My Genes Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 373 Return to the Darkness

Seeing this scene, Nu Xing opened his eyes slightly and hurriedly flew forward for a distance.

Just when he was about to enter the space rift, he suddenly stopped.

His face changed constantly, a little ugly.

"Damn... Did he run away?"

Nuxing wanted to chase after him, but he didn't know where the space fissure was leading. If there was an ambush by a strong man after the passage, it would be difficult for him.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally sighed slightly and gave up chasing after him.

After all, Ah Yuan's current strength is constantly improving. When he leaves the border this time, he must be able to easily wipe out the alienated organizations of the Spiritual Race and Orc Race. Nuxing feels that he does not need to take risks at this time.

Nu Xing took a deep look at the huge space rift and snorted coldly.

The strength of that Stone Spirit Clan is quite strong, if it is not for his new breakthrough in the law of stars, it may not be this guy's opponent.

I have to thank Ah Yuan for this...

Nuxing didn't think about it anymore, and turned to look at other areas.

The surviving Spirit Race alienated saints and War Emperor-level powerhouses were stunned when they saw Spark escape.

They had no idea that Spark would escape.

Being swept by Nuxing's eyes, they froze there, not knowing what to do.

Nuxing snorted coldly, the stars all over the body flowed, and beams of stars shot out, accurately hitting all the alienated powerhouses, almost instantly, all the alienated powerhouses still in the wilderness of doom died.

Compared with the God of War, the strength of the Saint level and below is really too weak.

What's more, the angry star is not an ordinary god of war.

After killing these alienated powerhouses, Angry Star glanced over and noticed the large number of alienated beasts affected by the alienation erosion, he frowned slightly, the starlight flowed, and a large number of alienated beasts died.

It was not until there were few alienated beasts in the Wilderness of Doom that he stopped and turned his attention to the space rift.

He surged spiritual power, wrapped the space rift, and helped the will of the origin to restore the space rift.


Make up the sky city.

Ruoshui is looking at the martial arts hall, protecting Lu Yuan.

At this moment, Crona's huge body suddenly appeared.

He glanced at the changing shadow of the stars and was a little surprised:

"This phantom seems to have changed? What's going on?"

Ruoshui chuckled and said:

"It seems that A Yuan has made new progress in the understanding of the law."

Hearing this, Crow was stunned, his eyes widened, and he exclaimed:


"What Ang Xing said, he has the Law of the Stars, so there should be no problem."

"That's fine...that's fine."

Crow murmured to himself a few times, and then thought of something, his face became serious:

"I'll deal with the alienation invasion first."

"You don't need to go."

Weak Shui said.

Crowe was taken aback: "Why?"

"The angry star has just gone. He has a deeper understanding of the laws of the stars, so there should be no problem."

Hearing Ruo Shui's words, Crowe discovered that Nuxing was not here.

He nodded slightly, and then felt that the alienation aura in the distance seemed to be slowly diminishing. He grinned and scratched his dinosaur head:

"It seems like this. It seems that the guy from the angry star has already dealt with it. It seems that his strength has improved a lot. Tsk tsk..."

Ruoshui sighed: "Unfortunately, the rules of A Yuan's perception are different from ours."

Crowe also nodded slightly, and then he said:

"By the way, I heard that there are space cracks on the other three clans, and the alienated forces of the spirit clan and orc clan have also invaded."

Ruoshui heard the words and couldn't help frowning:

"What are those guys going to do?"

Crow shook his head slightly: "I don't know."

Then he sighed, his face a little ugly:

"If it was before, the upper space of the land of origin was much more stable than it is now. How could it be so easily invaded from the outside... Hey, it seems that our universe can't last long."

Ruoshui's eyes flashed and he said:

"That's right, but now that we have A Yuan, if he breaks through to the law level, he should be able to protect our universe."

Crowe also nodded, showing a hint of excitement, looking at the phantoms of the stars in the sky:

"I hope that little guy can quickly realize the law."



In the spiritual realm, on a silent and barren planet, green rays of light flashed from time to time.

Above an altar in the wasteland, there are two huge space cracks.

Above the altar, there is a golden spirit clan composed of gray metal and an ice spirit clan condensed by ice cubes.

The two Spirit Races are both God of War powerhouses. At this moment, they are looking at the space rift. Among them, the Ice Spirit Race God of War slowly said:

"I don't know if Spark and Fick are going well or not."

The voice of the Jin Lingzu was like a symphony of gold and iron, and he said:

"As long as the space crack is opened, the fire of alienation will automatically erode. As long as it can exist for a while, the source of the universe absorbed is enough for that adult to conceive successfully."

