My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 482: Guys selling teammates are not threatening

At this time, within the basement of the mall.

Since it is a food area, it is inevitable to leave traces of being repeatedly taken.

The repeated searches of survivors have already made this a mess.

Almost all the shelves are sloppy, and the mess of waste is paved.

In addition to a little light cast from the elevator, the depth is dark.

There are a few fresh blood marks on the ground that lead to the darkness, apparently the cap that was left in the process of being dragged.

"I hope you can still hold it."

Li Yan glanced at the blood, then looked up and looked forward to the front of the fingers.

The cap was sneaked under his nose, and it was no match for Lingmo to come to him and then slap a slap on his face.

The loss is still second, and the sense of shame is the reason that really irritates him.

Isn't this guy a good way to be bright!

Well, when I talked with the liaison, I left a rhetoric like a declaration of war. After I came, I showed it to me.

I was first shackled for two days and then taken to this place...

This kind of smashing, but I can't find the feeling of exertion at the place. It really makes people feel that they are coming out of internal injuries!

At this time, Li Wei was so angry that he could not immediately give Lingmo out of this darkness.


The cap of the cap floated from a distance, and in a dead underground layer, I heard extraordinarily swearing.

"This bastard! Go!"

Li Yan turned over the night vision goggles, and along the blood marks, and the raincoat people rushed in the direction of the screams.

After running for a while, he suddenly found that the gray man did not follow, and suddenly stopped.

"Where are you going..."

It was this time, and then turned around, Li Wei added another new discovery.

The raincoat people are actually gone!

In less than ten seconds, it seems that there is only one person left.

Not only that, but the screams of the cap suddenly disappeared without a trace.


Li Wei clenched the pistol. I took out a tactical knife.

He looked around and found that things suddenly became uncontrollable...

How did you change from the captain to the light pole commander inexplicably? !

Although the raincoat people are not very obedient, they will never run when they turn their heads!

In the darkness, Li Wei can only hear his breathing.

The only thing that guides him is the traces of the spiritual energy fluctuations that have been extended forward.

At the end of these traces, in addition to most of the dead caps, there must be silence.

Li Wei suddenly realized. Ling Mo’s “war declaration” does not mean to die with them, but to play them to death a little bit.

"Is it... his companions are hiding here, and the silence is coming to meet them? There is no reason. It is not far from where he and Lao Tang are fighting each other... Wait, that's it. He Deliberately leaving Lao Tang, is to lead us here?"

While walking cautiously, Li Wei racked his brains and thought: "So, they are probably led by the accomplices of the acquaintance... Mom! They are being played again!"

"It’s just a survivor, it’s so hard, if it’s not for him to get off the plane...”

He slowly moved forward along the spiritual energy fluctuations, thinking that things have become like this. Regrets will not help.

Fortunately, they are not weak, and they are alone, and there is no chance of winning the silence that has been consumed by the mental power.

It is too late to retreat, and lost a helicopter. In addition to the Yin Jie team that died before, the ninth detachment not only did not make meritorious deeds in handling this incident, but also suffered heavy losses... These things should be reported. He also doesn't need to be the captain. Maybe he might take a bite out of the "old man" and it is possible to die without a burial place.

"Although I don't want to underestimate the enemy, I don't always see everyone taking the rocket launcher! The helicopter has made us faceless, I didn't expect it to be enough!"

Li Wei tried hard to calm himself down. Now, if this situation continues to float, it will be really finished.

Just as Li Wei was moving forward alone. The gray-clothed man who went upstairs has already reached the second floor.

Sunlight shines through the broken window, and there are all kinds of waste everywhere in the smoke-filled mall.

A bad smell filled the air. Let the gray man involuntarily hold his nose.

He didn't deliberately conceal it - the figure just now, maybe it was intended to lead him up.

In this case, there is no meaning in concealment.

Although the silence of the plane made him very jealous, but Ling Mo’s companions may be different...

"Come out!"

The gray man moved his wrist and waved the steel bar in his hand.

Immediately in the air, a sharp bang was heard, which sounded very harsh.

This kind of sound can be made with a wave of the hand, and the strength of the gray man can be seen.

"Don't hide, hurry out!"

The gray-clothed man shouted and walked to the middle of the mall.

Suddenly, a pile of clothes thrown on the ground flicked, and he immediately turned his attention to the police.

"come out!"

Along with his anger, he climbed out of the pile of clothes and came out alone.

This is a long hair small loli, it seems to be around eleven or two years old, although the five senses are very childish, but very delicate, like a doll.

She was wearing a loose dress, holding an oversized cloth bear, standing up and staring at him curiously with a pair of big eyes.


The gray man stunned and immediately reacted.

This is the horror loli in Liu Baodong’s mouth that “although it looks very cute, but always twists the zombie’s head directly with his hand”?

The authenticity of the latter sentence has not been verified yet, but the previous sentence is definitely a lie!

What is "looking cute"? ! This is super cute!

"Even my adult who is not Lori control has been touched..."

The gray man stared at the little Loli, and it was a bit dumbfounded.

Originally, he was prepared to wait for the other party to appear, and rushed to the stencil in his hand to open the other's head, or to remove the limbs first, and then dragged down to threaten the silence.

But this little girl stared at herself so unprepared, her eyes were clear and there was no trace of impurities...

How can Nima start this!

Although there are guys in the world who can not hesitate to face even children or even babies, there is a very small number of metamorphosis after all...

A little loli, what do she know? At this time, you should be wise...


The gray-clothed man felt that perhaps with his own tongue, he could not capture the seemingly unskilled Loli with his blood.

"Little sister, uncle knows that you are also a power, but the uncle is very powerful. But you can rest assured that my uncle does not want to hurt you, you see..."

He said, he reached out and took out a few chocolates from his bag, and slowly handed his hand over: "Uncle please ask you to eat something?"

Little Loli blinked and didn't speak.

The gray-eyed man turned his eyes and asked: "Can you tell your uncle, where are the companions with you? Are they all in this building?"

Originally he just asked to see, did not expect Xiao Loli actually really nodded: "Yes... but I can not tell you! Ling Mo said, can not say that his plan is to bring you here. ”

There is a play!

The gray man suddenly realized that this is an opportunity!

This loli is really threatening, it sells good teammates!

He is preparing to organize the language, and he hears that Loli continues to say:

"Hey, how can I tell you that the sausage humans are all below? But here is not the only one."

When I heard the last sentence, the gray man immediately gave a smile, but when he heard the second sentence, he was nervously looking around: "There are people here, where?"

"There is no one here……"

When the gray-clothed man looked at Loli again, he found that this ceramic-like porcelain doll had revealed a hint of innocence.

Her hazelnuts turned into blood red a little bit, like the most crystal-clear ruby: "There is only one zombie, and there is a mutant beast." (To be continued...)

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