My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 565: Gecko and shock

"What the **** are you looking for?"

"What team is this?"

"I don't know..."

As Ling Mo's abilities pass, the discussion in the crowd is getting denser.

"Strengthen the local enhancement, mainly on the hands and feet... is it?" Ling Mo glanced at the list and asked.

"Who is this shouting?" These people began to ask and look around.

"Zhang Xincheng..." Someone guessed.

A young man with doubtful colors came out from behind the crowd and asked, "I am Zhang Xincheng."

"What is your ability?" Ling Mo is looking at the list of people, is not what he wants, have to be sure to know.

"Gecko." Zhang Xincheng's speech is very simple, his face is a bit gloomy, and he can see that he and the skinny monkey have no popularity in the f group, but no one jumped out to mock him.

Can cause this situation, indicating that he still has some skills, but the character may be worse.

"Let's try it," Lingmo said.

Zhang Xincheng did not speak. After looking at Ling Mo silently, he went to a wall and pressed his hands on the wall.

Didn't see how he prepared, he suddenly moved his hands and feet, "brushed" and climbed up, and finally even squatted on the ceiling.

Agile, fast, and easy, it is very similar to the gecko.

I don’t know if his “tail” can be grown after it’s broken... Lingmo suddenly couldn’t help but think.

"Cough... It’s right, it’s you." Ling Mo quickly rushed back and called Zhang Xincheng down.

This person did not ask anything else after he came down. Just stood by the skinny monkey. As a result, the skin of the skinny monkey was tightened. The expression was too nervous to look at him.

"This...inspiration?" Ling Mo also ordered one.

"How is this again!" The crowd suddenly snorted.

Listening to the description knows that this ability has absolutely no fighting power.

"It's me..." A somewhat weak female voice came from the heap of people, and then Lingmo saw a petite girl squeezed out.

From time to time, when she passed by, someone deliberately hit her, causing the little girl to scream, and then there were two people.

When she stood in front of Lingmo, her face had become red, and it was because of those people, or because of the silence.

"What is your name?" Ling Mo asked.

"Ancient... ancient frost." The little girl whispered.

"What is your use?" Ling Mo asked.

Ancient frost cream looked up nervously and looked at Lingmo. Suddenly asked: "Ah?"

"What is the role of your abilities, give me a demo." Ling asked patiently.

"Oh oh..." The ancient cream was even more tense than the skinny monkey. She took her hand and closed her eyes.

But a minute or two passed, except that her face was more infrared than before, and there was no abnormality at all...

The people onlookers began to stir up again, but the object was the girl. They no longer ridicule, but all kinds of teasing.

"Frost cream, are you not in the state today? What day of the month?" one shouted.

"Ha ha ha!" A burst of laughter immediately around.

"Don't worry about the frost, slowly come. Look for the feeling!" Someone laughed.

"Who is looking for?"

"That's not ready, big brother!"

"The three nephews are still there. You are looking for death!"

"That's okay, you don't see us at all."

"Rely! These people..." Ling Mo suddenly lay his gun, suddenly speechless.

However, Ye Lian, they really did not pay attention to this side, so many people, they will not be close, how far can you hide far away. I am willing to accompany Ling Mo, completely because they are very curious about this incident.

He glanced at the ancient frost and found that the little girl had reached the root of her ear and her body was shaking slightly.

"Oh..." After a sigh, Lingmo suddenly whispered, "Are you mentally right?"

"Well... um." Gushuang cream did not dare to blink, nodded lightly.

"Then you don't be so nervous, the more nervous you are, the more divergent your thinking is. You try to relax..." Ling Mo guided. "No, you don't relax too much. You have to find that feeling, intentionally or unintentionally. The kind of balance point. There is no special attention, but the mental strength is very concentrated. In this state, your mental strength is the most listening to you, you can drive it at will..."

Ling Mo has more experience in the use of mental power than the average mental abilities. He wants to keep in touch with the corpse. It can be said that no one has used his mental power for a longer period of time.

The so-called practice makes perfect, Ling Mo is very experienced in this respect.

Gu Shuangqiu couldn't get into the state at first, but with her eyes closed and listening to the silent voice, she gradually got a feeling of entering the water.

The surrounding voices began to blur, and her "before" was left with a group of spiritual light.

"Now, try it." Ling Mo has been paying attention to her spiritual light group changes, she is now, even if she enters the state.

I won't completely ignore the surroundings, but I am very focused.


A soft bang, suddenly coming from the surroundings, the person standing close immediately felt that there was a sudden turbulence in the surrounding energy.

At the same time, a bullet flew directly from the top of the ancient frost, and finally hit the ceiling.

Ye Lian took a whistling pistol and the hand had not been put down.

The direction she was aiming for was clearly a little above the head of the ancient frost, but in the end it was in a completely irrelevant place.

Although the difference is not very far, it is shocking enough.

"What happened?"

"Is it ancient frost? When was she so amazing!"

"Where, if this is to fight with her, can't I touch her?"

A crowd of exclamations.

"Sure enough... Although it is called inspiration, but in fact should be called mental power shock?" Ling Mo feels.

This ability is actually very useful, but the ancient frost has not played its strength.

To put it bluntly, there are no completely useless abilities, and any ability to discover the ultimate can become a powerful killer.

Weapons can withstand a large number of zombies, but those high-level zombies who are so devastating and amazingly capable, must be able to fight with the powers.

"Good... well..." Gushuang cream opened his eyes in excitement and shouted.

"Well, yes." Lingmo glanced at the pale face of the ancient frost, and sighed again.

Although she was taught to enter the state, the control of mental release needs to be practiced. Look at her like this, I can only use it once more, and I can't use it today.

The continued use of abilities is also an important aspect, whether it is a reinforcement or a spiritual or elemental system, that is the same.

The ability to temporarily explode is strong, and it can't resist the consumption of physical strength or mental strength. It is most important to use a limited amount of power to make yourself as long as possible.

"You have to calculate the purpose of your power, what is the purpose, what the object is, how much energy you need to consume. Also calculate your own recovery speed." Ling Mo said a few words.

The ancient frost nodded and nodded, and his face was red.

For the first time, the little girl had a limelight in front of so many people. She was both excited and excited, and even her eyes were red.

When she just failed to release, she wanted to find a hole in the hole and got into it.

I thought that Lingmo would be disappointed to let her go, but I didn't expect him to patiently point to himself... Gushuang cream can be very grateful to Lingmo.

She stood there and did not idle, while continuing to feel that state, while watching Lingmo continue to select people.

She is very curious now, even if she is used as a waste by others, only those who are not too bullied by **** can be selected by the mob, and also help her to dig out the ability, then... Lingmo will also point to what kind of person?

Not only her, but other onlookers, including those who were originally just looking at the excitement, have all of a great interest.

Some people even started to eagerly try and expect to be able to point to themselves.

Especially in some of the spiritual departments, I even want to rush to it now.

Ancient frosts can work. If those people who are not abolished can get the guidance of the silence, will the strength not be higher?

"Let me order me!"

"Big brother, please point me!"

Many people are crying inside. (To be continued.)

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