My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 1128: Small heart

On the night after the battle ended, Mu Chen and others set up a tent on a clean, open space. Although there is a ready-made residence in the granary, no one wants to stay in it as soon as they see the ubiquitous spider web.

Therefore, in addition to Ye Lian, while searching for potential dangers while searching for spoils, the rest of them sat in front of the tent, using the pots and pans and gas stoves that were moved out of the granary to start dinner.

After lying down in the tent for a while, the stunned skinny monkey and the ancient frost were also waking up. It’s just like a skinny monkey who can’t help but yell when he wakes up. Gu Qingshuang opened his eyes and held his head. He stumbled and asked: “My head is dizzy... you have Who knows what is going on?"

Ye Kai and others looked at each other and shook their heads: "I don't know..."

"Yes... yes... I remember I found the skinny monkey, I am... but look at the situation, it seems that you all rescued us... that zombie? Is it dead?" The thinking is obviously a bit confusing.

"Come to tell her about the things going through." Ling Mo broke a group of people, then turned to the skinny monkey and asked, "Can you talk about what happened at that time? I see you like... no Very good look."

The skinny monkey has calmed down at Muchen's appeasement and explanation, but his head is still covered with cold sweat and his body is shaking slightly. When I heard Lingmo’s question, he first stunned and then replied: “I’m fine, I’m fine now... About that time, I’m going to talk from me and Gushuang’s cream in the passage...”

then. He will tell himself and the ancient frost how to hear abnormal footsteps. How did you see the process of the figure again? When it was said that the other party left, he carefully drilled out of the corpse wall, but when he was suddenly taken away, the face of the skinny monkey suddenly became difficult to look again, and the sound could not help but lighten it, as if he still had a heart.

"At that time, I just got out and thought that there would be no danger for the time being, but I suddenly felt my arm caught by one hand. At that time, my first reaction was to ask for help. But when I just called twice, I felt like my head was like It was awkwardly stunned by something, and the whole person was dizzy at once. It felt strange because I knew that I was not traumatized, but my body was out of control, and my tongue became unfavorable. After the man attacked me, I threw me aside. I vaguely saw that the ancient frost came out, but she seemed to be completely invisible to me, just looking at it with fear... I tried Remind her. But she couldn't hear the weak voice I made... Then I was dragged by this person into another passage. The ancient frost then followed."

"Along the way, I watched the ancient frosts behind me and the attackers, and I saw that she left a mark for you. I have been trying to get her back, not to go any further, but in the end it can only I watched her go to danger with me, and I could only helplessly wait for me to drag you down and become the bait that led you to danger... until I woke up, I still thought about it, that kind of Knowing that there will be a series of bad things afterwards, but the feeling of being unable to stop it is really... too bad..." The skinny monkey couldn’t help but bury his head in the palm of his hand, sulking and sulking, "I’m sorry... I am too weak, I am tired..."

Everyone listened to silence, and at one time only the pot that was porridge was still "squeaking". Ling Mo indulged for a while, raised his hand and patted the shoulder of the skinny monkey and said, "Well, aren't everyone all alive and well? Everyone's abilities have different uses. The other side has chosen you, just because you are not good at it." Fighting. Speaking of it, this is actually my mistake. I sent you and the ancient frosts to investigate, but there is no assignor to protect you."

"Don't say this to the captain. After all, no one knows that the woman has a problem. Now think about it, the captain from time to time senses that the mother zombie is staring at you, maybe it is a strategy he used to cover up." Said in the morning.

Yu Wenxuan also agreed to nod and said: "We are not likely to foresee all the dangers. So, what we can do is to solve it as much as possible after the danger occurs. From this point, we I’ve been very successful. In this, you’re indispensable.”

"Yeah..." The skinny monkey also looked up and glanced at Lingmo. "You don't blame me, I am already very grateful... If you still say that, then I will..."

"Well, it's all in a team. Don't say anything like this. The skinny monkey, it sounds like, you seem to faint in the middle?" Ling Mo asked.

Gu Shuangshuang also listened to Ye Kai’s remarks at this time. She interjected and said, “But... I saw you...”

