My Genes Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 356 Destroying the Different Space

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"The power of time..."

Seeing the bronze gravel surging around Lu Yuan's body, the King of Flesh whispered slowly.

"Sure enough, you are different from other children of the universe. Leave you alone, and when you grow up, it will become an obstacle."

Hearing this, Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Another child of the universe?

Has this guy been to another universe?

But think about it carefully, since the universe has a cosmic membrane to isolate the chaos from the outside, there may really be another universe in the chaos.

And the mother nest of alien beasts is free in chaos, and it is not unimaginable to encounter other universes.

If this is the case, then the other universes are probably swallowed by alien beasts, right?

Thinking of this, a chill appeared in Lu Yuan's eyes.

This beast brood is now staring at their universe, and it is naturally the same idea.

Spiritual energy surged around him, and a black heavy sword appeared in his hand.

This is an artifact epee exchanged for meritorious deeds after Lu Yuan reached the God of War level.

It's called Deep Black Sanction.

Not only that, Lu Yuan also exchanged a whole set of artifact armor.

This set of equipment has a considerable improvement effect on the current land edge.

His body disappeared in place, and instantly appeared behind the Flesh King.

The epee with the fire of cosmic life and death and light, surging with terrifying spiritual power, slashed towards the neck of the King of Flesh.

At this moment, the flesh and blood king's body did not move, but his neck twisted 180 degrees directly, facing Lu Yuan, his deep green eyes contained a terrifying light.

Lu Yuan suddenly felt blood boiling, his body vibrated, and seemed to be in danger of bursting.

However, Lu Yuan's strength has increased too much at the moment, he frowned, and directly suppressed this abnormality with brute force.

It was just a waste of time. The harsh sound of breaking the air sounded. The King of Flesh did not know when he had turned around. His arm squirmed and deformed, turning into spikes, which contained a terrifying green light. stabbed in the head.

There is a void space around Lu Yuan, and the body disappears in place, appearing in the area thousands of meters behind the King of Flesh.

The thorns of the King of Flesh pierced the air, and the terrifying green light turned into a beam of light, shooting into the distance, tearing apart the alien space in an instant, tearing a hole in this alien space, and you could see the universe outside the hole. In the vacuum, the beam shot straight out, directly penetrating a planet hundreds of light-years away, the planet burst, and the green beam disappeared into the vacuum.

The moment Lu Yuan appeared, a gray-white streamer flashed in his eyes.

The gray-white sickle slid over the Flesh King's head.

The next moment, the flesh and blood king's body stiffened for a moment.

Lu Yuan squinted his eyes, slashed out the heavy sword, and the terrifying sword glow, with the power of the universe and the fire of light, slashed at the king of flesh and blood.

When approaching the Flesh King, the Flesh King's body recovered.

There was green light flowing in his eyes, and a thick layer of green streamer was covering his body, and the sword light collided with the green streamer.

boom! !

The roar sounded, and the body of the King of Flesh was instantly smashed and flew out, turned into a streamer, and flew out for an unknown distance. Wherever he passed, the space was torn apart again, and there was another opening that could see the vacuum of the universe.

Lu Yuan's body instantly disappeared in place, and appeared behind the King of Flesh who was flying upside down.

Just when Lu Yuan was about to continue the attack, the King of Flesh turned his head 180 degrees and showed Lu Yuan a hideous smile.

Lu Yuan's pupils shrank, and he found that the left hand of the King of Flesh disappeared at some point.

The next moment, Lu Yuan's hair exploded, and the wheel of fortune predicted a huge danger, he no longer stayed, and instantly disappeared in place.

As soon as it disappeared, in the void behind Lu Ying, a fleshy spike stabbed out of thin air, which was the direction Lu Ying was before.

After stabbing the air, the flesh and blood spikes floated to the position of the broken arm of the flesh and blood king, the spikes squirmed and turned into arms again, the flesh and blood king's face was cold: "I didn't expect you to escape.


Seeing this scene, Lu Yuan couldn't help frowning.

I didn't expect this ghost to be able to detach the organs from his body?


Lu Yuan glanced at the position he had cut on the King of Flesh before.

He found that there was only a slight wound in that area, and there was a little power of light left on it, but the power of light was dissipating at a very fast speed, and the wound had recovered.

Good defense and recovery ability.

Lu Yuan's heart was heavy and his eyes narrowed.

At this time, the King of Flesh and Blood had rushed to Lu Yuan again.

In the process of charging, there was a deep green light flashing in the eyes of the King of Flesh again.

Lu Yuan's flesh and blood mutated uncontrollably again, but Lu Yuan had already prepared before and used the power of time to suppress it at the first time.

At the same time, he also rushed towards the king of flesh and blood.

The arm of the King of Flesh turned into a sharp knife arm and slashed towards Lu Yuan.

A ferocious look flashed in Lu Yuan's eyes, and the heavy sword greeted him.

Swords collide.

boom! ! !

Green and gold lights flickered, and a dark black hole seemed to form in the center.

The next moment, the unstable aftermath raged, and the aftermath spread at an extremely fast speed.

The members of Mechanical Blood who were watching the battle in the distance were all horrified when they saw this scene.

