My girlfriend is a Kryptonian

522, Ninth Permanent Ability, New World! (1/2)

New York, School for Gifted Youngsters.

In the ivory tower teaching building, which is no different from other schools, there is a huge and hollow mysterious basement hidden directly underneath the building.

The basement door has an eye-catching "x" pattern, a sophisticated intelligent mechanical door and a highly technological interior space design. Even if someone says this is a secret military base, they would believe it.


The metal door of the basement with extremely high security factor opened, and a male school instructor slowly pushed a silver metal special wheelchair into the basement. The straight and smooth underground corridors were lit up one after another.

It can be seen that a young man wearing an ordinary shirt is sitting on a silver metal wheelchair. If his legs weren't crippled, he would look like a playboy who just walked out of a nightclub. His handsome appearance is even younger than that of his male mentor.

The male instructor spoke with respect: "Professor, why do you suddenly want to come in here?"

"I have a very strange feeling."

The young professor in the wheelchair responded softly.

"Strange feeling?" The male instructor pushing the wheelchair pondered the meaning of this sentence.

The young professor did not continue to speak, and his furrowed brow revealed a hint of worry and doubt.

He didn't tell the truth.

In fact, it was a very ominous premonition, as if something extremely terrible was about to happen!

The deepest part of the basement is a circular room, like a large alien flying ball. Countless electronic composite panels are pieced together to form an arc-shaped inner wall. In the center is a helmet device that connects the entire circular room.

“Technology can really change the world.”

The male instructor Hank sighed softly and continued to push the wheelchair to the end of the basement, where the helmets were placed.

This is undoubtedly one of the greatest technological inventions in the world today.

It's called: "Consciousness Enhancer."

As the name suggests, the sole purpose of technology is to enhance consciousness.

But this consciousness-enhancing device, which is the size of a Boeing aircraft cabin, cannot be used by ordinary humans. Even if it has ordinary telepathy, it will be difficult to activate it.

Only when the telepathy reaches a certain height, an extraordinary individual can drive this consciousness enhancer and combine forces to achieve an incredible effect!

The male tutor Hank's eyes fell on the young professor in the wheelchair.

In the entire mutant world, currently only the beings in front of you can use this consciousness enhancer.

The young professor Charles Francis Xavier took a deep breath and skillfully put the helmet on his head. Since he noticed the ominous premonition, he had to use the consciousness enhancer to explore it anyway.

"here we go."

Hank released his hands from the wheelchair and turned on the switch of the consciousness enhancer.

Charles nodded, tilted his helmeted head slightly, put the two fingers of his right hand against the temple of his right head, and slowly closed his eyes.

The next moment.

His already powerful telepathy spreads through the signal of the consciousness enhancer, instantly covering the outside of the school until it covers the entire earth!

at this time.

In Charles' mind, the thoughts and thoughts of billions of people around the world emerged.

These mental thoughts are also different——

The minds and thoughts of ordinary humans are embodied, and they look like blue people.

As for the embodiment of mutants' minds, they are people with yellow light and shadow.

Charles can use his enhanced consciousness to explore one of the individuals or a group of living beings at will, and can perceive their thoughts and thoughts at will, and can even kill the group on the other side with his spirit!

At this moment, Professor X, Charles, is like an omniscient and omnipotent God!

From God's perspective.

Charles quickly froze and muttered: "What is that...?"

"Professor, what did you find?" Hank asked curiously.

"A... unique existence!"

Charles still had his eyes closed, with a look of disbelief on his face as he explored a certain street in New York with enhanced awareness.

in his perception.

Human society was originally divided into ordinary people and mutants. Among the blue and yellow telepathic groups, a telepathic figure stood out from the crowd——

The other party’s telepathic manifestation turned out to be——



That golden figure that has never been seen before is like a blazing human-shaped sun, extremely dazzling from the perspective of telepathy!

"I can't detect his mind..." Charles was surprised. There was only one person in this world who could avoid his telepathic detection.

That person was also living in the School for Gifted Youngsters at this time.

Therefore, the other party is the second one to avoid his telepathic detection, and the telepathic color is different from that of ordinary people and mutants.

