui, their faces were a little ugly.

"Even the outpost has been established, and the alien beast will definitely defend the lair with all its strength. It is too difficult to counterattack."

Bu Chang frowned and said.

Crowe said angrily:

"No matter how difficult it is, you must succeed! Otherwise, through that gap, alien beasts will continue to flood into the universe! It is easy to block a gap, but it is too impractical to block the invasion of a star field!"

Weak water nodded:

"Indeed, the alien beasts entering the universe can completely allow alien beasts with the power of space to transport other alien beasts to various areas of the universe. It is now the country of machinery. If it continues, it will be our turn sooner or later. And... You also know that even if the alien beast dies, it will corrode an area, and our universe will only become more and more unstable, the space cracks will continue to increase, and finally it may even lead to the premature collapse of the cosmic membrane."

As soon as these words came out, the three became heavy again.

The step length sighed slightly, and then there was a sharp look in his eyes.

"You are right, no matter how difficult it is, we have to plug this gap again."

Weak Shui said:

"Chiyan and the others need to guard the gap. The only three of us are the Gods of War who can leave now. It's enough for the three of us to go to the mechanical country and bring some of the warriors and warriors."

Hearing this, Crow and Bu Chang nodded slightly.

At this time, Crow suddenly thought of something, looked up at Ruoshui, his face was a little weird:

"Wait... Now there are not only the three of us, but also a fellow, who can be called a god of war in our human territory."

Hearing this, Ruoshui and Buchang were stunned.

Then the two seemed to remember something.

The step length's eyes flashed and he said:

"That human named Lu Yuan?!"

Crow grinned and said with a smile:

"That's right, it's that kid. Was he already a War God-level combat power not long ago? I've been sending people to watch him all this time. That kid was a War Emperor before, but now he's a War Saint, presumably again. Burned a new god-level gene, maybe that kid is stronger than us, he is a strong aid!"

Crow's words made Bu Chang and Ruo Shui look at each other, and they both saw the movement in each other's eyes.

Then weak water said:

"That's right, Lu Yuan is now at the level of a war saint. I'm afraid he is very strong. Now is a time of crisis, and he really needs his help. Let's notify him together!"

At this moment, Ruoshui suddenly paused, thought of something, frowned slightly, and his face was a little embarrassed.

"No, that won't work."

Hearing this, Crow and Bu Chang looked at Ruoshui.

"What's wrong?"

Ruoshui glanced at the two and said:

"Have you forgotten the Calamity Religion? If we all leave, then when the Calamity Religion riots, who will stop it? There are some of them who are at the level of the God of War."

As soon as these words came out, the other two opened their mouths and were a little speechless.

The previous news was so shocking that they suddenly forgot that their own territory was also a potential threat.

That is the Scourge Church similar to Mechanical Blood.

In case the Disaster Religion Group came to take advantage of their departure, then the territory of the human race would probably be in endless trouble.

If this is the case, then there will be problems with two consecutive gaps. Even if you want to counterattack, the God of War powerhouse in the entire universe will probably be insufficient, and you can only watch the universe being devoured by alien beasts.

Crow frowned:

"Then what should we do? Can't we help?"

The step length thought for a while, and said:

"Now Beidou and Nuxing are taking turns to guard a gap, and one person can be drawn in a short period of time. We will leave another one, plus that Luyuan, there are also three Gods of War left in the human race territory, facing the natural disaster sect. It should be enough. The strength of the three bishops is that the archbishop is not bad. Although the other two are gods of war, they are not strong."

Ruoshui thought for a while, then nodded and said:

"That's okay, we'll let the two gods of war bring people to support."

"Well. Who's going then?"

Step length looked at Ruoshui and Crow.

Crowe didn't think about it, and said:

"I'll go."

The step length thought for a while and said:

"I'll go too. Ruoshui needs to be responsible for the intelligence of each area. If you go, it's not suitable."

Hearing this, Ruoshui nodded:

"That's fine, then you two go, I'm here to guard, plus that Lu Yuan, Beidou and Nuxing, the people of the Calamity Religion dare not act rashly."

Ruo Shui's tone was flat, but his expression was extremely confident.

Her strength is also considered strong in the God of War. At least she has greeted the bishop of the Calamity Religion. She does not think that the strength of the three bishops can handle such a lineup.

It's not just weak water, but Crow and Steps think so too.

Both nodded.

The stepmaster said: "In this case, it is not too late, Crowe, we will gather some of the war saints and war emperors to support."

Crow nodded: "Okay!"

Ruoshui thought about it and said:

"Since that's the case, then I'll contact Lu Yuan and explain the situation to him, so that there will be no accident and it will be too late to react."

"That's fine too!"

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