My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 1158: Human bait fight

The scene is in a stalemate...

Continue like this……

"The other party's purpose of delaying us has reached..." The black eye's big eyes turned anxiously. "Must... you must find the enemy as soon as possible!"

"Where are you?"


A silver wire suddenly trembled...

Black silk's eyes suddenly widened and immediately looked up and looked up.

"He is above!"


A part of the silver suddenly emerged from the black silk hair, with a very dangerous momentum, directly shot to the ceiling.

"Yes, that's there!"

Although the pickpocket did not stop the other party... but the blood that did not stop in time exposed his position.

The plasma dripped on the ground, causing a slight shock.

And this kind of movement that humans can't capture, but can't escape the induction of silver.

"Although the silver wire can't accurately hit his key, but..."

After the silver wire was tied into the ceiling, the black silk did not rush to pull them out, but immediately shouted in his mind: "Poetry! It's your turn!"


Yu Shiran, who was retreating, suddenly extended his arm and pressed it against the wall beside him.

Along with the sharp sound of "嗤", a pound of lime powder immediately flew out.

With the five scratches left on the wall, Yu Shiran paused and physically slammed into the wall and rushed forward.

This is a passage that Black Silk gave her hard to squeeze out...

Puff puff!

Silver wire suddenly pulled out at this time!


Yu Shiran’s hands jumped across the top of his head and then fell lightly on the ground.


The hundred silver wires on the ground trembled at the same time...

"falling down……"

Black silk looked at the empty floor and gave a soft breath.

A drop of blood can make it determine the position of the other person... Then a lot of blood spurted out in a flash can make the poetry directly lock the other's body...

Numerous silver wires are stuck in the body at the same time. If it is not the key to hitting, it may not be a life.

However, Yu Shiran’s attack was to tear the other party directly.

If they can see it at this time, the scene must be very bloody...


"I don't want to understand some of this... This guy's performance is not like human beings, but if it is a zombie, why is the blood coagulation ability so bad?" Yu Shiran turned his head and looked at the ground and asked.

The black silk pulled out the silver wire from the ground, followed by the rapid start of shortening, and finally all hidden in the hair. She stretched out a pair of small hands and patted her head, and replied: "This is also a place I can't understand."

"Riding sister? Is this related to the school sister?" Yu Shiran asked curiously.

"No... totally irrelevant..."

Hess looked at the offices and frowned. "From the other side's plan, the sneak attacker is estimated to be the only enemy they sent to deal with us. But now the opponent is dead, and no one will come. My original plan was to escape from here to help Ling Mo, but after I just played, I changed my mind."

"Do you want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger?" Yu Shiran's tone suddenly looked forward to it.

"...I don't see anything about it?" Hessie replied with a sigh of relief. "I mean, since the identity of the opponent is not simple, then we will only increase the risk if we act rashly. This is not just a help. On the contrary, it is still messing up. What's more, to help him is not just a means of convergence. In fact, we have already disrupted the opportunity of the opponent, it is already helping a little."

"Oh... I still don't understand."

"Normal, in terms of your brain capacity, the battle has already been considered the limit. This post-summary summary is not for you." Black Silk Road.

"Hey, who do you think my half of my head is illegally invaded..."

"In short, we can continue to do so."

Hesi continued: "As long as the other party feels that we have plans to escape and merge, then the other party will send people to entangle us. And we? Come to destroy one! This will not only be used to silence them. Relieve stress and protect these humans."

"That said... It seems that it really makes sense." Yu Shiran seemed to understand and nodded, and suddenly asked, "But what should we do? You just said that there may be someone next. Come, but how do we stop him? If we have been pressed all the time, then it will be in crisis sooner or later."

Although their victory was not a lucky one, it was also dangerous in the process.

At this point, Yu Shiran, who is responsible for close combat, is particularly touched. Of course, there is no fear in her tone...

"Oh... It seems that the half of your remaining brain has not shrunk? Although only half of it is still growing, it is okay..." Heihe smiled and replied, "The best for us." The way of combat... Of course, it’s better to start with it!”

"Well? How do you do it?" Yu Shiran asked in a blank way. The enemy's shielding is still there. In this case, how do they get started? Just to guard against the other side's sneak attack, you already have to do your best...

Although the zombie Lori is not afraid, this kind of thing that shows weakness is also very clear.

"Yes, on the surface, we really can't do it. Just the same battle, I am afraid that the impression left on the enemy is also the same. So the more this, the more the other party will take a sneak attack. But it is not easy to kill us. So, ... change is you, what do you do?" Black wire suddenly asked.

Yu Shiran replied subconsciously: "Abandon the way of fighting on the second floor, and go directly to other people who stay on the first floor..."

Having said that, she suddenly reacted and quickly asked: "Ah... puppy, what do you mean..."

"Yes! My plan is..." Black silk just nodded smugly, and immediately turned angry and yelled, "Which dog!"

"Are you not a dog?" Yu Shiran asked innocently.

Hess was a little discouraged: "This... is..."

"Then why can't I call you a puppy?"


"So... well, let's take a step back and call you a little bark." Yu Shiran nodded.

"Don't decide it yourself! I didn't expect... You have to bear the burden for so long, just to suddenly enlarge the trick in this unexpected time..." Black said with a grin.

"Oh... I know it's amazing? Xiao Wang Wang..."

"You... forget it! The matter is important." The black tone returned to the state of triumph, and then said, "My plan is... human bait fight!" r1152


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