Since it is impossible to directly detect the other party's mind.

Charles can only transfer his consciousness to other people nearby and observe the unique and mysterious individual through their perspectives.

"Who is he?"

Hank couldn't help but ask.

"He is a young man, a Chinese young man, in his twenties..."

Charles' words stopped abruptly.

"Professor, what happened?" Hank saw something was wrong and asked.

"He found me!"

Charles spat out.

"What?" Hank was shocked.

Charles opened his eyes.

But it was the voice of the black-haired young man, which was clearly transmitted to his brain through the intermediary of the passerby girl:

"Are you looking at me?"


On the streets of New York.

Xi Nian stared at the passerby girl who was about to pass by.

"Sir, what are you talking about?" The girl stopped and raised her eyes in confusion, her eyes full of confusion.

"Is this interesting?"

Xi Nian glanced at her and continued: "I know you are looking. You and I are curious about each other, right? In this case, let's show each other a little sincerity."

The girl's face was full of confusion. Just as she was about to speak, her eyes suddenly covered with a layer of brilliance, and she said in a deep voice: "My name is Professor X. What is your name, friend?"

"Just call me Student S." Xi Nian replied seriously.

Professor X: "..."

The girl was silent for a moment and said: "I understand, come to me. I'm at the Academy of Gifted Youths, come over, and we'll talk face to face."

Xi Nian pondered for a moment and agreed: "I'll go over."

"I'll wait for you."

After the girl said this, the brilliance in her eyes faded.

The girl looked at Xi Nian in surprise, and felt as if she had forgotten something, so she continued to walk along the street.

As for the other passers-by on the street, they seemed to have not heard Professor X and Xi Nian's conversation across the air, and walked back and forth beside Xi Nian.

The bustling streets of New York in the 1980s were as noisy and peaceful as ever.

The Devouring Universe, the Destiny Alliance.

"That's what happened."

In the headquarters conference hall, Xi Nian told the members of the Destiny Alliance on the scene about the general situation of the second universe world of shuttle, and what they encountered just after they came to the outside world.

Skye pondered: "Due to the congenital mutation of the genes of human descendants, the mutant race born from this... is interesting."

"Interesting. Shouldn't it be that there is another Pietro in this world?"

Gwen blinked.

Kara also muttered: "I just don't know if the abilities are the same."


Wanda didn't know what she was thinking. Meeting a twin brother from another world would indeed make people feel overwhelmed.

Diana looked at Xi Nian with her beautiful eyes and said, "What are you going to do about Professor X's invitation?"

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"He has invited me, so I will go."

Xinian smiled calmly: "Since the other party has discovered my existence, there is no point in continuing to hide. It is better to follow his invitation and see if we can find any clues about Lorna."

Mera said worriedly: "I am worried about the other party's telepathic ability. The fact that he can detect you so quickly shows that his telepathic ability is very strong!"

"Don't worry, I have naturally thought about this." Xinian spread his hands: "The worst result is that he tries to control my heart through telepathic abilities in a face-to-face situation."

"But, you also know. Even if he has the mental manipulation ability of the super body mode that is enough to control the world, it can't have any effect on me."

Xinian has no confidence or arrogance, but seems to be describing a fact.

Hearing this.

Many members cast their eyes on the silver-haired girl.


Alice looked at the ceiling blankly with her eyes blankly, as if pretending to be down.

Of course, what Xinian didn't know was.

Professor X was able to achieve the level of ability performance just now, also with the help of the consciousness enhancer. Unlike the super body mode, which can directly control the world with individual consciousness without assistance.

That day, before night fell.

“The Academy for Gifted Youth is here.”

Xinian stood at the gate of a school in the New York city area. The school gate was marked with the Academy for Gifted Youth.

This is also the only academy in the world dedicated to mutants. The principal who founded this mutant school is Professor X.

“I’m here to find Professor X.”

Xinian walked towards the school gate and told the security guard directly what he was here for.

“Main teaching building, office on the second floor.”

The security guard looked at him and said, “Professor X, we’re waiting for you.”

From the school gate through the spacious main road, the first Western European building is the main teaching building.

