My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 460: Shock caused by a warhead


Along the quiet corridor, Yin Jie came to a gate.

As he tidyed up the neckline, the two soldiers at the door immediately opened the door.

"Please come in."


Yin Jie patted his cuffs and was about to enter, but suddenly turned his head and smiled at one of the soldiers: "Don't always have such a serious face. I heard a very interesting sentence today. , what is it... Oh, life is short, and you are happy."


The soldiers stunned and then some nodded.

When Yin Jie entered and the door was closed again, the two soldiers exchanged a look.

"It's still a good deal, it's always so gentle."

One of the soldiers said with emotion.

The one who was said to be a serious face also nodded: "Yeah, but the bosses who came to the meeting today are all wearing a face, I can't easily get up."

"Don't say it, in my opinion, things may be a little bad... even the new captain is coming."

"The new captain is so young. He used to be an officer. He sent him to preside over the meeting... I can hear that many captains don't buy his account..."

"Hey, are these things that you can discuss with me? Don't kill them..."

The meeting room is brightly lit.

On the sides of a large conference table, there were more than a dozen officers who were whispering to discuss.

In the top position, there is a young man who is only 30 years old.

He was carrying a young white hair, and he was gently tapping the table in front of him with his fingers.

Despite the noisy room, there was no half-personality around the youth.

After the Cataclysm. Although the reorganized Air Force is no longer a purely military organization, it is still centered on the former officers.

The young man looked a little bit cold, but he lost a few military temperament.

If the soldier is a bayonet that is ordered to be held in his hand, where is the poke. Then this young man looks like an iron whip.

Even if you are held in your hand, but you don’t wave well, you can’t control it as you like.

In this room, he seems to be inevitably out of place...

When Yin Jie walked in. The voice of young people tapping the table suddenly increased.


A muffled sound, the people in the discussion were immediately quiet, and turned their eyes to the young man.

The chaotic hair blocked his eyes, but the coldness that came out of the gap still made the people in the room feel a chill.

"Well, everyone is here."

The voice of the youth sounded a bit weak, but the people who were swept by his eyes almost showed a hint of uncomfortableness.

Only a few of the older officers seem to be in common, one of the tall middle-aged people even in contact with the youth. There was a sigh from the nose.

"This time. I think everyone knows... I have sent people to explore. One-eyed helicopters have arrived at the designated meeting place, the provincial TV station building in X City, Century City. But they have received The attack caused the machine to be destroyed... The scene can see the traces of the battle, especially..."

He said. I picked up a tablet from the front and showed the photo above:

“The hole in this building looks like a masterpiece made by a bomb?”

"Hey, what is it like, it is." An officer coldly said.

"Yes, look at the location, it is likely to attack on the opposite side of the building?" Another officer showed a thoughtful color, nodded, "Bazooka?"

"The x city military area left a lot of weapons, but the average person will not use it..."

Seeing the room noisy again, the young man put down the tablet and sneered.


A deformed warhead was thrown to the conference table.

"I was shocked when I saw it. I didn't expect this kind of result to be such a small warhead." The young man slowly swept to the faces of everyone.

This time their expressions look much more exciting...

More than a dozen pairs of eyes immediately focused on the warhead, and in the difficult silence, only the sound of someone swallowing was heard.

"This bullet was shot from a one-eyed sniper rifle. But what about the power of Raytheon, I must have a spectrum in everyone's heart. This kind of explosion-like trace can't be shot by Raytheon."

The young man crossed his fingers and walked forward, saying: "There was no other shrapnel on the scene."

"So, let's make a bold assumption.... When the one-eyed button is pulled down and the bullet is fired, someone catches the bullet and then bounces back with more strength. Although there is no hit, it is opposite. The consequences on the building..."

"Hey, how is this possible!" An officer patted the table and stood up. "This is too ridiculous!"

The tall middle-aged man even laughed and said: "Li Wei, your assumptions are too bold. The bullets of the sniper rifle are caught? Also rebounded? Don't search your team, so make some rumors to fool us. Ah? Hahahaha..."

This is an export, although other people did not echo, but looking at Li Wei's eyes is full of doubts.

"I also hope that my assumptions are wrong. But now, please also be careful. The head of the team asked us to open this meeting to solve this matter, not to denounce me. Any questions, may wish to meet. Come back and ask me after the end."

The young man said calmly.

"I actually lifted the group and came out to press me..."

The middle-aged man stunned Li Wei with great disappointment and snorted heavily.

Li Wei pointed to his own face and said: "The one who wants to meet one eye is a female member of the fire base, named Lucy. According to Liu Baodong's account, there are five people with Lucy... I have already sent it to everyone about their intelligence."

Everyone looked at each other and Yin Jie took the lead in opening the documents in front of him.

Although other people still have a lot of questions, they have to temporarily sink their breath and look at the documents.

"Lucy is an intensive person with strong strength and a machine gun as a weapon. But with her strength, it is not enough to compete with the one-eyed, let alone let them die. Of course, this The trace left by the warhead is unlikely to be her masterpiece. Although she can't completely rule out her suspicion, the other five people really deserve our attention."

Li Yu’s speech rate is very slow: “There is much less information about them. At present, only one of the male abilities is mentally motivated, and the four women who are with him may be different from the strengthening system. I have already asked Liu Baodong to write down all the details about them..."

"It's the details...but it's not all speculation?" The middle-aged man looked up impatiently and slaps the document back to the table. "How come you don't call Liu Baodong this time? Let him face it." That's it! What's the mess? Write it again, a spiritual singer, where can be strong, and get a bullet and get it!"

"Liu Baodong has another task, and he has written it in great detail. In addition,"

Li Wei picked up the warhead and said, "Don't be a light enemy."

"This accident happened because of what happened. No one knows. However, he lost a sniper, a pilot, and a valuable helicopter. This dumb loss, the Air Force never eats. The head has already I am responsible for this matter, and I ask you to help me more."

After Li Wei finished speaking, he turned to Yin Jie: "The matter of tracking is handed over to you. As for the fire base, I have my own plan..."

"Is this matter handed over to you?"

The middle-aged man "brushed" and stood up and asked with a big eyes.

This matter is small, it is only a contradiction between several survivors and small forces like the fire base.

Too big to say, the Air Force regiment is not a small loss after all, if it is so swallowing, then whether it is fire or Falcon dare to ride on their heads.

This kind of thing is not difficult to solve, but it is very rewarding...

"Yes." Li Wei did not seem to see the murderous eyes of the middle-aged man at all, and replied calmly.

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