My Girlfriend And I Transmigrated

Chapter 192: 3 years ago the black water river change

Feng Bulie's words caused the faces of the three gods to change slightly.

Lian Caini was even more shocked: "The Heishui River has changed? That magic cultivator is actually related to the Black Water River?"

In the car, the atmosphere suddenly became a little dull.

Obviously, this so-called "Heishuihe Mutation" is of great significance to the three God Slashes present.

Luo Jing, who was sitting beside Feng Bulie, felt a sudden shock in his heart.

Blackwater River Mutation…

He did not understand the deep meaning of this term.

But he knew someone related to the Blackwater River.

The faceless magic trick Canghu...

This person met in the desert and had a short-lived fate. In the end, the two worked together to decipher Ying Qiuchan's ancient dust-sealed secret realm. From the afterimage of the emperor's ancestor, they learned that Ji Canghu and her younger brother came from Heishui. out of the river.

Originally, Luo Jing wanted to find out what the Heishui River was.

However, although there are many books in Tianshu Pavilion, there are few books that mention Heishuihe. Luo Jing was busy deciphering "Magic of Immortal Dao", so he temporarily forgot about Heishuihe.

Unexpectedly, now I heard the information related to Heishuihe again.

And from the performance of everyone, this Heishui River seems to be very involved?

The mutation of the Heishui River requires the Great Void Realm to be qualified to sense it, and even the three major gods in the middle stage of the Void Realm can't sense it...

Where is this so-called Blackwater River?

Luo Jing looked at the dull atmosphere at the scene, and then looked at Old Man Feng's profile.

After a little hesitation, he finally decided to take advantage of this status and ask.

Maybe Mr. Feng is willing to answer?

"That... Uncle Feng," Luo Jing said and asked, "What exactly is the Heishui River you are talking about? Why have I never heard of this river?"

Luo Jing asked.

The Three Great Divine Slashes did not respond. Obviously, in the eyes of the Three Great Divine Slashes, this issue was of little value.

Feng Bulie looked at Luo Jing and said, "The Black Water River is a river, an extremely mysterious and terrifying river."

"All monks in the Great Void Realm, their lifelong wish is to cross this river."

"Because of the old legend, only by crossing this river can we break through to the legendary realm of heaven and man, and have the opportunity to glimpse the mystery of longevity."

"In the past, only practitioners could cross this river. Martial cultivators like you, Feng Shu, could only see this river even if they reached the Great Perfection Realm, but they could never cross it."

"However, after the demon refining ancestor cut off the road to longevity, the situation has changed."

"Since the ancestor of the demon refining, no one has been able to cross this river again."

"Whether it's a martial cultivator, a demon cultivator, or an immortal cultivator... After everyone cultivates to the peak of the mortal world, they can only look at the river and sigh."

When Feng Bulie, a martial artist, spoke of this incident, his tone was rather gloating: "It is said that the Black Water River is the ultimate boundary between the Taixu fairyland and human reality."

"Only by crossing this river can one be truly transcended and qualified to seek immortality."

"Of course, some people say that the Black Water River is a real river in reality, but ordinary people can't see it at all."

"There are even ancient legends, saying that in ancient times, mortals were lucky enough to meet the Black Water River in reality, and swam across the Black Water River, soaring directly and stepping into the realm of heaven and man."

"Anyway, there are different opinions. It's been 80 years since I saw that river, Uncle Feng, but I haven't seen anything."

"The other side of the river is always illusory, and the river water is even more deep and dark and bottomless."

"You kid will practice hard in the future, and when you reach the Great Perfection of the Great Void Realm, you will be able to see this black water river with your own eyes."

Feng Bulie's remarks caused Luo Jing's eyes to widen slightly.

It never occurred to me that the so-called Heishuihe would exist in such a way.

The mysterious river that can be seen as long as one cultivates to the peak of the mundane?

"Does the magic cultivator who attacked the queen have anything to do with the Blackwater River?" Luo Jing asked hesitantly, "According to Uncle Feng, isn't there anyone who can cross the Blackwater River?"

Feng Bulie nodded and said, "It is true that no one can cross it, but the Heishui River is connected with every peak existence. Once the Blackwater River changes, all the mortal peak existences in the world will feel it."

"Three years ago, a mysterious demon cultivator tried to cross the river."

"The movement at that time was so great that it even stirred the entire Blackwater River, causing the Blackwater to roll up backwards, turning into countless red and black waterspouts surging over the Blackwater River."

"There is a ferocious blood-colored magic sword faintly visible in it."

"If the old man guessed correctly, the magic cultivator who was trying to cross the river at that time was the one who attacked and killed Lu Zhao in the capital."

"It's a pity that although that person was amazing, he still failed to cross the river."

"However, he can trigger a riot in the entire Heishui River, but it is scary enough. After all, in the ten thousand years since the death of the demon refining ancestor, there have been countless arrogances who have tried to cross the river, but the one who can really trigger the mutation of the Heishui River... That magic cultivator is still the first. people."

Feng Bulie said, and sneered.

"With the supreme cultivation level of the Demon Cultivator, if Xiao Lu Yi was with him, how could he have given up such an important piece of Emperor Rui's blood so easily."

"You guys didn't even get a chance to see Xiao Lu Yi, let alone catch him."

Feng Bulie's words silenced the three gods.

Luo Jing hesitated a little and asked again.

"That... Uncle Feng, since Heishuihe is so mysterious, is it possible... uh..."

Luo Jing wanted to ask about Ji Canghu's sister and brother, but he didn't dare to mention it.

This Blackwater River is so mysterious and terrifying, Ji Canghu and his brother were rescued from the Blackwater River?

Come on!

What is the existence of the old fox?

Is she really human?

Luo Jing looked at Feng Bulie's puzzled eyes, and in front of the three gods, he didn't dare to ask about Ji Canghu, so he had to change the subject.

"That... Uncle Feng, why don't you see that Eunuch Su Wensu?"

Luo Jing asked, "Isn't that saying that Eunuch Su has come to Haiyan City to pass the decree? Why haven't you seen him?"

Luo Jing felt strange.

The departure of the great **** was the main reason for the attack on the queen.

If Su Wen was by the Queen's side, no matter how strong the attacking demon cultivator was, he might not be able to succeed.

But this great **** came to Haiyan City to pass the decree, but Luo Jing has not seen it until now, and he disappeared when he came out just now... Could it be that Su Wen has returned to the capital ahead of schedule?

But he saw Feng Bulie coughed, looked at the three gods in front of him, and said, "I don't know this question, maybe the three gods can help answer it?"

Feng Bulie looked at the three gods in front of him with interest, and said, "Where's your father-in-law Su? Isn't he the famous Lu Zhao dog-leg?"

"Now between Lu Zhao's life and death, why did Su Wen's Yin-Yang man disappear?"

"Could it be that Su Wen is the murderer who planned to attack Lu Zhao?"

Feng Bulie didn't say a word, he took a black pot and went up.

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