Xinian walked inside. The lawns and green plants, ivory buildings, humanistic atmosphere, etc., were no different from other schools.

The only difference is——

There are no students.

Xinian did not meet a single student from the time he entered the school gate to the steps in front of the teaching building.

There was not even a single student in the main teaching building.

It was still afternoon, not the weekend, and students should still be in class.

"It seems that the other party is also afraid of me." Xi Nian quickly realized.

Indeed, compared to the famous person in the local world, Professor X.

My existence that appeared out of thin air is obviously more ‘scary’, right?

I am the villain? !

Xi Nian secretly complained.

At the corner of the wooden stairs leading to the second floor of the teaching building, a man dressed as a teacher stood there, looking at Xi Nian who walked in with great caution.

“I warn you, don’t mess around in this school.”

The teacher said.

As if even he felt that this had no deterrent power, the teacher’s body suddenly twitched, and his originally upright face turned into a blue lion face, with blue lush hair growing all over his body, and his hands and feet turned into ferocious lion claws.

“Do you know, roar!”

Hank turned into a beast, opened his mouth to reveal terrifying sharp fangs, and a loud roar came from the depths of his throat.

But as he said this.

Xi Nian’s face did not change at all, without even a glance, he just calmly passed by the beast Hank.

“Uh.” Beast Hank froze and stood there in a daze.

Before Xi Nian opened the door, the door was opened by an invisible force.

On the second floor, in the office.

A young professor with cool hair was sitting in a wheelchair, looking at him.

"You must be Professor X." Xi Nian looked at him calmly.

Professor X nodded and said, "Let's get to know each other again. My name is Charles Francis Xavier, you can call me Charles."

"My name is Xi Nian."

"Oh, Mr. Xi Nian, my friends outside didn't scare you, did they?"

"No." Xi Nian shook his head.

The other party didn't scare him, after showing that attitude.

Xi Nian felt that he couldn't be cautious anymore - there was no need at all.


Professor X Charles smiled, his eyes looked straight at Xi Nian, without any sign, an invisible force swept and exploded!

At this time.

The Academy for Gifted Youth, the other side of the campus opposite to the main teaching building.

The sunny wooden bridge by the lake.

A beautiful woman with long red hair suddenly raised her head, her expression startled, her deep and wise eyes looked towards the teaching building.

"Jin, what's wrong?"

Scott, who was wearing special sunglasses, looked up in surprise and also looked towards the teaching building, but he didn't see any clues.

"It's the professor, he is using his mental control ability, or the maximum ability!"

Qin threw down a sentence and hurriedly ran towards the main teaching building.

Scott also hurriedly followed.


Buzz! !

The powerful mental power overflowed from the office. Even standing outside the stairs on the second floor, Beast Hank felt a splitting headache!

Professor X is serious!

At the moment, in the office on the second floor.

Professor X Charles stared at Xi Nian in front of him, and in the face-to-face close situation, he continued to increase his mental power-

10%, 20%, 30%...

Until 100%!

The powerful mental power overflowing outward is enough to directly affect real objects!

In the office on the second floor, the tables, chairs, and various hanging decorations could not remain intact, and dense cracks appeared!

"This is impossible."

Charles felt incredible. He used all his strength to test the other party, but the result made him more shocked!

Generally speaking, under the mental power of this distance, the other party has only two possibilities-

One, being controlled by him.

Two, being backfired and being controlled by the other party's higher-level mental power.

However, neither of these two results appeared on the other party!

Professor X Charles suddenly realized something.

It's not that the other party's mental power is stronger than his, but no matter how strong the mental power is, it has no effect on the other party!

For example, sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum.

"The world is so big, nothing is impossible." Xi Nian responded calmly.

In fact, for Xi Nian.

Mind and magic attacks are the few remaining weaknesses for him who has a steel body and energy immunity.

And just before leaving the black robe world, Xi Nian just made up for this weakness.

That was a blessing from Alice-

Mind immunity!

Perfect mental immunity, no matter high-dimensional or low-dimensional, any mental and spiritual attack will not have any effect on him!

This is also Xi Nian's ninth permanent ability!

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