My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 1254: Death invitation

I can't think of the senses of these zombies so sharp... Ling Mo recalled Xiao Hei, and his heart was a bit strange. ==== He thought he was careful enough, but he did not expect to underestimate these zombies who behave differently. It seems that before solving the Wang staff, they first need to get these troubles.

It’s just that these zombies don’t show up at all, and it’s impossible to solve them. If there is no Fangzhou, they can let these female zombies split up, but now they are afraid that these red-eyed people will adjust their tigers. The zombies will be afraid of Shana, but they will not be afraid of them. I am afraid that if there is an opportunity, I will immediately encircle them and let them swallow them.

In the following journey, Ling Mo and his party always proceeded silently and carefully, but except for the strange and whistling sounds constantly coming from the surrounding shadows, nothing happened during the entire journey.

"They are following us." Shana whispered.

Did not walk for a while, there was a crossroad in front of Ling Mo’s group of people.

At this moment, the voices that followed them all suddenly disappeared.

Just as Lingmo frowned and prepared to say something, a louder and clearer voice rang.


When the voice came out, the human being headed by Ling immediately caught his ear.

"I rely!"

Lingmo couldn't even hear his voice... It was so sharp that it was so fast that the scalp was numb!

Even Xu Shuhan hugged his head after supporting for a second, shouting loudly at Lingmo.

She repeatedly shouted several times, and Ling Mo reluctantly recognized a word from her lips:


What does this mean?

Ling Mo is a glimpse. Then I reacted.

This voice is the same as the voice that followed them! It’s those zombies who scratch their walls and the ground with their nails!

No wonder it will be so harsh... listen to the level of noisy. At least hundreds of zombies were struggling at the same time.

"Go here!" Fang Zhou nodded back to the road without blood. He pointed to one of the weaker intersections. Take the lead in the past.

Ling Mo frowned and then followed.

Stay in the same place, psychological pressure is not mentioned for the time being, the eardrum can not stand.

But after not running for a while, Ling Mo suddenly had a strange feeling.

Since these zombies have been following them, why didn’t they catch up late, but did they start at that time?

But before he could understand, the sounds before and after suddenly rang.

"This side!"

Fangzhou quickly left.

And Ling Mo, who followed the turn, suddenly slammed his heart...

He understands!

"Stop! Stop!" Lingmo shouted.

The sound here is really much weaker. Ling Mo shouted, everyone immediately stopped.

"What's wrong?" Yu Wenxuan asked back.

Fang Zhou looked scared: "Why don't you run?"

These sounds can be reminiscent of a large number of zombies who are brightening their claws. No wonder he will be such a face.

At this time, although the sound is a lot smaller, who knows when they will be surrounded again?

"It’s bad to not run for a while now." Fang Zhou urged.

Ling Mo shook his head and said: "Are you finding a situation?"

"What is the situation?" Everyone showed their unclear look.

Only Shana, if they think about it...the behavior of these zombies is indeed wrong. They were also zombies, and they did not want to understand what these zombies want to do.

Ling Mo frowned and said: "The sudden enlargement of these sounds occurs when we face the road."

"Maybe these zombies meet at the fork in the road and form an encirclement." Yu Wenxuan thought about it and guessed.

"Why does it leave a gap every time?" Ling Mo asked.

"Yes!" Everyone was silent.

To say that this is the negligence of the zombies, it is absolutely impossible. Because in hunting, these guys are experts. This low level error. Even humans themselves will not commit crimes, let alone these zombies.

"So to say... are they intentional?" Black said with a grin.

Ling Mo glanced at everyone. Nodded.

Yu Wenxuan and others suddenly felt a chill...

"That... why are they doing this?" Fang Zhou looked at him nervously and whispered.

Ling Mo indulged for two seconds and suddenly said a horrible conclusion: "They are correcting our direction."

"But why is this?" Fang Zhou asked.

"No matter what Lingmo said, they are all right..." This is not only Fangzhou, but Xu Shuhan also slammed a chill, and said slyly.

Her appearance is too much like a zombie, so even though she wears a mask, Fang Zhou, who is an outsider, has no doubt about her identity, just guessing what is wrong with her appearance. Even when she heard her talking, Fang Zhou did not look back, but still looked at Ling Mo with vigilance, waiting for his answer.

However, Ling Mo has understood the meaning of Xu Shuhan. This Xu anchor is not only afraid, but her question has another meaning... The zombie creature even suddenly makes such an abnormal collective behavior, behind it. The purpose is not to change.

That is hunting and eating them.

So to analyze their behavior, you can completely reverse this purpose.

"Yes... as long as they know that they want to eat us, then their behavior of correcting our direction is very easy to explain. They have been following our goal not to attack us immediately, but to drive us to somewhere. Let's go. We can understand that 'somewhere' as their killing kitchen," Lingmo said.

Fang Zhou heard the coldness, and felt a chill from the soles of his feet. "That said... we can no longer be led by their noses. No matter where the kitchen is, we must not be close. ......"

"Maybe... it's too late." Shana said softly.

Ling Mo suddenly "suddenly" for a moment, and quickly looked up and looked at Shana's eyes.

It turned out that the end of the street was the mountain... And at the foot of the mountain, a building stood alone and alone.

"What is that?" Yu Wenxuan and others also noticed the building, and suddenly there was a feeling of extreme jealousy. Looking from afar, the building seems to have half of it covered in the canopy, even if the distance is still far away, it makes people feel a sense of gloomy. At the same time, the dense and squeaky voice suddenly disappeared, and the whole street, the whole town, suddenly became a dead silence...

"You said... can we still turn around?" Yu Wenxuan suddenly asked.

Ling silently smiled and said: "What do you say?"

Yu Wenxuan also followed the bitter smile... Now, looking back, I am afraid it is impossible... Those zombies drove them to this street, how can they give them a chance to turn back...

Fang Zhou’s face ugly asked: “Would you really want to go in the past?”

"That's not it?" Ling Mo asked. "It's better to go in and look at the invitation from others than to consume them. Maybe they asked us to help push the nest for a new nest?"

They have to live for a while in this place, and they can get the best at one time. Otherwise these guys are hiding in those buildings and searching is too much trouble.

However, when I saw so many zombies, Ling Mo’s mind loomed a plan...

"You come really!"

Fang Zhou suddenly took a breath. This guy is too bold, knowing that it is a trap of zombies, he actually dared to take people to the inside. Then look at their equipment... In addition to Yu Wenxuan with a pistol, the rest are basically cold weapons, Lingmo is only a rescue dagger.

This is used to deal with zombies, but it is too cold!

Fang Zhou didn't know that these delicate little girls were all hands-on tears of the zombies, and they were so cold and sweaty.

"Captain, do you want to think about it again, from a long-term plan!" He quickly advised.

Unexpectedly, the voice just fell, he saw Lingmo's meaningful eyes.

When the four eyes met, Fang Zhou’s heart suddenly twitched.

Nima... It’s his head! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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