My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 433: Six pack abs.

"This... how is it quiet outside?"

Lucy stood in the same place, and the atmosphere did not dare to take a sip. [This article comes from]

It was not until the door became dead, she asked in a low voice.

Staying in this closed room, knowing nothing about the development of the outside world, only hearing the sound from violent to calm, which makes people feel extremely uneasy inside.

At this time, Ling Mo, who faced the window, took a sigh of relief and slowly turned his head.

He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and revealed a smile of satisfaction.

Using the spiritual tentacles to "catch" those viral gels, not only can the zombies be attracted to one place, but they can also lead them to a farther position like a kite.

In the end, as long as the gel is wrapped up with tentacles, the odor emission can be quietly recovered, and the zombies that are led out are maddeningly in the same place.

This hand is very effective regardless of the ordinary zombies or the slightly higher zombies.

It’s just plain to say, but it’s not that easy to do.

Even a little distraction can lead to a plan failure, not to mention the mental energy consumed.

“It’s usually more practiced, and the key moments won’t drop the chain...”

Ling silently stuffed the virus gel back into his pocket and said, "Okay, it’s okay outside. As long as we keep quiet, those zombies won’t find us. We can rest assured for the time being."

"How..." Lucy looked surprised and just wanted to open her mouth and closed her mouth.

This incredible thing is obviously a silent hand, or how suddenly he turned his face white? It’s not going to be a sunscreen cream...

Can not be silent, Lucy is not easy to ask.

This girl always feels that she is an outsider after all, and Lingmo is also an equal trade relationship, especially when Ye Lian is present. This feeling is even more intense.

To keep a distance from Lingmo and to be curious about this person, Lucy is looking for some wonderful balance in the entanglement...

Looking at Ling Mo’s pale face, but with a smile, Lucy’s brain flashed a word: “This person is very persistent in the use of power, obviously looks very hard. However, I am sincerely happy... I just got something gained. This is also his merit, otherwise he is not likely to be so strong..."

Although the time is not long. But as long as there is an opportunity, Lingmo seems to be constantly training himself.

At this point, Lucy’s observations are still very careful.

"Hey? Why are you staring at me?" Ling Mo touched his chin and said, "How embarrassed..."

"...who is staring at you... what does that ‘again’ mean? ”

Lucy was hot on her cheeks. After whispering a few words, he took a long breath and sat down in the locker: "Call..."

"Ha... obviously staring at me all the way, I won’t admit it in a blink of an eye."

Ling Mo also leaned on the wall and took a break.

"It's not too early today," Lucy took a few deep breaths, ignoring the silence. Suddenly said, "The helicopter will come tomorrow. At that time, your mission will be completed."

"It should be early in the morning? The semi-official organizations like the Air Force... always feel that they are in the affairs of others. They always use the excuse of 'working days' to delay the time..." Ling Modao.

"Which workdays came from the end of the world," Lucy still had a face, but in fact the eyes had a smile. "You guys. Just stuck in the zombies here, you can finish playing at any time. ......" She wanted to say "you can talk and laugh in a blink of an eye." When I got to the lips, I swallowed it back.

When you get along with Lingmo, there is always a feeling of easyness. Isn’t it because of his bitter attitude?

But...he will be like this, I am afraid that they have a lot to do with Ye Love...

"If they really want to do something, they won't find such a lame excuse... Hey, forget it, it seems that you don't want to wait for me for a moment? But today is the last night, let's be patient. ”

Lucy said coldly.

"Nothing, Lulu, I don't mind." Lingmo replied honestly.

"...the subtext is that you feel that you are suffering!" Lucy's eyes changed and he angered.

"No," Ling was shocked and stunned. "Absolutely not."

Lucy sighed with a sigh of relief and said, "Then we say good rewards, and it should be given to you at this time."

She said that she would lean back and smash her backpack.

When Lucy took out the book and the pen, Ling Mo smiled: "It’s really sincere, and I’m quietly ready.”

Lucy snorted and spread the book on his knees, the injured arm pressed against the corner, and the other hand began to "brush".

At this point, the sky has quickly darkened, and Lingmo completely closed the blinds and took out a tactical flashlight to illuminate Lucy.

"Thank you." Lucy said without raising her head.

"What a polite..."

Time passed by, and it was almost an hour before Lucy finished writing.

She wrote a dozen pages in a sleek manner, then "snap" and closed it, and handed it to Lingmo: "You confirm."

"Give me now, I am not afraid that I ran tonight..."

Ling Mo said, and he accepted it unceremoniously.

Shana smiled aside: "If you really want to run, you won't say it..."

Li Yalin, who was preparing to sneak up to the door, heard a sigh of relief and turned around and whispered in surprise: "Ah? It’s not really going to run..."

At the same time, Yu Shiran also silently released the door handle.

"You are really..."

Lucy looked at them with a funny smile. If other girls were like this, she would definitely give a "pretending" evaluation, but Li Yalin's expression is very real...

Ling Mo looked over carefully, and after more than 20 minutes, he looked up with satisfaction and smiled at Lucy: "It's very detailed, thank you."

What is recorded in this book is all the types of power that Lucy knows. As a group of powers, the f group is certainly not a minority.

Lucy certainly far exceeds Lingmo's understanding of the type of power.

Taking intelligence to make a deal, it is much more cost-effective to ask for some non-essential materials.

"Just list the types of abilities, and a brief introduction. I didn't tell you which abilities are specific to those abilities. It doesn't count to sell us fire..." Lucy sighed and said, "Think about jumping out on the way." Those clowns have been cleaned up by you. In advance, we have cleared the stumbling block for our fire into the x city. This reward is also appropriate..."

"Well. Since the rest is almost the same, change it. It's too stuffy."

Ling Mo went to the door and pulled the door open.

At the moment the door opened, Lucy involuntarily tightened her body: "Is there really no zombies outside the door?"

Before the door was full of zombies and all kinds of terrible movements, although there was no sound soon, but Lucy was actually a bit embarrassed.

Outside the door, it was empty.

The zombies who rushed past seem to have never existed.

"It’s amazing... Now someone tells me that the end of the corridor is a magic door. Just take the courage to hit the wall and you can reach the world. I believe..."

Lucy probed and walked out and said.

Ling Mo accidentally glanced at her: "I didn't expect a woman with six packs to have such an innocent side..."

"...Although what you said is true, why do you always feel that it is malicious? Six packs and your hatred! You are purely envious of hate!"

Lucy undressed uncomfortably and said, "Bastard, I suddenly feel that wearing tight leather is a mistake..."

"Those zombies are not far away, be careful."

Ling Mo sighed, then looked back and forth at the corridor.

Just being caught too fast, Lingmo didn't even know where they ran to a few floors, specifically where.

Now I can see at a glance that it is already on the third floor.

"This TV station, it seems that it is really a bit of a ghost film."

There are black cockroaches everywhere, and almost all the places visible to the naked eye are covered with dust.

Just after the impact of the zombie tide, it seems that it feels more and more messy.

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