My girlfriend is a Kryptonian

Chapter 40 You are her monarch

On the beach of Paradise Island.

General Antiope and the Amazon warriors were shocked, puzzled, or angry, and fell into silence.

There was no need for too much explanation. When Amazon Princess Diana put her artifact Starlight Crown on the head of a human male, she had already made her position clear.

"His name is Xi Nian, Xi Nian Prince." Diana said softly, as if announcing something.

"Uh, good afternoon, the weather is really good today... Well, it's nice to meet you all." In order to avoid a dull moment, Xi Nian, wearing a crown, took the initiative to wave and greeted the female warriors enthusiastically.

However, no one responded to his words, and the scene became even quieter.

Xi Nian stopped waving his hand, and his scalp tingled. He felt that this was really embarrassing to open the door to embarrassing--

It was embarrassing!

"Even so, without the queen's order, he can't enter the main island of Paradise Island." Antiope's chest was heaving, and he clenched his fists, looking at Xi Nian with extremely cold eyes.

Xi Nian suddenly felt that this look was familiar! Well, it was very similar to the look that Officer George often gave him!

"I know, I'm going to meet my mother right now." Diana nodded and said, "Antiop, can you please arrange a place for Xi Nian in the archipelago building next to the main island? He will stay here for a few days."

"No problem."

Facing Diana's request, Antiop finally gritted his teeth and agreed no matter how reluctant he was.

"Xi Nian." Diana turned back and said softly to Xi Nian, "You follow my aunt, Antiop, to the arranged residence first. I will come to see you later after meeting my mother."

"Okay, go ahead." Xi Nian agreed, thinking that it was nothing to come to a tourist island with poor tourist services.

"Come with me." Antiop looked at him expressionlessly, turned over and rode on the black horse.


Far away from the royal palace and the residence of the Amazon residents, Paradise Island is on the cliff side facing the open sea.

There is a huge and peculiar ancient round building here.

Antiope brought Xi Nian to the main entrance of the ancient building.

Looking at the complete building that looked like the remains of an ancient temple, Xi Nian said in doubt: "Is this a place for me to live? In fact, it doesn't have to be so good."

Antiope, who was riding a black horse in front, ignored it and came to the door of the ancient building by himself. He said to the female guards in silver armor on both sides of the door: "Arrange a spare guard room for him."

"Yes, General!" The two female guards in front of the door quickly received the order. They looked at the first human boy who came here curiously, and when they saw the familiar crown on the boy's head, they immediately showed the same shocked expression as the female warrior before.

Why, look at me like this again.

Xi Nian muttered in his heart, completely not understanding the meaning of the crown on his head.

"Keep an eye on him, don't let him walk around." Antiope threw this sentence to the female guard, and then left Xinian alone at the door of the ancient building, and rode away on a black horse, without facing or speaking to Xinian.

After Antiope left in a swift and decisive manner.

One of the female guards respectfully said to Xinian: "Your Highness, please follow me in."

Your Highness?

Xinian was stunned for a moment, looking at the female guard who walked into the ancient building, and suddenly felt that the people here were still very polite.

Xinian followed the female guard into the door, and the further he went into the building, the more he felt something was wrong!

The inner wall of this ancient building is unimaginably thick, with no doors or windows, and the only main door is just a crowded corridor two meters high.

Rather than being a residence, it is more like a secret place to imprison prisoners or store items.

"This is it." The female guard led Xi Nian to the side of the corridor instead of the center of the building. As she pushed on the brick, a secret door hidden in the wall slowly opened, and countless loose dust fell down.


The female guard and Xi Nian coughed for a while, and when the dust cleared, a blue hanging lamp on the high wall of the inner room behind the secret door automatically lit up.

Looking inside along the light.

You can see that it is a small square room of less than 20 square meters. The room displays a weapon rack and two very simple beds. Apart from that, there is nothing else!

Xi Nian's mouth twitched slightly. It's okay for a small dark room, but the weapon rack and the bed are covered with thick dust. I don't know how long it has been since anyone has lived there.

"Your Highness, please wait a moment. I'll help you clean it." The female guard waved the dust in the room and said apologetically, "This room was prepared for the guards who were on duty here late at night when this building was designed. But later, most of the guards stationed here withdrew, so it has been vacant and not cleaned."

"Guard? What do you mean by guard?" Xi Nian was a little confused. Wouldn't they set up a detention center for him to live in? Or maybe they just treated him like a criminal and locked him up like a criminal.

"It's just an item." The female guard said as she cleaned up, "That thing is in the deepest part of this building, but there's nothing to see. I guarded it for about ten years, and before me, our Amazon people had been guarding it for thousands of years."

"Can you let me live in such an important place?" Xi Nian became more and more panicked. He needed guards to guard it closely for thousands of years. No one would believe that there was no problem here!

"Nothing. As long as it doesn't leave here, it's fine. For thousands of years, it hasn't shown any abnormalities, so don't worry." The female guard shrugged and said, "What's more, you are the monarch of that one, and it's a concession for you to live here with such a noble status."

"Wait." Xi Nian raised his eyebrows: "Monarch, what do you mean?"

The female guard was also confused and pointed to the crown he was wearing: "Isn't that Princess Diana?"

"That's right." Xi Nian nodded.

"That's right." After confirming, the female guard said in a deep voice: "We Amazons are equipped with a crown from the moment we are born. The royal family has a crown, and the warriors have a crown of armor. This is a symbol of our identity and honor throughout our lives."

"Then this crown is on my head now..." Xi Nian opened his eyes belatedly.

"It means that she has given you her honor, identity, and everything of the most valuable. You are her monarch. We share honor and disgrace, and advance and retreat on the same stand!"

At this point, the female guard sighed, and her eyes looked at Xi Nian through the gap in the iron helmet: "I don't know why that prince would choose you, a human, as her other half. Of course, this is not something I can evaluate. I can only respect her choice."

Xi Nian was silent.

He was not surprised, but felt that the crown on his head was heavy and suffocating.

Aunt Diana would never choose him as her other half.

This is probably like before, when he deliberately called Aunt Diana his girlfriend to deal with the flirting. It was just to give him a more reasonable identity to stay in Paradise Island.


A woman as independent, intellectual, beautiful, powerful, and perfect as Aunt Diana made a proud and noble god like her, like an accessory, declare that everything she represents is placed on him.

The price of this is not worth it for even Xi Nian for Aunt Diana!


——————Dividing line——————

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