My girlfriend is a Kryptonian

201. The adopted son of the gods

S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, top floor.

"What did you say? Say it again!"

Alexander Pierce, former S.H.I.E.L.D. director and current S.H.I.E.L.D. minister, stood up from the leather sofa and growled into the intercom in a slightly out-of-control manner.

"Report, report to the minister."

The intercom gave a quick response from the captain of the special forces team: "Captain America has escaped from the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, and the fighter plane failed to stop him. In addition, Shock and the teenager are currently missing and have disappeared from the surveillance screens of various parts of the headquarters..."

Pierce's face was slightly green, and he said angrily: "Let all the agents and intelligence personnel of the headquarters move. Find Captain America for me and get rid of him. As for Shock and the child, they must still be in the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, carpet search every floor immediately!"

"Okay, minister!"


At this time.

S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, bottom floor.

"Skye, do you know the situation here?"

Xinian and Skye walked out of the elevator, and what caught their eyes was the huge underground factory.

Three giant aircraft carrier-like, peculiarly shaped structures are being built, and countless workers are busy working in the underground space. In addition to the aircraft carriers, there are also hundreds of ultra-modern fighter planes parked in the factory, and the scale is terrifying.

"It's an aircraft carrier."

Skye looked up at the huge creation and pondered: "Nick Fury once told me that this is also one of the biggest secrets of SHIELD. SHIELD wants to build three aircraft carriers. Once they take off, they will never land and become long-term air fortress bases. The ammunition and firepower equipped on the aircraft carriers are enough to protect the territories of several countries at the same time!"

She said in a deep voice: "This is also called the Insight Project-aircraft carriers are in the air, insight into extraordinary dangers, eliminate harmful people, and protect the peace on the surface!"

"Just relying on it?"

Xi Nian did not comment on this, and smiled: "Three days ago. Nick Fury went to talk to the Minister of SHIELD. Nick Fury wanted to permanently terminate the Insight Project. The Minister of SHIELD agreed on the surface, but secretly contacted a mysterious force outside, and then Nick Fury was attacked and killed."

"Do you know what you are talking about?!"

Skye was shocked and stared at the boy.

Although she had guessed it in her heart, hearing these words at this time was like being struck by thunder!

That's the Minister of SHIELD, the former Director of SHIELD!

If even the other party is an insider, then the inside of SHIELD headquarters - I can't believe it, it's terrifying to think about it!

"Even if this is true, how do you know?" Skye looked at the calm and composed Xi Nian, and couldn't help asking again: "Who are you?"

"Who I am, you will know sooner or later. Now, let's leave here first."

After Xi Nian finished speaking, he pointed to the front, where an ultra-modern fighter was parked.

He asked curiously: "Skye, can you drive?"


"Minister, look down!"

Hearing the urgent words coming from the intercom, Pierce, the Minister of SHIELD, stood up and quickly came to the French window on the top floor.

Looking down.

You can see that the underground factory suddenly opened its door, and a fighter took off from it, spraying tail flames and rushing towards the blue sky above the headquarters!

"How did they... get under the factory? Aren't the elevators blocked?"

Pierce couldn't understand the scene at the moment, and could only watch the fighter fly farther and farther.

But at this moment.

A ding-dong sound came from the quiet office behind him, and an elevator arrived at the top floor office here...

Isn't the elevator blocked?

This question popped up in his mind again, and Pierce suddenly felt a chill on his back. He turned around nervously.

The elevator with the door open, inside... there was no one.

Pierce was just breathing a sigh of relief when he saw a colorful sphere like a glass ball, rolling from the empty elevator into the office floor and rolling towards him.

"What the hell."

Pierce instinctively stepped back and leaned against the French window, but the sphere seemed to have life, and it bounced up and landed on him!

Pierce felt a pain in his neck, reached out and touched it, and saw blood on his palm...

This glass ball was biting him...

No, this is an unknown jellyfish creature!

Pierce was furious, and quickly pinched the small ball-shaped colorful jellyfish in his hand, opened a corner of the window and threw it down!

Without waiting for him to breathe a sigh of relief.

Pierce heard more rolling sounds behind him.

He looked back in fear and saw dozens of colorful jellyfish balls rolling out of the elevator!


In New York City, a fighter plane broke through the clouds and soared into the sky.

"I hope he likes my farewell gift."

In the co-seat of the fighter plane, Xi Nian whispered to himself.

Facing the hostile existence that attacked him, he never delayed and took revenge on the spot...

But Xi Nian was too lazy to participate in the internal strife of SHIELD.

From meeting Nick Fury to exploring the SHIELD headquarters.

Xi Nian's main purpose was to find the whereabouts of Wanda's brother, Pietro!

Since there was no Pietro at the SHIELD headquarters, now they could only follow the clues to find him.


When the artificial intelligence Alice was tracing the IP address of the SHIELD director's contact with the Winter Soldier's forces just now, she found a very interesting place.

"Where are you going?" asked Skye, who was driving a fighter plane next to him.

"Go to New Jersey."

Xinian snapped his fingers and said with certainty: "There should be the ultimate secrets about SHIELD that you want to know!"


New Jersey.

An American base that has been abandoned for many years and overgrown with weeds.

"This is..."

Skye glanced at the sign and was surprised: "The recruit base built during World War II is also the place where Captain America was born as a superhero!"

"Even you don't know - SHIELD was actually established as early as World War II."

Xinian held the little orange cat and walked into a building across the marked radiation restricted area.

Skye followed closely behind.

The large building was full of dust and cobwebs. Obviously, no one had been there for a long time, but after the switch was turned on, all the lights on made the interior bright and open.

Xinian was the first to enter the innermost room. He closed his eyes first, and after a few seconds, he pointed accurately to a wooden frame on one side: "There is a mechanism there."

Skye walked forward quickly, observed carefully, and found that there was indeed a hidden mechanism.

"How on earth did you..."

Skye wanted to ask another question, but knew that Xi Nian would not tell him, so he bit his lip and held back.


The mechanism started.

After the wooden frame was removed, the basement was exposed.

The two entered without hesitation.

The next moment they stepped into the basement, the dim light inside turned on automatically!

Many black and white computer screens lit up, and an old and hoarse voice sounded:

"Welcome to you."

"Daisy Johnson. Also known as Skye, born on July 15, 1993, a level 10 agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., codenamed 'Shock', with the ability of 'Shockwave', her father is the famous scientist Mr. Hyde..."

"Xi Nian Prince. Unknown birth, adopted son of a god!"

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