My girlfriend is a Kryptonian

273, Mera, Queen of the Sea, and Susan, the Invisible Woman

Big Times code, third deck cabin.

The luxurious and stylish cafe is very quiet, and soft music echoes in the room. Because the super cruise ship is so smooth, people can't even notice that it is moving.

Susan couldn't help but raise her eyes to take a closer look at Mera, who was sitting close in front.

The gorgeous red hair falls smoothly and lazily on her shoulders like a waterfall. The exposed snow-white skin is like the pearl inside the ocean shell. The beautiful face without makeup has not even the slightest flaw. The tall and slender body is undoubtedly It is the best clothes hanger, so even if you wear a common passerby's jacket and casual pants, it is still difficult to conceal your natural dewy spirit and beauty.

The other party is like a mermaid from the sea, and even her voice has an airy air that is intoxicating.

"You are so beautiful."

Susan looked at it and couldn't help but sigh: "Especially the skin, it's so good, white and hydrated."

Mera had heard too many compliments in the Undersea Empire recently, but this was the first time she had seen someone complimenting her appearance like Susan, and she couldn't help but feel slightly startled.

Susan glanced at her wrist with disgust, and said dejectedly: "It's not like me, it's too tanned by the sun."

Mera smiled slightly and said sincerely: "No way, you obviously have a very healthy complexion."

That's not an emotionally intelligent response.

From Mera's point of view, Susan's light wheat-colored skin and sexy body without fat are indeed beautiful. They are exclusive to land people and are difficult to see in the underwater world where there is almost no sunlight.


Susan smiled and stretched out her hand: "My name is Susan, from Los Angeles. Nice to meet you."

"You can call me Mera."

Mera gently held Susan's hand, paused for a moment, and said, "From the sea."

"The sea? An island? That's really nice."

Susan was suddenly enlightened, thinking that maybe only a place like the island could raise such a natural and flawless beauty.

Mera nodded lightly without explaining too much.

After a simple exchange, the atmosphere between Susan and Mera became much more harmonious.

Perhaps it's because as strangers, you don't have to worry about daily things and identities, and you can talk more straightforwardly and calmly.

At least Susan felt relaxed and happy enough to spend time with Mera.

The same is true for Mera. After she sat in that position, there was almost no one in the underwater empire who could talk to her as an equal.

Mera looked at Susan, who had a beautiful smile, and suddenly asked curiously: "You came to take the boat alone, without a partner or friends?"

Susan's smile faltered, and she felt heartbroken.

Susan shrugged and responded: "It's not that I don't have friends. In fact, a few people wanted to come with me. But they were too annoying, so I left them behind and gave myself a holiday to relax. "

"There's nothing like a partner... I don't have one at the moment."

When Susan said this, she seemed to remember something, her eyes flickered, and she raised her eyes to look at Mera: "Mela, what about you?"

"No." Mera shook her head and said, "No friends, no partner."

Susan felt an aura called loneliness from Mera, as if she could vaguely see Mera standing on an isolated island with the sea as her company.

She was about to say something to comfort her.

Mera continued: "But, I have someone I like."

"His name is Xinian."

Mera said seriously with a smile.

Looking at the beauty shining with confidence, Susan felt a little ashamed of herself. Feeling the gap between her and Mera, the brilliance of her beautiful eyes couldn't help but dim a little.

"You also have someone you like, right, Susan." Mera looked at Susan and said.

Susan nodded lightly and said helplessly: "But, I don't even know his real name."

"You don't even know his name...?" Mera asked in surprise: "Then what kind of person is the other party?"


Susan opened her mouth, not knowing how to describe it. She couldn't say that the other party was a boy several years older, right?

She won't be regarded as a pervert by Mera, right?

The sixth floor cabin, inside the bar.

"Boy, you are not of age, are you ordering a drink?"

"Old sir, you are so old and you still drink?"

The one-eyed old man and the black-haired boy choked each other, causing the crimson loli next to them to burst into crisp laughter.

After both Deathstroke and Xinian glanced at her.

Little Wanda quickly covered her mouth, and Little Red Riding Hood's ears drooped.

"She is my maid." Xinian generously introduced Wanda who was sitting next to her.

Deathstroke briefly examined her with his left eye, raised his head to take a sip of wine, and commented: "She is a beautiful woman. You are lucky, boy."

"That's necessary." Xinian smiled confidently.

Wanda’s little face was as red as an apple.

"Old sir, do you still play dress-up games at such an old age?" Xinian said casually as he looked at the armor and samurai sword on Deathstroke.

"This isn't a dress-up game."

Deathstroke shook his head and said, "This is work. Do you know about work uniforms? You, a kid who hasn't gone to work yet, naturally don't know about it."

"That would be even worse." Xinian said bluntly: "You are already old and you still have to work."

Deathstroke was speechless for a moment. No one had ever dared to call him old. As a result, this kid said it more than three times today.

Xi Nian raised the red wine glass, took the initiative to touch the wine bottle in Deathstroke's hand, took a sip of wine and said, "Old sir, have you ever thought about retiring? Live a good life with your family."

Retirement, family...

Death Bell was silent.

"How about this."

Xinian seemed to have thought of something and smiled: "Old man, I will hire you. How about you come to work for me? Bodyguards, drivers, etc. You can also bring your family over!"


Death Bell narrowed his one eye and said happily: "Do you know how much it costs to hire me?"

Xinian raised a finger and said: "How about one million US dollars a day, a long-term contract signed starting from the year."

"This is not a game, boy."

Death Bell laughed.

"The price can be discussed further." Xinian spread his hands.

Death Bell said disapprovingly: "Let's talk about it when you really make that much money."

He left the bottle, got up and left, throwing down a sentence: "Boy. Hide in your room later, maybe there is a possibility of getting off the ship."

Watching the one-eyed old man disappear in the crowd of the bar.

Xinian exhaled.

"Master, is that the mercenary Death Bell mentioned by Alice?" Wanda whispered.

"Yeah." Xi Nian touched Wanda's head and said, "He's a poor guy."

"Poor?" Wanda was not afraid, but just blinked in confusion.


Xi Nian nodded. Just now, when he mentioned his family.

Death Bell's eyes, which had been emotionless and expressionless, fluctuated and were captured by the spider sense.

Obviously, even the top mercenary killer in the industry, Death Bell, who was enough to make Batman tremble, was just an old man who could not reunite with his family.

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