Crow felt a deadly threat, his heart was cold, and he roared:


Gaton even directly used the green light to roll up a group of War Emperor and War Saint-level Mechanical Blood members, turned around and disappeared in place, fleeing towards the distance.

Wherever the aftermath passed, the space of different dimensions shattered every inch, revealing the vacuum of the universe.

Gaton glanced at it, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently.

He spent countless efforts and time to condense the different space, and it was destroyed directly under the collision of the two? !

It was a little hard for him to accept it, but seeing the terrifying aftermath that swept in, he couldn't accept it and had to accept it.

The aftermath ravaged the entire different-dimensional space, crushing the different-dimensional space into pieces.

The entire different-dimensional space disappeared, whether it was Garton, Crowe, or a group of mechanical blood members, or Lu Yuan and the king of flesh and blood, they all returned to the vacuum of the universe at this moment.

It's okay to have a block from a different-dimensional space, but without the block, the surging strong breath of Lu Yuan and the King of Flesh radiates out, even the planets tens of thousands of light-years away are trembling slightly.

In a distant area, a giant fortress built by machinery, like a planet, floats in a vacuum.

This is the gathering place of the mechanical family.

Because alien beasts continue to enter the mechanical realm through the gap, a large number of galaxies are corroded by alien beasts and turned into dead zones and nests of alien beasts.

Many machine race planets were directly destroyed by alien beasts, and a large number of machine races died.

The machine race will naturally not be indifferent.

Under the instruction of Mados and others from the Heart of Machinery, a large number of members of the Heart of Machinery set off to go to various star fields of the Machinery Kingdom to gather those mechanical clans and live together.

Each fort has a strong guarding force, and there are at least three mechanical races at the Battle Saint level to avoid being attacked by alien beasts.

At this moment, this mechanical fortress suddenly shook.

In the core area of ​​the fortress, the four mechanical warrior saints, who are also the top leaders of this gathering place, stood up at the same time.

The light flickered in their eyes.

The four looked at each other with horror in their eyes.

Then, they disappeared into the room and appeared in the air.

Not only them, but also some mechanical war emperors, mechanical war emperors and even war kings, all floating in the air at this moment, looking at the direction in the distance.

Everyone had a look of horror on their faces.

A group of powerhouses saw the mechanical battle saint and quickly leaned over, with anxious expressions on their faces.

"Lord Adela! What is that?? Who is fighting in that direction?!"

The mechanical warfare saint named Adela's eyes flashed, and he was a little unbelievable.

He looked at the direction the wave came from, and slowly said:

"The aura of this battle seems to be very far away from us, and it can actually reach this area, and even make the entire gathering place shake... This..."

He looked at the other three mechanical warriors.

The three mechanical warriors shook their heads slightly.

"This is too powerful, I'm afraid even Lord Mados can't do it, right?"

"Who would that be? Lord Mados and a group of three war gods are all in the front line direction, this is not the front line direction, how can there be such a powerful existence?!"

The two battle saints are connected to the opening.

The remaining Battle Saint, his eyes flickered, he slowly opened his mouth and said:

"Don't you feel that among these two powerful breaths, there is a particularly evil breath? It seems to be... the breath of a strange beast?"

Hearing this, the three of Adela froze at the same time, and the gazes in their mechanical eyes flashed more intensely.

After being silent for a while, Adela nodded slowly, her voice hoarse:

"...It seems to be the breath of alien beasts...but that's impossible! Powerful alien beasts should all be stopped at the front line, how can alien beasts of this level appear in the back?! This is definitely impossible. !"

A war saint slowly opened his mouth and said:

"...Could it be the God of War of Mechanical Blood?"

Even he himself didn't believe it.

The God of War of the blood of machinery, their breath is absolutely impossible to transmit to such a long distance and cause the galaxy to vibrate.

The four looked at each other and fell silent.

Even the four war saints were silent, and the war emperors and other mechanic races on the side were even more dumbfounded, and their hearts were full of horror.

At this moment, Adela slowly said:

"I'll stay, go take a look, you now inform Mados and them, and in addition, let the aggregate jump immediately! It must not stay here! The powerhouses who have reached this level may have an extremely wide range of battles," said It may affect our area! If they really come, I'm afraid it will be too late to leave!"

Hearing this, the other three war saints were stunned, and then one of them hurriedly said:

"Adela! You're crazy! How can you get close to a powerhouse of this level?! Did you die in the past??"

Adela glanced at him and said slowly:

"There are always people who stay to check the situation. If they don't confirm their location, how can our mechanical kingdom survive in the shadow of such a strong man when they leave? Don't worry, I won't approach! Just look from a distance. "

Having said this, Adela paused, looked at the three war saints on the side, and said:

"Tolan, Chaudrey, Bruce, if I have anything, my family will trouble you to take care of me."

The three looked at each other, and then a War Saint nodded vigorously:

"Don't worry, we will."

Adela smiled and said with some ease: "Fortunately, the lives of this star field have been transferred by us, so you don't need to spend any more time searching and rescue, okay, you all leave!"

As he said that, he instantly soared into the sky and flew in the direction of the breath.

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