"No... I was already dizzy at that time... The attacker fainted me halfway, and I didn't know the next thing." The skinny monkey shook his head.

"I understand... After the woman stunned the skinny monkey, she hypnotized the ancient frost and made her think she found the skinny monkey... So she said that she was broken. I think she didn’t start at first. Choosing Gushuang Cream as the primary goal is because Gushuang Cream is a mentally versatile person. It is not easy to hypnotize. But if she chooses to be anxious for her companion being arrested, this time her psychological flaws , but it is much more obvious..." Ling Mo analyzed.

Everyone thought about it, and then agreed to nod. Zhang Xincheng stirred a hole in the pot with a spoon and suddenly asked: "So, captain, about the next action..."

"Oh... when it comes to this, I am also going to inform you of one thing. Although this is a shock, everyone is a little tired. In addition, the things here are also a lesson for us. Obviously In addition to the nirvana survivors who hold these warehouse locations, there are some 'indigenous's around... they may be our kind, zombies, or other unknown monsters. Although I don’t know Not every warehouse will have this situation, but I decided to go to the next location and wait for us to recuperate. At least, after everyone has returned to the best state, we will not be late." Lingmo announced Road.

After hearing these words, everyone could not help but look at each other and immediately said that there was no objection. Muchen still smiled and made a joke: "I see... maybe it’s because the captain you turned off the fire for too long, I want to take some time to burn it out..."

"Ha ha ha..."

"Nothing, we understand, understand!"

"Laughter, understand what! You can't be serious!" Gu Shuangshuang didn't quite understand the meaning, but when he looked at the narrow smile on these men's faces, he suddenly reacted and squinted with a red face. "The captain is not like you..."

However, after the silence, it really made her face red...

Ling Mo glanced at them and said faintly: "Who told you that I have been out for too long? I have to pay the public food every two days?"

Seeing everyone being speechless, even the ancient frosts stared at themselves with their eyes wide open, and Ling took another body and stood up. He yawned: "Don’t spy on the captain’s **, I will go to the granary. Look at Ye Love them."

Until Ling Mo’s figure disappeared into the grass, everyone sitting on the side of the pot was still unresponsive. After a while, the ancient frost suddenly suddenly "ah", holding the red face and turned back to the tent. And Mu Chen looked around at the people around him and hurriedly raised a question.

"Someone heard the movement?"

"No... but I think we just seem to be showing off his face..."

"I don't have anything..."

When Yu Wenxuan finished speaking, he was collectively pegged: "Would you like to say that you are crazy?"

"Hey, suddenly it became a personal attack on me! You are not my fault, single, I am also a single..."

Not far away in the grass, Ling Mo heard a sudden screaming sound around him. Without waiting for him to stop, a huge figure suddenly burst out from behind his back and rushed toward him.

Ling Mo keenly turned his gaze to the back, while the body was surprised to the side, just let this figure pass.


The empty figure fell heavily on the ground, and suddenly a large piece of grass was crushed and a big hole was made on the ground. However, it is obvious that this heavyweight drop did not bring any trauma to the figure itself, it shook his head slightly, and then stretched out to Lingmo's leg.

Seeing such a huge head squinting at himself, Ling Mo just bent over and patted it on top of his head, and then let it fall into his lap.

"Do you want to lead the way?" Lingmo asked.

"Hey!" Xiaobai looked up hard and shouted excitedly.

Ling Mo smiled and jumped up. Xiaobai carried him, slammed forward, and a few meters away from the next moment, and in front of them, it was the seemingly dead granary...

In the process of advancement, Ling Mo thought thoughtfully took a ball out of his backpack and carefully looked at his eyes. This looks like a sphere of red jellyfish curled up, it is a master ball that has swallowed up a lot of maternal zombies. Although it succeeded because of the cooperation of the silence, it still played a big role in that battle.

"The zombie said that it is one with me... What does this mean in the end..." Ling Mo smashed the master ball, which absorbed the mental power and fell into a deep sleep again, but he was silent. At the time, it can feel that it is like a heart, and it is constantly beating...

"I don't understand..." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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