My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 463: The evolutionary path of the beauty snake

"Go straight along this road, it is f city..."

Lucy repeatedly confirmed it several times and said: "There will always be no more detours. Even if there are more zombies on the road, it will be straight forward."


The biggest reason why I went around on the way was because of the zombies.

Although the mutant panda can take away most of the zombies, the distance it can keep from the silence is limited.

This led to the need for the mutant panda to wrap around with the zombies, and Lingmo had to take her to a little bit in order to prevent Lucy from renewing her suspicion.

"Who knows that there is no way to find a north..." Ling Mo touched his chin.

However, even if you find a way, it will take a long time to get to the city by foot.

"Although this road leads directly to the city of X, but it has not been selected by the f group to enter the x city route, but it is going to run there... It seems that their target is mainly the industrial park?"

Lingmo slightly compared the difference between the two routes, and probably understood.

Other materials can be collected anywhere, but the intensive high-tech industrial parks are of course the preferred city.

But what is the power of all those who are versatile, what do you want to occupy the industrial park? Do you work in the workshop? Having an ability does not mean that there is production skill...

"Although the helicopter is my explosion, but the mysterious reward you said is still effective?"

Lingmo suddenly thought of a point and turned to ask.

"Do not worry." Lucy snorted without a good breath.

After the helicopter was blown up, in the case of invalidation of various tactics, Lucy exchanged a "mysterious reward" in exchange for a silent nod.

but. In the heart of Ling Mo. In fact, he is skeptical about the authenticity of this "mysterious reward."

Although Lucy is well-founded. But Lingmo always feels unreliable...

Moreover, he always felt that Lucy was so entangled in him, maybe there are other reasons in it...

"Forget it, whether it is for ‘mystery remuneration’ or just to see if you are mutating or not, let’s go with you!”

Lingmo looked at Lucy and thought, "In any case, Lucy's situation is very similar to me!"

Lucy’s current situation is like taking the old road of silence.

She thought she was well concealed, but she didn't know that Ling Mo had been watching her carefully.

It is clear that the body is mutating at an extremely slow rate, and there is a slight viral smell in the blood, but it is always awake...

This is almost exactly the same as what happened when Lingmo changed his body!

Some things are obscured by the observers. Maybe by observing Lucy, Lingmo himself can get a little inspiration...

When the sky is dark, Lingmo finds a hotel that looks very upscale.

In his words, once you step out of the x-city range, you have to endure the endless fields and blocked roads.

I can still sleep in bed. Hurry and enjoy, and do everything that is busy.

But when he heard the word "enjoy". Lucy couldn't help but turn her eyes to Ye Love them, and then she felt the cheeks "brushed" and burned up...

When I heard the last sentence, Lucy felt that her head was already on fire.

She grabbed her ear and said coldly: "Do not worry, I will not bother you!"

"Oh... then thank you..."

Ling Mo did not know the anger and rushed into the hotel's Lucy, said.

After two seconds, I heard a muffled sound of "噼里啪啦", and Lucy’s horrified voice: "There are a lot of zombies here!"

"I have said that there are no zombies?"

After the pedestrian entered the hotel, Ling Mo sent a command to the mutant panda white to let it lurk nearby.

Although there were no accidents except the zombies on the road, there was a bodyguard who stayed outside and slept more comfortably.

The work of cleaning up the hotel has been done very quickly. Although most of the zombies in the house have reached the variability level, but facing the four leader-level zombies, there are also personal-shaped tentacles, which are not opponents.

"Come on, sister, let me see..."

On the soft big bed, Ling Mo is pinching Li Yalin's hand and looking at it carefully.

His hand was slightly hard, and Li Yalin's five fingers were like no bones, softly falling into his palm.

"Sure enough, it is more inclined to the snake... You have stopped eating the zombie gel during this time, how do you feel?" Lingmo asked.

A few days later, Li Yalin’s body has been adjusted almost.

Lingmo also began to give the mutant snake gel to her use, one piece per day, so step by step, will not cause any sudden changes in the shape.

The shape of the zombies is too conspicuous, no matter how disguised, you can see at a glance that it is non-human.

This is inconsistent with Ling Mo’s intention to preserve them...

Now, even if it changes, it can be compressed within a controllable range.

The mutated worm's worm nest, Lingmo temporarily closed up.

This thing should be used in a critical moment...

“Feeling...” Li Yalin thought for a moment and said, “Like the fighting power suddenly increases, the other side is shrinking...”

Said, she also deliberately stood up.

"Yes, the metaphor is very image, there is progress!" Ling Mo boasted her, and then said, "That is to say, the previous balance in the body is completely broken."

"Soon, the school sister can be as soft as a snake. It reaches that level, and it will be flexible not only when attacked, but also when it is attacked."

Xia Na was on Li Yalin's shoulder and analyzed.

"Flexibility is on the one hand..." Ling Mo said, "but since you have chosen to go in the direction of the beauty snake, you must take the racial characteristics of the snake to the fullest."

"Speaking of the snake... It is also a natural cold-blooded killer? Sneak, one hit will kill, poisonous teeth..." Shana held her chin and suddenly came to the interest, "I can teach you! With the sister's current physique, Some difficult moves can be easily displayed..."

"For example, one hundred and eight styles?" Li Yalin asked in a blank voice.

"No... it's martial arts..."

Xia looked at Ling Mo and said: "Now can't do anything to the school sister, she is in a critical period."

"Well... um..." Ye Lian agreed to nod.

"Why are you nodding at this time... yes, hoe, your memory..."

Ling Mo just asked, and saw Ye Lian got into the bed and covered his head.

"Oh... well, when I didn't ask."

Ling Mo took a sigh of relief and took a sigh of relief.

This girl wants to change back to humanity... But this is easy to talk about...

At this time, on the street just a few kilometers away from the hotel, two figures are facing each other.

The smoking man glared at the cigarette that had already burned the cigarette but the nerves of the leg shook.

He also carried a zombie body in his hand. The zombie’s neck turned awkwardly and was dead and could no longer die.

And standing in front of him is the round face girl.

She looks very clean compared to a smoking man, as if she has not yet moved her hand.

"Don't I say it when I was in action? Don't mess around! Don't mess around! Round, you tell me," the smoking man whispered. "Oh, why are you suddenly missing?"

The round-faced girl raised her eyebrows and said aggrieved: "How do I know! I was surrounded by so many zombies. Where can I pay attention to him? Most of the time I was eaten when I was dozing off."

"If I was eaten, then I still have peace of mind!"

The smoking man scratched his hair in a frantic manner: "Captain Li only told me that it was useful to bring him, but now it seems that it is useless except for trouble."

"I was not basically sleepwalking while he was sleeping?" The round-faced girl suddenly said.

"Yeah, so I am so annoyed! Who knows where he is now swaying!" The smoking man groaned.

"Think about it, what is Yin Jie's ability?"

The round-faced girl suddenly showed a sweet smile and said.

The smoking man first glimpsed, and then suddenly realized: "It turned out to be like this... round, can't see it, you are quite powerful..." (To be continued.)

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