Hearing this, the Ice Spirit Race God of War nodded slightly:

"You're right. With the strengths of Spark and Fick... As long as you don't encounter the mysterious powerhouse who killed the Flesh King, there shouldn't be any major problems. It won't be long before that. The adults are about to conceive successfully."

At this moment, a figure flew out from one of the space cracks.

It was Spark who ran away.

At this moment, Spark was very embarrassed, his legs were broken, his left hand was also broken, and his body was covered with large and small cracks.

His breath was also much weaker than when he was in the upper layers of the Origin Land.

After flying out of the space rift, his body did not stop for a while due to inertia, and the whole person fell heavily on the altar and fell in front of the two Spirit Race Gods of War.


The two spirit race gods of war who were discussing looked at Spark, who was quite embarrassed, and fell into silence for a while, and they were a little confused.

After the atmosphere fell silent, Spark's repeated coughs woke them up.

They squatted down quickly, and the Golden Spirit Race God of War had strands of green flames burning around him. The flames merged into Spark's body. His breath quickly recovered, and the originally cracked body gradually recovered.

"Spark? Are you alright? How could it be like this?"

The Ice Spirit Race powerhouse frowned.

Spark supported his body and said with an ugly face:

"I met the Angry Star God of War from the Human Race! I don't know what happened, but his strength has improved a lot compared to the original intelligence. After just a few rounds, I was seriously injured."


These words shocked both the Golden Spirit Clan and the Ice Spirit Clan God of War.

The two looked at each other in disbelief.

Then the Golden Spirit Clan asked:

"What you said is true?! Your strength is in the forefront of the four outsiders, and you can't even deal with that angry star? Is he really that strong?!"

Spark nodded with a heavy face: "Really... I don't know why he became so powerful. By the way, what about Fick?"

"Fick's side seems to be pretty good. He went to the territory of the mechanical clan. Recently, the mechanical clan has been relatively chaotic, and their war gods have also been few. It should not come out so quickly now."

Hearing this, Spark sighed slightly and said:

"That's fortunate, as long as it takes a while, you can absorb enough cosmic origin to speed up the gestation of adults."

Hearing this, the two Spirit Race Gods of War nodded slightly.

At least, things aren't too bad right now.


Time has passed, because the scope of the space rift is very large, which is larger than the last time when the Calamity Church invaded, and the angry star does not have the power of the law of the light system, so the purification effect of the alienation fire is not very good. , so the speed of helping the will of the land of origin to recover is not fast.

It took a long time for Nuxing to close this space rift.

Even so, there are still traces of alienation and erosion in the entire wilderness of doom.

After all, Angry Star does not have the power of light, and even this eroded area is difficult to effectively purify, and it can only kill a part of the alienated beasts in this area.

The remaining erosion can only allow the land of origin to slowly recover. After that, the birth scale of the alienated beasts in this area will far exceed the original.

After closing the space rift, Nuxing left the Wilderness of Doom and returned to the Heaven-Mending City.

As soon as he came back, Nuxing saw Crow beside Ruoshui, he stepped forward to say hello, with a smile on his face:


Crow nodded, looked at the angry star, and said with a smile:

"I didn't expect it to end so soon. It seems that you have made great progress."

Nuxing smiled, with a hint of pride in his brows:

"not bad."

Weak Shui said at this time:

"There are also spatial fissures in the area of ​​the other three clans. You two are so idle, why don't you do a favor in the past, especially the mechanical kingdom."

Hearing this, both Nuxing and Crow were stagnant, they looked at each other helplessly, and then nodded:

"Okay, let's help."

As the main city of the place of origin, the city of Butian is also the largest city in the territory of the human race, and the main city of the other three races naturally has a teleportation hall.

After the two finished speaking, they planned to go to the teleportation hall.

At this moment, the phantom of the stars in the void changed again.

The stars that were constantly being born and died are slowly shrinking at this moment. All the stars are now gathering towards the center. There seems to be an invisible vortex in the central area, which is absorbing all the stars. The illusory stars that were originally bright are now dimmed. Down, the edge area, the darkness is getting bigger and bigger.

"This is……"

The three were stunned.

Seeing the stars disappear, Ruoshui was a little nervous and asked:

"Could there be a problem?!"

The angry star looked at the stars in a daze:

"This... this is impossible? How could there be a problem? A Yuan's perception was clearly improving before?"

"Then what's going on?"

Crow was also worried, he couldn't help scratching his head, and wanted to help, but couldn't do anything.

When the three of them spoke, all the stars finally completely merged into the central area, leaving only the last shining point of light.

The surrounding area is all in darkness.

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