My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 517: High risk level

At the beginning, Ling Mo was only holding the attitude of “just looking around”, but with a copy of his file, his silent eyes became brighter and brighter.

The Air Force can press the Falcon and the F group in the three major forces. It really has some real skills.

They use the power of the air to collect a large amount of information that ordinary people cannot grasp.

Almost all of the situation around the city of X is in this small archive.

At this time, he looked at it in a report called "Summary of the situation after the disaster."

Compared to Lingmo's own understanding and experience, this report is obviously too detailed.

"The world has fallen... This has long been known... It is estimated that the population loss is as high as 80%... 咦? 80%?"

Ling Mo pinched his eyebrows and turned the cover over and looked at the time: "Oh, no wonder, it was the third month after the disaster."

But even the records of a few months ago still seem to make sense.

He let the ontology throw out an excuse for "sleeping on the nap", and closed his eyes on Ye Lian, and God devoted himself to reading.

This is the first time Lingmo has learned about this disaster from a relatively macro perspective.

Three months after the Cataclysm eruption, it is difficult to see signs of human survival around the city of X.

Looking at it, there are zombies everywhere.

They occupy a large number of buildings, streets, and usually seem to have no threat to the surname, like the slow, mentally retarded walking dead that appears in most film and television works.........

But once any living things are close, even if there is only a little sound or smell coming out, they will instantly become an unstoppable beast.

These monsters quickly replaced the dominance of human beings with extremely tenacious viability and superior combat capability, becoming the king of these steel tombs.

The surviving people can only hide in the ruins, hide in places where they can't see the light, live a life like a mouse.

On the other hand, traces of secondary disasters such as explosions and industrial leaks can be seen everywhere in the city or in the suburbs.

From a distance, these places are like the scars printed in this world, which cannot be erased.

Compared with the zombies step by step, human beings are also seeking a path to survival, but this road is extremely difficult.

Production has not yet recovered, weapons are seriously scarce, ordinary people are difficult to survive, and the advantages of the abilities are not obvious.

The kind of desperation conveyed in the lines between the words makes Lingmo's brow wrinkle tighter and tighter.


Lingmo probably swept it over and sighed and put the report back.

"Hey? Second edition?"

He just had to look away, he saw another report and quickly pulled it out.

The time of this report turned out to be last month...

Turning the first page, Lingmo was attracted by the subtitle: a summary of environmental changes.

The title is straightforward, but the content makes Lingmo feel shocked.

"...the virus has no effect on plants. This was a common perception of our past few months. But according to the information we have obtained so far, this is not the case... a large number of bodies and water pollution are the causes of environmental upheaval. ... climate change is obvious, and plant growth has also changed a lot...

When flying over a certain place, I found that some plants grew extraordinarily fast, looking from the top down, some areas are just like the original jungle..."

... The environment has changed dramatically, which is more conducive to the survival of zombies and mutant animals. In particular, it has promoted the dramatic increase in the number of mutant beasts..."

For us, it is a risk and a great opportunity to survive...

The recovery of production can be further accelerated, but the growth of mutant beasts has to be prevented..."

"The original jungle...the mutant beast is soaring, this is too bad..."

After a quick glance, Ling Mo’s eyes turned to the next content in a complicated way: “This time it’s time to tell the zombies... Ha, really.”

The second subtitle: The Evolution of the Zombies and Mutant Beasts.

"Zombies have been in the process of evolution since their appearance, and those who have evolved are called high-level zombies. In addition, the high-level zombies are currently divided into:

Mutant zombies (characterized by blood red eyes, normal facial features, and obvious appearances of ordinary zombies, with extremely low intelligence, poor judgment, and a small range of activities);

Advanced zombies (the appearance features and the variation of the zombies are not much different, but the intelligence is significantly improved, there is general judgment, there is a fixed hunting area, and there is a habit of storing food);

Special zombies (both eyes from a piece of blood red, evolved to only the red of the coix seed, the same light can be seen at night. The intelligence is more obvious, the behavior is no longer restricted by the general zombie mode, according to the contact, their behavior is more complicated, but the essence is still hunting Human beings are the main ones. Among them, the strong zombies have the ability to suppress other low-level zombies, and even carry out simple command and drive);

High-strength zombies (appearance and special zombies are similar, but the blood of both eyes is more intense, except for the obvious features. Initially possessing the characteristics of the surname, the behavior is more complicated, the intelligence can not draw an accurate judgment, but it is very close to the average human);

Different zombies (such zombies have obvious appearance characteristics, limbs are mutated, all are born, and spread rapidly. Generally, the intelligence is low, but the combat power is several times that of ordinary zombies, and there are leaders in each variant zombie group. The leader of the zombie is responsible for the proliferation and reproduction of the group, and the intelligence is very high, and the combat effectiveness is extremely strong);

Ps: The zombie taxonomy is provided by a power actor who works with the Falcon camp..."

"Good details!" Ling Mo nodded. "Special zombies are the leader, and the high-powered zombies are the hegemons... I said that I actually appeared in their ps!"

This page is over here, and Ling Mo turns back and suddenly shrinks.

"Strengthen the zombies (Cuihu City found that two helicopters were lost for close observation, the specific strength is unknown, rated as high-risk, and Lek Lake City is a red warning zone)."

"There has been more than the hegemon level! And ... shot down two helicopters?!"

The first one can be said to be the loss caused by the light enemy, but how was the second one hit?

And "high-risk level", which is rare in the memory of the head of the group acquired by Lingmo.

As for the "red warning zone", this is unique in the records of the Air Force. The meaning of the representative is simple: if it is not for death, don't go there.

"Cuihu City..."

Ling Mo carefully searched his mind and finally determined the approximate location: "It is already close to the neighboring province..."

He stared at the words "strengthen the zombies" and looked at them carefully. He silently turned his eyes in his heart: "This is not as good as me..."


At this moment, there was a soft bang from the door, and the movement was silent, and the report was quickly dropped.

He backed up a chair and slowly approached the door.

There was no cat's eye on the door, and Lingmo leaned against the door and whispered, "Tom?"

no respond……

After listening to it for a while, he made a hand to hold the door handle and slowly unscrewed.


The door sounded a soft bang, and it was particularly clear and harsh in the ear.

As the door opened a little, Lingmo also grabbed the chair in his hand tighter.

Just as the door was pushed halfway through, Ling Mo saw a pair of legs.

The man fell to the ground and could only see the calf from the perspective of silence.

And the shoes are clearly worn by Tom.


Ling Moxin tightened and quickly pushed open the door.

However, when he just rushed to Tom, he suddenly fell into a stiff position and stopped.

A figure appeared behind Ling Mo, under the dim light, Ling Mo saw a shadow overlapping his own figure...

"I don't know Mr. Head, can you take the time to talk to me?"

The speaker is very gentle, even with a touch of tone, but Ling feels like a snake is staring at himself.

He turned slowly and looked at each other gloomyly.

"You can't delay how much time you have."

The man came up with his arms and smiled slightly.

The seemingly inconspicuous facial features, as well as the extremely indifferent eyes, make him seem very sincere.

"You should know me, fire base, see Saki." (To be continued.)

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