My Genes Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 360 Annihilation

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Blood spurted out, and Lu Yuan felt a sharp pain in his body.

Although Lu Yuan avoided most of the spears of flesh and blood, there were still four spears of flesh and blood stuck on him.

Two on the abdomen, one on the chest, and one on the left leg.

The green blood vessels on the flesh-and-blood spear wriggled, and flesh and blood tentacles protruded out, trying to penetrate into Lu Rim's body. At the same time, the evil green flames burned, trying to burn Lu Rim out.

Lu Yuan's face was slightly pale, his brows were wrinkled, and he quickly guided the alienation flame into the small universe within his body. At the same time, he used the sand of time to restore his body little by little, and formed a certain balance with the speed of the alienation flame's erosion and destruction. At the same time, he used space. The power and the various powers in the body control the flesh and blood tentacles and squeeze the flesh and blood spear little by little.

His face was a little ugly. He lowered his head and glanced at the flesh and blood spear that was slowly wriggling and wanted to take root in Lu Yuan's body, and then looked at the area where the bronze light gradually dissipated. You have the ability to predict in the use of battle, but you didn't predict the attacks of these flesh-and-blood spears? !

Not only the wheel of fortune, his cultivation has reached the level of the god of war, he has ten god-level genes, his own spiritual power is also extremely powerful, and he has extremely powerful perception ability.

But even so, he only sensed danger when the flesh-and-blood spear approached.

How did he do that? !


This sudden change, whether it was the members of the blood of machines such as Gaton and Crow, or Adela in the distance, were all stunned.

Crow was thinking about the way out, and when he saw this scene, his eyes lit up:

"What?! This Terran was seriously injured?!"

Gaton clenched his fists and smiled:

"Sure enough! That lord is not so easy to die! It seems that the lord is going to win!"

The Mechanical War Saint, who originally felt that some beliefs had collapsed, smiled at this moment.

"I just said... How could the human race have won that lord?"

"This human race should be the most powerful existence in the entire universe, right? As long as we kill him, no one can stop us! At that time, the alienation will completely swallow the universe!"


When the members of Mechanical Blood such as Gaton and Crow were pleasantly surprised, Adela in the distance was in a heavy heart at the moment.

His face was ugly, and he stared at Lu Yuan, which was penetrated by the spear of flesh and blood, clenched his fists, and was extremely nervous.

"What to do? What to do?! This human being is so powerful, does he have to lose?! If even he loses, who else can defeat that monster?!"

His face was constantly changing, his eyes flashed, and he was extremely tangled.

I'm going to rescue him? !

Can it be saved?

Adela glanced at the mechanical blood god of war in the distance, and his heart became more and more heavy. !

And that monster is there, how could he save people from under the eyes of that monster?

Why haven't they come yet, Lord Mados? !

Adela was furious.


The bronze light slowly dissipated, revealing the scene inside. In the shattered space, the King of Flesh was only left with the head and neck above, and the blood was floating in the space storm.

Under the serious injury, the breath of the King of Flesh is extremely weak.

His green eyes contained evil madness, and he stared at Lu Yuan.

The King of Flesh held on strong, took a deep breath, slowly broke free from the space storm, floated out of the space gap, and returned to the universe.

After returning to the universe, he lost the continuous damage caused by the space storm, and his flesh and blood began to wriggle and gradually recovered.

However, this recovery speed is more than a little slower than before.

The King of Flesh and Blood stared at Lu Yuan, cracked the corner of his mouth, and revealed a sinister smile:

"I was going to take advantage of you to attack me,

Attacking you with a spear of flesh, I didn't expect you to have such a powerful destructive power... I even thought I was going to die. It's a pity... I survived and you got caught. "

Lu Yuan's face was indifferent, looking at the King of Flesh and Flesh, and at the same time constantly expelling the Spear of Flesh and Blood out bit by bit.

He slowly asked:

"How did your flesh spear escape my perception?"

The breath of the King of Flesh was still a little disordered, and the wound needed to be healed. He didn't mind chatting more with Lu Yuan.

This Son of the Universe is a little different from the ones he has encountered before, and it is very strong.

Killing such a strong man made him feel happy.

He personally buried the universe that gave birth to such a strong man, which gave him a full sense of accomplishment.

He saw the spiritual energy surging around Lu Yuan's body and wanted to expel the spear of flesh and blood, showing a grin:

"Don't waste your efforts, even if you are a strong man like you, if you want to expel the spear of flesh and blood, you don't have a day to do it. You can't wait for that time! As for how to escape? Hahaha I originally It's not the existence of this universe. Using the power of alienation to deceive the perception of the universe, or even the perception of the law, although it is not simple, it can still be done. Do you think I was just there for defense just now?"

When the King of Flesh spoke, his breath gradually calmed down from the original disorder. Originally, only the neck and head were left. At this moment, it gradually returned to the position of the chest. With the recovery, his breath gradually became stronger.

The King of Flesh looked at Lu Yuan with a cold face and said:

"What do you think is the flesh and blood in the fortress before? It's also a part of my body. Originally, if I came back when I was mature, I could use it, but unfortunately..."

