My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 510: no way no money

"Ha ha ha, stupid sausage human, wait for me to find half a month..."

Yu Shiran proudly swayed his legs on Xiaobai, and then suddenly gave a surprise: "Hey?"

How was the second second in the "woods" and the next second back to the wild grass?

And... Isn't the front of the Air Force's airport?

The zombie Loli is in doubt, but suddenly feels that the mutant panda seems to be screaming. .

"White, what's wrong with you?"

She patted the white head, and when she finished asking, she suddenly felt stiff.

The zombie Loli raised her head, a delicate little face, and the smile suddenly dissipated.

She looked awkward and tried to squeeze out a pitiful look, turning her head and looking behind her: "Hey..."

"Hey. You just said who to look for?"

Under the support of Ye Lian and Shana, Ling Mo was staring at Shi Ran.


The zombie Lori, who had no habit of lying, screamed at the corner of his mouth, then suddenly hugged his head and suddenly slammed into the white body. He picked up the **: "Please be light... ah! I am not finished with you! Dare to pinch me **...ah!"

After cleaning up the zombie Lolita who wanted to escape, the dizzy Ling also sat on Xiaobai.

As a violent mutant beast, Xiao Bai was the first time to be regarded as a mount by humans...

But there is Shana smiling at her side and licking its hair... Xiaobai naturally throws away the restraint of the mutant beast. .

With the super-smell of black silk, the group quickly found Zhai Zhiyuan in a place more than a thousand meters away.

After the mental power has completely disappeared, this body has become an empty shell, and even the instinct does not.

If there is no zombie to find him, he will always lie here until it becomes a bone.

Ling Mo flipped over him, and he found a small bottle identical to the black cat. With the Oriental Dragon, there are already three.

"This is not the same as the diluted drug. How did it come..."

Ling Mo curiously took the potion in front of his eyes and then stuffed it into his backpack.

After Lucy arrives, ask her again...

Looking at the empty eyes of Zhi Zhiyuan, Ling Mo snorted, he stopped paying attention to him.

However, at this time he found that Xiaobai suddenly turned around around this.

Not only that, but the black silk on the neck of Shi Yanran also came out with a small head, and a few silver wires were also stretched out and explored in the air.

"what happened?"

Ling Mo asked in confusion, and then turned his attention to Shi Zhenran.

After watching the two for a second, the zombie Lori picked up her arm and turned her head away: "Hey!"

"Oh, it’s still coming..."

Ling Mo directly rushed to the past, the next second I heard the cry of the zombie Loli: "Ah! Humans you... ah! Human brother, I said I said..."

Yu Shiran’s face stinks: “It’s a strange smell, go there.”

Her hands are still holding, and a silver wire has pointed in a certain direction.

"Unfamiliar smell?"

The three sneak attackers were found in less than two minutes, and the black cat and the oriental dragon were only about 20 meters apart.

How are there still individuals?

Lingmo's brow immediately wrinkled, and he took a small white one: "Go! The other side wants to kill me, I will not let go."


Xiaobai swayed the fat man's **, and the small short leg suddenly made a force, and immediately shot it out.

This mutant panda looks slow, but once it starts to sprint, it is like a whirlwind.

If the sky is already dark, it is estimated that the people on the watch tower will be flashed by this white light.


In the wild grass, Liu Baodong was running deep in the direction of the Air Force.

Unfortunately, although he can see the Air Force from his direction, the distance can be far apart.

Liu Baodong’s heart was very panicked. He turned his head from time to time and looked back.

"These grasses really get in the way!"

Liu Baodong struggled to open the grass in front of him, but suddenly he stepped on the air and suddenly fell a dog to eat.

It was originally a large paddy field, and the pits were not flat. Plus the grass is so awkward...

"It's bad luck!"

Liu Baodong was thrown down a lot of things, but did not dare to delay, and quickly rolled up to support the body to stand up. .

In the silence, in addition to rushing to escape, he really couldn't think of another way of life.

However, just as he shook his head and was ready to move on, there was a sudden white flash in front of his eyes.


The nerve-tight Liu Baodong immediately screamed in a reflexive manner, then looked nervously around: "What is that?"

He swallowed and had a cold sweat on his forehead.


Liu Baodong shook his voice and shouted a word, then slowly reached out and pulled the weed in front of him.


After a scream, Liu Baodong was once again stumbled by the grass in the retreat.

His face was pale and his eyes widened in the grass: "Weird... weird..."

A red light suddenly appeared in the grass, and then a huge head slowly separated the grass and explored Liu Baodong.

This white hair, blood red eyes, and the claws of Senran, let Liu Baodong tremble.

A stream of heat suddenly soaked the pants, in which case he was scared to urinate...

The mutant panda sucked in, then raised a paw and grabbed his nose: "Hey..."

This seemingly thick panda shook his head and walked a few steps forward, completely exposing the entire huge body to Liu Baodong's eyes.


Liu Baodong wants to run, but in the case of being weak, he can't even move a body.

The eyes that are hidden under the red-eyed circle look so fierce, the furry head, and the fat-faced face are as chilling as a mob...

"It's actually you..."

Suddenly, Liu Baodong suddenly heard a voice and suddenly flew away from the sky. He hugged his head and squatted down: "Ah! Mutant beast! Let me go, don't eat me, I am not good!"

"Oh..." Ling Mo silent, then frowned. "You have a problem?"

When I was cooperating, Liu Baodong was timid, but it was still a normal person...

But this time, it turned out to be this virtue...

After being stunned, Liu Baodong slowly raised his head this time.

As soon as he saw the silence sitting on the mutant beast, Liu Baodong first stunned and then screamed incoherently: "Ling Mo... No, Ling Ge! I beg"

After the words have not been finished, Liu Baodong suddenly returned to God.

He glanced at the silence and looked at the mutant panda. Suddenly his body was soft and his eyes suddenly became gray.

Although I don’t know how Ling Mo is mixed with the mutant beast, he appears in front of himself in this way, and it shows that he has no way to live...

"Oh, I really didn't expect that you actually brought someone to attack me." Lingmo narrowed his eyes and said with a sneer.

Seeing Liu Baodong here, Ling Mo is really surprised.

Although he treats the enemy, he is never soft, but in fact, his heart is very emotional.

Although Liu Baodong was only a cooperative relationship, the sincere expression and promise when he got on the plane still made Lingmo choose to believe him.

But now it seems that there are people in this world.

"I..." Liu Baodong opened his mouth and heard that Lingmo was still willing to speak. He couldn't help but ignited a glimmer of hope. "I didn't mean it... Li Wei said, if I don't do it, I will let it I am going to do logistics, and I can’t have a scorpion in the future. If I made a mistake like this, if he greets the logistics team leader, I will be tortured to death sooner or later..."

"I didn't do anything. I just followed them. I will attack you with one eye. I didn't think of it! I really want to give you the reward!"

Listening to the shouts of Liu Baodong, Ling Mo just stared at him coldly.

After an unspeakable silence, Ling Mo asked: "When you were paid, why didn't you come?"

Liu Baodong did not answer, Ling Mo has already said: "Because I already know, I am likely to be attacked?"

"I have no way... Ling Ge..."

"I didn't take this as a betrayal. We were not friends."

Ling Mo's cold words, sentenced Liu Baodong's death sentence. (To be continued.)

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