He looked at Lu Yuan with a cold look in his eyes, and said with a wicked smile:

"I didn't expect that a strong person like you would exist in this universe, and you would have done bad things for you. However, you will still die in my hands in the end."

Lu Yuan heard the words, his eyes swept over, and there was no metal wreckage of the blood of machinery in the space.

The battle between him and the King of Flesh was so fierce before, he originally thought that the metal fortress was completely destroyed, and even the flesh and blood on it had disappeared.

Didn't expect to be hidden by the king of flesh and blood?

Lu Yuan couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly. He didn't know enough about alienation, but he didn't expect that he would have such a method.


Lu Yuan's glazed eyes looked at the King of Flesh and Flesh and showed a smile:

"I see."

The next moment, terrifying spiritual power fluctuations emerged in Lu Yuan's body, and then the roar exploded, and the flesh and blood turned into powder almost instantly.

The flesh spear was naturally blown apart by the terrifying force, turning into blood clots with green mucus.

With the destruction of the Spear of Flesh, the King of Flesh groaned, his face a bit ugly, the breath that had just recovered was much weaker again, and even the flesh and blood that was wriggling and recovering stopped.

The Flesh Spear and the Flesh King seem to have a direct connection. The destruction of the Flesh Spear directly caused the Flesh King to be seriously injured again.

However, at this moment, the King of Flesh and Blood did not care about this.

He widened his eyes and looked at the area where Lu Yuan had dissipated, with a hint of astonishment on his face.

Blow up?

Why blow yourself up? !

The next moment, the King of Flesh and Blood understood the reason, and Lu Yuan, who had turned into ashes, was sketched out a little bit again at this moment.

It was as if someone painted in a vacuum and drew Lu Yuan out.

Seeing this scene, the King of Flesh opened his eyes slightly and let out an angry roar:

"The power of time! You actually controlled it to such a degree?!"

Lu Yuan recovered again. After losing the spear of flesh and blood, his spiritual power surged again, and his body returned to its original state.

Hearing the roar of the Flesh King, Lu Yuan glanced at him and smiled.

"I communicate with you, of course, it is not just communication."

When Lu Yuan communicated with the King of Flesh before, he used the sand of time to wrap his body completely, creating a time domain where only he existed. After Lu Yuan blew himself up, he could naturally take the flesh and blood that was originally foreign to him. The spear is cleared, and then it will restore itself.

However, Lu Yuan did not expect that destroying the spear of flesh and blood would actually cause this guy to be seriously injured again?

It was a pleasant surprise for him.

The King of Flesh and Blood quickly thought of the reason, and his face was a little grim.

Even if he knew the thoughts and actions of this son of the universe in advance, he did not spare any effort to stop it.

After all, now his strength is only enough to restore his own strength.

Whether he knew it or not, he could only face this situation.

Lu Yuan didn't know what the King of Flesh was thinking.

His face was indifferent, and his whole body was surging with spiritual energy. The next moment, his body disappeared again and appeared beside the King of Flesh.

The King of Flesh's expression changed and he wanted to dodge, but his power consumption was too great, and his fleshly body even only recovered a little. After the Spear of Flesh was destroyed, he was attacked again, and his speed was greatly reduced, making it difficult to dodge.

laugh! !

With a flash of sword light, it slashed at the head of the King of Flesh and Flesh, and immediately cut a deep wound.

Blood spurted out.

"Aah!!!! Damn it!"

The Flesh King roared, using his weak strength for defense.

However, such a defensive method is too weak for Luyuan, who has the power of time and is always in its heyday.

Each attack by Lu Yuan is stronger than before, causing more damage to the severely wounded King of Flesh.

In just a short time, the body of the King of Flesh was torn with extremely ferocious wounds.

At this moment, Lu Yuan smiled at the ferocious King of Flesh and Blood, and his body disappeared in place.

The King of Flesh got a chance to breathe, but there was no joy in his heart.

His dim green eyes looked at the psionic cannon in the distance.

In his eyes, the bronze beams surged, instantly filling his sight, drowning him, and the remnant of the King of Flesh was annihilated under the terrifying spiritual power fluctuations.

"Ah!! Son of the universe! You wait for me!! Next time I will come over and kill you!!"

The terrifying will was contained in the fluctuations before the death of the King of Flesh and was introduced into Lu Yuan's ears.

The smile on Lu Yuan's face slowly disappeared, and his brows gradually wrinkled.

Yes, this guy is just a descendant, and he is already so powerful... If it is his body, how strong should it be?

Moreover, he is not the strongest in the mother nest of alien beasts... What about the stronger mother of alienation?

Lu Yuan's mood became solemn.

After thinking for a while, Lu Yuan couldn't think of any specific countermeasures. He could only plan to refine the fantasy first, then realize the law, and then take a step by step.

Lu Yuan sighed slightly and turned his head to look in the direction of the members of the blood of machines in the distance.

The situation was changing too fast, and the mechanical blood powerhouses such as Gaton and Crow looked at the direction of spiritual power fluctuations at this moment, their faces were stiff, and they even failed to react.

Seeing this, Lu Yuan's smile gradually became kinder.

Because of these guys, monsters like the Flesh King appeared in the universe...

Now it's time to take care of them.

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